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1、絕密啟用前2019-2020學(xué)年度?存校10月月考卷試卷副標(biāo)題考試范圍:xxx;考試時(shí)間:100分鐘;命題人:xxx 注意事項(xiàng):1 .答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級、考號等信息2 .請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上第I卷(選擇題)請點(diǎn)擊修改第I卷的文字說明一、單選題1. Berlin is capital of Germany.A. /B. aC. the2. In the world, more than 30% of schools do not provide safe drinking water about 570 million children.A . withB . forC. tow

2、ards3. If I leave myhouseat 9 o'clock and driveto the airport, I'llarrive at about 11.So it's abouttwo drive from my house to the airport.A . hours'B , hour'sC. hours4. - I'm getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food?-Of course! There a restaurant around the

3、 comer.A . will beB . wasC. is5. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars,34 percent believe that they will make the roads mote dangerous.A . althoughB . becauseC. if6. Tennis can exercise all of our muscles (肌肉).And it requires to spend timewith others. This

4、is good for our health too.A . oursB . usC. we7. Ants are pretty small. You might think that they be rather weak. But what youmight not know is that ants are actually very strong for their size.A . needB . can'tC. must8. "Left-behind" children see their parents, because their parents w

5、ork in the cities,leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents.A . alwaysB . hardly everC. Often9. Around the world, 300 million tons of plastic each year, of which about 10percent ends up in the sea.A . is createdB . was createdC. creates10. Roy works in London. It h

6、im about half an hour to get to work by bus everyday.A . costsB . spendsC. takes11. Cathy sold some of her things in a yard sale and the money to a children'shome.A . gave awayB . gave upC. gave out12. A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classma

7、tes. So it helps with students' health,improves their socialskills.A . either; orB . neither; norC. not only; but also13. Peppa Pig (小豬佩奇)is a British cartoon has been popular in China andis much loved by little children and their parents.A . whoB . whichC. /14. Are babies carefree (無憂無慮)? Anew

8、study from the US says that 2-year-old babies care about.A . how other saw them B . how do others see them C. how others see them二、閱讀單選Do you want to improve your physics and chemistry grades? Well, maybe you should first learn something about the struggles ( 奮斗)of great scientists.The American Psyc

9、hological Association did an interesting study. More than 400 students from schools in New York City took part in it. The students were divided into three groups. Group 1 read a typical textbook that describes the achievements of great scientists. Group 2 read about those scientists' personal st

10、ruggles. For example, as a Jew, Einstein (愛因 斯坦)ran away from Nazi Germany to avoid persecution ( 迫害).The last group read about the scientists' intellectual struggles, such as Marie Curie's failed scientific tests. These stories about struggles also told students how the scientists dealt wit

11、h these obstacles 障礙).題答內(nèi)線訂裝在要不請派 rkr 八 夕 一The students took a science exam before the study. After the six-week study, they took another. Scientists found those in Groups 2 and 3 improved their science grades. Students in Group 1 didn't see a grade increase. Some of them even had lower grades a

12、fter the study. O 線 1 O 線 O O 訂 號 考:訂 O 級 班O 裝 O 名 姓核 學(xué)裝 O 外 O 內(nèi)OThe study was led by Xiaodong Lin-Siegler, a teacher at Columbia University.According to Xiaodong, kids often think Einstein was truly intelligent. They believe they will never match him.Many of them fail to realize that any success re

13、quires a long journey. Along the way, there are many failures 失敗).Students who read the struggle stories more probably said that great scientists were like themselves. The "great minds" also had to overcome obstacles to achieve success.Xiaodong says today's science textbooks fail to br

14、ing science to life. As a result, students seldom regard science as part of their everyday lives. Instead, they just see a long list of facts that they have to remember. Xiaodong thinks textbooks should include more stories about how great scientists had to struggle to succeed. And students should f

15、ocus more on how these scientists dealt with the obstacles they met along the way.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。15. According to the article, students can improve their physics and chemistry grades byA . reading the achievements of great scientists more carefullyB . listening more carefully to their physics and che

