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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 Poes poetic theories are remarkable in their clarity (詩(shī)歌理論簡(jiǎn)潔明朗)about even if they lack what Joseph Wood Krutch terms “intellectual detachment” and “catholicity of taste.” (盡管缺乏Krutch所說(shuō)的“知識(shí)分子的超脫”和“大眾品味) These are best elucidated (最好的證明)in his “the Philosophy of Composition” (創(chuàng)作原理)and “

2、The Poetic Principle.”(詩(shī)歌原則) The poem, he says, should be short, readable at one sitting (一口氣能讀完)( or as long as “The Raven”【或與詩(shī)歌”烏鴉“的長(zhǎng)度相當(dāng)】). Its chief aim is beauty, namely, to produce a feeling of beauty in the reader. Beauty aims at “an elevating excitement of the soul,” (震撼靈魂) and “beauty of wha

3、tever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears. (無(wú)論何種形式的美,只要達(dá)到最高境界,就能令敏感的靈魂落下淚來(lái)) Thus melancholy is the most legitimate of all the poetic tones.” (所以悲傷是詩(shī)歌最好的基調(diào)) And he concludes that “the death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic i

4、n the world.” Poe stresses rhythm, defines true poetry as “the rhythmical creation of beauty,” (真正的詩(shī)歌是富有美好旋律的作品)and declares that“music is the perfection of the soul,or idea,of poetry.”(音樂(lè)是詩(shī)歌靈魂和思想的最高境界) Poe was unabashed to offer his own poem “The Raven”as an illustration of his point. “The Raven” i

5、s about 108 lines, perfectly readable at one sitting. A sense of melancholy over the death of a beloved beautiful young woman pervades the whole poem: the portrayal of a young man grieving for his lost Lenore, (早逝的美麗女友Lenore )his grief being turned to madness under the steady one-word repetition of

6、the talking bird introduced right at the beginning of the poem:Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weakry.  Over many a quint and curious volume of forgotten lore.  While 

7、;I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,  As of some one rapping, rapping at my chamber door.  "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at

8、 my chamber door-                                      Only this, and nothing mo

9、re."  After he sees the bird, its response - or its imagined one一“nevermore" keeps breaking upon the young mans psychic wound ruthlessly and ceaselessly as do the waves on the sea shore until his depression reaches its breaking point:And the raven, never flitting,&

10、#160;still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming, And&#

11、160;the lamp-light o' er him streaming throve his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out chat shadow that lies floating on the floor        

12、60;                             Shall be lifted-nevermore!The young man, a neurotic on the brink of a mental collapse, (精神幾近崩潰) outpours his sorr

13、ow in his semi-sleep (半夢(mèng)半醒之間)on the appearance of the bird. Poetic imagination externalizes itself (詩(shī)歌的想象力表現(xiàn)在 )in the phantom of a bird (幻象中的小鳥(niǎo))and intermingles with it to enhance the effect of tbe tragedy of the bereavement .(失去摯愛(ài)的悲劇) It is good to note that Poes poems are heavily tinted in a dream

14、y, hallucinatory color. (Poe 的詩(shī)歌中具有一種濃烈的夢(mèng)境和幻覺(jué)的色彩) “The Raven”is a good example as the narrator is in a state of semi-stupor. (神志幾近不清的狀態(tài)) In addition, Poe insists on an even metrical flow in versification.(主張運(yùn)用規(guī)則的韻律創(chuàng)作) “The Raven”is a marvel of regularity: W. L.Werner records that, of its 719 complet

15、e feet, (全詩(shī)有719個(gè)音步),705 are perfect trochees, (其中705個(gè)是完全的抑揚(yáng)格)ten doubtful trochees, (十個(gè)勉強(qiáng)可算是抑揚(yáng)格)and only four clearly dactyls.(只有四個(gè)是強(qiáng)弱格) Poe rarely allows himself twenty-five percent of irregular feet as is found in “Israfel”. (Poe 幾乎不會(huì)讓詩(shī)中出現(xiàn)四分之一以上的不規(guī)則音步,就像在詩(shī)歌Israfel 里一樣)For the sake of regularity in

