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1、英語六級口語資料為適應國家改革開放的需要,“全國大學英語四、六級考試委員會”從 1999 年 11 月起已在部分城市開始實施大學英語四、六級考試口語考試( CET Spoken English Test ) 申請參加口語考試的考生必須是已經(jīng)獲得大學英語四、六級考試證書的在校生,四級成績過550,六級成績過520。 四、六級口語考試 2004 年已在全國 28 個省市的 34 個城市設立了考點口語考試成績合格者由教育部高等教育司發(fā)給證書,證書分為 A、 B 、 C 三個等級,成績低于 C 等的不發(fā)給證書大學英語四、六級考試口語考試能力等級標準如下:等級等 級 描 述A 等能用英語就熟悉的題材進行

2、口頭交際,基本上沒有困難B 等能用英語就熟悉的題材進行口頭交際,雖有些困難,但不影響交際C 等能用英語就熟悉的題材進行簡單的口頭交際D 等尚不具有英語口頭交際能力一、評分標準 CET-SET 主考在評分時使用以下標準: a. 準確性 指考生的語音、語調以及所使用的語法和詞匯的準確程度 b. 語言范圍 指考生使用的詞匯和語法結構的復雜程度和范圍 c. 話語的長短 指考生對整個考試中的交際所作的貢獻、講話的多少 d. 連貫性 指考生有能力進行較長時間的、語言連貫的發(fā)言 e. 靈活性 指考生應付不同情景和話題的能力 f. 適切性 指考生根據(jù)不同場合選用適當確切的語言的能力 二、語言功能CET-SET

3、 考試要求考生參與不同形式的口頭交際,其語言能力將根據(jù)其在考試中的表現(xiàn)予以測量。考生需要掌握的語言功能和意念在大學英語教學大綱中已明確列出。以下僅列舉其中部分的語言功能和意念。友好往來問候,介紹,告別和告辭,祝愿和祝賀,感謝和應答,道歉和應答,提議、邀請和應答。相互交流開始交談,繼續(xù)交談,改變話題,停止交談。態(tài)度愿意,希望,意向,決心,責任,能力,允許,禁止,同意和不同意, 否定,喜歡和不喜歡,偏愛,責怪和抱怨,判斷、決定和意見。勸說命令,勸告和建議,承諾,提醒。感情焦慮,驚奇,興趣,加重感情色彩。存在存在和不存在,有和沒有。空間描述位置,方向,運動,距離。時間時刻,時段,時間關系,頻度,時序

4、。發(fā)表意見和看法詢問意見和看法,發(fā)表意見和看法,對意見和看法的反應,同意,不同意,要求澄清,澄清意見和看法。爭辯討論,討論觀點,反駁論點,提出進一步論證,勸說和對勸說的反應。三、考試形式CET-SET 考試分三部分:第一部分是考生和 CET 授權的主考進行交談,采用問答的形式。時間約 5 分鐘。第二部分包括 1.5 分鐘的考生個人發(fā)言和 4.5 分鐘的小組討論。時間共約 10 分鐘。第三部分由主考再次提問以進一步確定考生的口頭交際能力。時間約 5 分鐘。四、輸入信息CET-SET 考試運用以下兩種形式的輸入信息來產(chǎn)生信息差:1)畫面提示(如圖片、圖表、照片等);2)文字提示。五、標準描述語言準

5、確性和范圍話語的長短和連貫性語言靈活性和適切性5 分 語法和詞匯基本正確 表達過程中詞匯豐富、語法結構較為復雜 發(fā)音較好,但允許有一些不影響理解的母語口音 在討論有關話題時能進行較長時間的、語言連貫的發(fā)言,但允許由于無法找到合適的詞語而造成的偶爾停頓 能夠自然、積極地參與討論 語言的使用總體上能與語境 、功能和目的相適應4 分 語法和詞匯有一些錯誤,但未嚴重影響交際 表達過程中詞匯較豐富 發(fā)音尚可 能進行較連貫的發(fā)言,但多數(shù)發(fā)言較簡短 組織思想和搜尋詞語時頻繁出現(xiàn)停頓,有時會影響交際 能夠較積極地參與討論,但有時內容不切題或未能與小組成員直接交流 語言的使用基本上能與語境、功能和目的相適應3

