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1、譯林版中考英語中考英語總復習書面表達練習題一、中考英語書面表達匯編1. (江蘇中考模擬)假定你是David,來自美國,你的QQ好友Li Ming想要在今年的暑 假去做志愿者,他來信向你了解有關這方面的情況。請認真閱讀下面的郵件,并根據(jù)信中 的內(nèi)容和實際用英語回復,可以有適當?shù)陌l(fā)揮。To: davidwoodlandschoolFrom: limingsunshineschoolSubject: VolunteeringDear David,I'm writing to ask you for advice. I know you often do volunteer work in y

2、our free time. Km interested in it very much. Km going to do some this summer vacation. But I know little about it. Could you help me answer the following questions?Why do you want to be a volunteer?What kind of volunteer work is suitable for us students? Do you have any problems with volunteering?

3、If my parents don't allow me to do so, what should I do?I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes Li Ming注意:1 ,詞數(shù)90左右?;貜托诺拈_頭和結(jié)尾己經(jīng)寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);2.回復中不得提及真實的人名、校名等相關信息。Dear Li Ming,Thanks for your letter. I'm glad you would like to be a volunteer. Now let me answer your question

4、s.I hope you love volunteering and do well in it. Looking forward to your good news.Best wishesDavid【答案】Dear Li Ming,Thanks for your letter. Tm glad you would like to be a volunteer. Now let me answer your questions.I volunteer because I enjoy helping others and can learn a lot from others. As stude

5、nts, we can take part in some interesting activities, such as looking after animals and working for sports matches. Also, we can join charity organizations to help protect the environment and so on. It,s OK to have problems, because volunteering takes much time and energy. Sometimes I can't bala

6、nce my study and work. If your parents don/t allow you to volunteer, you should have a good talk with them. Try to let them understand you.I hope you love volunteering and do well in it. Looking forward to your good news. Best wishesDavid【解析】這是一篇給材料作文,給好友Li Ming回信,介紹暑假做志愿者的情況。結(jié)合所給材料, 可知本文主要考查一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),

7、人稱為第一,三人稱,注意主謂一致問題,句子結(jié)構(gòu)主 要為系表結(jié)構(gòu)和動賓結(jié)構(gòu),注意一些常見句式的應用,比如:I'm glad. we can., I" OK to If your parents don't allow you to you should, I hope等句式的應用。寫作中注意運用代詞,注意多種句式交替運用。寫作中注意敘述順序,符合邏輯關系。點睛:本文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,語言簡練。開頭為你想要成為一名志愿者而感到高興,接下來介紹 我們可以從事的志愿者工作以及志愿者工作帶來的一些問題,最后我希望你喜歡志愿者工 作。此處 would like to, enjoy doi

8、ng sth, learn from, take part in, such as, look after, allow sb to do sth, let sb do sth, look forward to等這些詞組的運用也讓文章增色不少。2. (北京中考模擬)假如你叫李華,學校英語廣播站正在招募主持人。請你用英文給負責的老師Sam寫一封自薦信,內(nèi)容包括:你的基本信息,想做主持人的理由,以及 具體打算做的事情。提示詞語:like, improve, help, introduce, share 提示問題: What's your name and hobby? Why do you

9、 want to be a host? What are you going to do?Dear Sam,rd like to be a host for the English Broadcasting Station (英語廣播站), _I'm looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Sam,I'd like to be a host for the English Broadcasting Station. My name is Li Hua from Class 1 Grade3. I like

10、 watching English movies and listening to English songs in my spare time. I want to be a host because it's a good chance to improve my oral English, at the same time, I can help other students get more information which they are interested in. As a host, I have some plans. I am going to not only

11、 introduce some western culture, some good ways of learning English, but also share some beautiful English music and poems. Kd be very happy if I become a host.I'm looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【解析】試題分析:本篇書面表達是圍繞一篇演講稿展開,貼近學校生活,學生有話可寫。但是在寫作上一定 要注意審題,不要跑題或者偏題。要按要點和給出的提示問題來完成寫作任務,

