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1、1.身體健康類 范文:Tobacco is one of the commodities that are consumed in an immense amount worldwide. From the pictures, we can learn that the global smoking population amounts to 1.1 billion, approximately 20% of all the worlds residents. 200 billion dollars are spent annually in order to purchase to

2、bacco and relevant products, which further stimulate the business flourishing development. Meanwhile, the harm caused by tobacco consumption is experiencing a similar upward trendstatistics indicates that 3,000,000 people die of smoking and related diseases every year.    Nevertheless

3、, given the pessimistic statistics at the present, we can still predict optimistically that tobacco consumption will decline based on several new tendencies that are emerging. In the first place, there is an extensive public awareness of the negative impact of smoking, and as a result, more people r

4、esist the tempetation of cigarettes. In the second place, governments are setting more regulations to limit tobacco production. The effectiveness of such a policy was testified by the prompt drop of the tobacco production from 14.364 billion in 1994 pounds to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995 as seen in t

5、he picture.  In short, I firmly believe that, with the efforts of the whole society, we can launch more movements to realize a cleaner world with less smoking.譯文:    煙草是一種在全世界有著巨大消費(fèi)量的商品。從圖中我們可以看出,全世界的煙民已經(jīng)到達(dá)了11億,約占全世界總?cè)丝诘?0%。人們每年花在購買煙草以及相關(guān)產(chǎn)品的費(fèi)用就達(dá)20億美元,進(jìn)一步促進(jìn)了煙草業(yè)的繁榮。同時(shí),煙草消費(fèi)帶來的危害也日益增

6、長(zhǎng)統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)顯示每年有300萬人死于由抽煙引起的相關(guān)疾病。    盡管目前的數(shù)據(jù)非常悲觀,但是從一些新的趨勢(shì)中,我們可以樂觀地預(yù)測(cè)煙草消費(fèi)將會(huì)有所下降。首先,公眾普遍意識(shí)到了抽煙的負(fù)面效應(yīng),因此,越來越多的人拒絕煙癮。其次,各國(guó)政府正在制定各項(xiàng)措施限制煙草的生產(chǎn)。圖中顯示煙草生產(chǎn)從1994年的143.64億磅下降到了1995年的14.2億磅,這就證明了政府措施的有效性。    總而言之,我堅(jiān)信在全社會(huì)的努力下,我們可以發(fā)起更多的運(yùn)動(dòng),來實(shí)現(xiàn)一個(gè)更干凈的無煙世界。閃光詞匯及詞組:in an immense amount: 以極大的數(shù)量 a

7、mount to: 達(dá)到,總計(jì)approximately: adv. 大約,近似 annually: adv. 年度地,每年一次purchase: v./ n. 采購,購買 flourishing: adj. 繁榮的,欣欣向榮的decline: 下降、衰落 emerge: v. 出現(xiàn),浮出temptation: n. 誘惑 testify: v. 測(cè)試 launch: v. 發(fā)行,發(fā)起,投入萬能句型:From the pictures, we can learn thatNevertheless, given the pessimistic statistics at the present,

8、 we can still predict optimistically thatIn the first place In the second place In short, I firmly believe that2.知識(shí)分子健康差壽命短范文:  The picture depicts a typical Chinese scholar who keeps working late at night, while the presence of his wife and child behind clearly indicates the mans pressure of s

9、upporting a whole family. What is strikingly noticeable is the scholars exceptional skinniness, but it can be easily explained by the simple food, bottles of medicine, and poor working environment shown in the picture.  The discernable unhealthiness of this hard-working scholar discloses a prev

10、alent phenomenon that has long existed in Chinas academia. Intellectuals are not highly respected and they enjoy unsatisfactory material benefits with particularly unattractive salaries due to low social position. In addition, family, social, and academic stresses are so immensely exerted on intelle

11、ctuals that they are forced to work diligently and ceaselessly. As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture shows us.  The situation is rather depressing because intellectuals in fact cont

12、ribute greatly to our countrys development, and it is largely owing to their painstaking efforts that pave the way for advancement and prosperity. To solve this problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend of showing respect to knowledge and intellects, and those who endeavor to explore

