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1、背誦40篇短文記住高考3500個單詞(二)11.An Interesting Festival有趣的節(jié)日The Agricultural Feast takes placeafter the Independence Day.lt is not a worldwide celebration.Only Christians in Mexicolook forward to its arrival for its religious origin:Longago, humans 'ancestors werebad. They fooled and played tricks on ea

2、ch other and neverkept their word.So God turned up and drowned all their crops. Humans starved day andnight, weep ing. Ino rder to gain God ' s forgiven ess, a woma n poet set off to see God. She admiredGod and kept apologiz ing. Godwas moved. With his permissi on, huma ns fin ally had good harv

3、estsaga in.So, to wipe sad ness and remind themselvesof the belief in God,people bega n the festival.On the festival, people gatheri n ope n air, such as playgro unds or park in glots, and en ergeticallyhave fun with each other all ni ght long, as though they were n ever tired.Whe n a beauty dressed

4、up in lovely clothi ng reads poems in memory of the poet, every one holds their breath. Then, it is the custom that the bon eof a rooster head is give n toher as an award.Obviously, the story isnot true, but the festival is in terest ing.農(nóng)業(yè)盛會在獨立日后舉行。它不是一個世界性的慶典,由于它的宗教起源,只有墨西哥的基督徒才盼著節(jié)日的到來:很久以前,人類的祖先很

5、壞,他們互相欺騙,耍詭計,從不遵守諾言。于是,上帝出現(xiàn)了, 淹死了他們所有的作物。人們?nèi)找拱ゐI,哭泣著。為了獲得上帝的原諒,一位女詩人出發(fā)去見上帝。她對上帝的贊美和懷有的歉意感動了上帝,有了他的允許,人類終于又獲得了豐收。奇速英語暑假網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動直播課程,九天讓你的英語成績?nèi)A麗轉(zhuǎn)身,來不及的不是時間,而是行動,心動就馬上行動,當(dāng)你還在猶豫的時候,先報名的童鞋已經(jīng)甩你很遠(yuǎn)了。因此,為了抹去憂傷并提醒自己對上帝的信仰,人們開始舉辦這個節(jié)日。在節(jié)日那天,人們聚集在露天場所,例如操場或停車場,通宵達旦地玩得非常開心,精力充沛的人們似乎不知疲倦。當(dāng)一位用可愛的衣服盛裝打扮的美女朗讀詩歌以紀(jì)念那位詩人時, 在

6、場的每個人都屏住了呼吸,然后,按照風(fēng)俗,將獎勵給她一只公雞的頭骨。很明顯,這個故事不是真的,但是節(jié)日卻很有趣。12.Balanced Diet平衡膳食WangPeng earned his living by running a barbecue restaurant, whichserved delicious bacon, fried chicken breast and mutton roasted with pepper and garlic.But his food and discountattracted fewer and fewer customers.Finally, he

7、 was in debt. YongHui ' s slimming restaurantserved fresh peas, carrots, eggplants, and rawcucumbers with vinegar.As the hostess, she said fibres benefited customers' digestionthe most. In order not to let Yong Hui getaway with telling lies,Wang Peng spied on Yong Huidespite her glare. But h

8、e wassurprised that she was losing her customers, too.Curiosity drove Wang Peng to consult an expert. The expert sighed and said,“ Both ofyourmenus have weakness and limited strength. Yourcustomers put on weight tooeasily, while Yong Hui ' s lose weighttoo quickly. So, Wang Peng, cut downthe fat

9、 of your food and increase vegetables and fruits, like nuts, beans, mushrooms,peaches and lemons. You ought to combine the two menus and provide a balanced diet. ”Before long, Wang Peng won hiscustomers back.王鵬經(jīng)營一家燒烤餐廳來謀生, 他的餐廳供應(yīng)美味的臘肉、 油炸的雞胸, 還有用辣椒和 大蒜一起烤制的羊肉。但是,他的食物和折扣吸引的顧客越來越少,最后是他負(fù)債累累。永 慧的減肥餐廳供應(yīng)的