12、但不能生 硬的寫幾個句子交待了事,切記,逐條生硬的翻譯,沒有任何的連接詞。在詞匯的運用 上,除了用自己熟悉的句型與詞匯外,注意句型的變化,連詞的使用使詞義連貫流暢,同 時也使得文章有層次感,有條理性。注意高級句型的運用提升文章的檔次。寫作亮點:文章開頭點明主題,表明目的,然后對自己進行簡要的個人介紹。句型變化多,有定語從 句的使用,數(shù)量恰當,句式豐富,短語多樣。關于討論自己的競選后的工作計劃,使用了 正確的時態(tài)進行表達(I am going to not only introduce some western culture),有結(jié)尾,(I'm looking forward to y

13、our early reply.)體現(xiàn)了文章的完整性。3. (安徽中考模擬)書而表達假如你是李華,你們學校打算舉辦一場以"感恩老師”為主題的活動。請根據(jù)以下要點,給 你的美國筆友Mike寫一封郵件,介紹這次的活動。時間:5月30號活動內(nèi)容:1.給老師獻花致敬:2 .把寫滿感謝祝福話語的卡片貼在墻上;3 .為老師表演行目(put on performances) 你的感觸:注意:1.詞數(shù)80-100:4 .可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫:5 .信中不能出現(xiàn)與本人相關的信息;6 .開頭和結(jié)尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Mike,Our school will hold an act

14、ivity to express our thanks and love to the teachers.What do you usually do to thank your teachers? I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Mike,Our school will hold an activity to express our thanks and love to the teachers on May 30. On the day we will give our teachers some flower

15、s to show our thanks and respect. We thank them for helping us when we are in trouble.We will put up the thank-notes on the wall.After that we put on performances for our teachers.What do you usually do to thank your teachers? I am looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【解析】這是一篇給材料作文,介紹以“感恩老師”為主題

16、的活動。結(jié)合所給材料,可知本 文主要考查一般現(xiàn)在時和一般將來時,人稱為第一,三人稱,注意主謂一致問題,句子結(jié) 構(gòu)主要為系表結(jié)構(gòu)和動賓結(jié)構(gòu),注意一些常見句式的應用,比如:Our school will holdOn the day we w川,We thank them for, I am等句式的應用。寫作中注意運用代詞,注意多種句式交替運用。寫作中注意敘述順序,符合邏輯關系。點睛:本文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,語言簡練。開頭介紹了我們學校舉行了一個感恩老師的活動,接下 來介紹我們的活動內(nèi)容,最后表達我的感觸此處give sth to sb, thank sb for doing sth, be in trou

17、ble, put up, put on, look forward to等這些詞組的運用也讓文章增色不少。4. (湖北中考模擬)書而表達近年來,越來越多的中學將一些電子產(chǎn)品例如電腦、手機,甚至iPad等引入了課堂。在提 高教學質(zhì)量的同時也使得教育更加多樣化。但人們對此的看法褒貶不一。請根據(jù)以下表 格,在英語課上和同學談談你的看法。要點:AgreeSave time, protect the environmentDisagreeToo expensive, easily to fall into the games;Your opinion 要求:1.語言表達準確,短文連貫通順;2.短文必須包

18、括所給要點,可適當發(fā)揮;3.詞數(shù)80左右(開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù))。Nowadays, more and more electronic products are introduced into class. We can get our homework on the mobile phone and hand it in by computer.答案Nowadays, more and more electronic products are introduced into class. We can get our homework on the mobile phone and ha

19、nd it in by computer.lt save some people and protect the environment. Students can watch videos on the computer.Therefore they are active in class. Some people think students shouldn't use computers in class.Computers are too expensive.lt is easy for students to fall into the games.I think stude

20、nts should use iPad in class.The teachers don't allow students to play games in class.lt is good for students to use iPad in class.【解析】【詳解】根據(jù)題意近年來,越來越多的中學將一些電子產(chǎn)品例如電腦、手機,甚至iPad等引入了課 堂。在提高教學質(zhì)量的同時也使得教育更加多樣化。但人們對此的看法褒貶不一。請根據(jù) 以下表格,在英語課上和同學談談你的看法。我們所要做的首先是應用正確的英語句子把 這些內(nèi)容表達出來,在此基礎上亦可適當發(fā)揮,注意不要遺漏材料中給出的要點

21、。寫作前 先結(jié)合要表達的事情確定句子的人稱時態(tài),注意標點符號及大小寫等問題,不要犯語法錯 誤。注意上下文之間的邏輯關系,語意連貫?!军c睛】這篇短文不使用了大量的的短語,可見該生英語功底孔實。如Some people think students shouldn't use computers in class.Computers are too expensive.lt is easy for students to fall into the games. The teachers don't allow students to play games in class.這些重

