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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上地理專業(yè)英語geography 地理 geographer 地理學家 hemisphere 半球 meridian 子午線,經(jīng)線 parallel 平行圈,緯線 latitude 經(jīng)度 longitude 精度 elevation 海拔 altitude 高度 temperate latitudes 溫帶地區(qū) horizon 地平線 equator 赤道 tropics 熱帶地區(qū) Arctic 北極 Antarctic(Antarctica) 南極 expedition 探險 time zone 時區(qū) topography 地形,地形學 plain 平原 platea

2、u (highland) 高地 lowland 低地 basin 盆地 cavern (cave) 洞穴 terrain 地域 subterranean ( underground) 地底下 coastland 沿海地區(qū) island 島嶼 continental island 大陸島 volcanic island 火山島 coral island 珊瑚島 islet 小島 peninsular 半島 continent 大陸 continental shelf 大陸架 ranges 山脈 valley 峽谷 canyon 峽谷 channel (strait) 海峽 remote-sens

3、ing 遙感的 terrestrial 地球的,陸地的 terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地熱 terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁 continental drift 大陸漂移學說 sea-floor spreading 海床擴展 evaporation 蒸發(fā) salinity 含鹽度 ocean bottom 海床 sediment 沉淀物,沉積物 tropical 熱帶的 temperate 溫帶的 frigid 寒帶的 formation 形成 frost heaving 凍脹現(xiàn)象 fieldstone 卵石physi

4、cal geography 自然地理economic geography 經(jīng)濟地理geopolitics 地理政治論ethnography 民族志cosmography 宇宙志cosmology 宇宙論geology 地理學toponymy 地名學oceanography 海洋學meteorology 氣象學orography 山志學hydroaraphy 水文學vegetation 植被relief 地形,地貌climate 氣候Earth 地球,大地Universe, cosmos 宇宙world 世界globe 地球儀earth, globe 地殼continent 大陸terra fi

5、rma 陸地coast 海岸archipelago 群島peninsula 半島island 島plain 平原valley 谷地meadow (小)草原prairie (大)草原lake 湖泊pond 池塘marsh, bog, swamp 沼澤small lake 小湖lagoon 瀉湖moor, moorland 荒原desert 沙漠dune 沙丘oasis 綠洲savanna, savannah (南美)大草原virgin forest 原始森林steppe 大草原tundra 凍原a horizon 腐殖堆積層aa lava 塊熔巖abandoned field 撩荒地abando

6、ned lands 撩荒地abandoned mine 廢棄礦山abandoned shoreline 舊岸線aberration 像差abiogenesis 自然發(fā)生abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 水蝕ablation moraine 消融冰磧abnormality 反常aboriginal 土著的abrasion 海蝕abrasion platform 浪蝕臺地abrasion shore 浪蝕海岸abrasion surface 浪蝕面abrasion terrace 海蝕階地abrasive 研磨劑abrupt slope 陡坡abrupt textural

7、change 質(zhì)地突變abscissa 橫坐標absolute age 絕對年齡absolute age determination 絕對年代測定absolute age of groundwater 地下水絕對年齡absolute altitude 絕對高度absolute amplitude 絕對振幅absolute chronology 絕對年代absolute convergence 絕對收斂absolute dating 絕對年代測定absolute error 絕對誤差absolute extremes 絕對極值absolute geochronology 絕對地質(zhì)年代學Word

8、and phrase1. core; mantle; crust 地核;地幔;地殼4. continental crust 大陸地殼5. granite; basalt 花崗巖;玄武巖6. sial; sima 硅鋁層;硅鎂層7. surface waves; body . 面波;體波8. epicentre; focus 震中;震源9. lithosphere 巖石圈10. tectonic plate 構(gòu)造板塊11. continetal drift 大陸漂移12. asthenosphere 軟流層13. ocean ridge 洋脊14. ocean trench 海溝15. subd

9、uction 俯沖作用16. volcanism 火山作用17. fold mountain 褶皺山脈18. fold; fault 褶皺;斷層19. sedimentary rocks 沉積巖20. vent 火山口21. lava 熔巖22.volcanic cones 火山錐23. parasitic cone 寄生火山錐24. plug 巖頸25. volcanic ash 火山灰26. mechanical weathering 機械風化27. chemical weathering 化學風化28. freeze-thaw 凍融29. pressure release 卸荷釋重30.