13、new knowledge should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.    這幅圖刻畫了一個(gè)典型的中國(guó)知識(shí)分子的形象,他一直工作到深夜,背后的妻子和孩子顯示了他有著很大的養(yǎng)家的壓力。值得我們注意的是這個(gè)學(xué)者格外削瘦,但這很容易通過圖中簡(jiǎn)單的食物、藥罐以及較差的工作環(huán)境得到解釋。    這個(gè)勤奮學(xué)者的不健康狀況顯示出中國(guó)學(xué)術(shù)界一個(gè)長(zhǎng)期存在的現(xiàn)象。一方面,知識(shí)分子沒有受到尊重,他們享受的物質(zhì)條件也非常差,尤其是由于他們的社會(huì)地位很低,他們的工資也相應(yīng)地非常少。另

14、一方面,知識(shí)分子們承擔(dān)著巨大的家庭、社會(huì)和學(xué)術(shù)壓力,導(dǎo)致他們被迫非常勤奮地不停地工作。因此,惡劣的生活條件和巨大的工作壓力自然導(dǎo)致他們較差的健康和較短的壽命,正如圖中告訴我們的那樣。這種情況非常令人失望,因?yàn)橹R(shí)分子實(shí)際上對(duì)我們國(guó)家的發(fā)展做出了巨大的貢獻(xiàn),而且正是因?yàn)樗麄兊牟恍概σ蛄宋覈?guó)的發(fā)達(dá)和繁榮。為了解決這個(gè)問題,我認(rèn)為全社會(huì)要掀起尊重知識(shí)、尊重知識(shí)分子的高潮,而那些辛勤地探索新知識(shí)的人們應(yīng)該得到較好的工作和生活環(huán)境等回報(bào)。exceptional: adj. 例外的,特別的 skinniness: n. 消瘦discernable: adj. 可觀察到的,可辨別的 disclose:

15、v. 揭露,透露prevalent: n. 普遍的,流行的 academia: n. 學(xué)術(shù)界immensely: adv. 非常,廣大的,巨大的 diligently: adv 勤勉地life-span: n. 壽命 painstaking: adj. 努力的pave the way to: 為鋪平道路,為做好準(zhǔn)備 endeavor: v. 努力,盡力萬能句型:The picture depictsWhat is strikingly noticeable isThe situation is rather depressing becauseTo solve the problem, I t

16、hink there should be it is largely owing to3.職業(yè)道德類  The cartoon presents a hen singing proudly about her promise of producing good-quality eggs. However, a quick glance at her words reveals ironically that the so-called “promise”round eggs composed of the three necessary parts of shell, white a

17、nd yolkis, as a matter of fact, what a hen is supposed to produce.  The hen mirrors a phenomenon that permeates our society, that is, businesses utilize the basic features of their products and services as the selling points for their advertisement campaigns. These “beautiful promises” tend to

18、shape a false impression in the consumers mind that the products and services are of extraordinary characteristics. In this sense, the promise of ones own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quite against professional morals, although there is no evidence of dishonesty if the words a

19、re examined literally.  In my point of view, other than promising what one should do, the secret for business success is to have the consumers understand what extra advantages they would be provided with. Such an initiative can push businesses to conduct profound research, dedicate themselves t

20、o innovation, and concentrate on quality improvement and perfection, thus leading to healthy industry development and positive social effects. Consequently, businesses themselves are surely to benefit more from a wholesome market environment.    這幅漫畫顯示了一只母雞正在驕傲地高歌其生產(chǎn)的優(yōu)質(zhì)雞蛋??墒瞧骋谎鬯f的話,我們

21、就能發(fā)現(xiàn)所謂的“承諾”即下蛋不見棱角,保證蛋皮、蛋清和蛋黃其實(shí)是任何母雞應(yīng)該做的事情。    這只母雞反映了現(xiàn)在社會(huì)上普遍存在的一個(gè)典型現(xiàn)象,即一些商家在廣告中故意用產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的基本特征來作為宣傳的噱頭。這些“美麗的承諾”給消費(fèi)者們?cè)斐闪颂摷俚挠∠?,使他們認(rèn)為面對(duì)著的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)擁有一些非凡的特點(diǎn)。從這個(gè)意義上來說,對(duì)于自己本該履行的責(zé)任的承諾就好像商業(yè)欺騙,違反了職業(yè)道德,盡管從字面上來說沒有欺詐的痕跡。    我認(rèn)為,商業(yè)成功的秘密不在于承諾做自己應(yīng)該做的事情,而是應(yīng)該讓消費(fèi)者得到額外的好處。這會(huì)促使企業(yè)加大和深入研究工作、致力于創(chuàng)

