已閱讀5頁,還剩5頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、小升初音標(biāo)教學(xué)之小升初音標(biāo)教學(xué)之字母及字母組合發(fā)音字母及字母組合發(fā)音1元音字母與元音字母組合在重讀音節(jié)中的讀音元音字母與元音字母組合在重讀音節(jié)中的讀音a /ee/(開音節(jié)開音節(jié)) age case date wake late /(閉音節(jié)閉音節(jié)) at bag bat cat mat map /e/(any) any many anything /在在w或或wh后后 want watch what /:/ (在在f,ss,th等前等前) afternoon class fatheral /:/字母組合字母組合 all also ball callay /e/字母組合字母組合 day May p

2、layai /e/字母組合字母組合 wait tail nail sailar /:/字母組合字母組合 art card star start smarte /i:/(開音節(jié)開音節(jié)) we be he me she these /e/(閉音節(jié)閉音節(jié)) bed best desk red get let penea /i:/字母組合字母組合 meat eat please cream teaea /e/字母組合字母組合 breakfast head deadea /字母組合字母組合 real really theaterea /e/字母組合字母組合 great break breakerear

3、/字母組合字母組合 hear near dear ear /:/字母組合字母組合 learn earn earlyee /i:/字母組合字母組合 green need see er /:/字母組合字母組合 her certain certainlyi /a/ (開音節(jié)開音節(jié)) ice like nice nine write bike / (閉音節(jié)閉音節(jié)) big sit little kid list withigh /a/字母組合字母組合 high right night light fightir /:/ 字母組合字母組合 girl sir first birthdayu /ju:/(開

4、音節(jié)開音節(jié)) student use computer music unit /u:/ (開音節(jié)開音節(jié)) June ruler blue glue /(閉音節(jié)閉音節(jié)) bus but cup drum lunch run fun /(閉音節(jié)閉音節(jié)) put pull push pushyo /(開音節(jié)開音節(jié)) rose go no so note sofa /(閉音節(jié)閉音節(jié)) clock not hot dog lot mom /u:/(結(jié)尾時結(jié)尾時) do two to whooo /u:/字母組合字母組合 moon soon cool too zoooo /字母組合字母組合 book lo

5、ok good wool / (在在l,m,n,v,th前前) colour love come son motheroa /字母組合字母組合 goat coat boat coachoy /字母組合字母組合 boy toy joyow /a/字母組合字母組合 how cow now wow /字母組合字母組合 yellow window snow low showore /:/字母組合字母組合 more before storeour /:/字母組合字母組合 your fouroor /:/字母組合字母組合 floor door poorou /a/字母組合字母組合 found sound

6、around out mountain /u:/字母組合字母組合 you group through soup /字母組合字母組合 young country oneor /:/字母組合字母組合 for report short north forty /:/在在w后后 word world worth worse2.元音字母與元音字母組合在非重讀音節(jié)中的讀音元音字母與元音字母組合在非重讀音節(jié)中的讀音n ar/er / answer brother grammarn e/i/o /, / April student violin hellon o/or / doctor pilot ocloc

7、k violetn u/ur /, / August Saturday minute minus3.輔音字母與輔音字母組合的讀音輔音字母與輔音字母組合的讀音n b /b/ bag ball bike c /k/ call can /s/ city nicen d /d / dad date f /f/ family father n g /g/ game get girl /d/ page age cage giraffe n h /h/ hat have j /d/ job joinn k /k/ key kid l /l/ last late n m /m/ many math name

8、n /n/ name nice pen ninen p /p/ play pen map penciln r /r/ red ruler read s /s/ sad salad /z/ is his n t /t/ table take v /v/ video violin w /w/ want watch n x /ks/ six sixteen fox box /gz/ examn y /j/ yes year yellow z /z/ zoo zebrach /t/ chair chess hair /k/ school chestck /k/ black rock clock dr /dr/ draw drive dryds /dz/ beds cards friendsgh /f/ laugh enough (足夠的足夠的) /-/ eight right nightkn /n/know knife ng /sing long songph /f/ phone photo sh /she shoe fish En


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