1、英語閱讀(三、(四教學大綱張立新編寫英語專業(yè)課程教學大綱172 目錄前言 (173一、概述 (173二、課程教學目的和基本要求 (173三、課程主要內容及學時分配 (174Unit One Roger and Molly (176Unit Two: The Roots of My Ambition (182Unit Three: New Technologies (184Unit Four : Dream Children: A Reverie (185Unit Five : The Million-Pound Note (186Unit Six : Jyre Eyre (188Unit Se
2、ven : Inaugural Address (190Unit Eight : In My Day (191Unit Nine : Those Crazy Ideas (192Unit Ten : Jeff Peters as a personal Magnet (193Unit Eleven : I Have a Dream (195Unit Twelve : Leeds Trams (197Unit Thirteen :Between Two Worlds (198Unit Fourteen :Father Sews on a Button (199Unit Sixteen ; Anot
3、her American Tragedy (201英語閱讀(四 Unit One What Life Means to Me (202Unit Two What Life Means to Me (II (203Unit Three Why I Write (204Unit Four Playhouse Memoranda (205Unit Five Two Casts of Mind (206Unit Six The Black and White Truth about Basketball (207Unit Seven Araby (209Unit Eight How should On
4、e Read a Book (210Unit Nine Impressions of America (211Unit Ten On Going a Journey (212Unit Eleven Long Walk to Forever (213Unit Twelve Grant and Lee (214Unit Thirteen A Modest Proposal (215Unit Fourteen So Long, So Long! (216Unit Fifteen If I were a Freshman Again (217英語閱讀(三、(四前言一、概述英語閱讀是是英語專業(yè)學生的一門
9、讀與理解技巧(猜測詞義、找段落及文章主題句、文章題材分析、文章寫作手法分析、難句理解、推斷作者的立場及態(tài)度等。(2必要的背景知識。(3就閱讀材料的內容進行討論,勤于思考,善于總結,并能掌握所讀材料的主要內容和中心思想。173英語專業(yè)課程教學大綱174 (4逐步提高對各種體裁的快速閱讀能力(計時性閱讀。(5通過閱讀課的學習,認知詞匯達到2,500-4,000(其中含中學已學2,000個,正確而熟練地使用其中的1,500-2,000個及其最基本的搭配。作業(yè)可以采用讀書報告,讀后感,文章改寫與縮寫,翻譯、回答問題等形式。三、課程主要內容及學時分配每課由課文A(TEXT A、課文B(TEXT B、練習
10、三大部分組成。本環(huán)節(jié)重點為課文A(TEXT A:Warm upText explanationVocabulary StudyQuiz課文B(TEXT B和練習(More Work on the Text為學生自學,教師統(tǒng)一課堂答疑解決學生學習問題。本課程共分為兩個學期完成,每周四學時,第一學期、第二學期分別為72學時First Semester英語閱讀(三Unit One 4學時Roger and MollyUnit Two 4學時The roots of My AmbitionUnit Three 4學時New TechnologiesUnit Four 4學時Dream Children
11、: A ReverieUnit Five 4學時The Million-Pond NoteUnit Six 4學時Jane EyreUnit Seven 4學時Inaugural AddressUnit Eight 4學時In My DayUnit Nine 4學時Those Crazy IdeasUnit Eleven 4學時I Have a DreamUnit Twelve 4學時Leeds TramsUnit Thirteen 4學時Between Two WorldsUnit Fourteen 4學時英語閱讀(三、(四Father Sews on a ButtonUnit Fiftee
12、n 4學時The PondsUnit Sixteen 4學時Another American TragedyReview 8學時Second Semester中冊Unit One 4學時What Life Means to Me(1Unit Two 4學時What Life Means to Me(2Unit Three 4學時Why I WriteUnit Four 4學時Playhouse MemorandaUnit Five 4學時Two Casts of MindUnit Six 4學時The Black and White about BasketballUnit Seven 4學時
13、ArabyUnit Eight 4學時How Should One Read a BookUnit Nine 4學時Impressions of AmericaUnit Eleven 4學時On Walk to ForeverUnit Twelve 4學時Grant and LeeUnit Thirteen 4學時A Modest ProposalUnit Fourteen 4學時So Long, So LongUnit Fifteen 4學時If I Were a Freshman AgainUnit Sixteen 4學時The Villain In the AtmosphereRevie
14、w 8學時175Unit One Roger and Molly1.About the author:Elizabeth Gaskell 1810-1865. Elizabeth Gaskell was born in 1810 as Elizabeth Stevenson to a former Unitarian(一神論者 minister as his youngest daughter in London in 1810. After the loss of her mother at the age of one, she was brought up by her aunt, Ha
15、nnah Lamb, who lived in Knutsford, a country town in the suburb of Manchester.Elizabeth shared her fathers religious beliefs and attended the local Unitarian chapel (教堂and taught Sunday School. At the age of eighteen, Elizabeths brother, John Stevenson was lost at sea. The news devastated her father
16、 and he went into a deep depression that he would never awake from. Elizabeth returned to her fathers household in London where she nursed him until his death in 1829.A distant relative, William Turner, a Unitarian minister in Newcastle, invited Elizabeth to live with his family. Elizabeths was deep
17、ly influenced by Turners religious beliefs and charitable works. On a visit to Turners daughter, who lived in Manchester, Elizabeth met William Gaskell, a minister at their local Unitarian chapel. They quickly developed a close friendship and were married on August 30th, 1832.Most of William Gaskell