22、新、關(guān)注產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的提高和完善,從而取得健康的產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展和積極的社會(huì)效應(yīng)。商家自身也會(huì)因此從一個(gè)更加健康的市場(chǎng)環(huán)境中得到更多的好處。so-called: 所謂的 as a matter of fact: 實(shí)際上utilize: v. 利用 selling points: adj. 賣點(diǎn)tend to: 易于,傾向于 in this sense: 在這個(gè)意義上,萬能句型:The cartoon presentsHowever, a quick glance at reveals ironically that mirrors a phenomenon that permeates our socie

23、ty, that isIn my point of viewConsequently 4.人口增長(zhǎng)類  Currently, there is a widespread concern about the previously neglected connection between growing human population and decreasing wild species. As the two graphs obviously portrayed, American population in 1980 was 250 times than that in 1800

24、, a trend accompanied by the extinction of nearly 70 kinds of wildlife in the past 300 years. A clear correlation is suggested that mankind has exerted a tremendously negative influence on natural species.  There are many factors responsible for the aforementioned tendency. First and foremost,

25、to satisfy the space demand for the booming population, the only available solution for Americans is to take occupation of forests and grassland. that used to be habitat of wild animals and plants. Furthermore, the process of industrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that ess

26、entially destroys environment and ecosystem.  In my point of view, the dearth of wildlife today forecasts an unpromising future for humans tomorrow. In order to eliminate species extinction, relevant laws and regulations must be established and enforced to maintain a large portion of unspoiled

27、areas. Effective measures should also be applied to ensure that the impact of pollution be removed.譯文:    近來人們開始普遍關(guān)注以前被忽略的人口增長(zhǎng)和自然物種減少之間的關(guān)系。正如兩幅圖表顯示,1980年的美國(guó)人口是1900年的250倍,同時(shí)在過去的300年間大約有70種野生生物在美國(guó)滅絕。這清楚地表明人類給自然物種帶來了巨大的負(fù)面影響。    以上趨勢(shì)是由諸多原因造成的。首先,為了滿足迅速增長(zhǎng)的人口對(duì)于空間的需求,對(duì)于美國(guó)人來說最有

28、效的解決辦法就是占據(jù)森林、草原等其他動(dòng)植物的天堂。此外,工業(yè)化和城市化的進(jìn)程造成了嚴(yán)重的污染,在根本上摧毀了環(huán)境和生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。    我認(rèn)為,今天野生生物生命權(quán)的被剝奪預(yù)示著將來人類并不明朗的前景。為了減少物種滅絕,應(yīng)該制定相關(guān)的法律法規(guī)、強(qiáng)制保護(hù)更多的地區(qū)保持其原始狀態(tài)。應(yīng)該采取有效的措施來減少污染的影響。閃光詞匯及詞組:exert an influence: 對(duì)造成影響 booming: adj. 急速發(fā)展的take occupation of: 占據(jù),占有 generate: v. 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)生ecosystem: n. 生態(tài)系統(tǒng) dearth: n. 缺乏un

29、promising: adj. 沒有前途的,沒有希望的 eliminate: v. 排除,消除unspoiled: adj. 未損壞的,為開發(fā)的 萬能句型:Currently, there is a widespread concern about the previously neglected connection betweenAs the two graphs obviously portray is a trend accompanied byA clear correlation is suggested thatThere are many factors respon

30、sible for the aforementioned tendency.First and foremost FurthermoreEffective measures should also be applied to ensure that5.環(huán)境保護(hù)類背誦范文:  The picture unveils a drastic change of ocean ecology during the past  century due to the expanding scale of world commercial fishing. There were few fi