6、分 語法和詞匯有錯誤,且有時會影響交際 表達過程中詞匯不豐富,語法結構較簡單 發(fā)音有缺陷,有時會影響交際 發(fā)言簡短 組織思想和搜尋詞語時頻繁出現(xiàn)較長時間的停頓,影響交際,但能夠基本完成交際任務 不能積極參與討論,有時無法適應新話題或討論內容的改變2 分 語法和詞匯有較多錯誤,以致妨礙理解 表達過程中因缺乏詞匯和語法結構而影響交際 發(fā)音較差,以致交際時常中斷 發(fā)言簡短且毫無連貫性,幾乎無法進行交際 不能參與小組討論大學英語四六級考試口語考試樣題CET Spoken English TestSample PaperTopic A - 1Topic Area : City LifeTopic : C

7、ity TrafficPart 1 (5 minutes)Examiner:Good morning (Good afternoon), everybody. Could you please tell me your name and the number of your admission ticket? Your name, please. And your number? Your name? And your number? . Thank you.Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other? Rem

8、ember, you should not mention the name of your university. (1.5 minutes)OK, now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, Id like to ask each of you to say something about life in the city. C1, C2, C3 1) How do you like living in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing )?2) What do you t

9、hink is the most serious challenge of living in a city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing )?3) How do you like shopping in a supermarket?4) Where would you like to live, downtown or in the suburbs, and why?5) What measures do you think we should take to reduce air pollution in Beijing ( Shanghai , Na

10、njing )?6) Can you say something about the entertainment available in your city?7) Where would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai or in a small town and why?8) Whats your impression of the people in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing )?Part 2 (10 minutes)Examin

11、er:Now lets move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “City Traffic”. Youll have a picture (some pictures) showing two different types of transport. Id like each of you to give a brief description of each type and then compare the two types. Youll have one minute to p

12、repare and each of you will have one and a half minutes to talk about the picture(s). Dont worry if I interrupt you at the end of the time limit. Now here are your pictures.1 minute laterNow, C1 , would you please start first? C2 and C3 , please put your pictures aside and listen to what C1 has to s

13、ay.1.5 minutes later OK. C2 , now its your turn.1.5 minutes later OK, C3 , and now its your turn.Right. Now we all have some idea of various kinds of city transport. Id like you to discuss this topic further and see if you can agree on which is the best type of transport for a big city like Beijing

14、( Shanghai , Nanjing ). During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. You will have about four and a half minutes for the discussion. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.If one candidate talks too lon

15、gSorry, Ill have to stop you now. Lets listen to what C? has to say.If one candidate keeps silent for a long time / If the group is silent for some time, then ask one of the candidates to start the discussion.Now, C? , could you please say something about your view of ?4.5 minutes laterAll right, th

16、ats the end of the discussion.Part 3 (5 minutes)Examiner:Now Id like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “City Traffic”.Select a question from the following list to ask each of the candidates. C1 or C2 or C3 During the discussion, why did you say that . ? What kind of transport do you

17、usually use in your city? Do you have any suggestions as to how traffic conditions can be improved in big cities? Do you think private cars should be encouraged? Why do you think some Western countries encourage people to ride bicycles?Now, thats the end of the test. Thank you, everybody.內容體例舉例主考用語

18、:黑體Good morning.對主考的提示 : 白體 Interrupt him/her if 變量(考生姓名) :斜體C1時間提示 :( 白體 )(5 minutes)過程說明 :斜體Part 1可變換的內容 :( )Good morning (Good afternoon)1.Ive won first prize.我得了第一名。A:Mom,I won first prize in the speech contest.媽,我演講比賽得了第一名!B:Really?Youre our hero!真的嗎?你是我們的英雄!Were going to meet the teacher at th