18、s parishioners(教區(qū)居民were textile workers and Elizabeth was deeply shocked by the poverty she witnessed in Manchester. Elizabeth, like her husband, became involved in various charity work in the city.At the age of thirty-four, she lost her nine-month-old son. Mary Barton (1848, which was written in th
19、e effort to forget her grief, marked her debutdebutn.v.初次登場, 開張as a novelist. The novel also served to address key social issues such as urban poverty, Chartism and the emerging trade union movement. Gaskells novel shocked Victorian society, however it was greatly admired by other writers and she be
20、gan to associate with Charles Dickens, W. M. Thackeray, Charlotte Bronte, and George Eliot. Dickens was so impressed that he arranged for Gaskells next novel, Cranford, to be serialized in his journal, Household Words (1851-1853.Gaskell would write 48 more works including Ruth (1853, North and South
21、 (1855, Sylvias Lovers (1863, Wives and Daughters(1866, and approximately forty shorter fictions such as Cranford (1853 and Cousin Phillis (1863. In her books Gaskell expressed a deep sympathy for the poor and suggested the need for large-scale social reform. Gaskell also wrote an acclaimed biograph
22、y of Charlotte Bronte. This also created controversy and some allegedly依其申述 libellous 損害名譽的statements involving Charlottes brother Bramwell had to be removed before The Life of Charlotte Bronte(1857 could be published.Elizabeth Gaskell passed away suddenly 1865 in the company of her daughters at the
23、 age of fifty-five in the country house she purchased in Hampshire.Wives and DaughtersNovel by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published serially in the Cornhill Magazine (August 1864-January 1866 and then in book form in 1866; it was unfinished at the time of her death in November 1865. Known as her last,
24、 longest, and perhaps finest work, it concerns the interlocking連鎖 fortunes of several families in the country town of Hollingford. Wives and Daughters chronicles the maturation成熟 of Molly Gibson, a sincere young woman whose widowed father, the town doctor, marries Hyacinth Kirkpatrick, a charming bu
25、t petty卑鄙的widow and former governess in the household of Lord Cumnor.176Although Molly resents her stepmother, she befriends her stepsister Cynthia, who is secretly engaged to Lord Cumnors land agent, Mr. Preston. Molly is warmly received at the home of Squire Hamley and his disabled wife. The Hamle
26、ys two sons are Osborne, a clever but shallow man who marries unwisely and dies young, and Roger, an honest scientist who eventually marries Molly after being engaged to Cynthia, who ultimately weds a London barrister.Text B.Willa CatherWilla Cather was born on December 7, 1873 in Back Creek Valley
27、(a small farming community close to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. She was the eldest child of Charles Cather, a deputy Sheriff, and Mary Virginia Boak Cather. The family traces its ancestors to Ireland, from which they settled in Pennsylvania in the 1750s.In 1883 the Cather family moved to j
28、oin Willas grandparents William and Caroline and her uncle George in Webster County, Nebraska. At the time her family included Willas two brothers Roscoe and Douglass, a sister Jessica and her grandmother Rachel Boak who lived with them. A year later they moved to Red Cloud, a nearby railroad town,
29、where her father opened a loan and insurance office. The family never became rich or influential, and Willa attributed their lack of financial success to her father, whom she claimed placed intellectual and spiritual matters over the commercial. Her mother was a vain woman, mostly concerned with fas