10、是新鮮的豌豆、 紅蘿卜、 茄子和醋腌的生黃瓜。 作為老板娘 (女主人) , 她總是說食物纖維才最有利于顧客的消化。 為了不讓永慧說了謊不受懲罰, 王鵬不顧她的怒 視,前去探查個究竟。但是讓他驚奇的是,永慧的顧客也在嚴(yán)重地流失。好奇心驅(qū)使王鵬去咨詢專家。那位專家嘆息著說:“你們倆的菜單都缺點明顯、優(yōu)點有 限。你的顧客很容易就發(fā)胖,而永慧的顧客體重卻減輕得太快。所以嘛,王鵬,你要減少你 的食物中的脂肪含量,增加蔬菜和水果,例如堅果、豆類、蘑菇、桃子和檸檬之類。你應(yīng)該 把兩份菜單結(jié)合起來,給顧客提供平衡的膳食?!辈痪?,王鵬就贏回了他的顧客。13.Sailing Home劃船回家This novel

11、was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its authorwas a black businessman whowas brought up in America. In1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he waswandering on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money andpassport that he kept in an envelope.So

12、 he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassadorwith rude manners didn ' t permit his staff to help thoughhe bowed to him. Staring at his impatient face, he understoodthat it was the fault of hisskin colour that accountedfor their refection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a sm

13、allboat home.Hemet a large amount ofdifficulty but was never stopped. Onthe contrary, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was spotted by a ship by accident. He was in rags indeed. A maid even screamedwhen bringing him a steak andpineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his p

14、assage by working as a barberand got home finally. As forthe name of his novel, he couldn' tthink of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead” . 這部小說寫的是一次令人難以置信而又真實的歷險。 其作者是一位在美國被撫養(yǎng)長大的黑人 商人。 1956 年,他回到他的出生地非洲。有一天,當(dāng)他在海灣邊的人行道上漫步欣賞海景 時,他丟失了一個裝著錢和護照的信封, 于是向當(dāng)?shù)氐拇笫桂^尋求幫助。 但是大使態(tài)度非常 粗魯, 即使向他鞠躬,也不允許他的職員幫忙。盯著

15、他那不耐煩的臉, 他知道是他皮膚顏色 的錯才導(dǎo)致了他們的拒絕。于是,他決定冒險駕駛一只小船回家。 奇速英語暑假網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動直播課程 ,九天讓你的英語成績?nèi)A麗轉(zhuǎn)身,來不及的不是時間,而是 行動,心動就馬上行動,當(dāng)你還在猶豫的時候,先報名的童鞋已經(jīng)甩你很遠(yuǎn)了。 他遇到了許多困難,但是從未停止,相反,困難推動他更努力地前進。三個月后,當(dāng)他被一 艘船偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)時,真的是衣衫襤褸。給他端來牛排和菠蘿甜品的女仆甚至被嚇得尖叫起來。 在船上,他當(dāng)一名理發(fā)師來掙取船費,最后終于回到了家。至于這部小說的名字, 他再也不 能想到一個比“前進”更好的短語了。14. Explore MKII 探測 MKII 行星 MKII

16、,a planet billions ofkilometers away, is the origin of life in many religions. Physicistshave proved the theory thatits gentle climate and the pull of its gravity are similar to the earth ' s. And astronomers have found that oxygen atoms and carbondioxide, which are fundamentalto life, exist in

17、its atmosphere throughsatellites. Cheered up by this news, biologists,in their turn, began to do some research to remove people 's puzzles Now that there are some suitable conditions, does lifereally exist on this globe? Do they multiply by laying eggsor giving birth to babies?Lastmonth, a space

18、ship was sentthere. It's a pity that this mission failed. Unlike the earth, MKII is a much younger planet. Thus, masses of harmful acid clouds float everywhere causing violent chain reactionsto break out. These cloudsnot only blocked out the pilots ' sight but also damaged the engine system.