10、limestone 石灰?guī)r31. hydrolysis 水解作用32. quartz 石英33. hydration 水合作用34. oxidation 氧化作用35. alluvium 沖擊層36. gravel 砂礫37. denudation 剝蝕作用38. precipitation 降水39. climatic zone 氣候帶40. mid-latitude 中緯度41. semi-arid 半干旱42. tropical wet-dry 熱帶干濕季氣候43. watershed 分水嶺44. drainage basin 流域45. regolith 風化層46. soil cr

11、eep 土壤蠕動47. mass movement 塊體運動48. strata 地層49. overland runoff 地表徑流50. sheet wash 片狀沖刷51. pediment 山前侵蝕平原(山足面)52. rockfall 山崩53. landslide 滑坡54. interception 截流55. evapotranspiration 蒸發(fā)和蒸騰總量56. capillary rise 毛管上升57. aeration zone 包氣帶58. overland flow ; interflow ; base flow 地表徑流;壤中流;地下徑流59. water t

12、able 潛水面(水位)60. basin length; area 流域長度;流域面積61. tributary 支流;62. trunk stream 干流63. drainage density 河網(wǎng)密度64. flood plain 泛濫平原65. coniferous tree 松樹67. inselberg 島狀山68. equator 赤道69. monsoon 季風70. storm hydrograph 暴雨水文曲線71. discharge 流量72. peak flow 洪峰流量73. rainfall peak 降水峰值74. precipitation intensi

13、ty 降水強度75. land use 土地利用76. water-born waste 水成廢棄物77. heavy metal 重金屬78. climatology 氣候?qū)W79. urban heat island 城市熱島80. deciduous trees 落葉樹81. upper ;middle ; lower reach 上中下游82. vertical erosion 下切侵蝕83. headward erosion 溯源侵蝕84. lateral erosion 側(cè)蝕85. pot-hole 壺穴86. meander 曲流87. ox-bow lake 牛軛湖88. del

14、ta 三角洲89. lake basin 湖盆90. levee 天然提91. rill and gully erosion 細溝、沖溝侵蝕92.clay;silt;sand;粘土;粉砂;砂93. suspended sediment 懸浮沉積物94. atmospherical fallout 大氣沉降95. laminar flow 層流96. turbulent flow 紊流97. riffle; pool 淺灘;深槽98. channel roughness 河道粗糙度99. sandbar 沙壩100. thalweg 中泓線101. estuary 河口102. lagoon 瀉

15、湖103. salinity 鹽度104. coastline 海岸線105. dune 沙丘106. suspension; saltation; creep 懸移;躍移;蠕移107. dust storm 塵暴108. windward; leeward 迎風;背風109. prevailing wind 盛行風110. deflation hollow 風蝕凹地111. aridity 干燥度112. tropic of cancer 北回歸線113. tropic of capricorn 南回歸線114. gobi 戈壁115. continentality 大陸度116. cold

16、 ocean current 寒流117. plateau 高原118. alluvial fan 沖積扇119. pediplanation 山麓夷平作用120. deflation 風蝕121. moraine 冰磧122. glacial;interglacial 冰期;間冰期123. Recent 全新世124. Quaternary Era 第四紀125. periglacial period 冰緣期126. nivation 冰蝕127. earth orbit 地球軌道128. plucking 挖蝕129. abrasion 磨蝕130. pyramidal peak 角峰13

17、1. arete 刃脊132. cirque 冰斗133. horn 角峰134. U-shaped valley (trough) U型谷135. fluvioglacial deposit 冰水沉積136. drumlin 鼓丘137. terminal moraine 終磧138. outwash plain 冰水沉積平原139. kettle hole 鍋穴140. wavelength 波長141. crest;trough 波峰;波谷142. wave period 周期143. wave frequency 波頻144. wave height 波高145. wave refra

18、ction 波浪折射146. tidal range 潮差147. stack 海蝕柱148. arch 海蝕拱橋149. headland 海岬150. troposphere (pause); strato-; meso-; thermo- 對流層(頂)、平流、中間、熱成151. pressure-gradient force 氣壓梯度力152. isobar 等壓線153. sub-tropical anticyclone 副熱帶高壓154. cirrus 卷云155. cumulus 積云156. stratus 層云157. cumulonimbus 積雨云158. convecti

