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1、大學英語四六級考試聽力答題技巧1.短對話1)綜合推斷類題型:綜合推斷類題旨在考察考生理解對話深層含義或內涵的能力。要求考生在聽懂對話內容的基礎上,根據對話雙方的語調、語氣和情景等信息,結合自己的語言知識、語法知識、生活常識、文化背景知識等進行歸納、推理和判斷,透過表面詞語意義,領會說話人的深層含義或真實意圖。這類題涉及面較廣,提問的形式也比較多樣。常見的提問方式如下:What does the manwoman meanimplyindicate?What can you inferlearn from the conversation?What can be inferred from th

2、e conversation?What do you learn from the mans/womans response?What do you learn from the conversation? What does the conversation tell us?What are they talking about?What can we conclude from the mans reply?What happened to the manwoman?例:AIt call help solve complex problems B. It will most likely

3、prove ineffective.C. It is a new weapon against terrorists. D. It will help detect all kinds of liars.原文為:Man: I hear a newlyinvented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terroristsIsnt it incredible?Woman:Simple solutions to complex problems rarely succeed. As

4、far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work.Question:What does the woman think of the new drug? (B)解析:從選項看,該題內容涉及某項新東西的性能。女士首先說: “聽說新發(fā)明了一種藥物能讓人講實話,這用來審訊恐怖分子恐怕不錯。妙吧?”可是男士的態(tài)度來了個大轉彎,他說:“對復雜問題來說,簡單的解決辦法很少行得通。據我所知,從沒聽說這類藥管用過?!彼紫纫云毡橐?guī)律否定了這類藥物的有效性,進而又強調此類藥物沒有成功的先例。從而表明他認為該藥恐怕不會有什么效果。綜合推斷類題包羅萬象,但歸根結


6、是四個地點,要么是四種不同的人物關系。這類題型的常見提問方式有:Who is the man/woman?What is the manwoman?What are the speakers?Who are the two speakers?What is the mans/womans job/occupation/profession?What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?Where does the conversation most probably take place?例:A. Colleagues.

7、B. Husband and wifeC. Employer and employeeD. Mother and son 原文為: Women:John,what are you doing on your computer? Dont you remember your promise?Man:This is not a gameIts only a cross word puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.Question:What is the probable relationship between the speakers? ( D )

8、解析:本題屬于人物關系類題型。選項的特征已明顯說明要考察四種不同的人物關系。解題的關鍵是根據兩人之間的談話內容以及雙方的語氣來判斷。女士問:“你在電腦上干什么?你難道忘記你的承諾了嗎?”男士回答:“這不是電腦游戲,只是一個幫助我擴大詞匯量的拼字游戲。”由關鍵詞increase my vocabulary,基本可以判斷男士的學生身份。加上女士反問的語氣,綜合考慮一下,正確答案應是母子關系。例:A. At the airport B. In a restaurantC. In the booking office D. At the hotel reception原文為:Woman: We don

9、t seem to have a reservation for you, sirIm sorryMan: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got onboard the planeQuestion:Where does the conversation most probably take place? ( D )解析:本題屬于地點判斷題。從所給選項就可清晰知曉問題一定是判斷談話地點的

10、。所以聽音時要特別留意表明地點的詞語。女士的話的“似乎沒有您的預定”已經告訴我們這里可能是酒店或餐館,男士的話中“給我訂了房間”的信息使我們進一步確認談話地點是在酒店。 遇到職業(yè)身份與人物關系類題型,基本解題步驟應為:瀏覽選項,確認題目類型。聽音時捕捉線索詞,以便抓住關鍵信息,做出準確的判斷。該題型的關鍵是線索詞。無論職業(yè)和人物關系,還是談話地點都只能根據這些線索推導出來。對大多數情景來說,考生無須聽懂整個句子或對話連貫的意思,只要聽清幾個孤立的線索詞就能解題。因此聽音時要注意捕捉對話中出現的與說話人身份、對話的時間、地點等相關的線索詞或關鍵詞,并根據這些進行推斷,選出正確答案。留意對話中雙方