16、 rhythm, Poe disapproves of the use of archaisms, contractions, inversions, and similar devices. (Poe反對(duì)使用古體、縮寫(xiě)、倒置等技法)“The Raven” is thus a perfect illustration of his theory on poetry. * The Raven   Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, 

17、;weak and weakry, Over many a quint and curious volume of forgotten lore,While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,  As of some one rapping, rapping&#

18、160;at my chamber door. “Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door    Only this, and nothing more."  有一天陰沉的半夜時(shí)分,當(dāng)我疲乏煩悶,面對(duì)一堆古籍奇書(shū),想把失傳的奧秘揭開(kāi),當(dāng)我打著盹幾乎睡著,忽聽(tīng)得一聲剝啄,仿佛有人輕輕敲著,輕敲在我的房門(mén)外

19、?!罢l(shuí)敲門(mén)呢?”我喃喃道,“一定有客人來(lái), 別無(wú)其他,不必費(fèi)疑猜?!盇h, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow;

20、60; vainly I had tried to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow   sorrow for the lost Lenore For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore Nameless h

21、ere for evermore. 啊,記得清清楚楚,那是十二月寒冷刺骨,行將熄滅的余燼投射的鬼影在地上搖擺。我焦急地盼望天亮,我徒勞地搜尋書(shū)章,想從書(shū)中借良方,止住失去麗諾爾的悲哀天使命名麗諾爾的少女呀多么明媚可愛(ài), 人間此名已永不存在。And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me filled me with fantastic te

22、rrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating, " ' Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door Some late&

23、#160;visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door ;                                     

24、 This it is and nothing more. ”每幅紫紅的絲綢簾幕,發(fā)出悲哀的簌簌, 使從未體驗(yàn)的荒誕的恐怖向我襲來(lái); 此刻為了止住心悸,我站著再次說(shuō)道: “這是有人來(lái)找,敲著我的房門(mén)要求進(jìn)來(lái),“這是半夜的客人,敲著我的房門(mén)要求進(jìn)來(lái),別無(wú)其他,不必費(fèi)疑猜。Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, "Sir," said I,&

25、#160;"or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my 

26、chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you"-here I opened wide the door;                          &

27、#160;           Darkness there, and nothing more. 剎那間我鼓足了勇氣,于是我不再遲疑,“我誠(chéng)懇地請(qǐng)你原諒,”我說(shuō),“先生或太太,事實(shí)我是瞌睡朦朧,而你又敲得太輕,那么模糊不清地敲著敲著,在我房門(mén)外,我不知是否真的聽(tīng)見(jiàn),”這時(shí)我把房門(mén)大開(kāi), 一無(wú)所有,一片陰霾。Deep into that darkness peering, long I 

28、stood there wondering, fearing Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token, And the only word&

29、#160;there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore!" This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, " Lenore! "             

30、                         Merely this, and nothing more. 我向這片黑暗張望,我愣在那兒,驚疑慌張,凡人從不敢做的怪夢(mèng)紛紛向我襲來(lái),但周圍一片寂靜,黑暗中毫無(wú)跡象可尋,唯有低語(yǔ)“麗諾爾”的聲音在黑夜里徘徊,這是我低呼“麗諾爾!”而回聲又傳了回來(lái), 別無(wú)其他,

31、除此以外。Then into the chamber turning all my soul within me burning, Soon I heard again a tapping somewhat louder than before. "Surely," said I, "surely that is somethi

32、ng at my window lattice; Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;   'Tis the win

33、d, and nothing more! 于是我轉(zhuǎn)身進(jìn)房,整個(gè)靈魂像著了火一樣,馬上又聽(tīng)到一聲剝啄,響聲超過(guò)了剛才?!拔腋覕喽?,”我說(shuō),“有東西在敲我的窗格,讓我看看那兒有什么,好把這神秘解開(kāi),讓我的心稍微靜一靜,就把這神秘解開(kāi), 準(zhǔn)是風(fēng)聲,豈有他哉!”O(jiān)pen here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped

34、0;a stately raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not an instant stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched abo