19、on rain 對流雨159. thunderstorm 雷雨160. depression 低氣壓161. frontal rain 鋒面雨162. orographic rain 地形雨163. equatorial trough 赤道低壓槽164. front 鋒165. temperature inversion 逆溫166. soil texture 土壤質(zhì)地167. loam 壤土168. soil structure 土壤結(jié)構(gòu)169. soil moisture 土壤水分170. field capacity 田間持水量171. cation exchange capacity

20、陽離子交換量172. podzol 灰化土173. brown earth 褐土174. sandstone 砂巖175. gley 潛育土176. azonal soil 非地帶性土壤177. soil horizon 土層178. humification 腐殖化作用179. mineralisation 礦化作用180. eluviation 淋溶作用181. calcification 鈣化作用182. salinisation 鹽化作用183. gleying 潛育化作用184. illuviation 淀積作用185. savanna 熱帶稀樹草原(薩王納)186. saline

21、soil 鹽土187. biogeography 生物地理學188. biotic ; abiotic element 生物;非生物成分189. autotroph; heterotroph 自養(yǎng)生物;異養(yǎng)生物190. producer; consumer 生產(chǎn)者;消費者191. photosynthesis 光合作用192. herbivore 食草動物193. carnivore 食肉動物194. decomposer 分解者195. trophic pyramid 營養(yǎng)金字塔196. food web 食物網(wǎng)197. primary productivity 初級生產(chǎn)力198. gros

22、s productivity 總生產(chǎn)力199. net productivity 凈生產(chǎn)力200. continental shelf 大陸架201. succession(prisere) 演替202. climax community 頂級群落203. primary (secondary) succession 初級和次級演替English for Geography地理專業(yè)英語Lesson 1. Longitude and latitude 經(jīng)度和緯度P11Lesson 2. Rotation and revolution of the earth 地球的自轉(zhuǎn)和公轉(zhuǎn)P6 2Lesson

23、 4. The major classes of landforms主要地形類型P136Lesson 5 Delta plains 三角洲平原P168Lesson 6 Limestone caverns and karst landscapes石灰?guī)r洞和喀斯特景觀P21 8Lesson 7 Layers of the Earth 地球圈層P318Lesson 8 The rock cycle 巖石循環(huán)P439Lesson 9 Soil pedogenesis 成土作用p4810Lesson 10 Global scale circulation of the atmosphere全球大氣環(huán)流

24、P6211Lesson 11 The Hydrologic Cycle 水循環(huán)P7411Lesson 12 Three Model of Urban Land Use三種城市土地利用模式P9711Lesson 13 Air pollution cause and effects空氣污染原因和影響P16812Lesson 14 Hurricane 颶風P18212Lesson 1. LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE經(jīng)度和緯度1、 The location of points on the earths surface follows a system in which lengths

25、 of arc are measured along meridians and parallels;測定地球表面上點的位置是按照沿著子午線(經(jīng)線)和緯線測量弧長的方法進行的2、 that desired point 欲量算的點3、 the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 經(jīng)度的定義4、 the longitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of

26、a parallel between that place and the prime meridian 某地的經(jīng)度系該地與本初子午線之間的緯線的弧的度數(shù)5、 almost universally 幾乎一致6、 The prime meridian is almost universally accepted as the meridian that passes through the old Royal Observatory at Greenwich人們幾乎一致承認以通過格林尼治皇家天文臺原址的子午線作為本初子午線7、 be referred to as 被稱為8、 Long. 115。

27、1802 116。5615E;Lat. 23。2510 24。4630W梅州市9、 If only 只要 要是、就好,但愿e.g. If only it clear up, well go. 只要天一放晴,我們就走e.g. If only you had worked with great care. 你要是更細心一點該多好啊。e.g. If only he arrives in time. 但愿他及時趕到10、 If only the longitude of a point is stated 如果只有,如果只11、 the same arc of measure 相同的量算弧度appli

28、es to an entire meridian.12、 apply to + 名詞或動名詞 適用于、請求幫忙e.g. For particulars, the information desk 請求幫忙13、 the expression 詞語14、 “a meridian of longitude” 經(jīng)度子午線15、 The actual length, in kilometers or miles, of a degree of longitude經(jīng)度一度的實際長度(以公里或英里計)16、 It is also useful to know that the length of 1