31、shing ships on the sea in 1900 when an enormous number of fish swam freely; in contrast, in 1995 a large fleet of ships were endeavoring to search for the only fish in the sea.  The tremendous contrast presented by the drawing alarmingly reminds us of the detrimental deterioration of oceanic ec

32、osystem by the greediness of mankind. The industry of commercial fishing had undergone a booming expansion along with the growing public awareness of the merits of seafood, which made fishing unusually profitable. Lacking knowledge regarding the significance of ecological balance, businessmen sent o

33、ut ships that insatiably chased fishes and thus posed a severe threat to all life in the sea. However, this trend may in turn endanger humankind.  To prevent the exhaustion of ocean resources, governments should unite to work out effective measures against commercial fishing. For instance, ther

34、e should be limitations on fishing time and location so as to reduce the exploitation of the sea. Moreover, people also call for laws and regulations that are responsible for punishing excessive fishing. Last but not the least, the public attachment to the importance of balance preservation would pl

35、ay a decisive role in saving ocean species from extinction.譯文:    該圖顯示出20世紀(jì)以來由于全球商業(yè)捕魚業(yè)的大規(guī)模擴(kuò)張而導(dǎo)致海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的巨大變化。1900年的時(shí)候海上只有一艘船,而海里有許許多多魚兒在自由地遨游;相反,到了1995年,海上有許多漁船,它們都在努力尋找海里僅剩的一條魚。    該圖所顯示出來的巨大反差使我們警醒地意識(shí)到人們的貪婪給海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)造成了巨大的破壞。隨著公眾意識(shí)到了海鮮食品的價(jià)值,商業(yè)捕魚也在不斷擴(kuò)張,而且有著十分高的利潤(rùn)率。由于商人們?nèi)鄙賹?duì)于

36、生態(tài)平衡的認(rèn)識(shí),他們的漁船無休止地捕魚,給海洋生物的生存造成了巨大的威脅。但是,這個(gè)趨勢(shì)可能最終會(huì)反過來威脅到人類自己的生存。    為了防止海洋資源的枯竭,各個(gè)政府必須聯(lián)合起來,對(duì)商業(yè)捕魚采取有效的措施。例如,為了防止過度捕撈,可以限制捕魚的時(shí)間和地點(diǎn)。此外,人們還呼吁制定更多的法律法規(guī)來懲罰過度捕撈。最后,公眾對(duì)于保持生態(tài)平衡重要性的認(rèn)識(shí)對(duì)于拯救瀕臨滅絕的海洋生物起到了決定性的作用。閃光詞匯及詞組:expanding: adj. 擴(kuò)張的 scale: n. 規(guī)模enormous: adj. 巨大的,龐大的 search for: 尋找detrimental:

37、adj. 有害的 deterioration: n. 退化,變壞along with: 與一起 profitable: adj. 有利可圖的insatiably: adv. 不知足地 pose a threat to: 對(duì)造成威脅endanger: v. 危及 exploitation: n. 開發(fā),開采call for: 要求 excessive: adj. 過多的,過分的萬能句型:The picture unveils a drastic change ofThe tremendous contrast presented by the drawing alarmingly reminds

38、 usLacking knowledge regarding6.情感類背誦范文:  The light of an oil lamp is approximately insignificant in the daytime; however, the darker the environment is, the more brilliant it seems, just as is depicted in the picture. The importance of love, to some extent, can be interpreted according to a si

39、milar logiclove is more precious when it is given to those who are in difficulties and adversities.  To specify this statement, I would like to take Kong Fansen as an example. Kong, instead of settling for his comfortable official position in the rich and well-off Province of Shandong, voluntee

40、red to serve in a most backward area in Tibet where the weather is notoriously abominable. Kong was consistently dedicated to the fulfillment of the principle of “serving the people”, and he always appeared at the most critical moments of local residents hardship and impediment. Freezing as it was i

41、n Tibet, Kongs love and care largely warmed peoples hearts.  Kongs story, suggest that the best practice to show love is to help those who are in need. We should always be ready to provide assistance to others, even if it is merely minor things like listening to others troubles. A little of our

