




1、. _. I _*,II_ Lil-II .- _ L .1 - -.一- - . . Ill- - |_I. II . |_|一 - 一 I一一一.一. 一 .一. ,I 一 . . J 一一 - 一 一.- -一 . 一 II I_ . I_. 一 一_ _ 一 一.一 L -I.1- - . - . I - 一 一. 一一 1 _ 1 一 一一一 一一.I I I_ Ithese pr oblems,wewill proceed fromthe foll owing fiveaspectsof rectification,makesuretoimplementthe pr ovision
2、softhe code.(A) deepeni ng the lear ning ,enhan cethe consci ousnessofhonestyi n politics. To create event as a n opportunityto Exceland learningpart y,furtheri ncreasi ng theg overnance ca pabilitya nda dvanced constructi on,rei nforce d rule softhe br oadmasses ofpartymembers and cadre s awarene s
3、s,senseof responsibilit y,se nseofhonor,improvew orkingabilityand levelofscientific development.Shouldmakefull use of meetings,i n parti cular centralgroup lear ning opportunity,furt herstrengtheni ngthe st udy andeducati on ofthe code, theintensivewarning educati on,e ducation the majority ofpartym
4、embers and cadres knownfear,knew fear,honestyin politi csoftensio nthe string s,consciousnessandenhancing theim plementati on ofthe i nitiative.Also,payattention t o applywhattheyhave learne d,consci ouslystudy re sults i ntopla nni ng work, new i deas,yuan,a n increase of17.5%;l ocal governme nt ge
5、neral budgetrevenueof500million Yuan, .Pai nting,m odel cult urecreates newM aChurch community,creatingLakesceni cspotculturee ducationba se,received higheval uation from provinciala ndmunici paldi sci pline Inspe ctionCommission,thepeoples dailyspecia lreport. Constantlypromotei nde pe ndent Commis
6、sion againstcorruptionculture constructionto ruralextends,createdesta blished Dahli n rural i ndustry ParkindependentCommissionagai nst corruption culture positions,forme d has asupportservice l ow doubleexcellent ofmembers lead team,constantlyperfectand established Park fundsa ssetsma nagement,a nd
7、 vill age athebroa dmasse s ofparty member sand ca dres andconsci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di sci pline,honestyi n politicsand culture tocreate agood atmosphere andfreshdevel opment e nvironment.Alt houg hwein impleme nt implementati on inde pendent Commissionagainst corruptiongui deline saspe c
8、ts made has mustef fectiveness, butaway from superiorofrequirementsal so exists m ustof dista nce,main performance for:ais systemenough sound,educati on, a nd supervisi on,a nd preventi on,a nd punishment,aspe cts long-termmechanismalso enough perfect,e speciallyi n enr ollmen tbidwork reg ulatorya
9、spects alsoneede d strengt heni ng;IIis regulat orysupervisi on exist slost ofYu widcfinancial,system, strengthe ning Park party,and Chief,and financial ,fullpubli c,powerful to g uarantee s has newr uralconstruction, by cityruralstyle cleangover nmentinspe ctionunitled ofheight eval uation.Through
10、t he impleme ntation ofhonestandcl eangover nment cult uralconstruction,and effectively educatesci plinary case ofefforts also needed stre ngthening,i ndivi dual sect orandca dresalso differentdegreeexiststreat gift, nottobenefits notdo,and mess doofphenomenon;Three for honestw orkis the new situati
11、onsa nd new pr obl emsinfindingtimelye nough,treatment measuresar enot stronge nough.TosolvexxxxxxxxxX 限公司XXXXXXXXXXXX須目步設(shè)計(jì)重慶XXXX股計(jì)有限公司XXX炸XX月ew measure s to pr omote work, t he courage totake responsibility, dareto break hard t oensuredi strict,Governme nt de cisions a ndarrang ements toimplement.
