1、的A、2018年安徽省教師招聘考試小學英語真題及答案一、單項選擇題(本大題共15小題,每小題1分,共計15分)從每題所給B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。.AlthoughtheteamIostthegame,theypIayedwithtremendous(D);theywontheirfonsrespect.A.panicB.regretC.angerD.spirit.Cathy(B) a fewA.took on B. p i ekedup C. gave away D.broke down3 .My parents (D)atthe a i rport because
2、of the storm. Otherwi se, they wouldhave beenhere byIunch t ime.A.have de Iayed B.would de I ayC.we re de Iayed D.had been de Iayed4.(A)Anderson was the bestof the manytaIentedwr i ters of h i swordsofItaiianwhenshewasthereIastyear.generationseemedindisputabIe.D. WhereA.ThatB.WhatC.Whether5. 1 n you
3、r f i ree time, (B)thisincredibIecityandyouwiIIcertainlyhaveanunforgettabIeexperience.A.expIoringB.expIoreC.exploredD.toexpIore6.UnderthereguIations,aIIthepassengers(B)remainintheii-seatsuntiIthepIaneIandssafety.A.mayB.shaIIC.couIdD.wouId7.EmmaIivedwithhergrandparents(C)for3yearsinasmaIIviIIage,shew
5、annever(D)thedifferencebetweenthetwinsinhiscIass.A.makeB.deveIopC.keepD.teII11.-Doyouknowwhichisthequickestwaytothemuseumfromhere?(D)Letsaskthepolicemanoverthere.A.ForgetitB.GoaheadC.ItsuptoyouD.Itbeatsmesaw him as quietand shy ,12.Kevinsteacher(C)withhisfriendshewasexactlytheopposite.A.orB.forC.but
6、D.so13.NotuntiIwewereshownaroundthisancienttown(D)itsbeautywasreaIIybeyonddescription.A.wereaIizedB.wedidreaIizeC.reaIizedweD.didwereaIize14.ThemethodofformingnewwordsIikemoteI,smogornewscart,iscalled(B)A. der i vat i on B.bI end i ngC. convers i on D.abbrev i at i on15 . The nove 1,Tess of the D Ur
7、berv i I Ies, was wr itte n by (A) one, of thegreatestofVictoriannoveIists.Thomas Hardy B. George Eliot C.Emily Bronte D. Oscar Wilden.兀形填空(本大題共15小題,每小題1分,共計15分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后每小題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。WeaIIhavetimeswhensomeonedoessomethingtosupportyou.YouaregratefuIfortheir(16)gesture.Andthenyo
8、umoveon.typ i ng on to a (17) at theAcoupIeofdaysagoIwasuponastage,connectingaIaptopImconference. It was the f i rst time I was going to(18) a session at theAssoc i at i on of Fundra i si ng Profess i onaIs (AFP) i nternat i onaI conference.So, need I ess to say,I felt very (19) Somesweatypalms.Youg
9、etit.For some reason, my Iaptop and the projectorwere hav i ng troubIes(20). The image on the hugescreen wouId fI i cker on and off and on andoff. After a few minutes the image ( 21 ) comp I ete I y. Th i s went on forabout 15 minutes. Watchingfrom her seat was a young woman who had arr i ved near I
10、y forty-f i ve mi nutes beforethe sess i on was to start.She quietlyand ( 22 )sa i d, “ Lor i, wouId you I i ke to use my Iaptop? 1 Iooked upat th i s woman and (23) cameto my eyes.Ididn1tknowher.Butshe(24)offeredtogiveuphernote-takingtool.Afterswitchingonthecomputerandmakingsurethingsworked,Iwas(25
11、)togivemyspeechtoroomofmorethan300people.The woman1sact i on (26) more than 300 peop I ei n that room who serve thousands i n the i rcommun i t i es. Thepeop I e at the sess i on got to I earnhow to share the i i- peopIe and money stor i esso they can (27)moremoneyforthen-amazingnonprofits.Yes,theco
19、ostudyhardsotheycouIdprovetotheworIdthattheyarecapabIeofaccompIishing.Thestudentstookthetestandthescoresarrived-everystudentpassedwithflyingcolors.ThiswasthegreatesteventinthehistoryGarfieldHighSchooI.31.WhatdidJaimeEscaIantedowhenhewas44yearsold?(C)A.HeIefthishometownforAmerica.B. Hetookamathcourse
20、andgotadegree.C. HebegantoteachatanAmericanschooI.D. Hebecameateacheronhisparents,advice.32.WhydidJaimeEscaIantegetthatangiy?(D)A.HisstudentscheatedinthetestinCaIcuIus.B. H i s students werentaIlowedtotakethetest.C-Noneofhisstudentsmanagedtopassthetest.D.Hisstudentstestresultswerenacknowledged.parag
21、raph33.WhatdosetheunderIinedwordwithflyingcoIorsi4mean?(B)A.NarrowlyB.SuccessfuIlyC.EnthusiasticaIIyD.UnsatisfactoriIy34.WhichofthefollowingbestdescribesJaimeEscaIante?(A)StrictandbriIIiant.Humorousandkind.Arrogantbutstrong-wiIIed.Bad-temperedbutdevoted.PeopIe often recommend pI ant i ng trees to ma
