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1、根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容完成下列短文。根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容完成下列短文。A group of students from England has come to the Zhoukoudian Cave for a visit.1. archaeologist is showing them around.The archaeologists 2. (excavate) here for many years.After finding human and animal bones 3. those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and ornaments,t

2、hey think 4. reasonable to assume some of the earliest people lived in these caves,regardlessAnhave been excavatinginitof the cold.They discovered fireplaces in the center of the caves 5. they constructed fires.Some evidence suggests that our ancestorsdid 6. clothes 7. (make) from animal skins.The a

3、rchaeologist also shows the students a primitive necklace 8. (preserve) quite well.Indeed,as the botanical analysis has been 9. (special) showing us,all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.Perhaps there was trade between early people 10. they traveled to the seaside on the

4、ir journeys.wherewearmadepreservedspeciallyor1.If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year!她今年要是早有預見,計劃得更好些就好了。!她今年要是早有預見,計劃得更好些就好了。句型結(jié)構(gòu)句型結(jié)構(gòu)If only.要是要是就好了!就好了!說明:說明:該句型謂語動詞用虛擬語氣,表示與過去、現(xiàn)在該句型謂語動詞用虛擬語氣,表示與過去、現(xiàn)在和將來事實相反的愿望。和將來事實相反的愿望。句型仿寫句型仿寫要是明天我們能休息一天該多好哇!要是明天我們能休息一天該多好哇! 要是他現(xiàn)在在這里該多好呀!要是

5、他現(xiàn)在在這里該多好呀!要是他沒有坐那趟車就好了!要是他沒有坐那趟車就好了!If only we could have a day off tomorrow!If only he were here now!If only he had not taken the bus!2.Abruptly she sat down,only to be scooped up by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna.突然間她坐了下去,但突然間她坐了下去,但 又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹盧娜一把摟了起來。又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹盧娜一把摟了起來。句型結(jié)構(gòu)句型結(jié)構(gòu)only to do/b

6、e(結(jié)果結(jié)果)卻卻說明:說明:句中不定式短語用作結(jié)果狀語,表示意料之句中不定式短語用作結(jié)果狀語,表示意料之外或不符合說話人期望的結(jié)果。這種結(jié)構(gòu)也常常在外或不符合說話人期望的結(jié)果。這種結(jié)構(gòu)也常常在不定式前加上不定式前加上only來強調(diào)驚訝與失望。來強調(diào)驚訝與失望。句型仿寫句型仿寫他匆忙趕到火車站時,火車卻走了。他匆忙趕到火車站時,火車卻走了。He hurried to the station, .李夫人趕緊跑回家結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)她家的廚房著火了。李夫人趕緊跑回家結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)她家的廚房著火了。Mrs.Li hurried home .only to find(and found)the train had l

7、eftonly to find(and found)her kitchen fire他整整花了四年的時間得到了學位,結(jié)果卻發(fā)現(xiàn)大他整整花了四年的時間得到了學位,結(jié)果卻發(fā)現(xiàn)大學生很難找到工作。學生很難找到工作。He spent four years getting a degree, there were no jobs for graduates.only to learn/findthat語句銜接語句銜接用上述句型翻譯下列小片段。用上述句型翻譯下列小片段。李明匆匆趕往機場,想為他的老朋友送別,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)飛機李明匆匆趕往機場,想為他的老朋友送別,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)飛機已經(jīng)起飛了。他要是早到半小時該多好??!已經(jīng)

8、起飛了。他要是早到半小時該多好??!答案:答案:Li Ming hurried to the airport to see his old friend off,only to find the plane had taken off.If only he had arrived half an hour earlier!作文要求作文要求閱讀下面的短文,然后按照要求寫一篇閱讀下面的短文,然后按照要求寫一篇150詞左右的英詞左右的英語短文。語短文。Dear Ari, As you sleep in my arms,Im amazed at how light you feel.I stare at

9、 your tiny body,so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air.I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you. I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society.Thats why your mommy and I have named you Ari,which means

10、“l(fā)ion”.Its our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do well for yourself and others. Before you came into the world,we had spent months imagining what youd be like.Wont you be a boy or a girl?Would you look like Mommy,Daddy or your elder brothers?Anyway,we would find

11、 out soon. Finally your mothers labor came.And several hours later,we met the first time.I held you high up in the air.I then was able to cut your umbilical cord(臍帶臍帶)and put you in your mothers arms.She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face. And here we are t