12、(B)strengt heni ng supervi sion,severelypuni sh actsofviolati on. Onei s to open t he channels ofsupervision.V igorously pr omote the pa rtyaffairs public, open,wi delyaccepte d supervisi on by themasses, payattention to socialgroupsa nd publ icopini on supervisi on,the powerfulforceformed t o urgep
13、artymember s and leadi ng cadre sn.Dem ocratic life int o fullplay,important briefings, re ports relate d to personal matters andevaluationofca dres studyofinner-partysupervisorysy stem,a com prehensivegrasp ofguidelinesforthe impleme ntation oftheindependentCommissionagainstcorr upti on-related cas
14、esofleading cadres ofparty members,focuson stre ngthe ningkeyareasofpr oje ctsele ction,funding,officialsm onitor, detecta ndre ctifythe problem, promote honesty i npolitics.Thir d,strengthen disci plinaryRecently,theCounty leadingbodies at t he countyleveltcarryout threetreespractice,w hich is to i
15、mpr ovethe gover ninga bilityand pr omoting thedevelopme ntofXXeffective measure. Icarefullyfollow y our depl oymentrequirements,andactively parti cipate i nthe three trees campaign.Read Group,pre pared byt he De partmentinthe nearfuture oftheideol ogicala nd politicalconstructionof leadingca dres i
16、nt he cityreader,read therelevanti nformation,l argerharvest, i nspire d.Ithi nk thea bility ofrepellingis t ostrengthenthepartysgover ningca pacityin questions oftheconstructionof meani ng, an im portanttopicremai ns infrontofparty membersandcadres at all level s,we needtofurt herexpl ore andponder
17、. Theabilityofrepelling t he name suggests,i sasking partymembers a nd ca dresatalllevel sinparti cula r,leading ca dresatalllevels,notonly ourselve s,establ ishacorrect conce ptofthe independent Commission against corr upti on, politi calintegrity, self -discipline,rejecti on ofcorr uption,made for
18、 thepeleadership,a ndstre ngthe nthe se nse ofresponsibilit y,earnestlyimplementt heresponsibility of uncorron ofthe baol iananti -corruptionmeasure s to ensurethe realization ofbusiness-building,construction ofawin-win situation. Next,Icombi ne d withthe irthinki ng, experi ence and contactXX pract
19、ical ,on how t o enhancethea bility of repelling, on fouraspects ofcognition.Irregularities,pleasecomment.First,theconstruction ofthepr opulsion system, andenhance t hesystem of corr uption si ncethefoundi ng ofour party, have bee n thinking a bout tackling corr uption.Currentl y,dem ocraticlegal sy
20、 stem, managementsystem andsupervi sion mechani sm isnot perfect, admi nistrative actsare notverystandardized, Enterprise be haviorandmarketbehavi or, corr uption pre sents a diverse, pluralisti c,complextrends,this shiftthestrugglebetwee n thetwo, wi llaccompanyyuan, a cease of 7.5%; 1 ocal govenme
21、 11 genera budget revenue of mHon Yuan,. Pa nig, m oi _l ue ceates . M a Cure -mm-,- - .Lake scei c spot culue e . ba se, e h.eva uaton fom irovic_ a nd muic pa di si pie spec.nCmmsstn, thepeoplesspea l reorl Cnsantypromote in- pe nnt Cmmin -.st-.pt culue.nstr . in to rural exte,create, esa bised Da
22、li nu,a i ndusty Park id”,nt Cmmisson agga nst corruincutue poSIons formed hasa support sevie lowdoue e ti f members ead team,cnsanty perfect an. esalshed Park fuds a sses ma nageme, and VIage au siervs on, a. v s doocatc “一,system, steghe nig Park party, a. cef and iai ca , ful publi c, poweru to g
23、 uaantee s has new r ual cnstucin, by c ura stye ceagover nmet ispe cinui - ofheight eva -in.Trought he mpeme a. cl eagover nmet cut ura cnstucin, and e - tv - e etebra d m s of pary m be s ad drrs and cnsc ousyrrg ulat. behav or ad d sipie, ad.,e tceae a good o.ee and frshdeve opmet envionmet. Alho
24、ug in mpleme ntimp eat on ii de pedet cmminlgaiscruptin gu -ie s -pe cs m-e hhs mustef 3 ne but aw. omlupeirof equirmens al ss must of disance mai pefmane fr: a s systmeoughsound, - uucaion, a ndiupenii on, a I d prevea nd punshmet ase - lnge.mlchaalseough peea e sec- i nerolmen ”. work rigultry a s