11、的說話方式及語氣。如前面的例2中所提到的:母親質問的語氣,可以幫助我們判斷兩人之間的關系。另外很多情況下,一些見面常用語也可以暗示某種職業(yè)。如:Can I help you? 一般是服務行業(yè)人員的用語,而Whats wrong with you?是醫(yī)生的常用語。3)數字計算類題型:數字與計算類的試題雖然不是每年的必考題型,但也屬于常見題。這類題目涉及的方面比較廣泛,包括對年月,日期,時間,價格,人數,號碼等的提問,也可能就具體數字要求考生做相應的簡單運算。此類題目的特征相當明顯:四個選項一般都是相似或相關的數字,偶爾會有介詞后跟數字??忌灰致砸豢催x項都是與數字相關的,就很容易辨認。 這種類

12、型的試題,出題形式一般為兩類:數字辨別和數字計算。其中數字辨別是比較簡單的一類。主要考察考生是否能夠確認數字與內容的各自對應關系。然后根據所提問題直接回答對應項。數字運算則考查加減乘除運算及混合運算。要求考生根據對話信息判斷運算關系,從而進行運算找到答案。這一類型較前一類有更高的要求。數字與計算類試題常見的提問方式有:How muchmany?How far does the manwoman?How long willdid it take to?What time?At what time did the conversation take place?When willstart?例:A

13、At 10:30 B. At 10:25 C. At 10:40 D. At 10:45原文為:Man: So when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We cant wait here foreverWoman:Its ten thirty alreadyThey are supposed to be here by nowI told everybody to meet hereby 10:15Question:When is the train leaving? ( C

14、)解析:本題屬于數字計算類。在男士的談話中提到火車十分鐘后出發(fā),由女士的回答可知,現在已經是10:30了。由此可推知火車開車的時間應為10:40。本題涉及數字的加法運算。同時也存在一個干擾項10:15。遇到數字及計算類題型基本解題步驟應為:首先在瀏覽選項后迅速分析選項之間的數字關系,推測出題方向。在對話播放前,通過瀏覽選項可知本題是關于時間的問題。之后邊聽邊針對選項作一些必要的記錄,以便在回答提問時“對號入座”。同時也應留意對話中出現而選項中并未出現的數字。聽清問題,選出對應項或適當的運算方法,得出正確答案。又如:A$140 B. $430 C. $640 D. $860原文為:Woman:H

15、eres a 10-dollar bill, give me two tickets for tonights show pleaseMan: SureTwo tickets, and heres 1.40 change.Question:How much does one ticket cost? ( B ) 在對話試題播放前,我們?yōu)g覽選項,可以判斷出本題是有關價格的問題。進一步分析選項,發(fā)現選項中幾個數字差別很大。無明確規(guī)律。這種情況下,我們需要更多的關注對話本身。當對話中女士說到1O-dollar,雖然選項中并未出現,但我們仍需隨手記錄,作為一個參考數字。男士的回答中出現了選項A$1.4

16、0,同時說明是change(找回的零錢),這樣我們很容易地想到數字的減法運算$10一 $140=$860。如果僅僅捕捉到以上信息,我們此時很快會給出一個錯誤答案D。正確的做法是:聽清問題,再進一步判斷運算關系。在女士和男士的談話中都強調了two tickets。而問題是one ticket。所以再次進行除法計算才能得出本題的正確答案$430。透過本題說明:聽清提問,同樣起到至關重要的作用。要做好數字計算題平時還應掌握各種數字的讀法。如$940可以讀作nine dollars and forty cents或nine dollars forty或nine forty。又如2006年讀作two t

17、housand and six而1999年讀作nineteen ninetynine。同時注意一些與數字有關的詞匯或表達方式。如more(多),less(少),early(早),late(遲),half(一半),quarter(四分之一),double(兩倍),couple(一對),dozen(一打,十二個),every other day(每隔一天),twice a week(每周兩次),four times(四次,四倍)等。4)因果關系與否定類題型:因果關系題是四級考試的一類??碱}型。它要求考生正確理解某一事情發(fā)生的原因或結果辨識含有因果關系的句子。此類題目一般側重于對原因的考查,對結果的

18、考查相對比較少。因果關系類題型一般涉及面較廣而且提示詞很少,選項的特征也很不明顯:大部分情況下,選項只是四個完整的陳述句,很難通過卷面線索判斷出這一題是否屬于因果關系題。所以,此類題型有一定難度。因果關系類題型常見的提問方式有:Why does the man/woman do?Why is the man/woman?What causes?What happened?What do we learn from the conversation?What is the mans/womans reason for?例:AShe is working in the cityB. Life in