12、onight.As I hold you close,you sleep so peacefully.I press my ear to your chest and hear your strength.I am listening to the first beats of a lions heart.Welcome to the world,Ari.Love,Daddy寫作內(nèi)容寫作內(nèi)容假設(shè)你就是信中的假設(shè)你就是信中的Ari,父親在你出生的時候?qū)懥诉@,父親在你出生的時候?qū)懥诉@封信。今天是父親封信。今天是父親50歲生日,你準備以寫信的方式祝賀歲生日,你準備以寫信的方式祝賀他的生日。以下是信的

13、內(nèi)容:他的生日。以下是信的內(nèi)容:(1)以約以約30個詞概括父親在他信中對你的期望。個詞概括父親在他信中對你的期望。(2)以約以約120個詞表達你對父親的感恩,并包括如下要點:個詞表達你對父親的感恩,并包括如下要點:讀信后的感受;讀信后的感受;以你自己成長的經(jīng)歷說明你的感受;以你自己成長的經(jīng)歷說明你的感受;表達你對父親的感激和祝福。表達你對父親的感激和祝福。范文背誦范文背誦Dear Dad,In you letter,your expressed what you felt when I was in your arms.You said you expected me to be strong

14、,brave and successful.I can feel how much you love me. I burst into tears when Im reading your letter.I can deeply feel your love.And I want to tell you that I love you,too.In these 18 years,you have been sparing no effort to protect me and make me happy.I can stillremember the days when you took me

15、 to go hiking.You told me that whatever difficulties I came across,I should be brave.I can still remember the days when you took me to the park.You taught me that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.I can still remember On your 50th birthday,I just want to say how grateful I am for everything

16、 you have done for me.I am the tree while you are the sun.But without your help,I couldnt grow healthy and strong.You give all you have to me and I will do so to you. My dear dad,I love you from the very bottom of my heart.I hope that you will be healthy and happy forever.Love,Ari2.significance n.意義

17、,重要性意義,重要性 adj. 有意義的,重要的有意義的,重要的Do you know the great of his report?It will lead to a turning point of education reform.significantsignificancesignificant1.alternative n.可能的選擇可能的選擇 adj.可供選擇的可供選擇的(1)alternative energy 替代能源替代能源an alternative to. 的替代品的替代品have no alternative but to do sth. 別無選擇只好做別無選擇只好

18、做There is no alternative. 別無選擇別無選擇(2)alternatively adv. 可供選擇地可供選擇地運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。你可以結(jié)婚也可以仍做單身漢,任你選擇。你可以結(jié)婚也可以仍做單身漢,任你選擇。You have marrying or remaining a bachelor.我除了接受該項提議之外,別無選擇。我除了接受該項提議之外,別無選擇。I the offer.你有沒有其他的建議?你有沒有其他的建議?Have you got an ?我們可以走路去,也可以乘特德的車去。我們可以走路去,也可以乘特德的車去。We could walk o

19、r we could go in Teds car.the alternative ofhad no alternative but to acceptalternative suggestionalternativelyAlternative,choice, selection(1)alternative一般強調(diào)在只有兩種可能性或者行為方一般強調(diào)在只有兩種可能性或者行為方式之間進行的選擇。式之間進行的選擇。(2)choice泛指從一組人或物中進行的自由選擇,指選泛指從一組人或物中進行的自由選擇,指選擇,挑選,抉擇。擇,挑選,抉擇。(3)selection含有從許多可供選擇的人或物中擇優(yōu)選拔含

20、有從許多可供選擇的人或物中擇優(yōu)選拔的意思。的意思。運用:選用上述詞語填空。運用:選用上述詞語填空。The store offers a wide of fruit and vegetables.Parents should be careful in their of the movies their young children see.We should make full use of some energy to oil and coal,such as wind and the errupt vt.& vi

21、.打斷打斷的講話;打岔;暫時中斷或的講話;打岔;暫時中斷或 中止中止(1)interrupt sb. 打斷某人講話或正在做的事打斷某人講話或正在做的事(2)interruption n. 中斷,打斷中斷,打斷without interruption 不間斷地不間斷地(3)cut/break into. 打斷,插話打斷,插話put.in 插嘴說,后接插入說的內(nèi)容插嘴說,后接插入說的內(nèi)容運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。現(xiàn)在不要打斷他的話,他稍后再回答問題?,F(xiàn)在不要打斷他的話,他稍后再回答問題。Dont now;he will answer questions later.兩國間貿(mào)易因戰(zhàn)爭而