19、 Luckily, the pilots watched outcarefully and prevented thespaceship from crashing in time.MK 二號是一顆幾十億公里外的行星, 它在許多宗教里都是生命起源的地方。 物理學(xué)家 已經(jīng)證明了它溫和的氣候和重力的牽引都和地球相似的理論; 天文學(xué)家也通過衛(wèi)星, 在它的 大氣層里發(fā)現(xiàn)了氧原子和二氧化碳的存在, 這些都是對生命來說, 都是基本的。 受到這一消 息的鼓舞, 生物學(xué)家們接著開始了研究以解開人們的迷惑既然有了適合的條件,生命真的存在于這個星球嗎?他們是通過下蛋,還是產(chǎn)仔來繁殖后代的呢?上個月,一艘太空飛船被

20、派到了那兒??上У氖?,這次任務(wù)失敗了。不像地球,MK 二號是一顆年輕得多的行星。 因此, 大團大團的有害酸云到處漂浮, 引起猛烈的連鎖反應(yīng)的爆 發(fā)。這些云團不僅阻擋了飛行員的視線, 而且還損壞了發(fā)動機系統(tǒng)。幸運的是,飛行員小心 注意,才及時阻止了飛船的墜毀。15. A Journey acrossCanada橫穿加拿大的旅行Aftera quiz last autumn, Kuangcrossed the continent eastwardto Torontoto visit his schoolmate, the distance measuring approximately5,000

21、kilometers,Histrain started from Vancouver,a city surrounded bymountains. After confirminghis baggage was aboard the train, Kuang settled down in his seat. Havinga gift for communication, he started chatting with another passenger within 5 minutes. Their topicsincluded the Canadian traditions,the Pr

22、ime Minister, the mixture of races, and the terrifying Great Fall. After anice buffet at noon, he was pleased to find that the scenery was impressive. He saw beautiful harbours in thedistance, wealthy urbanareas and maple forestthat covered thousands of acres.He even managed to catch sight of an eag

23、leflying upward over bushes.Kuangreached Torontowhich lies slightly near the border at a misty dawn. There was frost and the broaddowntown streets were very quiet. Though it was early, Kuang phonedhis schoolmate in a booth nearbyat once rather than waitingfor him to come. They had a good time togeth

24、er.去年秋天的一次考試后, 光向東橫穿整個大陸, 來到多倫多探望他的同學(xué), 這次旅行的 距離測量起來大約有五千多公里。他的火車從群山圍繞的溫哥華啟程。在證實了自己的行李都在火車上之后,光就在座位 上安坐下來。 因為在與人交流方面有天賦, 他在 5 分鐘內(nèi)就和另一個乘客聊起天來。 他們的 話題包括加拿大的傳統(tǒng)、 加拿大的總理、 種族的混合,還有讓人心驚膽戰(zhàn)的大瀑布。中午吃 了一頓美味的自助餐后, 他很高興發(fā)現(xiàn)外面的風(fēng)景非常讓人印象深刻。 他看見了遠(yuǎn)處美麗的 海港、 富裕的市區(qū), 還有延綿幾千畝的楓樹林, 他甚至還設(shè)法看見了一只在灌木叢上空翱翔 的鷹。光在一個薄霧籠罩的黎明到達稍稍接近邊境的多倫

25、多,地上有霜,寬闊的市區(qū)街道很安 靜。盡管還很早,光卻不愿等待,立刻就在附近電話亭給同學(xué)打了個電話。 他們在一起度過 了美好的時光。16. A WomanDoctor-Lina女醫(yī)生麗娜Born in a pigs ' nest,Lina led a poor life in her childhood. She was lookeddown upon by the children of hergeneration. But she intended to become a doctorafter she came across LinQiaozhi by chance, who w

26、as delivering medical courses to anaudience crowding around her. Before moving off, Lin inspiredher to carry on her study.With Lin ' s support, Linaentered an institute andstudied hard sparing no time for entertainment.Her being outspoken and modest won respect for her. Her excellent arguing ski