22、點短語和句型,使文 章的表達更豐富,更有邏輯性,更富有條理。5 .(海林南朝鮮族中學中考模擬)(B)如今,許多學生課下熱衷于在手機上聊天,請根 據(jù)下列提示寫一篇短文,針對這種現(xiàn)象談談你的看法與建議。短文要包括所給要點,并補 充第二點建議,可適當發(fā)揮,使行文連貫。80100詞。提示:原因:想放松一下,打發(fā)時間。結(jié)果:對運動不感興趣,不愿而對面交流。建議:1.禁止學生把手機帶到學校:2參考詞匯:chat 3聊天;k川the time打發(fā)時間;face to face而對而【答案Nowadays, many students love chatting on their mobile phones

23、after class. They think it is a good way to relax themselves and kill the boring time. However, many of them show no interest in sports and some even dislike talking with their friends face to face. I think they shouldn't be allowed to bring mobile phones to school. Or they have to turn off thei

24、r mobile phones when they are in the school. And they should spend more time on some sports, because playing sports is good for their body and mind.【解析】【詳解】本文屬于話題作文,針對許多學生課下熱衷于在手機上聊天這一現(xiàn)象談談你的看法和建 議。根據(jù)要表達的內(nèi)容確定并準確運用時態(tài),上下文意思連貫,符合邏輯,可適當增加內(nèi) 容.亮點說明:這是一篇優(yōu)秀的作文,很好的完成了試題規(guī)定的任務,語言表達符合英語習 慣,準確運用時態(tài)、主謂一致,特別使用一些亮點詞句

25、,如love doing, it作形式主語, however, face to face, be allowed to do, spend 時間+on sth 以及 be good for。增強邏輯關系, 增加上下文意思連貫,用詞準確,句子通順,行文連貫?!军c睛】寫作時可以從以下幾個方面做起:認真審題。審好題是寫好書而表達的關鍵。審題時要注意試題的要求,抓住要點,詞數(shù)符 合要求。構(gòu)思提綱。有了提綱,我們就可以根據(jù)提綱和主題確定相關的寫作材料。通常書而表達給 出的話題是開放的,而具體的內(nèi)容要求學生自己發(fā)揮,因此選擇恰當?shù)乃夭囊彩鞘苟涛闹?心突出、明確的關鍵。初寫短文。一切都準備就緒,就可以動筆寫

26、作了,在寫作的過程中我們要注意句子的準確 性、連貫性以及簡潔性。使用的詞語、短語及句型盡量用自己有把握的詞。同時還要注意 使用恰當?shù)倪B詞,使句子銜接自然。修改潤色。修改潤色是獲取高分的必要步驟。這一步我們除了檢查短文的各種錯誤外,還 要檢查語法結(jié)構(gòu)是否合理,有無重復、啰嗦的語言,大小寫是否正確,格式是否正確,詞 數(shù)是否符合要求等。6 . (北京中考模擬)題目“持之以恒,方得始。"堅持是一種可貴的品格。生活中想要做成任何一件事情,都需要持 之以恒的精神。某英文網(wǎng)站正在開展以“堅持”為主題的征文活動。假如你是李華,請用英語寫一篇短文投 稿。談淡你在初中生活中堅持的一件事(愛好,習慣),你

27、是怎樣做的,以及你的感 受。提示詞語,: keep, practice, difficult, give up, proud 提示問題:1.What did you do?2. How do you feel?It s important for us to keep trying to achieve our goals.答案It's important for us to keep trying to achieve our goals.I love running and I have kept running for three years.When I was in Grad

28、e 7, I was not good at sports and running was always my headache.I often failed in my running test.In order to catch up with my classmates, I began to practice running every day after school.Sometimes, I was so tired that I really wanted to give up.But I kept telling myself that I could make it.No m

29、atter what kind of difficulties I faced, I tried my best to keep running.Now I do much better in running and I'm very proud of myself.l feel more confident and I'm ready for any challenges in the future.【解析】【分析】本篇是材料作文,根據(jù)所給提示寫一篇自己在初中生活中堅持做的事:文中寫明自己是怎 么做的并談談自己的感受?!驹斀狻? .本篇要求根據(jù)所給材料,用第一人稱寫初中生活中