16、mistry teachersC. learning about how great scientists dealt with their obstacles16. All of the students who took part in the study.A . were interested in physics and chemistryB . went to school in New York CityC. wanted to improve their physics and chemistry grades17. Andy Hunt was one of the studen

17、ts who took part in the study. According to his report card, he was probably a member of.Andy HuntClass 2, Grade 9Physics2018.4-9862018-5-22 79A . Group 1B . Group 2C. Group 318. In Paragraph Four, the word "match" means "" in Chinese.A.滿足B.比得上C.配對19. Xiaodong Lin-Siegler thinks

18、science textbooks shouldA . tell students directly that Einstein was born a common manB . make the long lists of facts 山 at students have to remember more interestingC. include more stories about how great scientists had to struggle to succeed三、閱讀判斷Do you often listen to music at loud volumes ( 音量)?

19、 You should know that this habit is bad for your hearing. Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss ( 聽力喪 失),because of listening to loud noise for long periods of time. Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing.The United Nations has standards for

20、safe listening. It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 dB (分貝)for eight hours or 100 dB for 15 minutes. The sound of a busy road is about 85 dB and the sound of a rock concert can be about 100 dB.Loud noise is harmful to the inner ear. Most of us are bon with about 16,000 hair ce

21、lls (聽毛細(xì)胞)in our inner ears. These cells notice sounds. However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die. This is what causes hearing loss. Once this happens, it's hard to get your hearing back.Some people might think that their mu

22、sic isn't all that loud. But this can depend on where you are. For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it. Later, when you listen to it at the same volume in a quiet place, you alight feel uncomfortableThe "safe level

23、" for most sound is below 80 dB for up to 40 hours a week. A level of 80 dB is about equal to (相當(dāng)于)the noise of a subway.Here is some advice on safe listening. Over-the-ear headphones (頭戴式耳機(jī) )are better than in-ear ones. They do a better job of stopping outside noise, so you can listen at a low

24、er volume. Don't listen to loud music on your headphones for a long time. Follow the 60:60 rule: listen to music at 60 percent of your headphones' maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷下列句子正誤。正確的用“A表示,不正確的用“B'表示。題答內(nèi)線訂裝在要不請派 rkr 八 夕 一20. It is safe to listen to sounds

25、that are louder than 100 dB for 15 minutes21. . Listening to loud noise for a long time can cause some hair cells in the inner ear to die.22. . From the fourth paragraph, we know people don't always realize how loud their music is.23. In-ear headphones are better than over-the-eat ones because t

26、hey can stop more outside noise.24. This article mainly tells us why ears are an important part of our bodies.第II卷(非選擇題)請點(diǎn)擊修改第II卷的文字說明四、用所給單詞的正確形式填空用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每空格限填一詞。25. I felt lying in the sun on the beach. (relax)26. The little boy said, "I am old enough to take good care of"(my)27

27、. Our team lost the game because we played very(bad).28. In America, 95% of pet owners think of their animals as family .(member)29. A team of climbers from Peking University reached the top of the world'smountam, Qomolangma, on May 15, 2018. (high)30. Scientists around the world are working to

28、a medicine for AIDS ( 艾滋病).(cover)31. . Have you ever cut your finger on the edge (邊緣)of a book page? The small cut on your finger is so. (pain)32. . There are about 6,000' languages that are spoken around the world, but 43% of them are dying out. If no is taken, some of these languages will dis

29、appear. (act)五、用單詞的正確形式完成短文根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容.從方框中選出恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或短語填空,使語意通順完整。第一個(gè)方框供 41-45小題選用,第二個(gè)方框供46-50小題選用。每個(gè)選項(xiàng)只能便用一次,每框有一項(xiàng)剩余。A . come true B. everything C. as soon as D . richest E. finger F. nothingMany years ago, there was a Greek king named Midas. King Midas loved gold very much. He had more gold than any othe

30、r king in the world , but he still wanted more.One day, a beautiful fairy (仙子)came to his palace. "Midas, you are the 33 . man in the world," said the fairy. "Yes," said the king, "but I want more gold because gold is the most wonderful thing in the world!" "Your w