19、e parent-teacher conference.我們將在家長會和老師見面。A:Honey,dont forget the parent-teacher conference this Thursday!親愛的別忘了這個星期四的家長會喔!B:I wont.Its the first time were going to meet Sallys teacher.我不會,這可是我們第一次和Sally的老師見面。The teacher punished me for talking during class.老師因為我上課講話而處罰了我。Daddy.my History teacher pun

20、ished me by making me pick up the garbage today.爸爸,今天歷史老師罰我去撿垃圾了。B:Mm.,Serves you right!你自找的!How do you celebrate your birthday?你怎么慶祝你的生日?How do you celebrate your birthday?你怎么慶祝你的生日?B:I always go to a very nice restaurant with my family.我都是和家人們一起去一家很好的餐廳吃飯。We are going to Marys birthday party this

21、Saturday.我們將在這個星期六去參加Mary的生日派對。A:I am going to invite the whole class to my birthday party.我要邀請全班來參加我的生日派對。B:All right. But you have to help me decorate the garden.好吧,不過你得幫我裝點花園2.Whats your plan for the weekend?你對周末有何計劃?A:whats your plan for the summer?你夏天有何計劃?B:Well,lm going to fly to Bali and enjo

22、y a sunny holiday on the beach.我要去巴厘島.在沙灘上享受一個陽光假期.I am gonna join a package tour to Banff,Canada.我要參加一個加拿大班夫國家公園的跟團旅游.Im going to join a package tour to Spain.我要參加一個西班牙的跟團旅游.B:Really?I always wanted to go to spain. How much does it cost?真的嗎!一直想去西班牙,費用是多少?It is cold.好冷喔.A:Its so cold in the winter.冬

23、天的時候好冷喔!B:Why dont you spend your winter vacation in Austratia?何不考慮去澳大利亞過寒假?Im going to travel around France by train.我要搭火車游法國。A:Im going to travel around Europe by train.我要搭火車游歐洲.B:Good.Its one of the best ways to see Europe.不錯啊,這是游覽歐洲最好的方法之一.How are you going to celebrate Christmas?你要怎么慶祝圣誕節(jié)?A:How

24、 are you going to celebrate the New Year?你要怎么慶祝新年?My friends and I are going to drive down to GuangZhou and spend the holiday there.我要和朋友一起開車南下到廣州去過節(jié).Any plans for the weekend?對周末有何計劃?A:Any plans for the weekend?周末有什么計劃嗎?B:I am going to Conghua to enjoy the hot springs.我們打算去Conghua泡溫泉去.I am gonna ea

25、t a lot and have a lot of fun during the Chinese New Year.過中國新年時.我要拚命吃、拚命玩!A:My Japanese friends are comjng to visit me during the Chinese New Year.我的日本朋友過新年的時候要來找我玩。B:Why dont you take them to the National Palace Museum?何不帶他們去參觀故宮?I like to go stay cool.我喜歡去避暑.A:Its so hot,but I know where to go to

26、 stay Cool.天氣真熱但我知道該去哪兒避暑.B:Really?Are we thinking about the same place?是嗎?我們想的是不是同一個地方Im tired of working all the time.我對一直工作感到厭煩.A:Im tired of working all the time.一直工作一直工作累死了.B:You need to get away from your work.你該離開工作好好休息一番.Why dont you take a couple of days off?為何不請幾天假呢?We are going to the Gre

27、ek islands for our honeymoon.我們要去希臘群島度蜜月!A:Surprise,honey!I have arranged a hollday on the ferry.cruising around the Greek islands.驚喜吧親愛的!我已經(jīng)安排了一個郵輪假期喔.我們要游遍希臘群島.Great!WelI have a fantastic honeymoon.太好了,我們將會有很棒的蜜月旅行.Ive booked the ticket and the hotel for you.我已經(jīng)幫您訂好了機票和飯店.A:Miss Lin,have you booke