27、lls and observationability put others into the shade.Now, Lina has become a specialist in human beings ' emergency sickness. Her kindnessand considerate behavior to the poor were wellknown. The organization shefounded carried out campaignsand welfare projects to helpcut the death rate for thepoo

28、r. Her job was hard but worthwhile.She often refers to the connection between her achievementand Lin Qiaozhi, and says that her poor childhood is the bond between her and the poor.麗娜出生在豬圈里,童年過著貧窮的生活,被和她同輩的孩子看不起。但是在她偶然遇 見了林巧芝之后卻打定注意想要成為一名醫(yī)生, 當(dāng)時林巧芝正在給擁擠在她身邊的觀眾傳授 醫(yī)療課程, 在離開之前, 林巧芝鼓舞她繼續(xù)堅持學(xué)習(xí)。 在林的支持下, 麗娜進入

29、了一所學(xué)院。 她努力學(xué)習(xí), 毫不浪費時間玩鬧娛樂。 她的坦誠和謙虛為她贏得了尊敬, 她優(yōu)秀的辯論技巧 和觀察能力使其他的人都黯然失色。奇速英語暑假網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動直播課程,九天讓你的英語成績?nèi)A麗轉(zhuǎn)身,來不及的不是時間,而是行動,心動就馬上行動,當(dāng)你還在猶豫的時候,先報名 的童鞋已經(jīng)甩你很遠(yuǎn)了?,F(xiàn)在,麗娜已經(jīng)成為一名人類緊急病癥專家。她對窮人的好心和考慮周到的一舉一動都 眾所周知, 她建立的組織開展各種活動和福利項目來為窮人減少死亡率。 她的工作艱苦卻很 值得。她常常提到她的成就和林巧芝之間的聯(lián)系, 還總是說她貧窮的童年就是她與窮人之間 的紐帶。17A New Farming Way新的耕種方式Tuan

30、was a farmer in Vietnam.For decades, he had been struggling to rid his family of hunger. However, it always confused him how to expand the output of his crops.This disturbing problem led to his regretting being a farmer. He would rather have chosen another job.Oneday, when skimming through anewspape

31、r, Tuan read a comment onYuan Longpin. He underlinedY uan' s nationality and occupation, and then focused on his discoveryand the statistics of hisresearch. He found the knowledge Yuan circulatedvery practical. Therefore, hemade a summary and began to build up a new farming method.He planted sup

32、er grain ofrich nutrition and equipped himself to keep hiscrops roots free from bacteria and pests. He also enriched minerals in the soil while reducing chemical fertilizers. Though it cost himmore time and freedom, he wasfull of hope.Thenext year, Tuan was sunburntbut satisfied with his production

33、verymuch. Thanks toYuan Longpin, he notonly won the battle againsthunger, but he could also export hiscrops abroad.俊是一名越南的農(nóng)民,幾十年來,他都一直在努力使家人擺脫饑餓。然而,如何擴大他 的農(nóng)作物產(chǎn)量這一問題卻一直在困擾著他。 這個惱人的問題導(dǎo)致了他后悔當(dāng)一名農(nóng)民, 而寧 愿自己當(dāng)初選擇其它的工作。一天,俊在瀏覽報紙的時候,讀到一篇關(guān)于袁隆平的評論。他在袁的國籍和職業(yè)下面劃 了線, 然后將焦點集中在他的發(fā)現(xiàn)和研究數(shù)據(jù)上。 他發(fā)現(xiàn)袁傳播的知識非常實用, 因此,他 做了摘要, 并