35、ve my chamber door Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door  Perched, and sat, and nothing more. 這時(shí)我大敞了百葉窗,于是,抖動(dòng)著翅膀,跨進(jìn)一只嚴(yán)肅的烏鴉他屬于神圣的古代;他毫無(wú)謙恭的禮儀,也毫不停步或遲疑,卻擺出貴族的神氣,跑到我房門(mén)頂上呆,在我門(mén)頂?shù)闹腔叟裱诺淠鹊南裆洗簦?呆

36、在那里,再不下來(lái)。Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore."Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, t

37、hou," I said, "art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night ' s Plu

38、tonian shore!  "                                      Quoth the raven, "Nev

39、ermore. " 這頭烏檀木的大鳥(niǎo),一副莊嚴(yán)的外表,他的嚴(yán)肅高雅驅(qū)散我的憂思,逗我開(kāi)懷;“哪怕拔光你的毛發(fā),”我說(shuō),“你膽量可真大,你這陰森森的古代烏鴉,來(lái)自夜的彼岸,請(qǐng)教你的尊姓大名,在夜的冥府之岸!”烏鴉說(shuō)道:“永不再?!?Much I marveled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, Though its answer little meaning-little&

40、#160;relevancy hore; For we cannot help agreeing that no sublunary being  Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door- Bird or beast upon the sculptured 

41、bust above I us chamber door,                                      With such mim

42、e as "Nevermore. 這只難看的大鳥(niǎo)聽(tīng)得懂話,使我大為驚訝, (盡管他的回答不得要領(lǐng),意思不甚明白,) 因?yàn)槲覀儾荒懿怀姓J(rèn), 普天下的世人誰(shuí)也未曾有幸見(jiàn)到大禽在他的房門(mén)上呆,有幸見(jiàn)到鳥(niǎo)或獸在他門(mén)頂?shù)牡裣裆洗簦?而且名叫“永不再?!盉ut the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his

43、0;soul in that ill word he did outpour. Nothing farther then he uttered-not a feather then he fluttered- Till I scarcely more than muttered,  "Other friends have flo

44、wn before- On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before. "                          

45、;            Quoth the raven, "Nevermore. " 但棲在雕像上的烏鴉,只說(shuō)了這一句話,仿佛是他整個(gè)靈魂在這句話里吐了出來(lái)。接下去他什么也不說(shuō),沒(méi)有一根羽毛抖動(dòng),直等到我喃喃地說(shuō):“其他朋友都已離開(kāi),像我飛走的希望一樣,到早晨他也會(huì)離開(kāi)?!?烏鴉說(shuō)道:“永不再?!盬ondering at the stillness broken b

46、y reply so aptly spoken, "Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store," Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster Followed fast

47、60;and followed fastel-so, when Hope he would adjure, Stern Despair returned, instead of the sweet Hope he dared adjure-                

48、0;                     That sad answer, "Nevermore!" 這一應(yīng)答如此聰明,不禁使我大吃一驚,無(wú)疑地,”我說(shuō),這句話就是他的全部口才,得自某位倒楣的主人災(zāi)禍對(duì)他毫不憐憫, 步步緊跟越跟越緊,直到他的歌身負(fù)重載,直到他所有希望的挽歌都身負(fù)同一個(gè)重載,這重載就叫“永不再?!盉ut th

49、e raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust, and door; Then upon the velvet sinking, I 

50、betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore- What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore       

51、60;                              Meant in croaking "Nevermore. " 但烏鴉還在逗我開(kāi)心,消遣我的苦悶,我干脆把軟墊座椅推到大鳥(niǎo)跟前來(lái);往天鵝絨上一坐,吧種種幻想連成線索。把這陰森

52、古怪,恐怖難看的不詳古鳥(niǎo)猜,為什么他說(shuō)“永不再?!盩his I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core; This and more I sat divin

53、ing, with my head at ease reclining On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamplight gloated o'er, But whose velvet violet lining with the lamplight gloating o'er, 

54、60;                                    She shall press, ah, nevermore! 我猜著,全神貫注,但對(duì)大禽我一聲不出,他那如火的眼睛此刻已