29、76;of longitude is reduced to about one-half as much along the 60°parallels, or about 55.5km(34.5mi) 到了60度緯線,經(jīng)度一度的弧的長度減少到原來長度的二分之一左右,即55.5公里。知道這一點也是有用的。17、 The latitude of a place is the arc, measured in degrees, of a meridian between that place and the equator. 緯度的定義18、 The latitude of a place

30、 is the arc, measured in degrees, of a meridian between that place and the equator. 某地的緯度系該地與赤道之間子午線的弧的度數(shù)19、 when both the latitude and longitude of a place are given, it is accurately any precisely located with respect to the geographic grid.確定了一個地方的經(jīng)緯度,就可以在地里網(wǎng)格上精確地定出它的位置geographic grid 地理格網(wǎng)with re

31、spect to關(guān)于 、 對于e.g. In respect to the content this essay is good, but it is unsatisfactory in other respects.關(guān)于(至于)這文章的內(nèi)容是好的,但其他方面不理想20、 constant value 常值21、 for ordinary purposes 通常情況下22、 by no means 決不23、 large scale map 大比例尺地圖24、 small scale map 小比例尺地圖25、 A circle, fitted to the curvature of the

32、ellipse at the pole, is larger in radius than a circle fitted to the ellipse at the equator 與極地橢圓相吻合的圓,其半徑要比與赤道橢圓相吻合的圓的半徑大26、 at 15 intervals 每隔15度27、 The fixed star(sun)-planet -nebula-comet-meteor恒星-行星-星云-彗星-流星28、 Sun Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, Neptune Pluto(×)29、 Th

33、e Pluto is dwarf planet(矮行星)Lesson 2. ROTATION AND REVOLUTION OF THE EARTH地球的自轉(zhuǎn)和公轉(zhuǎn) P6專心-專注-專業(yè)Rotation rutein 自轉(zhuǎn)Revolution rvlu:n 公轉(zhuǎn)Polarpul; 地極的axisæksis 軸Solar day 太陽日Solar hour 太陽時centrifugal sentrifjugl 離心的sidereal year 恒星年tropical year 回歸年Vernal v:nl 春天的equinox i:kwinks n. 二分點Vernal equinox

34、 春分(點)calendar year 歷年leap year 閏年Text1、 polar axis 極軸2、 period of rotation 自轉(zhuǎn)周期3、 mean 平均的、 中間的、鄙陋的mean solar day 平均太陽日mean solar hour 平均太陽時mean temperature ( velocity )平均氣溫mean motive 鄙陋的動機mean opinion 自卑感Take a mean course 采取折衷方法4、 This day is the average time required for the earth to make one c

35、omplete turn in respect to the sun. 平均太陽日系地球?qū)μ柖酝瓿梢淮巫赞D(zhuǎn)所需的平均時間in respect to / with respect to 關(guān)于5、 applying one of the following rules 采用下列法則之一6、 Globe 地球儀Equator 赤道North Pole 北極Parallel 緯線Meridian 經(jīng)線The Prime Meridian 本初子午線north pole of the Earth 地球北極counter 反的 、 逆的counterclockwise 逆時針Counteract 反作

36、用Countermeasure 對策7、 the apparent motion of the sun 視太陽運動apparent 明顯的,表觀的,外顯的,視 angle 視角;solar time 視太陽時body 天體8、 The velocity of earth rotation, defined as rate of travel of a point on the earths surface in a circular path due to rotation alone, may easily be computed by dividing the length of para

37、llel at the latitude of the point in question by 24, the approximate period of rotation.地球自轉(zhuǎn)速度的定義是地面上某一點僅由于自轉(zhuǎn)而沿圓形軌道運動的速率,用該點所在緯度的緯線長度除以24(自轉(zhuǎn)的近似周期),就可以很容易算出地球的速度。in question 正被討論的the point in question 該點the job in question 該項工作the book in question 該書9、 at constant rate 以恒定的速率10、 two important physica

38、l phenomena result from the decrease in rotational velocity with increase in latitude.自轉(zhuǎn)速度隨緯度增加而減小,這導(dǎo)致了兩個重要的自然現(xiàn)象physical phenomena 自然現(xiàn)象result from 起因于11、 there is a centrifugal force generated by the earths turning which gives surface objects a faint tendency to fly off into space地球自轉(zhuǎn)產(chǎn)生了離心力,它使地面上的物體