19、 the suburbs is lonelyC. Jobs are easier to find in the city D. Its less expensive living in the city原文為:Man: Hi, SusanHave you decided where to live when you get married?Woman:I'd like to live in the downtown area near my work,but Nathan wants a house in the suburbs to save on expenses Question

20、:Why does Susan want to live in the city? ( A )解析:本題對話中并沒有明顯的因果關系提示詞,所以需要通過理解上下文找出因果關系。對話中男士問蘇珊結婚后打算在哪兒住,蘇珊回答說想住市區(qū)上班近。所以根據上下文翅斷,蘇珊應在市區(qū)上班。 否定類題型也是有難度的一類題目。考查的重點基本是兩類:1直接,隱含否定題;2虛假否定題。隱含否定題的最大特點是:含意是否定的但是不出現任何否定詞。也就是說,表面是肯定的,實際是否定的。對話一方提出問題,另一方沒有直接回答這個問題,而是講一個事實,通過這個事實表示否定。這類題目在考試中很常見。虛假否定題,尤其常見雙重否定。特

21、點是:表面出現否定詞,表示否定含義,但是實際上表示肯定意思。如:not impossible=possible;cant agree more=agree。否定類題型常見的提問方式有:What does the man/woman mean?What do you understand from the manswomans answer?What do we learn from this conversation?What does the conversation tell us?Why did the man?例:AThe woman is watching an exciting f

22、ilm with the mallBThe woman cant take a photo of the manCThe woman is running toward the lakeDThe woman is filming the lake原文為:Man: Look, the view is fantasticCould you take a picture of me with the lake in the background?Woman:I am afraid I just ran out of film.Question:What do we learn from the co

23、nversation? ( B ) 解析:本題屬于隱含否定題。男士請求女士給他拍照,女士沒有正面回答,而是說膠卷用完了。其實這表示她委婉地拒絕了男士的請求。本題的解題關鍵是短語run out of(用完,用光)。 遇到因果關系類題型,基本解題步驟應為:分析選項,預測對話后的提問是否涉及分辨因果關系。雖然這類題目的特征很不明顯:大部分情況下,選項只是四個完整的陳述句,很難通過卷面線索來做出判斷。但也有時我們可以發(fā)現一些線索如:某一個選項暗示出該事實能導致某種結果?;蚝脦讉€選項的事實能導致同一結果??忌鷳ㄟ^平時大量的訓練和細致的分析爭取盡快地抓住一些蛛絲馬跡,做出準確的判斷。聽音時,應特別注意提

24、示因果關系的線索詞。并且格外注意第二個人說的話。對話中如果出現了表示因果關系的提示詞,則比較容易選出正確答案。但在多數考試中,考生都需要通過理解上下文找出因果關系,從而綜合判斷。而且,由于問題多集中在原因上,所以第二個人的答話內容往往就是問題所在,在平時練習時要多加注意。5)虛擬語氣類題型: 虛擬語氣類題型是四級聽力考試中的重點內容。這類題目的特點是:對話中有一方的話語中含有虛擬語氣條件句。而其考點在于:對話中出現虛擬語氣,而選項多為事實的陳述句。這類題型涉及到虛擬語氣的不同時態(tài)和不同表達形式,有時候虛擬條件從句還以倒裝的形式出現。所以聽音上有一定難度。此外,在出題方向上,虛擬語氣類題型涉及的

25、范圍也比較廣泛:包括通過虛擬語氣形式來考查觀點、看法、態(tài)度、愿望以及建議等等。虛擬語氣類題型常見的提問方式有:What happened to the man/woman?What can we learn from the conversation?What does the man/woman mean?What does the man/woman suggest?What is the man/woman implying?What does the second speaker mean?例:ATeaching her son by herself B. Having confide

26、nce in her sonC. Asking the teacher for extra help D. Telling her son not to worry.原文為: Woman:What would you do if you were in my place?Man: If Paul were my son I just not worry. Now his teacher is just giving him extra help and hes working hard himselfHe is sure to do well in the next examQuestion:

27、Whats the mans suggestion to the woman? ( B )解析:本題是通過虛擬語氣的句型來委婉地表示觀點和看法的一類題型。女士擔心兒子的學習,但不知如何做更為妥當,因此以虛擬語氣提出“如果你是我你會咋辦?”,希望男士給些建議。男士也沿用了同樣的語氣,說“我要是你就不擔心了,如今老師在給他加課,他自己也挺努力的,下次考試一定會考好的?!彼@然是建議女士不要過于擔心,要相信兒子會進步的。 虛擬語氣類題型是想測試考生對于虛擬語氣的結構、用法以及它所包含的與事實相反的含義的理解。所以,考生首先必須熟練掌握虛擬語氣的幾種表達方式:If虛擬句型、Wish虛擬句型、If on

28、ly虛擬句型以及情態(tài)動詞表達的語氣。除了這幾種最常見的形式,此外還有一些不太常見的句型和以上形式的變體,如:She suggestedproposedadvisedmovedcommandeddemanded thatIt is his suggestionproposaladvicemotioncommanddemand thatIt is importantessentialnecessary that(should V)It is(high)time that(sbweredid),as ifas though ,Without(your help),(I)would,But for等。

29、并且包含虛擬語氣的考題中,常常有“是與非”相對的選項,通過對這類選項的分析,可以幫助考生把握聽音時的重點,繼而根據虛擬語氣的表意功能,判斷正確選項。2.長對話:長對話部分是四級測試新增題型。錄音材料為兩人交談,對話結束后就對話內容進行提問。雖然長對話部分是新增題型,但對于考生而言,長對話聽力練劌應該不陌生,因為大學英語聽力教材中一般每個單元都包括長對話聽力與練習。就題型而言,長對話涉及的問題一般包括如下幾個方面:1)談話內容 What are the speakers talking about? What is the conversation mainly about?2)說話人關系 Wh

30、ats the probable relationship between the speakers?3)對話地點 Where does the conversation take place?4)對話細節(jié):就對話討論中的細節(jié)進行提問,可涉及原因、結果等。5)推論:根據對話內容推斷說話人下步如何做等。對話第一句可能就會涉及主旨,考生應集中注意力,留心對話中表示原因、結論、決定等的內容,注意相應信號詞(because,so,however,but,the most important thing,personally speaking等)。應快速瀏覽選項,查看選項類型。(1)選項為不同名詞:總結

31、名詞種類,猜測可能的問題,留心相應的內容。 A. Magazine B. TV C. Internet D. Newspaper 總結:四個詞語都表示媒體??赡軉栴}:(消息)媒體是什么?A. Sales B. Accounting C. Economy D. Technology 可能問題:某人的專業(yè)是什么? 工作領域是什么? 某人對什么感興趣? A. Not sure B. Four months later C. Three months later D. A week later 可能問題:需要多長時間? (2)選項為不定式:問題多詢問原因或者目的。 A. To improve his

32、social skills B. To gain more money C. To have a change D. To enjoy himself 可能問題:Why does the manwoman do sth? (3)選項涉及比較:留心聽力錄音中涉及比較的句子,并做筆記,弄清誰什么,高低, 好壞,避免張冠李戴。 A. The longer you stay there,the less likely you will buy drugs there B. You are more likely to buy drugs if you stay there for 30 minutes

33、 C. You are more likely to buy drugs if you stay there for less than l0 minutes D. Most people just look around in the drugstore 可能問題:哪個說法是正確的? (4)選項意義對立情況:四個選項中有三個意義近似,另外一個與其他截然不同,這個 不同選項很有可能為正確選項。四個選項中有兩個選項結構樣,但意思截然相反,正確答案在這兩個選項中的概率較高。3.短文:短文聽力比起對話部分,難度較大,包含的信息多,有時會出現聽不懂的詞,很多考生可能會覺得這一部分很難。但若掌握了一定的

34、解題規(guī)律,還是能取得滿意的成績。這就需要注意以下幾部分內容:1)瀏覽問題,預測短文內容 一篇短文往往出兩到三個題目。通過瀏覽問題中的關鍵詞匯,基本可預測短文大意。假如在題中看到了以下詞語:Palestine,Israel,Yasser Arafat,body bomb,PLO等,大致就可預測此篇文章將是關于巴以地區(qū)沖突問題,人體炸彈爆炸,多少人傷亡,之后何方人士講話表示譴責或辯解。用此種方式可避免聽到不懂的單詞時的慌亂,而且更重要的是學會有的放矢,知道哪些地方該做筆記。2)抓主題句,并注意問題的出現順序與短文內容基本一致 (1)短文的主題·般出現在每段的開頭第一句和最末一句話,因此聽