25、ecs - ne d steg hei I g; I s rrgultoy lupervs.nit s ls of Yu Wde ad lost of Yu st ivesgainilga .scpiay ,f for,aso n se I gtenig, indiv dual sctor ad cades als dieent dlgrre e stea git not t beneisnot ., and mes . of pheomenon;Thrre fr hones w ok s thenew skains and new iIndig tmely e noug, te.etm-lu
26、rs a e not srng e noug.Tsletee pr .b m s we wl prie fom the fll owng fve asec s of rrecfcain, mike lue tmpllment te pr ovsins of the cde A) depei ng te lea ning , eha te cnsc ouses of honnesy i n polks Tocrae eent - a n opporuniy toElce and ring pat y, fute i ncras ng te g o-rane ca paily a nd adani
27、ed consulton, re nfce d ules of te br oad mlsss of pary m bes and ce saareess sese of rrsponsiiiy - nne of honor, .pro - wo.ig aiiy and eve of scentic vlpment Shoud mae ul uue of mieigs, in pat cular cental gour ning ”poru, urthe sengtei ng the s udy and at on of te Lode te itesve ring aton, educato
28、n te mjrof pary m bes ad ca.rs kowea, knw farhone - i poliics of tesi n the stig s cnnciusnes adenhacig the m p etai I nof te i niiaiveAls, pay aentinto apply what thyhat leane d, cnsc ousy s - y re sus i nt pla nni ng wrk, new i deas工程設(shè)計(jì)責(zé)任人職務(wù)實(shí)名簽名職稱注冊情況院長總工程師總建筑師項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)執(zhí)行項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)總 圖專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定(核)建 筑專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定
29、(核)結(jié) 構(gòu)專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定(核)給 排 水專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定(核)暖 通專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定(核)、專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定(核)電 氣:專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè) 計(jì)審定(核)概 算r專業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計(jì)審核0XXXXXX項(xiàng)目初步設(shè)計(jì)設(shè)計(jì)說明書目 次1 概況 12 總平面 53 建筑 124 結(jié)構(gòu) 205 給水排水 326 電氣 427 采暖通風(fēng)與空氣調(diào)節(jié)、動(dòng)力 658 消防 739 人防 8910節(jié)能 9911景觀及綠化 10712環(huán)境保護(hù) 10913概算 1131rectification,make sureto implementtheprovisi ons ofthecode.(A)deepeningthe l
30、earni ng,e nhancet heconsciousness ofhonesty in politi cs.To create eve ntasan opport unity to Excela nd le arni ng party,furt her increasi ngthegover nance ca pabilityand a dvanced construction, reinforce drule s ofthebroa d masse sofparty membersa ndcadresaware ness, se nseofresponsi bility,senseo
31、f honor, improve worki ng ability a nd level of scie ntificdevel opme nt.Shoul d make fulluse ofmeetings,in particular ce ntralgrouplearni ng opportunit y,further strengthe ningt hestudyand education ofthecode, t heinte nsive war ningeducati on,e ducationthe majorityof party membersand cadresknownfe
32、ar,knewfear,honestyinpoliti csoftensionthe stri ngs,consci ousness andenhan cingthe implementation of thei nitiative.Also,pay attentionto apply whatthey havelear ned,consciouslyst udyresultsinto planning w ork,ne wideayuan,a n increaseof 17.5%;l ocal gov ernmentge neralbudgetrevenueof 500 millionYua
33、n,. Painting,model culture creates newMa Church community, creatingLake sce nic spotcult ure educati on base, re ceived higheval uation from provincialandm unici paldi scipline Inspecti on Commissi on,the peoples dailyspecialre port. Constantly promoteinde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorruption cult
34、 ureconstr uctionto ruralexte nds, created e stablished Dahli n ruralindustry ParkindependentCommission against corruptionculture positions,formed has asupport service low doubleexcellentofmembersleadteam, constantlyperfectandestablishe d Park fundsa ssetsma nagement,a nd villagea udit supervisi on,
35、a ndvillager sdemocratic fina nci al,system,strengt heni ng Parkpart y,and Chief,and fina ncial ,fullpubli c,powerfulto g uarantees has new ruralconstruction,bycity ruralstyl ecle an governme ntinspecti on unitled ofheig htevaluation.Throughtheimplementationofhonest a ndclean gov ernment cultural co
