



1、1Oxford En glish 7A Module 1 Unit 1 Relatives in Beiji ngPeriod 1(P2)I. Teach ing objectives:1. Lan guage objectives:(1) To lear n new words.(2) To use adjectives to compare.2. Ability objectives:(1) To usewh-questio ns to ask specific in formatio n.(2) To usego ing to talk about future eve nts.3. E

2、moti on objectives:(1) To com muni cate and make a pla nning for a trip.(2) To know more about relatives and relati on ships.II. Key & difficult poi nt1. To make a pla nning for a trip.III. Teachi ng aids: MultimediaIV. Teach ing method: Task-based methodTeach ing procedure:ProcedureTeach ing Ac

3、tivityLear ning ActivityPurposeMaterials2Pre-taskpreparati on (2min s)Warm up:*Have a guessing game What the name of city? ”* Look at the pictures and tell the city name.Arouse thein terestsofstude nts let them to focus onthe less on.PPTWhile-taskprocedure Stage1 (3 min s)*Show a letter form Uncle W

4、eimi ng.* Read the letter and an swer the questi ons. (Where doWeiming and his family live?)Lead in the text and knowsome information about Mr Lifamily.Elicitthe new wordinvite (i nvitati on)PPTStage 2(3 min s)*Teach new words expe nsive, travelage nt, brochure ”* Watch the pictures and read the new

5、 words.Lear n the new vocabulary.PPTStage 3(5 mins)* Teach the key sentence patter n:I am going to get some brochuresfrom the travel age nt.It cheaper and more in teresting.* Lear n the sentence patter ns and make the sentenceswith situati ons give n in pairs.Know the frame of the keysentence patter

6、 n.Develop the ability of speaking.PPT3Stage 4(6 min s)* Play the recording and show thedialogue Listen and say”.* Teach useful expressi ons.*Listen and decide the statements are true ” or fhlse”.* Read after the tape.* An swer the questi ons accord ing to the text.* Lear n useful expressi ons.* Rea

7、d the text i n roles.Grasp the main idea anddetails of the dialogue, usefulexpressi ons.Develop the abilities of readi ngand com muni cati ng.PPTStage 5(5 mins)*Liste nto the dialogue abouttraveli ng.*An swer the questio ns accord ing to the dialogue.What is the lady in the dialogue?What can visitor

8、s do in Hong Kong?How much is each plane ticket to Hong Kong? Whattime will the pla ne leave for Pataya?Will visitors enjoy the seafood in Pataya? *Why isthe expe nse to Tokyo expe nsive? *Which route willthe man choose for his family? Why?Develop the ability of liste ning.PPT & Work sheetStage

9、6(5 mins)*Set situati ons and ask stude nts tomake wh-questi ons.(when, where, how, how long )*Make dialogues in pairs.Use wh-questio ns to find outspecific in formati on.Develop the ability of speaking.PPT4Post-task activity(10 min s)* Ask stude nts to make a pla nning ofa trip by situation given.*

10、 Read the cues and make a con versati on in pairs.* Show their dialogues.The task can provide anopportunity for students to usethe Ian guage in realistic situation.Developafunctionalcompete nee.PPTAssig nment (1mi n)Oral: Read the new words and text.Writte n:Do the exercises on P1&2 in theworkbo

11、ok.Copy new words and text.Opti on al: Act out the text in roles.Do their homework.Consolidate what they havelear ned.Make students feel more confide nt.PPT & Workbook教學設計說明:學生在 6A Unit 1 Family and relatives中已經學習過家庭成員方面的知識,所以就人物關系對學生而言不是重點。Un it O ne 學習的重點是要求學生以生活在北京的親戚為線索,掌握北京這個城市的著名景點,并制定相關的旅

12、行計劃。這是開學第一課,預設的教學目標要適切不易過高,學生學 習達成度高,有利于培養(yǎng)學生語言學習的自信,為整個學期的英語學習起個好頭。本節(jié)課預設的教學目標,在知識點方面要求學生用be goi ng to來表達一般將來時態(tài),學會用比較級來呈現語言。能力方面要求學生能用特殊疑問詞詢問具體的信息, 并制定一個將要完成的旅行計劃,共 4 個環(huán)節(jié),Pre-task preparation2 分鐘,While-task procedure 27 分鐘,Post-task activity10 分鐘,Assignment 1 分鐘。While-task 中有 6 個環(huán)節(jié),每個環(huán)節(jié)盡量做到創(chuàng)設自然的語言環(huán)境呈

13、現或操練語言。比如Stage 1,Read the letter , letter 是教材中沒有的內容,是教師根據課文自己編寫的邀請信,然后就letter 用 who, where 等特殊疑問詞來提問學生。一方面可以通過信熟悉特殊疑問詞的用法,另一方面可以通過信來導入課文。設計任務時學生的語言操練不能離開教學的中心環(huán)節(jié),不僅要從易到難,而且要有所突破,比如Stage 5,三小段的聽力內容都是來自教材推薦的5網絡錄音,對話的內容都是和計劃旅行有關的,但對話中的句子和詞匯明顯就豐富多了,因此我們就聽力設計了7 題有針對性的提問強化訓練學生。Post-task 是檢驗課堂達成度的關鍵活動, 給學生設計活動的任務要貼近生活符合學生的年齡特點, 所以預設了任務讓學生編一段對話計劃去日本 旅游, 到 Disneyland游玩。此外不是所有學生語言能力都比較強,在上課的時候教學要根據學生的實際情況做調整。在 Stage 3 中同樣是兩個


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