30、自己堅持做的一件事,根據(jù)提示,描 寫What did you do?用一般過去時,描寫How do you feel?ffl一般現(xiàn)在時。書寫時要緊扣主 題,文句通順。2 .本例文開篇立即點明自己的堅持做的事是“跑步”,正文部分詳細地描寫了自己起初跑步 總是不及格,通過克服困難、不懈地努力,堅持跑步,到現(xiàn)在比以前會跑:結(jié)尾談了這件 事對自己的影響:文章結(jié)構(gòu)清晰,前后呼應。3 .本例文出彩之處在于用了很多的短語和重點句型。比如:固定搭配、固定句型¥s+adj+ for us +to do sthx love doing sth keep doing、be good at catch up

31、 withx be proud of: 不 定式 in order to: try my best to:狀語從句 so.that ;比較級 do much better in 、feel more confident等:短語多彩、文句表達多樣°7. (,杭州市清河中學中考模擬)小明在朋友圈發(fā)了一段文字,表達了自己的苦惱,假如 你是他的朋友,請回復他,表達你的觀點,并給他一些你的建議。要求不少于80個字。* O0.27K/S 空:比 m 16:14Xiao mingHi! Recently I've got a chance to study in art class in

32、No. 7 Middle School without sitting any exams. It is the exact school I want to enter because I like drawing and my dream is to be an artist. But my parents don't agree. They want me to give up the chance, instead I am expected to attend Zhong kao in June and enter Hangzhou High School. Km reall

33、y upset. What's my choice? Can anybody give me some advice?Hi, Xiao Ming!【答案】例文Hi, Xia。Ming!In my opinion, you have to take a long talk with your parents. On the one hand, You should let them know that you/re serious about learning art and you're clever enough to plan the future for yourself

34、. Interest comes first, and one can do better in everything if it is connected with their interest. So this is the best chance for you to achieve your dream, though it/s just the very beginning to enter an art school.On the other hand, you should be understanding with your parents because they reall

35、y care about you. They want you to be better. But everything may happen if you attend Zhong Kao. If you fail, both your dream and your parents' wish won't be able to be realized. That's the worse thing nobody wants to see.Simply put, keep your dream! Communicate more with you parents, an

36、d ask your teacher for help if necessary!【解析】【詳解】這篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短語,為文章增色不少,Jn in my opinion, have to do, take a long talk with, on the one/other hand, enough to do, connect with, care about, want you to be better, both .and, be able to. ask for help 等。而并列結(jié)構(gòu) Communicate more with you parents, and ask

37、 your teacher for help if necessary!和 You should let them know that you,re serious about learning art and you're clever enough to plan the future for yourself./ So this is the best chance for you to achieve your dream, though it's just the very beginning to enter an art school./ If you fail,

38、 both your dream and your parents/ wish won't be able to be realized.等復 雜從句結(jié)構(gòu)的運用,豐富了短文內(nèi)容,使表達多樣化,是本文的亮點。在學習中注意總結(jié) 牢記一些固定句式及短語,寫作時就可以適當引用,使文章表達更有邏輯性,也更富有條 理?!军c睛】書而表達題既不是漢譯英,也不是可任意發(fā)揮的作文。它要求將所規(guī)定的材料內(nèi)容經(jīng)整理 后展開思維,考查運用所學英語知識準確表達意思的能力。所以,考生不能遺漏要點,要 盡量使用自己熟悉的單詞、短語和句式,盡可能使用高級詞匯和較復雜的句式結(jié)構(gòu)以便得 到較高的分數(shù)。8. (河南中考模擬)

39、書面表達地球是我們的家園,我們作為地球的主人,就應該好好保護地球?,F(xiàn)在正在倡導"低碳”生 活,只要我們不污染地球的環(huán)境,不浪費地球的能源,就能夠讓我們的周圍變得更綠,生 活變得更美好。作為中學生,我們應該怎樣做呢?談談你的想法。內(nèi)容應該包括以下幾 點:L節(jié)約用水、用電:2.節(jié)約紙張,循環(huán)使用舊課本,保護森林:3.節(jié)約糧食,在更多的上 地上種樹:4.不亂丟雜物,保護環(huán)境:要求:短文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的校名和人名:80詞左右提示詞:the greenhouse gases lifestyle 低碳生活方式 How does our earth turn better?The earth is