55、燒透了我的心懷;憑直覺(jué)我感知了許多,當(dāng)我的頭輕輕靠著,靠著燈光的幸災(zāi)樂(lè)禍之下的天鵝絨座墊,但座墊的主人呢,這淡紫色的天鵝絨座墊 她不再靠了,永不再!Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by angels whose faint foot-falls tinkled on the tufted&#

56、160;floor. "Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee-by these angels he hath sent thee Respite-respite and Nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore! Let me quaff this k

57、ind Nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"                                      

58、Quoth the raven, "Nevermore. " 我覺(jué)得空氣變得稠密,無(wú)形香爐散出香氣,那是天使們搖著香爐,丁丁當(dāng)當(dāng)隱隱走來(lái)?!翱蓱z蟲(chóng)!”我喊道,“上帝派天使給我送來(lái)了安息安息和忘憂藥,讓我把麗諾爾忘懷!讓我飲盡忘憂靈藥,把失去的麗諾爾忘懷! 烏鴉說(shuō)道:“永不再。”"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil! -prophet still, if bird or 

59、;devil! - Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate, yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted- On this home by Horror haunted-tell me 

60、truly, I implore- Is there-is there balm in Gilead?(1)-tell me-tell me, I implore!"                           

61、           Quoth the raven, "Nevermore. " “先知!”我說(shuō),“一個(gè)先知!盡管你是鳥(niǎo)或惡魔!不管是誘惑者派你來(lái),還是風(fēng)暴把你拋來(lái)來(lái)到這被魔法迷住但未嚇住的荒蕪國(guó)土,來(lái)到這恐怖的小屋求求你,向我坦白:基列有沒(méi)有止痛香膏?求求你,向我坦白!” 烏鴉說(shuō)道:“永不再?!被校簱?jù)圣經(jīng)傳說(shuō),約旦河?xùn)|的基列出產(chǎn)靈藥,系樹(shù)脂制成。"Prophet!" said I,

62、 "thing of evil! -prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us-by that God we both adore- Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within

63、0;the distant Aidenn (2), It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore- Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.       &

64、#160;                              Quoth the raven, "Nevermore. " (2) Aidenn :阿拉伯語(yǔ)的And, 即Eden (天堂,樂(lè)園)“先知!”我說(shuō),“一個(gè)先知!盡管你是鳥(niǎo)

65、或惡魔!憑著上天,憑著上帝(咱倆對(duì)他同樣膜拜),請(qǐng)告訴我悲痛的靈魂:在遙遠(yuǎn)的伊甸園中,我能不能把升天的少女麗諾爾抱在胸懷?天使命名麗諾爾的少女呀多么明媚可愛(ài)!“烏鴉說(shuō)道:“永不再。"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting- "Get thee back into the tempest

66、0;and the Night's plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! -quit the bust above my door! Take&

67、#160;thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door! "                          

68、0;           Quoth the raven, "Nevermore. " “用這句話告別吧,惡魔或?yàn)?”我跳起來(lái)狂叫,“回到你那風(fēng)暴之夜,回到你那冥府之岸!連一根黑羽也別留下,讓我忘卻你的謊話!別再對(duì)我的孤寂打岔!從我的雕像離開(kāi)!別再啄我的心了,從我門(mén)上的雕像離開(kāi)! 烏鴉說(shuō)道:“永不再?!盇nd the raven, never flitting, still&#

69、160;is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas(3) just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming, And the&#

70、160;lamp-light o' er him streaming throve his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out chat shadow that lies floating on the floor          

71、                            Shall be lifted-nevermore!  (3)Pallas: 即雅典娜,智慧女神烏鴉仍然棲在門(mén)上,蒼白的雅典娜像上,呆坐不動(dòng),不飛不動(dòng),看來(lái)再也不想離開(kāi);他的那副眼睛,純粹像個(gè)惡魔陷入了夢(mèng)境,而吊燈把他的投影映在地上輕