31、ish will 34 " said the fairy. "From tomorrowmorning, you can turn everything you touch into gold."題答內(nèi)線訂裝在要不請派VJ >)> 上一工。 >)> ,、打】 】 】 c - - - - 韭 - - - - c 】 】 】 八夕King Midas got up very early the next morning. He wanted to see if his wish had really come true. He touched

32、his bed with his 35 . and the bed was turned into gold. The king waswild with joy. He ran around his palace and touched everything he saw. Everything was turned into gold!The king felt hungry after running around for a long time. He decided to have his breakfast. However, 36 . he touched a bowl of m

33、ilk, the bowl, together with the milk in it, was turned into gold. What's more, the bread and the meat were also turned into gold when he touched them. In the end, the poor king ate 37 .A. wonderful B. terrible C. with D. daughter's E. right away F. rushed King Midas was sitting hungrily at

34、the dinner table when his little daughter ran to him.He hugged her and the little gal became a gold statue (雕塑)38. . The king felt afraid."Fairy," he shouted, "take away this 39 . gift! Give me back my little gal!"In a moment, the fairy was standing before him. "Do you still

35、 think that gold is the greatest thing in the world?" asked the fairy "No, no!" cried the king. "I have learned my lesson!" "Very well," said the fairy. "There is a spring像)in the garden. Sprinkle (灑)thingsthat you have touched 40 . the water from the spring.&

36、quot;The king 41 . to the spring. He ran back with a bottle of water and sprinkled the water on his 42 . head. Soon, the little girl came to life. He then sprinkled his breakfast. To his great joy, it turned back to real bread and meat!六、語法填空根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,用括號內(nèi)所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,必要時(shí)可加助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。A bus ran off a bridg

37、e into the Yangtze River in Chongqing on October 28, 2018. The accident 43. (cause) by a fight between the driver and a passenger, killing all 15 people on the bus.ccording to the police report, a 45-year-old female passenger, surnamed Liu, argued with the driver, surnamed Ran. Liu was angry because

38、 Ran refused 44 . (stop) the bus after she missed her station. She then hit the driver, causing the accident. The video shows that Liu hit Ran with her mobile phone twice while Ran 45 . (drive) the bus. Rather than stop in the middle of the road,. Ran kept driving. But in protecting himself, he lost

39、 control of the bus and a tragedy (悲居I) happened.The police said that both Liu and Ran had broken criminal law by seriously endangering (危及)public safety. And the police 46 , (announce), "Liu hit the driver with her phone and試卷第10頁,總10頁prevented the driver from driving the bus safely. The drive

40、r, too, didn't do his best to make sure that his driving was safe."The accident also caused heated discussions on the Internet. Besides feeling terribly sorry for the tragedy, most Internet users blamed (指責(zé))Liu, while some others criticized the driver. More users were talking about what the

41、y should do. One Weibo user said, "We 47. (stand) up and stop such fights between passengers and drivers 48. (avoid) this kind of tragedy."Another user advised that a safety barrier (屏障)should be set up on the bus. It can stop passengers from 49. (touch) the bus driver.七、回答問題根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答下列問題。

42、The population of the world continues to increase, but in some areas the population is falling.This is true in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe. In Russia, the population is going down by about 100 people EVERY HOUR! Russia's population could fall by ONE THIRD by the year 2050! And in Pol

43、and ( 波蘭)the population is also going down because people are leaving to work in other countries.One of the main reasons is a change of lifestyle. All over Europe people, especially educated women, have a different attitude(態(tài)度)to children than their parents. "I have one child and she is enough

44、for me," said Galina Tereschkova, a doctor from Moscow. "My husband and I both work full-time. We can't imagine having more than one child." Many women decide to have children later in life or not to have children at all. "I don't want to have any children until I have wo

45、rked for at least 10 years," said 19-year-old student Hana Markova from Prague. Her opinion is typical of 18-24 year old women everywhere in Europe.In Poland, the population is going down for a different reason. A lot of people, usually aged between 20 and 30, are leaving the country to work ab