22、中斷。兩國間貿(mào)易因戰(zhàn)爭而中斷。Trade between the two countries .我們?nèi)フ覀€說話不受打擾的地方吧。我們?nèi)フ覀€說話不受打擾的地方吧。Lets go somewhere where we can talk .interrupt himwas interrupted by the warwithout interruption3.assume vt.假定,設(shè)想;假裝;承擔假定,設(shè)想;假裝;承擔(1)assume sb./sth.to be 假定假定/假設(shè)某人假設(shè)某人/某事為某事為It is assumed that. 被認為被認為(2)assumption n. 假定,

23、假設(shè)假定,假設(shè)make an assumption 認為,假定認為,假定(3)assuming(that). 假設(shè)假設(shè)/假定假定運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。在這種情形下,我們無法作任何揣測。在這種情形下,我們無法作任何揣測。We cannot in this case.尚未證實他有罪,就得假定他是清白的。尚未證實他有罪,就得假定他是清白的。We must until he is proved guilty.假定這個建議被采納,我們什么時候能拿到錢?假定這個建議被采納,我們什么時候能拿到錢? ,when are we going to get the money?assume any

24、thingassume him to be innocentAssuming (that) the proposal is accepted4.significance n.意義;意思;重要性;重要意義意義;意思;重要性;重要意義(1)the significance of. 的重要性的重要性/含義含義be of (great) significance 有有(重大重大)意義意義/(非常非常)重要重要(2)significant adj. 重大的;重要的重大的;重要的be significantbe of significance 有意義有意義(3)significantly adv. 重大地

25、;有意義地重大地;有意義地運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。很少有人意識到這一發(fā)現(xiàn)的重要性。很少有人意識到這一發(fā)現(xiàn)的重要性。Few people realized .這次新發(fā)現(xiàn)的石油對這個地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟有著重大的意義。這次新發(fā)現(xiàn)的石油對這個地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟有著重大的意義。This new discovery of oil is to this areas economy.如果你們的計劃有什么重大的改變,請通知我們。如果你們的計劃有什么重大的改變,請通知我們。Please inform us if there are any in your plans.the significance of the

26、 discoveryof great significancesignificant changes警方釋放了他,但是沒有把護照還給他,這是有用意警方釋放了他,但是沒有把護照還給他,這是有用意的。的。The police released him,but ,they didnt give him back his passport.significantly7.cup up切碎,使傷心切碎,使傷心 cut down 砍倒,削減,刪節(jié)砍倒,削減,刪節(jié)運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。她失敗后感到非常痛心。她失敗后感到非常痛心。She was badly when she failed.她把

27、胡蘿卜切碎后給了別人。她把胡蘿卜切碎后給了別人。She and gave them to others.他們砍倒了那棵樹。他們砍倒了那棵樹。They .cut upcut up the carrotscut down that tree我們必須要削減開支,因為收入減少了。我們必須要削減開支,因為收入減少了。We have to ,since our income decreases.cut down expenses8.look ahead 向前看;為將來打算向前看;為將來打算運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。向前望去,你就可以看到一座寶塔。向前望去,你就可以看到一座寶塔。Just an

28、d youll see a pagoda.要是我們早有預見,計劃得更好些就好了。要是我們早有預見,計劃得更好些就好了。If only we and planned better!look aheadhad looked ahead9.regardless of 不管,不顧不管,不顧(后接名詞、代詞或動名詞后接名詞、代詞或動名詞)運用:將下列句子譯成英語。運用:將下列句子譯成英語。不管有多危險,他還是爬上了大廈。不管有多危險,他還是爬上了大廈。他繼續(xù)說個不停,不顧我對此事的感受。他繼續(xù)說個不停,不顧我對此事的感受。He climbed the building,regardless of the

29、 dangerHe continued speaking,regardless of my feelings on the matter.10.date back to(date from)追溯到追溯到運用:完成下列句子。運用:完成下列句子。The old temple (追溯到兩千年前追溯到兩千年前)The tower (追溯到追溯到1,200年前年前)is under repair now.dates back to 2,000 years ago/dates from 2,000 years agodating back to 1,200 years ago/dating from 1,200 years ago.五五 連句成篇連句成篇 用括號內(nèi)所給詞語或句


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