72、輕搖擺,我的靈魂啊被這黑影籠罩,再也起不來(lái), 要想擺脫?永不再!(1) I had tried to borrow from my books surcease of sorrow: 我竭力讀書(shū),想以此排遣心中的哀傷。Surcease是古體,意思是終止阻止 (2) a bust of Pallas: 帕拉斯女神的胸像,帕拉斯就是希臘神話中的雅典娜(Athena)。 (3) the Night's Plutonian shore: 黑夜中的的冥界的冥界海岸 (4)subalunary being 地球上的人們。Subalunary意思是月球之下的,地球之上的。 有的版本改為 living

73、 human being。 (5) stock and store: 庫(kù)存物品。此處指烏鴉模仿的人語(yǔ) (6)Nepenthe 希臘神話中的忘憂藥。后泛指一切是人忘記憂愁的東西。 (7) Is there balm in Gilead? 這里譏諷的引用了圣經(jīng)中的一句:Is there no balm in Gilead; is therd no physician there? 難道基列沒(méi)有止痛藥?難道那里沒(méi)有醫(yī)生嗎?(基列是死海邊的一片山區(qū),生長(zhǎng)著許多藥用植物) (8)Aidenn 這是坡虛擬的一個(gè)地名,暗指伊甸園(Eden)Symbolism in The Raven mainly occu

74、rs in the images of the raven itself, the room, the month of December, the time of night, the statue and perhaps less obviously, the cushion, the window and the door.From the very beginning of the poem, the mood and tone, which is set to prepare us for the symbols is sombre and gloomy. The phrase &#

75、39;once upon a' prepares us for the fact that we are about to hear a story, but fast on the heels of the phrase we learn that this is not going to be one of those happy fairy stories.The next words are 'midnight,' and 'dreary' and 'December.' Therefore we see that the rav

76、en is not the first symbol to be introduced. Midnight, down throughout the ages, has always been referred to as a darkly magic time, symbolising the end of the light, and death as the end of life, a sort of 'witching hour.' Often at this time those who sit up too late working can become drow

77、sy and start to see visions, nightmares or dreams. Also, December in pagan times was the low point or 'dying time' of the year.The door and the window in this poem are symbols of the portal from this world into the next, of the thoughts of reality crossing into the thoughts of the dream worl

78、d. The door is referred to in deliberately antiquated language as a 'chamber' giving the whole poem a Gothic feel, right from the start, and the word 'visitor' is reminiscent of Walter De La Mare's supernatural poem 'The Listeners.The picture of the medieval style of door tha

79、t we imagine is reinforced by the image of the heavy velvet curtains, for they are not at the window, but most probably draped as draught-proofing over the door. Their rustling creates excitement and drama around the symbolic opening of the door opens out to a dark 'other world.'The window,

80、however, is the opening through which the next symbol, the raven, eventually appears. This opening also is given 'the Gothic treatment' as it is described as a 'lattice' a quaint old-fashioned term for multi-paned antique windows. The tapping reminds us of the ghostly Cathy trying to

81、 get in the window in Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights'.Throughout history and literature, ravens have been symbols of many things -bad luck, death, the black magic powers of wizards such as Merlin, or as the familiars of evil-doers. In Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Raven' poem, the bird

82、 represents some or all of these things but they all have one thing in common, fear.The narrator of the story poem or narrative poem fears greatly that he will never see the beauty of his beloved Lenore again. He gives vent to these fears and indulges in the self-pity of deliberately asking closed q

83、uestions to which he has gleaned that the bird has only one answer 'nevermore.'It is well documented that birds of the crow family, being the most intelligent of the bird kingdom, can utter simple sounds that to us can sound like words. In his tired pre-sleep mood, the narrator convinces him

84、self that this sound is 'Nevermore' and uses this fact to make his sorrow at the loss of Lenore's life and beauty deeper. The questions become more and more intense, signifying the symbolic deepening of his fear, bereavement issues, and loneliness.The 'bust of Pallas' is a statue

85、 which represents only the head and shoulders of a venerated subject, in this case Pallas, Greek goddess of wisdom. In alighting upon its head, the raven appears to add credence to his prophecy. A wise source adds weight to the mere squawks of a bird.The room of the bereaved is given much attention by the poet. Referred to in Gothic-style language as a 'chamber


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