39、略有脫離地球飛向太空的趨勢centrifugal force 離心力12、 this effect is most marked;be marked;be obvious;be outstanding 顯著的13、 For example, an object which would weigh 289 pounds at the equator if the earth were not turning actually weighs l pound less.例如,一個在赤道上的物體在地球不轉(zhuǎn)動的情況下重289磅,它稱起來實際上要輕1磅14、 Another effect of the d

40、ecreasing rotational velocity with increasing latitude is to cause objects in motion to be deflected slightly to the right or left of their paths.自轉(zhuǎn)速度隨緯度增高而減小的另一個影響,是使運動物體或左或右地稍許偏離軌道15、 the Ecliptic plane 黃道面16、 For example, the time required for the earth to return to a given point in its orbit wit

41、h reference to the fixed stars is called the sidereal year.例如,以某些恒星為參照物,地球轉(zhuǎn)回軌道上特定的某一點所需要的時間為恒星年。the fixed stars 恒星with reference to 以.為參照sidereal year 恒星年17、 For earth-sun relationships we use the tropical year, which is the period of time from one vernal equinox to the next, and has a length of app

42、roximately 3651/4 days.我們用回歸年來表示地球與太陽之間的關(guān)系,回歸年是從一個春分點到下一個春分點的時間周期,長約365.25天。18、 The vernal Equinox 春分日 Arctic Circle 北極圈The summer solstice 夏至日 Antarctic Circle 南極圈The autumnal Equinox 秋分日 polar day 極晝The winter solstice 冬至日 polar night 極夜19、 tropic (天)回歸線the tropic of Cancer (巨蟹座)北回歸線the tropic of

43、Capricorn(摩羯座)南回歸線20、 tropical 熱帶的the tropical zone 熱帶the temperate zone 溫帶the frigid one; 寒帶the tropical storm 熱帶風暴;21、 hurricane 颶風Severe ocean storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.Storms that form over the northwestern Pacific Ocean are typhoons.And storms that form over

44、the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean are hurricanes22、 Every four years the extra one-fourth day difference (between the tropical years and the calendar year of 365 days )accumulates to nearly one whole day .23、 By inserting a 29th day in February every leap year we are able to correct t

45、he calendar with respect to the tropical year.每逢閏年,在二月份加上第29天,我們就能根據(jù)回歸年來校正年歷。24、 Further minor corrections are necessary to perfect this system.為了完善這個系統(tǒng),有必要再作一些小的修正25、 In its orbit the earth moves in such a direction that if we imagine ourselves in space, looking down upon the earth and sun so as to

46、 see the north pole of the earth, the earth is traveling counterclockwise around the sun. This is the same direction of turning as the earth rotation.Lesson 4. THE MAJOR CLASSES OF LANDFORMS主要地形類型 P131、 four very general types 4種非?;\統(tǒng)的類型2、 general 一般的、總的、全面的、大體的、籠統(tǒng)的a outline 大綱He speaks in terms. 他籠統(tǒng)

47、地說了說3、 plain4、 be susceptible to + n = can be done 可被- - -的e.g. The problem is to solution= The problem can be solved.5、 However, it is the horizontal (dimension) rather than the vertical dimension which predominates in plains country但是,在平原地區(qū)占優(yōu)勢的是水平維而不是垂直維horizontal dimension and vertical dimension

48、; 水平維和垂直維plains country 平原地區(qū)hilly 丘陵地區(qū)6、 To a degree 一定程度上7、 To qualify as plateaus in the strictest sense5, such areas should be terminated on at least one side by a steep edge, or escarpment, marking an abrupt transition from the plateau surface to areas at a lower elevation.嚴格地說,要達到高原的標準,這種地區(qū)至少應(yīng)有

49、一側(cè)是陡峭的邊緣(即陡崖),表現(xiàn)為從高原表面到低海拔地區(qū)呈現(xiàn)突然的過渡。To qualify as 為了達到-標準Marking 表現(xiàn)為8、 However, the word “plateau” is often used loosely in referring to relatively level areas lying at considerable heights, whether terminated by a definite escarpment or not但是,高原這個詞常常不嚴格地用來指高度相當大、相對平坦的地區(qū),而不管其盡頭有無陡崖。considerably high 相當高Comparatively high 比較高9、 well-defined pla


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