35、時要特別注意。因為主題往往是必考內容。 (2)表示文章結構的詞。 表示并列、遞進、例示關系的詞,如:and,also,besides,likewise,similarly;furthermore,moreover,in addition,whats more;for example,for instance,take one example of 表示轉折關系的詞,如:but,however,nevertheless,nonetheless,otherwise,in spite of, despite,on the contrary 表列;因果關系的詞,如:so,therefore,as a

36、result of, consequently;because,for,since,as,cause,etc 表示結構關系的詞,如:first,second,last;first,next,then,at last;in a whole,to sum up,in short,in conclusion (3)注意短文中出現的數寧、時間、地點、人物、人物的身份、職業(yè)及其對某事物所持的觀點,這些常以細節(jié)題的形式出現。即便不能聽懂整個篇章,也不會影響解決細節(jié)題。 (4)聽錄音時在上述所說的敏感的地方做好筆記,如數字、時間、地點、人物、人物的身份、職業(yè)及其對某事物所持的觀點等。 (5)聽力材料中的生詞

37、處理方法:一是運用閱讀理解中詞匯猜測方法,根據上下文、邏輯關系等猜測詞語的意思;二是錄音中會對生詞予以解釋,利用解釋理解信息;三是有些生詞,特別是專有名詞,無須了解其具體意思,但要了解聽力材料中提到的該種類的特征;四是不能在有困難的地方停住而忽略后面的信息。 (6)平常應多積累一些英語國家的社會文化知識。四級短文聽力考試的題材主要為故事、報道、介紹等,內容常涉及英語國家的歷史地理,文化教育,風土人情,人物傳記等。寬闊的知識面會使你在聽力考試中受益無窮。故事類短文解析:故事類短文通常介紹某人的經歷或奇聞趣事。對丁此類文章,記敘的要素為:時間、地點、人物、事件(事件內容、起岡、結果、給人的啟示等)

38、等重要信息。例如:My friend,Vernon Davis kept birdsOne day he phoned and told me he was going away for a weekHe asked me to feed the birds for him and said that he would leave the key to his front door in my mailboxUnfortunately,I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to returnWh

39、at was worse,it was already dark when I arrived at his houseI soon found the key Vernon gave me could not unlock either the front door or the back door1 was getting desperateI kept thinking of what Vernon would say when he came back1 was just going to giveup when l noticed that one bedroom window wa

40、s slightly openI found a barrel and pushed it under the windowAs the barrel was very heavy,I made a lot of noiseBut in the endI managed to climb up and open the window I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone was shining a torch up at meI looked down and saw a

41、policeman and an old lady,one of Vernons neighbours“What are you doing up there?”said the policemanFeeling like a complete fool,l replied,“I was just going to feed Mr. Daviess birds”Questions 46 are based on the passage you have just heard 4Why couldnt the man open the door? 5Why did the man feel de

42、sperate'? 6Why did the man feel like a fool?一般科普類說明文解析:一般科普類說明文的結構比較清晰。短文開始會提出介紹對象,然后對介紹對象進行說明。雖然科普類說明文中口J能會包括一些專有名詞,使聽力難度加大,但考生應注意聽力的重點是了解文章對某一事物、現象的描述與分析,考生并沒有必要了解某個專有名詞的中文意思。例如:A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life-threatening problems after an operation to replace

43、blocked blood vessels to the heartMore than 800000 people around the world have this heart surgery each yearThe doctors who carried out the study say giving aspirin to patients soon after the operation could save thousands of livesPeople usually take aspirin to control pain and reduce high body temp

44、eratureDoctors also advise some people to take aspirin to help prevent heart attacksAbout 1 0-1 5 percent of these heart operations end in death or damage to the heart or other organsThe new study shows that even a small amount of aspirin reduced such threatsThe doctors said the chance of death for