40、 our home.If everyone can make a contribution to our earth, the lift we living will be better and better.【答案】How does our earth turn better?The earth is our home. We should protect our earth as the owner. But how to live in the greenhouse gases lifestyle?I think as a middle school student, we should

41、 save the resources around us, such as the water; the electricity and so on. When you wash, can you close down the water? Can you turn off the lights when you left the classroom? I think saving paper is necessary. All the used text books should be recycled. Thus, less trees won't be cut down aga

42、in. If we can save more food, the peasants will plant more trees on their farm. Don't throw litter everywhere, it will pollute our environment.If everyone can make a contribution to our earth, the lift we living will be better and better.【解析】【詳解】這篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短語,為文章增色不少,如howtodo, live in, aroun

43、d us, such as, as a middle school student, and so on, close down the water, turn off the lights, cut down, make a contribution to our earth, pollute our environment, better and better 等。而固定結(jié)構(gòu) But how to live in the greenhouse gases lifestyle?和 I think as a middle school student, we should save the r

44、esources around us, such as the water; the electricity and so on. /Can you turn off the lights when you left the classroom? / If we can save more food, the peasants will plant more trees on their farm.等復雜從句結(jié)構(gòu)的運用,豐富了短文內(nèi)容,使表 達多樣化,是本文的亮點。在學習中注意總結(jié)牢記一些固定句式及短語,寫作時就可以適 當引用,使文章表達更有邏輯性,也更富有條理?!军c睛】書而表達題既不是漢譯英

45、,也不是可任意發(fā)揮的作文。它要求將所規(guī)定的材料內(nèi)容經(jīng)整理 后展開思維,考查運用所學英語知識準確表達意思的能力。所以,考生不能遺漏要點,要 盡量使用自己熟悉的單詞、短語和句式,盡可能使用高級詞匯和較復雜的句式結(jié)構(gòu)以便得 到較高的分數(shù)。9. (湖北中考模擬)書而表達我校決定讓學生輪流打掃廁所,以此作為教育學生的一種方式。這件事在學生中引起了強 烈的反響,請你把下列不同意見整理成一篇書面材料,報告給學校。同意:1.多數(shù)學生是獨生子女,不會做事。2 .學生應該學會做艱苦的工作。3 .學會理解和尊重清潔工人的勞動。不同意:L很臟,容易使學生生病。2.不是學生應該做的事情。3.打掃教室就足夠 了。注意:1

46、.短文應包括表中所有內(nèi)容,可適當發(fā)揮,但不要逐字翻譯;2.不少于80詞。生詞提示:respect尊重【答案】A strong argument has taken place among students since our school made students do voluntary labor.Some students think it is a good way of education. Now most families have only one child. They never do hard work. To do voluntary labor is a good

47、chance for them to learn how to do difficult work. It can also help them understand and respect the cleaners.But others have different points. They think it is easy for them to get sick. They don't think it is studentsf jobs. Cleaning the classroom every day is enough.【解析】【詳解】閱讀題干要求,這是一篇看法類的作文,那

48、么首先得點明討論的話題,然后分別寫出不同 人群對此事的看法,時態(tài)以一般現(xiàn)在時為主。重點詞匯及短語:argument爭論:take place發(fā)生;among (三者或三者以上)之間;a good chance for sb對某人來說是個好機會:help sb do sth幫助某人做某事:get sick生病。 亮點句型:(1) A strong argument has taken place among students since our school made students do voluntary labor.自從我們學校讓學生做自愿勞動以來,在學生中發(fā)生了一場激烈的爭論。 現(xiàn)在完

49、成時(have/has+done)。(2) To do voluntary labor is a good chance for them to learn how to do difficult work.做義務 勞動是他們學習如何做困難工作的好機會。動詞不定式作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù),疑問詞 +to do010. (北京市十一學校中考模擬)假如你是光明中學的李陽,你看到了動物保護組織 Animal Group的招聘信息,請你依據(jù)主要提示,給Animal Group的主席Mr. Mario寫一封郵 件,并表達自己想當志愿者的意愿。寫作要點:1 .表達自己想當志愿者的心愿。2 .向Animal