30、hion and trying to turn Willa into a lady, in spite of the fact that Willa defied the norms for girls and cut her hair short and wore trousers. While living in the town Willa met Annie Sadilek, whom she later used for the Antonia character in My Antonia. Many of Willas characters are inspired by peo
31、ple she met in her youth. Another notable example is Olive Fremstad, an opera singer, who inspired the character Thea Kronborg in The Song of the Lark.Willa graduated from Red Cloud High School in 1890. She soon moved to the state capitol in Lincoln in order to study for the entrance at the Universi
32、ty of Nebraska. At this time Willa was actually interested in studying medicine. In Red Cloud she had spent time with and learned from a local doctor, and she dreamed of becoming a physician. But, when one of Willas stories for a writing class got published, she discovered a passion for writing had
33、been fermenting within her. In college, Willa spent time editing the school magazine and publishing articles and play reviews in the local papers. In 1892 she published her short story Peter in a Boston magazine, a story that later became part of her novel My Antonia. After graduating in 1895, she r
34、eturned to Red Cloud until she was offered a position editing Home Monthly in Pittsburgh.While editing the magazine, she wrote short stories to fill its pages. Between 1901 and 1906, Willa worked as a high school English teacher. During this time she wrote the stories that would be published in her
35、first collection, called the Troll Garden (1905. These stories brought her to the attention of S.S. McClure, owner of one of the most widely read magazines of the day. In 1906 Cather moved to New York to join McClures Magazine, initially as a member of the staff and ultimately as its managing editor
36、. During this time she met Sara Orne Jewett, a woman from Maine who inspired her to later write about Nebraska. In 1912, after five years with McClures, she left the magazine to have time for her own writing. After the publication of Alexanders Bridge, also in 1912, Cather visited the Southwest wher
37、e she was fascinated by the Anasazi cliff dwellings.In 1913 O Pioneers was published and in 1917 she wrote My Antonia while living in New Hampshire. By 1923 she had won the Pulitzer Prize for her One of Ours, and in this year her modernist177book A Lost Lady was published. At the time her novels foc
38、used on the destruction of provincial life and the death of the pioneering tradition.Perhaps overwhelmed by so much success, Cather suffered a period of despair reflected in the darker tones of the novels written during this period. Despite her problems, she wrote some of her greatest novels during
39、this period, such as The Professors House (1925, My Mortal Enemy (1926, and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927.From early on in her career, Cather was blessed not only with widespread popular success, but also with astonishing critical success. Each of her books was met with widespread praise and
40、admiration. This pattern began to change in the 1930s with the advent of Marxist Criticism. Marxist critics suggested that Cather did not understand or show concern for modern social issues, and they made fun of the romanticism which infused her stories. Whether or not Cather was affected by such cr
41、iticism, these years were made more difficult by the death of her mother, brothers and her good friend Isabelle McClung. Cather maintained an active writing career, publishing novels and short stories for many years until her death on April 24, 1947. At the time of her death, she ordered her letters
42、 burned. Though thousands of letters escaped destruction, Cathers will prevents their publication. Willa Cather was buried in New Hampshire; in Red Cloud, the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Foundation was created to honor her memory.My AntoniaFirst published in 1918, My ?ntonia is a modernist novel.
