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1、精品好文檔,推薦學習交流Unitl Changes in the Way We Live1. The farmers vegetables to the market on a truck every morning.A. haul B. pull C. drag D. tow2. Internet service providers should develop security services for their customers.A. progress B. improvement C. advancement D. enhancement3. The doctor suggeste

2、d my diet with vitamins E and AA. adding B. adding to C. supplementing D. making up4. A car went past and her with water.A. sprayed B. splattered C. splashed D. spattered5. Public evening classes allow people to earn a living during the day and vocations and intellectual interests in their spare tim

3、e.A. go after B. pursue C. find D. seek6. I grew up in a large.A. household B. house C. room D. family7. Before being processed into lumber, the wood must be carefully to preventwarping.A. heap B. stuffed C. piled D. stacked8. We are all born good, but can be taught to be.A. badly B. well C. wicked

4、D. better9. The editor has the book with black-and-white photographs.A. pictured B. illustrated C. portrayed D. photographed10. Scientists continue to push back the of knowledge.A. boarder B. limit C. edge D. boundaries11. The widespread use of Spanish in some American cities has a public debate ove

5、r language use in the country.A. turned out B. illuminated C. stimulated D. generated12. A of 2 percent is paid on long-term investments.A. feeB. tuitionC. premiumD. tax13. He his body so that he could listen to what the little boy was saying.A. lowerB. descendC. decreaseD. fall14. They no longer th

6、e local department store because of its poor service.A. present B. patronize C. participate D. penetrate15. Who do the police of the crime.A. suspectB.respectC. inspectD. prospect16. If we budget carefully, we'll be able to afford a new car.A. calculateB. figureC. budgetD. figure out17. Many sch

7、ools have tightened their and test scores for admission havebeen rising.A. orders B. rules C. requirements D. regulations18. Tliey couldn't resist at him in those funny clothes.A. to laugh B. to be laughed C. laughing D. being laughed19. In my view students should resist the to take part-time jo

8、bs in their firsttwo years at college.A. attraction B. appeal C. temptation D. attention20. They suspected that an explosive device had been left somewhere inside the building.A. device B. design C. decision D. detection21. He makes a big from selling waste material to textile company.A. benefit B.

9、profit C. interest D. rate22. We have most of the money in shares in British companies.A. raise B. invested C. rose D. arose23. The dialect is spoken in the rural area.A. generally B. primarily C. commonly D. directlyTranslation:1. The doctor suggested.(在我的飲 食中補充維生素E和A).2. (當?shù)卣巡扇∫恍┐胧﹖o ensure tha

10、t all the people will get through the winter.3. (總的來說), it's probably not advisable to change the company's name.4. I heard her speech.(但我還沒理解透是什么意思).5. We oppose any plans to.(削減教育預(yù) 算的計劃).6. Men usually run faster than women,(主要是因為他們 的肌肉力量更大).7. 他以獲利價出售了他的房子。8. We have a problem with the co

11、mputer system,.(但我覺 得問題比較小.)9. The toys have to before they can be sold to children. (14到嚴格的安全標準)Unit2 Civil-Rights Heroes1. We have the system of exploitation of man by man.A. stopped B. cancelled C. abolishedD. removed2. President Clinton _$16 million for the National Underground RailroadFreedom C

12、enter.A. loanedB. compensated C. authorized D. exploited3. One hundredsoldiers were released by the federal army.A. captured B. to be captured C. capturing D. being captured4. Dutythe soldiers to volunteer for the mission.A. enforce B. compel C. impose D. press5. He made a prediction that business w

13、ould improve the next year.A. confidential B. confident C. confide D. confidant6. The police said their were aroused because Mr. Owens had other marks onhis body.A. beliefsB. suspicions C. convictionsD. credits7. The large crowds lingering in the streets were quickly by heavy rain.A. dislocated B. d

14、isguised C. detachedD. dispersed8. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can the surroundings.A. exploreB. expose C. exploitD. expand9. The Prime Minister is determined to a good relationship with China.A. forgive B. forge C arrange D. motivate10. Mr. Thompson gave all thedocument of

15、 his grandfather to the publiclibraiy according to his grandfather will.A. historical B. historic C. practical D. organic11. In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern EuropeEurope into a great war.A. inserted B. imposed C. pitched D. plunged12. , as the government was at

16、tacking American policy, American jeansand videocassettes were the hottest items in the stalls of the market.A. Initially B. PresumablyC. Ironically D. Automatically13. The new Afghan government is trying to its people from poverty with international help.A. exposed. to. B. present.with. C. liberate