28、d the ticket and the hotel for me?林小姐。你幫我訂機票和飯店了嗎?B:Yes.Mr.Tabner.Its done.是的,Tabner先生,都已經(jīng)辦好了。Please check it now before its too late.請現(xiàn)在就檢查,免得太晚來不及.A:I am flying to the States next month.下個月我就要飛去美國了.but Im not sure If my visa is still valid.可是我還不確定簽證是否還有效.B:Why dont you go and check it right now be

29、fore its too late?那你現(xiàn)在就趕緊檢查一下免得太晚來不及?Were ready to go.我們都準備好了可以出發(fā)了.A:Sweetheart!Have we got everything with us?親愛的,我們東西都帶齊了嗎?B:Let me see.passports,tickets ,our suitcases and money. Yes, were ready to go!讓我看看護照、機票,我們的手提箱和鈔票。是的,都準備好了3. Are you new here?你是新搬來的嗎?A:Hi,are you new here?你好。你是新搬來的嗎?B:Yes.I

30、 just moved in yesterday.是的,昨天才搬來的。Well water the plants for you.我們會幫你們澆水的.A:Mrs.Wilson,well be away for two weeks.Wilson太太,我們會離開兩個星期.B:Dont worry.Ill help you water the plants in the garden.放心,花園里的植物我會幫你們澆水的.I think we should call the police.我想我們應該要報警.A:Harry, the Jackson family is away,but I saw l

31、ights on their house.Jackson一家人出遠門去了,可是我看見他們的屋子里有燈光.B:I think we should call the police.我想我們應該要報警.Thats what neighbors are for.這是鄰居應該做的.A:Mrs.Wilson.this is a souvenir from Hawaii.Wilson太太,這是從夏威夷帶回來的紀念品.B:You dont have to do that.您太客氣了.Well keep an eye on it for you.我們會替你注意的.Honey,Miss Thompson is a

32、way on business.親愛的,Thompson小姐出差去了.Then we should keep an eye on her house for her.那我們就多幫她注意她的房子.I am new here.我是新來的。Hi,Im new here and this is some cheesecake I made for my neighbors.你好,我是新搬來的,這是我為鄰居們做的.Oh,thank you.Thats really nice of you!真是謝謝,你人真不錯!Its just the alarm clock.那只是鬧鐘聲.Honey ,is that

33、noise an alarm from next door?親愛的,那噪音是從隔壁傳來的警報器聲嗎?No,its just their alarm clock,dont worry.不是啦,那只是他們的鬧鐘聲,別擔心。Never mind!不要在意!Mr.Malone,I am sorry about the noisy music last night.01:35.90Malone先生昨晚的音樂太大聲了真是抱歉。Never mind. It was not so loud acturally.不要在意,實際上聲音并不太大4.Would you like to come to my birth

34、day party?要不要來參加我的生日派對?Timmy ,would you like to come to my birthday party this Saturday?要不要來參加我在星期六舉行的生日派對?Id love to.Thank you for inviting me.當然好,謝謝你的邀請!Id love to come/go.我很高興來/去.A:Mom,Ive tidied up my new apartment.Would you like to see it?媽,我的新公寓終于打掃干凈了.你想不想來看一下?B:Of course Id love to come.當然要,

35、我會來的.would you like to join the housewarming party this Friday night?這個星期五晚上你想不想?yún)⑿戮尤胱∨蓪?Jennifer, would you like to come to my housewarming party this Friday night?Jennifer,星期五晚上要不要來參加我的派對?B:Oh!Id love to. I love parties.太棒了!一定會去,我最愛派對了.We like to go to KTV on Friday nights.我們喜歡在星期五晚去KTV唱歌.A:I bough

36、t a whole set of Karaoke stereo equipment.我買了成套的卡啦OK音響設備.Great! We like to go to KTV. But now we can save the money.B:太棒了!我們喜歡去KTV.現(xiàn)在我們可以省錢了。5.What Would you like to have?你要吃點什么?A:What Would you like to have for a breakfast?早餐要吃點什么?B:A cup of coffee is fine.一杯咖啡就好。boiled/sunny-side up.水煮蛋/荷包蛋。A:Woul