34、開始建立一種新的耕作方式。 他種植營養(yǎng)豐富的超級谷物, 添置設(shè)備以使作物 的根部免受細(xì)菌害蟲的傷害; 他還增加土壤所含的礦物質(zhì), 同時減少化學(xué)肥料的使用。 盡管 耗費了他更多的時間和自由,他卻充滿著希望。第二年,俊被曬黑了,但是卻對自己的生產(chǎn)非常滿意。多虧了袁隆平,他不僅贏得了對 抗饑餓的戰(zhàn)斗,而且還將自己的作物出口到國外呢。18. Chaplin-A Great Master of Humour幽默大師卓別林Chaplinwas an extraordinary performer who starred in and directedmany outstanding comedies. F

35、ew were bored watching his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failuresto nobody, he made us feelmore content with our lifewithout any verbalexplanation. His particularsense of humor has astonish

36、ed everybody throughout the world up to now.Ina small budget film, heplayed a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties, hewasn 't fortunate enough. Witha

37、ll the porridge eaten up, hepicked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. Hecut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing that everybody couldn ' t help bursting intolaughter.卓別林是一名非凡的演員,他主演并導(dǎo)演了多部杰出的喜劇??匆娝尚Φ男『?、滑 稽的手勢動作, 還有面

38、對警探的追捕時有趣的反應(yīng),很少有人會覺得厭煩。 喝醉酒啦, 踩到 香蕉皮滑倒啦, 或者自言自語(低語)自己的糗事啦,他無需任何語言解釋的表演總是使我 們對自己的生活感到更加滿意。他獨特的幽默感直到現(xiàn)在依然使世界各地的人們都感到驚 訝。奇速英語暑假網(wǎng)絡(luò)互動直播課程,九天讓你的英語成績?nèi)A麗轉(zhuǎn)身,來不及的不是時間,而是行動,心動就馬上行動,當(dāng)你還在猶豫的時候,先報名的童鞋已經(jīng)甩你很遠(yuǎn)了。在一部小預(yù)算的電影里,他穿著磨破的鞋子和臟兮兮的衣服,扮演了一名貧窮又無家可 歸的人。在一幕場景中, 他被一場暴風(fēng)雪困在一片多山的區(qū)里。盡管他克服了許多困難,但 是他還是運氣不好的。粥都吃完了, 他只好挑出一只鞋子煮

39、來吃。 他切下皮革的鞋底, 像烙 餅一樣地咀嚼起來。 據(jù)一名女演員所說, 他的表演是如此地令人信服而又逗人發(fā)笑的, 以致 在場的所有人都忍不住大笑起來。19. A Misunderstanding一場誤會In general, spoken statements are the major way of communication, butbody language and facialexpressions also have such kinds of function.For example, yawning meansbeing not interested and turningon

40、e ' s back to someone or swinging your fist shows your anger.But what those gestures really mean is subjectivein different cultures. Thus, misunderstandingshappen now and then in today' s world of cultural crossroads.Once,representing the Adults ' Education Association, I went to theairp

41、ort to meet an official of high rankfrom Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a manlooking around curiously. SoI approached to greet him. He suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. As a young girl, I felt truly embarrassed an

42、d put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face.Later,I received a cassette fromhim, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Columbians were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt at ease.通常說來, 口頭表達是人們交流的主要方法, 但是肢體語言和面部表情也有這種功能。 例如, 打哈欠意味著不感興趣, 背對別人或向其揮舞拳頭表達的是憤怒。 但是在不同的文化中那些 手勢表達的真正意思是很主觀的。 由此, 誤會就時不時地發(fā)生在今天這個文化交叉碰撞的世 界里。有一回, 我代表成人教育協(xié)會到機場去接一位從哥倫比亞來的高級官員, 我得帶他到宿舍和 食堂。 當(dāng)他的航班到達時,我看見一名男子好奇地東張西望, 于是走上前去和他打招呼。他 突然猛沖過來擁抱我, 還親了我的臉頰。 還是個年輕姑娘的我感到真尷尬, 不由自主舉起手 來保護自己。他的假笑告訴我他感到丟了面子。后來, 我收到他送來的一盒磁帶, 里面錄了他的道歉。 當(dāng)聽到這只是因為哥倫比亞人更傾向 于見面


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