17、.from. D. insure.against.14. He was sent to Washington on a diplomatic.A. employment B. excursion C. mission D. duty15. Although they plant trees in this area, the tops of some hills are stillA. bare B. vacant C naked D. blank16. The new postman through the mist, trying to find the right house.A. br

18、ought B. saw C. observed D. peered17. A to this problem is expected to be found before long.A. result B. response C. settlement D. solution18. Theof the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.A. area B. position C. spot D. site19. We'll tiy our best even if thereonly a hope of success.A. slim B. faint

19、C. dimD. slender20. The drop-out children from primary and secondary school in the remote areas for schooling.A. starve B. advocate C. enroll D. anticipate21. Our company decided to the contract.A. destroyB. stop C. assureD. terminate22. Some diseases are by certain water animals.A. transplanted B.

20、transformed C. transported D. transmitted23. the slaves, escape meant a journey of hundreds of miles throughunknown countries, where they were usually easy to recognize.A. Aside fromB. In addition to C. In spite of D. As for24. At huge, Henson and his wife set off with their children.A. riskB. heigh

21、tC. rateD. costTranslation:1 . 士兵必須敢于面對危險。2 .(我一般信守這一原則)that it is better not to get involved in other people's quanels.3 .主任允許我們在實驗室工作。4 .The company(用長工時、低工資的方法來剝削1: 人).5他決心去法國繼續(xù)深造。6. The woman(吃驚地盯著陌生人)7. The heavy rain(迫使我們呆在屋內(nèi)).)8. 他被誤認為是個有學問的人。Unit3 Security1. I should the loss of my readi

22、ng glasses in the newspaper, with a reward forthe finder.A. publishB. promoteC. advertise D. announce2. They purchased many appliances after their marriage.A. electric B. electricalC. electronic D. electricity3. The reading of this book was a(n)in my life .one of the turning points in my mental hist

23、ory.A. period B. epoch C. eraD. age4. A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial.A. mark B. feature C. trace D. appearance5. Why must you always remain to your mother.A. gluedB. pastedC. attachedD. related6. The firm moved to its new in 1996.A. suite B. premisesC. residenceD. community7.

24、 Though bribery he managed to the information out of the greedy officialA. getB. obtainC. pryD. attain8. Crops are grown in areasA. urbanB. njral C. countryD. countryside9. Statistics that the population of this will be double in ten years' time.A. show B. shows C. showed D. has shown10. The ric

25、h moved from the noisy urban areas to the more and less pollutedcountryside.A. transparentB. transformed C. trampledD. tranquil11. The coming of the railways in the 1980s our society and economic life .A. transformed B. transport C. transferred D. transmitted12. In the first several years of our eco

26、nomic reform , many military factories have been into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the country .A. alter B. transformed C. changed D. converted13. Poor health may be a to your future success.A. barrel B. rarity C. scarcity D. barrier僅供學習與交潦,如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除謝謝3精品好文檔,推薦學習交流14. Over a third of t

27、he population was estimated to have no to the healthservice.A. assessment B. assignment C. exception D. access15. After long hoursstudent, he rose from his desk and lifted his anus both up toward and.A sideway B sidewalk C sideways D sidewalks16. After Spring Festival a lot of migrant workers from t

28、own to town lookingfor a job.A. wander B. strolled C. patrolled D. marched17. He was promoted to a position that is rather to attack .A. sensitive B. vulnerable C. opposed D. exposed18. The clock works well, there is only of a second per year.A. a fault B a mistake C. an errorD flaw19. Children are

29、liable to leave the door after they came home at night.A. on the latch B. on latch C. under the latch D. under latch20. He ordered his troops to close us.A. down B. in C. in on D. upTranslation:1 .that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.(他從來也沒有想到)2 . Looking back on my twent

30、y years' teaching,.(我把我的成功歸結(jié)為耐心和才能。)3 .The police think the thief is(小偷仍在屋內(nèi)).4 .and found it contained too much water.(不|學 家分析了一下牛奶).5.1, he is still a good student(盡管他有這些缺點).5.2, he gave a negative answe匚(他沉思片刻后做出了否定 的回答).5.3, those days as the happiest time of my life(我息會回 顧).Unit4 Imagination

31、 and Creativity1. Amy is an expert in her filed, and is well-paid.A. According to B. accordingly C. accord with D. in accordance with1.1 was suiprised that Mom seemed to Kate's new boyfriend.A. approve with B. approve of C. approval with D. approval of3. John's house is always.A. in a messB.