45、patients who took aspirin would fall by 67They claimed this was true if the aspirin was given within 48 hours of the operationThe doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients because it can prevent blood from thickening and blood vessels from being blockedHowever,the doctors warned that peop

46、le who have stomach bleeding or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery。Questions 1 31 5 are based on the passage you have just heard1 3What is the finding of the new study of aspirin?1 4In what way can aspirin help heart surgery patients according to the doctors?1 5W

47、hat warning did the doctors give about the use of aspirin?新聞類短文解析:新聞類義章的首句多為主題句,這一點應引起考生的注意。首句一般是某事件的發(fā)生、發(fā)展經過。時間、地點、字寧、原因、后果等信息經常是考查的重點。新聞類短文的另一特點是長句較多,句子結構及選用的詞匯較正式,這給理解帶來一定的難度。例如:An elder woman yesterday made a legal claim against a department store because it had wrongly accused her of stealing a

48、Christmas cardMsDoss White,72 years old,is claiming $3,000 damages from the store for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment. Ms. White visited the store while doing Christmas shopping,but did not buy anythingShe was followed through the town by a store managerHe had been told that a customer saw he

49、r take a card and put it in her shopping bagHe stopped her at a bookstore as she was reading a bookMsWhite said,This man,a total stranger,suddenly grasped my bag and asked if he could look in it”She was taken back to the store and shut in a small room in full view of shoppers for 20 minutes until th

50、e police arrivedAt the police station she was bodysearched and nothing was foundHer lawyer said the department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she may have been stealingThe hearing continues todayQuestions 1 61 9 are based on the passage you have just heard1 6What does the sto

51、ry tell us about the old woman?l 7What was said to have been stolen?1 8What happened to MsWhite alter she was taken back to the store?1 9What was now the attitude of the department store in this legal case?4.復合式聽寫: 復合式聽寫新題型的一個顯著變化就是詞匯部分的聽寫由原來的7個增加到8個,也就是說,在一定程度上增加了詞匯部分的比重,而具體出題方式及考點和舊題型相比并無太大的變化。通過下

52、面兩篇真題讓我們一起來看一看什么樣的詞匯會被選中成為四、六級復合式聽寫詞匯部分的待填詞。2006年6月真題詞匯部分: For Americans,time is moneyThey say,“You only get so much time in this life;youd better use it wisely” The(36)_ will not be better than the past or present,as Americans are(37)_ to see things,unless people use their time for constructive act

53、ivitiesThus Americans(38)_ a “well-organized” person,one who has a written list of things to do and a(39)_ for doing themThe ideal person is punctual and is(40)_ of other peoples timeThey do not(41)_ peoples time with conversation or other activity that has no(42)_ ,beneficial outcome The American a

54、ttitude toward time is not(43)_ shared by others,especially nonEuropeans答案及解析: 這是一篇說明文,介紹美國人的時間觀念。36future此處需要一個名詞,與后面的past和present形成對比,即使不聽也能猜出是future, 是聽寫中比較簡單的題。37trained根據上下文,后面應該是過去分詞表示被動,不要漏寫-ed38admire此處需要動詞原形,根據發(fā)音規(guī)則,該詞也很好拼寫。39schedule此處需要一個可數名詞單數形式,意思與前面的list并列。此詞的英美發(fā)音不同,但無論怎樣讀,都要反應過來,還要特別注意

55、ch和dule字母組合的正確拼寫。40considerate連詞and連接并列結構,所以這里需要一個形容詞。be considerate of表示“體諒他人的;考慮周到的”,詞尾是-ate;拼寫時務必注意勿將其錯拼為其近形詞considerable“相當大或多的,相當可觀的”。41waste此處需要動詞原形。且賓語為time,往往可以想到waste,save這類詞。這應該也是一個比較容易答的題。42visible表示“看得見的,可見的”,與beneficial并列修飾outcome。43necessarily此處不缺主要句子成分,可預測為修飾過去分詞的副詞,necessarily往往用于not

56、后,表示“未必”這個詞的音比較容易捕捉,拼寫錯誤是導致失分的主要原因之一。2006年12月真題詞匯部分: You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways depending on the situation they are inThis is very(36)_ All languages have two general levels of(37)_ :a formal level and an informal levelEnglish is no (38)_ The difference in these two levels is the situation in which you use a(39)_ levelFormal language is the kind o


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