50、Group介紹自己。(1)我是李陽,15歲。(2)喜歡喂養(yǎng)小動物,運動,讀書。(3)樂于助人,有愛心。3 .至少說出兩點你想要參加動物保護組織的原因。Dear Mr. Mario,How are you doing?Looking forward to your reply!Yours Sincerely,Li Yang 答案I really hope I can be a volunteer of Animal Group. Tm Li Yang. I'm 15 years old. I like feeding small animals, sports, reading. I a

51、m a very loving boy. I often help others. I like small animals and want to help them.【解析】【詳解】這是一篇給材料作文。本文給出了一些要點,并給出了作文的開頭。我們要做的就是用正 確的英語把要點表達出來,并適當發(fā)揮想象說出自己的觀點。動筆前要認真閱讀材料,不 要遺漏要點,并適當發(fā)揮。根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容可知本文主要是用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)來寫,要注意主 謂一致等問題。寫作中要適當使用連詞,注意上下文聯(lián)系緊密,符合邏輯關系【點睛】這篇短文用正確的語句表達了每一個要點。學習中注意總結(jié),牢記一些固定句式及短語,寫作 時就可以適當引

52、用,使文章的表達更有邏輯性,更富有條理。二、中考英語完形填空匯編11.閱讀下而短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,從各小題的四個選項中 選出一個最佳等案,使短文連貫完整。John was a manager in a factory. He enjoyed running for exercise around the park when he was free.One Sunday afternoon, after running as usual, John 1 to go home and have a rest. Just then, he noticed an old wo

53、man standing by the road.2 old woman looked aroundworriedly. John went over and asked what 3 for her. After a short talk. John came toknow that she forgot her way home and got lost. Besides, she was very tired and hungry. John called the old woman's son and then took her to the 4 restaurant.In t

54、he restaurant, John ordered food and drink for the old woman 5 While eating,sometimes she carelessly sprinkled (撒)food and drink on the table and on her coat. Other customers felt disgusted (厭悲的)at this sight. 6 John didn't care about this. He stood up and cleaned the table from time to time 7 s

55、ilence.It took the old woman some time 8 eating. After that, John paid the bill and they were ready to leave when the old woman's son arrived. He held John's hands and said, “Thanks to your help, my mother 9 well" "You're welcome. She makes me remember my mom who died years ago

56、. I did what a son should do, "said John. All the 10 around showed respect (尊 敬)to John. They were touched by his kindness.1. A. decided B. has decided C. decides D. will decide2. A. AB. AnC. TheD./3. A. can he do B. he can doC. could he do D. he could do4. A. nearestB. nearerC. farthestD. fart

57、her5. A. politeB. politelyC. angryD. angrily6. A. AndB. ButC. OrD. So7. A. onB. forC. inD. with8. A. to finishB. finishC. finishesD. finished9. A. treatsB. is treatingC. was treated D. will be treated10. A. womanB. womenC. customerD. customers【答案】(1)A; (2) C; (3) D: (4) A; (5) B; (6) B; (7) C: (8) A

58、; (9) C: (10) D;【解析】【分析】本文介紹了 John熱心幫助老婦人的故事。(1)句意:一個星期天下午,像往常一樣跑步之后,約翰決定回家休息。根據(jù)One Sunday afternoon可知描述過去用一般過去時,故選Ac(2)句意:老婦人擔心地環(huán)顧四周。old woman是特指上文出現(xiàn)的,故用定冠詞the,故 選Co(3)句意:約翰走過去問她能為他做什么。賓語從句是語序是特殊疑問詞+陳述句語序, 主句是asked, 一般過去時,故從句也是一般過去時,could是can的過去式,he could do 是陳述句語序,故選D。(4)句意:約翰打電話給老婦人的兒子,然后帶她去了最近的餐館。根據(jù)the定冠詞可 知此處是最高級,故選A。(5)句意:在餐館里,約翰禮貌地為老婦人點了食物和飲料。A禮貌的,形容詞,B禮 貌地,副詞,c生氣的,形容詞,D生氣地,副詞,副詞修飾動詞ordered ,點餐是禮貌 的,故選放(6)句意:但是約翰不在乎這個。根據(jù)customers felt disgusted顧客感到厭惡 和John didn't care about this約翰不在乎這個是轉(zhuǎn)折關系,故是but,但是,故選B。(7)句意:他站起來,默默地時不時地擦擦桌子。in silence,固定搭配,默默地,故選Co(8)句意:這位老


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