32、 in a massC. in mesh D. in a messy4. She has been voted Best Teacher three years.A. in a line B. in a row C. in a continuum D. in a series5. His peaceful life was intenupted by the of the World War II.A. outburst B. outside C. outbreak D. outskirt6. My trip to Mexico was the for the novel.A. perspir

33、ation B. spire C. inspiration D. despite7. I'm tiyiiig to persuade her to come, but I am.A. got nowhereB. getting anywhereC. gets nowhereD. getting nowhere8. Reading is a good way to develop children's at an early age.A. imagine B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginary9. On weekends, a maj

34、ority of the students' breakfast into mid-morning.A. expand B. extend C. exposeD. stretch10. Great works of classical music can often a mixture of responses fromthe listeners.A. call forth B. call on C. call upon D. call for11 .With all the stores. the street looked deserted.A. close B. closing

35、C. closed D. closes12. Alexander was determined not to make any complaints in the of thenurse.A. presentB. presenceC. presentedD. presents13. Financial crisis around the world the confidence of the consumers.A. underpinned B. underwent C. undermined D. underline14. With our GDP growing 、 economists

36、are optimistic about the prospects of our economic development.A. steadily B. steadyC. insteadD. unsteady15. My grandfather is getting, and we worried about his health.A. fragile B. frailC. broken D. fragmentary16. Money will be paid half in advance and half on.A. complete B. completion C. completel

37、y D. competition17. The truth is becoming apparent.A. increase B. increasingly C. increasing D. increased18 .T0 the of everybody, the director relaxed his threatening attitude.A. satisfaction B. satisfyC. satisfying D. satisfactory19 .The panel decided to Jack Smith for Player of the Year.A. nominee

38、 B. nominateC. nominationD. nominal20. The bridge is important to the enemy and must be destroyed.A. strategy B. strategist C. strategicD. strategicallyTranslation:1 ., the housewives are all busy shopping.(離圣誕 節(jié)只有一個星期了)2 .The volunteers assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the

39、 drinking water in the village(以免爆發(fā)瘟疫).3 .As there were some major design flaws,.(董事會沒有同意那個經(jīng)濟刺激計劃.)4 . Having realized that nobody could help him,(喬丹得出 結(jié)論他必須面對現(xiàn)實).5 .有些學生常在課堂上打瞌睡。6 .Beingout of work and having two youngchildren.(無法維持起碼的生活)7.His trousers were too short,(外套和背心乂太肥大)。Unit5 Giving Thanks

40、1. Several events in the eaily 1990's seem likely to, or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980.A. revolt B. revolve C. reverse D. revive2. The new system made it easier for employers to recruit workers based on needs.A. splendid B. specific C. spacious D. spectacular3. He gives pe

41、ople the impression all his life abroad.A. of having spentB. to have spent C. of being spent D. to spend4. Poor crops so greatly the food supply that people were starving.A. withdrew B. diminished C. induced D. eliminated5. t is harmful if we our skin to strong sunlight.A. reveal B. expose C. displa

42、y D. show6. They were in their scientific research, not knowing what happened justoutside their lab.A. submerged B. drowned C. immersed D. dipped7. Everyone in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A. piled B. assembled C. joined D. accumulated8. Friendly and , he invariably consults wi

43、th people around him before making decisions.A. considerable B. considerate C. considering D. conservative9. If you want to set up a company, you must with the regulation laid down bythe authorities.A. comply B. adhere C. confirm D. accord10. In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the of fine china a

44、ttracted muchattention of the customers from all over the world.A. succession B. arrayC. string D. procession11. Tlie younger person's attraction to stereos can't be explained only familiarity with technology.A. in quest of B. by means of C. in terms ofD. by virtue of12. Everything we eat an

45、d drink contains some salt; we can meet the body's need for it from natural sources without turning the salt bottle.A. upB. toC. onD. over13. The book fair has received a positive from readers.A. result.B. response C. settlement D. solution14. The cloth had a natural look which perfectly the ima

46、ge Laura sought.A. turned out .B. set downC. thought over D. coincided with15. The profit-sharing plan is designed to the staff to work hard.A. calculate.B. demonstrate C. speculate D. motivate16. Skill comes only with practice, patience and.A. convenience B. persistence C. residenceD. elegance17. I will let you go in such bad weather.A. in a wayB. in the wayC. in no wayD. by the way18. The clothes a person wears may express his or social position.A. curiosityB. statusC. determinationD. significance19. You should understand that it's


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