42、 generosity might brighten the whole world of the unfortunate.譯文:    一盞燈的燈光在白天的時(shí)候是無關(guān)緊要的;但是,當(dāng)周圍環(huán)境越黑的時(shí)候,燈光就顯得越明亮,就像圖中所示的那樣。在某種程度上,愛的重要性可以用相同的邏輯來進(jìn)行解釋當(dāng)人們處于困難或者逆境中的時(shí)候,他們得到的愛就越珍貴。    為了具體說明這個(gè)問題,我將以孔繁森作為一個(gè)例子??追鄙瓫]有在富裕和小康的山東省滿足于其領(lǐng)導(dǎo)崗位,而是主動(dòng)要求去西藏一個(gè)氣候惡劣的落后地區(qū)服務(wù)。他堅(jiān)持致力于實(shí)現(xiàn)“為人民服務(wù)”的原則,總是在

43、當(dāng)?shù)厝罕娪龅嚼щy的關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻出現(xiàn)。雖然西藏嚴(yán)寒無比,但孔繁森的關(guān)愛卻溫暖了人們的心。    孔繁森的故事告訴了我們,給予愛的最好方式就是幫助那些需要幫助的人。我們應(yīng)該隨時(shí)給予別人幫助,即使只是做一些小事情,諸如傾聽別人述說煩惱。我們的一份慷慨也許會(huì)點(diǎn)亮不幸的人們那灰暗的世界。閃光詞匯及詞組:approximately: adv. 近似地,大約 to some extent: 在某種程度上adversity: n. 不幸,逆境 settle for: 滿足于well-off: adj. 小康的 volunteer: v. 志愿做notoriously: adv. 臭名

44、昭著地 abominable: adj. 討厭的,令人憎惡的be dedicated to: 致力于 impediment: n. 妨礙,阻礙萬能句型:just as is depicted in the picture.To specify this statement, I would like to take as an example.A little of our generosity might brighten the whole world of the unfortunate.7.文化交流類背誦范文:  It is a very eye-catching photo

45、 in which an American girl is content in showing her traditional Chinese costume. She fits perfectly in the well-decorated hat, earrings, and splendid robe that apparently originate from a Southern Chinese ethnic group. What makes this picture extraordinary is the girls moving smile, which clearly i

46、ndicates a westerners recognition and appreciation of Chinese culture.  The sense of harmony that permeates this picture is representative of a new global tendency, that is, people of different nations begin to seek profound mutual understanding and friendly communication. As a result, cultures

47、 become international. China, in particular, unveils its previously mysterious image to the rest of the world by its open policy, and thus provides foreigners with the access of a rich and diversified gallery of traditional Chinese culture. The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by

48、 the recent years fashion to celebrate the traditional Chinese new yearthe Spring Festival globally.  While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. The contemporary globalization is not only featured by frequent international trades, economic and political exchanges, but more impor

49、tantly, by global citizens awareness and comprehension of the cultures in the world. I firmly believe that the blend of cultures is contributing, and will contribute more, to world peace, development, and prosperity.譯文:    這是一幅非常吸引人的照片,上面一位美國(guó)姑娘在非常滿意地展示她的中式服裝。這套服裝包括了有著多彩裝飾的帽子、耳環(huán)和漂亮的袍子,

50、很顯然是來自中國(guó)南方少數(shù)民族的傳統(tǒng)服飾,女孩穿著非常合身。令這張照片顯得非常特別的是這個(gè)美國(guó)女孩的動(dòng)人笑容,體現(xiàn)出她對(duì)中國(guó)文化的認(rèn)可和欣賞。    彌漫在這幅照片中的那種和諧氛圍是當(dāng)今一個(gè)全球潮流的典型代表,即來自不同國(guó)家的人們開始尋找彼此間深入的理解和友好的交流,因此,文化變得更加國(guó)際化。特別是中國(guó)正在揭開其先前的神秘面紗,通過對(duì)外開放政策向世界展示自己,為外國(guó)人提供了解豐富和多樣的中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)文化的途徑。這種交流的效果的最好例證就是在近年來,全球興起了一個(gè)新的流行趨勢(shì),那就是慶祝中國(guó)的傳統(tǒng)新年春節(jié)。    人們都屬于不同的國(guó)家,但是文