43、Modernism was a literary movement that began at the very end of the nineteenth century and continued until the end of the 1930s. It reached its peak during the 1920s, and it was characterized by a tone of experimentation. Authors innovated with narrative voice and structure, often foregoing linear p
44、lots in favor of more creative forms of narration. There was also a greater emphasis on a characters interiority?his thoughts, motivations, and unique consciousness. While My ?ntonia follows a conventional plot structure (with the exception of the frame narrative of the introduction, it is full of t
45、he rich, complex symbols and detailed character development that characterizes the modernist novel.Modernism was a movement that encompassed both sides of the Atlantic (hence the term Anglo-American modernism. However, My Antonia presents a distinctly American vision of modernism. Often, modernist w
46、orks evoke a sense of disillusionment with modern society, a feeling of fragmentation and despair at the increasing trends towards industrialization and urbanization. At other times, they present an idealized view of pre-industrialized, still innocent society (a literary trend called primitivism. My
47、 ?ntonia follows the second path and offers a vision of the idyllic world of the American West. Although by the time of the novels publication, the frontier had already been mostly settled, Cather idealizes the American frontier and depicts it as a perfect alternative to the modern, corrupt world th
48、at we now live in. Cather glorifies frontier values of independence, hard work, and asceticism, and she implicitly contrasts it to the competition and isolation of modern society. Because Cather praises the country in favor of the city, the novel can also be considered a pastoral novel.While Willa C
49、ather lived a very discreet life, modern biographers note that her long-time companion was a woman, in what was most likely a lesbian relationship. At the time of the novels publication, it probably would have been scandalous for her to have written My ?ntonia in the voice of a woman. It is interest
50、ing to think about the novel in the context of Cathers biography and to consider how it might have been different had she written in a voice closer to her own.178Jim Burden: The narrator of the novel, Jim comes to Nebraska as a young child to live with his grandparents on the frontier. The novel is
51、the story of his relationship with an immigrant girl ntonia, who he idealizes and admires.Grandfather: Jims grandfather is a solemn, kindly man with simple religious beliefs. He has lived on the frontier for ten years when Jim comes to live with him and later moves the family to Black Hawk.Grandmoth
52、er: Jims grandmother is a very generous and tolerant woman, even though she does not always agree with or understand the customs of her Bohemian neighbors.ntonia Shimerda: A few years older than Jim, ntonia arrives with her family in Nebraska at the same time as Jim. She is a strong and independent
53、young girl who is proud to work her familys farm, even though it makes her seem masculine to Jim. After having a child out of wedlock, she stays in the country and remarries, having many children.Mr. Shimerda: ntonias father used to be an educated musician back in his native Bohemia and is unhappy i
54、n his new country, where he knows nothing about farming. He loves ntonia dearly but kills himself in the middle of the familys first winter in America.Mrs. Shimerda: ntonias mother is a boastful and demanding woman, even though her family is poor in America. Her household habits appall Jims grandmot
55、her.Ambrosch Shimerda: ntonias brother is kind of a brute, although his religious piety comes out after his fathers suicide. He makes ntonia work the land and is sometimes stingy about supporting her.Russian Peter and Pavel: These two bachelors live and work together. They become friends with the Sh
56、imerdas because they speak a similar dialect. After Pavel dies and tells a shocking story on his deathbed, Peter is brokenhearted and moves away.Lena Lingard: One of the hired girlsimmigrant girls who work for wages in Black HawkLena has a bad reputation when she is growing up. Jim dates her for awh
57、ile during college, and afterwards Lena becomes a very successful dressmaker and moves to San Francisco.Wick Cutter: A very stingy and lecherous man, Wick Cutter hires girls, such as ntonia, to work in his house and tries to sleep with them. He and his wife fight constantly about money, and he event
58、ually kills her and then himself in order to prevent her from inheriting any money.Gaston Cleric: Gaston is Jims instructor and mentor in college, and the two spend a lot of time in conversation. Jim eventually follows Gaston to Harvard to finish his studies. At the end of the novel, Jim mentions in passing that Gaston died of pneumonia.At the age of ten, Jim Burden travels by cross-country train to live with his grandparents on the Nebraska frontier. He has just recently lost both his parents, and he is
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