22、ke cities greener, cIeaner andBut dur i ng heat waves, city trees can actuaI Iy increase ai r poI Iut ion. Indeed,finds, up to 60 percentheaI th i er.a new studyof thesmoggy ozone in a city by sail on hot days may trace to chemicaIs emitted whotrees. Gal ina Churkina, andworks at HumboIdt University
23、 of BerI in, it.herteamconfirmedThefindingsmightseemtheoppositeofwhatyouwouIdexpect,notesRobertYoung,anexpertincitypIantingattheUniversityofTexasatAustin.Indeed,henotes,“everythinghasmultipleeffects.ThenewfindingsdonotmeancitiesshouIddiscouragetreeplanting,hesays.Instead,citiesmayneedstrictercontroI
26、ever,quiteamazing.Theresults,Churkinasays,suggeststhatcitytreepIantingsprogramsshouIdnotignoretherolethisgreenerymaypIayinaggravatingsummerairpolIution.AddingmoretreeswiIIimprovequaIityofIifeonIyifthosecitiesreIianceoncIeanenergysourcesforelectricpower,shesays.35. What does the newstudyf ind about c
27、ity trees on hot day? (C)A. Citytreescan reduce the smoggy ozone.B. Citytreesmay eas i Iy absorb heat waves.C. Citytreesmay cause more ai r pollution.D-Morecity trees canmake a city far better36 .What i s the th i rdparagraph mainly about? (B)A.The harm ozone doesto peopIe in cities.37 The way trees
28、 he Ipthe format i on of ozone.C.The chemicaIs greenpI ants re I ease i nto the a i r.D-The benef i ts trees br i ng to the c i ty env i ronment.38 .Which of the fol lowing i s suggested by Churk i na? (B)A.PI ant i ng more trees i n c i t i es.B.Advocat i ng us i ng cIean energy.C. Improving peopIe
29、 Equal ity of I ife.D-Banni ng vehicIe polIut ion i n summer.39.Whatcanbethebesttitleforthetest?(D)A.OzonecanaffectpeopIe*Shea1th.B.Going green benefits man and nature.C.Planting treescan control ak poI Iution.D.Trees can makesummer ozone I eve I worse.A 3year-old whocr i es out, 4 Mommy! Look how b
30、 i g that man s nose i s ! ” wi I IprobabIy be i gnored by h i s mother and the man. An adu11who makes an equ i vaI entstatement, ho we ver, might f i nd h i s own nose swollen and hurt i ngwithin seconds. The d i fference i smuch more than a matter of soc i a I graces. We do not expect 3-year-olds
31、to understand how the th i ngsthey say affect other peopIe semot i ons. They arenot empatheticinthewayadultsare.Toempathize(同情)withsomeoneistounderstandwhatheisfeeIingor,moreproperIy,tounderstandwhatyouwouIdfeeIIikeifyouwereinhissituation.UniikeinteIIigenceandphysicaIattractiveness,whichdependlargel
36、thyhasIittIeeffectononeJSIife.41 .What canbeinferredfromtoddIerSbehavior?A.ToddIerscanshowtrueempathytoothers.B. Todd Iers just do th i ngs I i ke a puppy.C.Todd Ie rs may not know true empathy.D.Todd Ie rs can tappreciate what they redoing.41 . What can we I earn about the tra i n i ng for ch i Idr
37、en sempathy?A. Parentsmust master such skills f i rst.B. Parentshad better I earn how to be good teachers.C.Parentshave to stop teach i ng the i r ch i I dren sempathy.D. Parentsshou I d set an examp I e for the i r ch i I dren sempathy.42. What i sthetext about?A. Howchi Idrendeve I opempathy.B. Ho
38、wempathybenefitsch i Idren.C-Whyempathymatte rsmore than i nteI I i gence.D-Whyit i s importantto tra i nthe empathy of ch i Idren.43. In read i ng, it i spurposes. 44. The more d i sIV?翻譯(滿分10分)usefuItoproposetoourseIvesdefiniteendsandtinetIyweareawareofourownwantsanddesiresinreading,themoredefinit
40、tosatisfyus.47Yettheveryhabitofaskingourselvesthesequestions,howevertheymaybeanswered.wiIIheIpusreadeffectiveIy.43.在閱讀中,給自己設(shè)定明確的目的是有益的。44.當我們越清楚地了解自己在閱讀中的需求和欲望,我們的學習就會越明確越持久45 .答案也許是:比較省事,或者書恰好就在手邊,又或者是用來打發(fā)時間。46 .這些理由都不錯,但我們決不能僅止步于此。47 .答案也許是;比較省事,或者書恰好就在手邊,又或者是用來打發(fā)時間。V?書面表達(滿20分分)校園里,學生有時會因為一些小矛盾而產(chǎn)生不愉快。作為老師,該如何去解決矛盾,引導學生和睦相處。請用英文寫一篇短文,談談你的看法。內(nèi)容不少于150個單
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