37、d you like your egg boiled or sunnyside up?您要水煮蛋還是荷包蛋?B:Boiled,please.水煮蛋,謝謝。I prefer a chinese breakfast.我偏愛中式早點。A:I prefer a traditional Chinese breakfast.我偏愛傳統(tǒng)中式早點。B:So what is that?有什么呢?What flavor would you like?你想要什么口味呢?A:Can I have jam on my toast?麻煩您,我想要一些果醬涂吐司.B:What flavor Would you like?S

38、trawberry or marmalade?您要什么口味呢?草莓還是橘子的?Id like to have a bowl of Soybean milk and a bun.我要一碗豆?jié){和一個包子.A:Id like to have a bowl of Soybean milk and a bun,please!我要一碗豆?jié){和一個包子,謝謝!B:That will be 2,please.麻煩您,一共是2元。What Would you like to drink?您要喝點什么?A:What Would you like to drink for breakfast?您的早餐要來點什么飲料?

39、B:What do you have?你們提供的有哪些?I would like to have a pot of tea,please!那么我要一壺茶謝謝。A:We have fresh juice,tea and coffee.我們有提供新鮮果汁、茶和咖啡。B:Then,Id like a pot of tea and a glass of tomato juice,please!那么我要一壺茶和一杯蕃茄汁,謝謝!Is this included?請問這個有包括在費用之內?Excuse me,is the breakfast included in the charges?請問這個費用有包

40、括早餐嗎?Yes, and breakfast is avalible until 11 am.是的,早餐供應到上午11點6.Do we have any cookies?我們還有沒有餅干?A:Do we have any cookies?我們還有沒有餅干?No,we ran out of cookies.沒有了.Ill go get some more in the supermarket.我會去超市買一些。Did you see my shopping list?有沒有看到我的采購清單?Tommiy .Did you see my shopping list?Tommiy,有沒有看到我的采

41、購清單?Its in your pocket.就在你口袋里!Can we get some potato chips?可不可以買點土豆片?Can we get some potato chips?可不可以買點土豆片?Sure Why not?當然,為什么不?Dont forget the conditioner!別忘了護發(fā)素!A:I think we need to buy shampoo.我想該買洗發(fā)精了。B:Yes,and dont forget the conditioner.是啊.別忘了護發(fā)素.Which One should I get?到底我該拿哪一個?A:Which One sh

42、ould I get?Frozen or fresh?到底我該拿哪一個?冷凍的還是新鮮的?B:Ill take the frozen one,its a lot cheaper.我會買冷凍的,便宜多了.Organic products are on sale.綠色食品有大拍賣喔.A:Organic products are on sale!綠色食品有大拍賣喔!B:Really?We should get some then.真的嗎?那我們趕快去買一些。Excuse me.where are the dairy products?請問乳類制品在哪里?A:Excuse me.where are t

43、he dairy products?請問乳類制品在哪里?B:Theyre in Aisle J.在走道J區(qū).Excuse me,do you have strawberries?請問你們有草莓嗎?A:Excuse me,do you have strawberries?請問你們有草莓嗎?We dont have strawberries now.They are not in season.目前沒有。還不是上市的季節(jié)。全國大學英語四、六級考試-口語考試樣題College English Test-Spoken English Test Sample Paper Topic A - 12 Top

44、ic Area: Social IssuesTopic: Food SafetyPart 1 (3 minutes)Examiner:Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test. We wish you both good luck today. Now lets begin with self-introductions.Candidate A, would you please start? 20 secondsThank you. Candidate B, now its your turn. 20 secondsThank you. OK

45、, now that we know each other, lets go on. First, Id like to ask each of you a question.Now Candidate A: Where do you usually have your meals? How do you like the food there?Now Candidate A: Which dishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables? Why?Now Candidate A: Do you find the food in your canteen exp

46、ensive? Why do you say so?Now Candidate A: What snacks and drinks do you usually have? Why?Now Candidate A: Which do you prefer, Chinese dishes or Western dishes? Why?Now Candidate B: Where do you usually have your meals? How do you like the food there?Now Candidate B: Which dishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables? Why?Now Candidate B: Do


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