51、化是沒有國(guó)界的。當(dāng)代全球化的特點(diǎn)不僅僅只是更頻繁的國(guó)際貿(mào)易、經(jīng)濟(jì)以及政治上的交流,而更重要的是全世界人民對(duì)于世界上各種文化的認(rèn)識(shí)和理解。我堅(jiān)信各種文化的融合正在給,也將會(huì)給世界的和平、發(fā)展和繁榮做出越來越多的貢獻(xiàn)。閃光詞匯及詞組:splendid: adj. 極好的 originate from: 來源于permeate: v. 彌漫,充滿 mutual: adj. 相互的unveil: v. 揭開 diversified: adj. 多樣化的gallery: n. 畫廊,陳列室 feature: v. 以為特點(diǎn)comprehension: n. 理解 blend: n. 融合萬能句型:It

52、is a very eye-catching photo in whichWhile people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary.8.教育類背誦范文:  As the title indicates, “greenhouse flowers cannot survive unpleasant weather”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that excessive protection only leads to negative results. When a f

53、lower blossoms in the greenhouse despite of the external rain and thunder, it withers immediately once being moved out of its cozy haven.  Children in China are always compared to “the flowers of our motherland”. It is alarming that a large portion of them are in danger of experiencing a simila

54、r misfortune to the flower in the picture. This is partly attributed to the birth of a generation of “only children”, who are quite pampered and spoiled by their parents. Leading a life full of success, love and sweetness, these children are quite ignorant of failure, hardship, and the taste of tear

55、s that abound in real life. Therefore, when they leave home, they might be overly sensitive to frustration and easily suffer depression that prevents them from a happy and promising future.  This type of child is not what we hope for the future of our country. On the contrary, we need to nurtur

56、e a generation that is fully prepared for independent life, so that it is ready to confront any challenge, adapt to changes of environment, and survive the heated competition in todays world.譯文:    正如該圖的題目所顯示的那樣,“溫室里的花朵經(jīng)不起風(fēng)雨”,這組圖畫清楚地告訴我們過度的保護(hù)只會(huì)導(dǎo)致負(fù)面的結(jié)果。當(dāng)外面打雷下雨的時(shí)候,一朵花卻能在溫室中生機(jī)勃勃地開放??墒且坏╇x

57、開了這個(gè)舒適的避難所來到外面的時(shí)候,這朵花立刻就凋謝了。    在中國(guó),孩子經(jīng)常被比作“祖國(guó)的花朵”。但是,令人擔(dān)憂的是很多孩子有可能經(jīng)歷圖中花朵的不幸。部分原因可以歸結(jié)為“獨(dú)生子女”一代的出生,這些孩子都被他們的父母慣壞了。他們的生活中只充滿了成功、愛和甜蜜,而他們都不懂什么是失敗、艱難,也很少嘗過眼淚的滋味,但是實(shí)際生活中卻是充滿了失敗、艱難和眼淚的。因此,他們可能會(huì)對(duì)挫折過于敏感、也很容易及沉湎于憂郁,使他們?cè)谔と肷鐣?huì)以后沒有一個(gè)幸福和充滿前景的未來。    這一類孩子決不是我們國(guó)家未來需要的人才。相反,我們需要培育一代能夠獨(dú)立

58、生活的孩子,他們隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備面對(duì)任何挑戰(zhàn)、隨時(shí)適應(yīng)環(huán)境的變化、并能夠在現(xiàn)代社會(huì)的激烈競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中生存下來。閃光詞匯及詞組:excessive: adj. 過度的,過分的 blossom: v. 開花external: adj. 外部的 wither: v. 枯萎cozy: adj. 舒適的,安逸的 haven: n. 避難所a large portion of: 很大一部分 misfortune: n. 不幸,災(zāi)禍abound in: 富于 nurture: v. 教育,養(yǎng)育萬能句型:The set of pictures apparently reminds us thatThis partly at

59、tributes to9.人生價(jià)值類背誦 范文:  The picture presents a young runner who just finishes a long run and arrives at the finish line, sweating and smiling. While he stand at the end, a sign stating “beginning” lies not far away from his position, indicating that “an end means a new beginning”.  It is true that


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