46、road. Poland joined the European Union in 2005 and since then more than half a million people have moved to Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy. Even so, the population of those four countries and many other countries in West Europe is also going down. LO線O線O 訂 OX 題 XX 答 XX 內(nèi) XX 線 XX 訂X X 蛀O 訂 O 裝O 衣

47、X X 在 X X 要 X X 不 X X 請 X 裝O 內(nèi)O 外 O1:Many governments are now encouraging people to have larger families. In France, O 線O 訂O 裝 O 外O: 號 考:級 班:名 姓核 學(xué)O 線O 訂O 裝 O 內(nèi) Owomen now receive nearly $1,000 a month for a year if they have a third child. Austrian women receive $700 a month for three years when th

48、ey have their first child.50. Where in the world is the population getting smaller?51. . How many children does Galina Tereschkova want to have?52. . What does Hana Markova want to do before she has children?53. Why is the population in Poland going down?54. How does the French government encourage

49、people to have larger families now?八、補(bǔ)全短文 6選5We have found plastic in the ocean and in animals like birds, fish and whales. But for the first time, scientists have found plastic in human poop ( 大便),USA Today reported. The findings came from a study led by scientists from Environment Agency Austria 5

50、5_ Thevolunteers wrote down what they ate for a week and then provided a stool sample ( 大便樣本 ) for testing.56. About 20 small plastic particles (IM) were found in every 10 grams ( 克)of stool. "The smallest plastic particles can enter the blood, the lymphatic system, and may even reach the liver

51、 (月干臟),"said Philipp Schwabl, who took part in the research. 57_They ' re not sure how the plastic got in the volunteers' bodies, either. But most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ate seafood that could include plastic from ocean pollution.In fact, plastic

52、 is everywhere around us. Every year, lots of plastic waste goes into the ocean. 58. Most of the particles stay in the ocean. Others can spread into the soil. and air. Could plastic in the air fall onto food and get into the human body?Some past studies may also give us a clue. 59. And even some dri

53、nking water has been found to have tiny plastic particles in it.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容從方框中選出五個(gè)句子填入文中空缺處使短文內(nèi)容通順完整。題答內(nèi)線訂裝在要不請派VJ >)> 上一工。 >)> ,、打】 】 】 c - - - - 韭 - - - - c 】 】 】 八夕A . There, sunlight and waves (海浪)break the plastic waste down to very small pieces.B . The scientists are sure that the plas

54、tic must be harmful to humans.C. According to USA Today, 90% of sea salt which is sold in the world includes plastic.D . The scientists followed eight healthy volunteers from different parts of the world.E. However, the scientists aren't sure if the plastic is harmful to humans.F. Scientists fou

55、nd nine different kinds of plastic in the stool samples, according to the study.九、話題作文60.書面表達(dá)時(shí)光荏苒,初中三年轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝。跟三年前的自己相比較,你會有很多變化。請以“I havechanged a lot!為題,根據(jù)以下要求與提示,用英語寫一篇短文,具體描述你最重要的變化及其如何發(fā)生的。要求:1 .短文不得出現(xiàn)任何真實(shí)人名、校名及其它相關(guān)信息,否則不予評分;2 .不少于60詞。提示:1. What did you use to be like?2. What is the most important

56、change?3. And how did it happen? Tell a story about it.I have changed a lot!本卷由系統(tǒng)自動(dòng)生成,請仔細(xì)校對后使用,答案僅供參考參考答案1. C【解析】【詳解】句意:柏林是德國的首都。 A選型是零冠詞,a是不定冠詞,常翻譯為 "個(gè)",the表示特 指。capital of Germany德國的首都,是特指,所以用定冠詞 the,故選C。2. B【解析】【詳解】句意:在世界上,超過 30%的學(xué)校沒有為大約 5.7億兒童提供安全的飲用水。 provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth,為某人提供某物,這是固定搭配。根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu),這里用到短語 provide sth for sb ,故選 B。【點(diǎn)睛】offer和provide的用法區(qū)別:這兩個(gè)單詞都表示提供,但是他們的搭配不同,offer的短語是offer sb sth或者offer sth to sb ;而 provide 的短語是 provide


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