36、nstruction,andeffectivelyeducate thebroadmasses of party membersand cadres and consciously reg ulated behavi orand di sci pline ,honestyi n politicsand culture t ocreatea good atmosphere andfreshdevel opment environment.Alt hough we inimpl ement impl ementation independent Commissionagai nstcorrupti
37、onguidelinesaspect s made has must effectivene ss, butawayfrom superi or of requirements alsoexistsmustof dista nce,main performancefor:a issystem enoug h sound,e ducation,a nd supervision, a nd preventi on,a nd punishment,a spe ctslong-term me chanism also e nough perfect, espe ciallyin enrol lment
38、 bi d w orkregulatory a spe cts al so neede d strengtheni ng;IIis reg ulatorysupervision exists l ostofYu wide,and lost ofYusoft,investigationillegaldisciplinarycaseofeffortsalso neededstre ngthe ning, individual se ctor a nd cadres also different degre e exists treatgift,notto benefitsnotdo,andmess
39、doofphenomenon;Threeforhonestworkis the new situati onsand new problemsi nfindi ngtimely e noug h,treatmentmea suresar e notstrong enough.o solve t hese problems,we will proceed fromthe followingfiveaspectsof附件1 重慶市 * 201* * 號關(guān)于 * 工程項(xiàng)目立項(xiàng)的批復(fù);2 重慶市人民政府渝府(201*)* 號文,關(guān)于關(guān)于* 工程設(shè)計(jì)方案的批復(fù) ;3 重慶市規(guī)劃局渝規(guī)建審(201*)*
40、字第 * 號文, 重慶市建設(shè)工程方案設(shè)計(jì)審查意見通知書;4 重慶市公安局消防局建筑工程消防設(shè)計(jì)的審核意見書,( 201*)渝公消(建方 )字第 * 號文, 關(guān)于同意* 工程設(shè)計(jì)方案消防設(shè)計(jì)的審核意見;5 重慶市園林事業(yè)管理局重園建方( 201*)* 號文, 關(guān)于 * 工程設(shè)計(jì) (方案 )配套綠地的意見;6 建筑節(jié)能計(jì)算報(bào)告書。#XXXXXX項(xiàng)目初步設(shè)計(jì)設(shè)計(jì)說明書1概況1.1工程概況表1.1工程概況表項(xiàng)目名稱項(xiàng)目 所在地項(xiàng)目 業(yè)主方建筑性質(zhì)建筑面積 (地上/地下)最大建筑高度(地 上/地下)最大建筑層數(shù) (地上/地下)建筑用 地回積建筑 總面積建筑抗震設(shè)防分 類類別丙建筑場 地類別III類建筑抗
41、震 設(shè)防烈度6度主要結(jié) 構(gòu)體系是否高切坡(深 基坑)是否超限 高層人防保護(hù) 等級最高日 用水量最高日 污水量電力安裝 總?cè)萘堪l(fā)電機(jī) 容量變壓器 安裝容量總冷/暖 負(fù)荷動(dòng)力負(fù)荷天然氣 日耗量概算 總造價(jià)*萬元備注建筑主體結(jié)構(gòu)合理使用年限*年1.2 工程設(shè)計(jì)的主要依據(jù)1.2.1 重慶市*委員會,200* 5號關(guān)于*工程項(xiàng)目立項(xiàng)的批復(fù);1.2.2 重慶市人民政府,(200*)*號文,*工程設(shè)計(jì)方案的批復(fù);1.2.3 重慶市規(guī)劃局,重規(guī)建審(200*)*字第*號文,重慶市建設(shè)工程方案設(shè)計(jì)審查意見通知書;1.2.4 重慶市規(guī)劃局*年*月下達(dá)的本工程現(xiàn)狀規(guī)劃紅線地形圖;1rectification,mak
42、e sureto implementtheprovisionsofthecode.(A)deepeningt he learni ng,e nhancet heconsciousness ofhonesty in politi cs.To create eve ntasan opport unity to Excela nd le arni ng party,furt her increasi ngthegover nance ca pabilityand a dvanced construction, reinforce drule s ofthebroa d masse sofparty
43、membersa ndcadresaware ness, se nseofresponsi bility,senseof honor, improveworking ability a nd level of scie ntificdevel opme nt.Shoul d make fulluse ofmeetings,in particular ce ntralgrouplearni ng opportunit y,further strengthe ningt hestudyand education ofthecode,t heinte nsive war ningeducati on
44、,e ducationthe majorityof party membersand cadresknownfear,knewfear,honesty in politi csoftensionthe stri ngs,consci ousness andenhan cingthe implementationoftheinitiative.Also,payattentiontoapplywhattheyhavelear ned,consciouslyst udyresultsinto planning w ork,ne wideayuan,a n increaseof 17.5%;l oca
45、l gov ernmentge neralbudgetrevenueof 500 millionYuan,. Painting,model culture creates newMa Church community, creatingLake sce nic spotcult ure educati on base, re ceived higheval uation from provincialandmunici paldi scipline Inspecti on Commissi on,the peoples dailyspecialre port. Constantly promo
46、teinde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorruption cult ureconstr uctionto ruralexte nds, created e stablished Dahli n ruralindustry ParkindependentCommissionagainstcorruptionculture positions,formed has asupport servicelowdoubleexcellentofmembersleadteam, constantlyperfectandestablishedParkfundsa ssetsm
47、a nagement,a nd villagea udit supervisi on,a ndvillager sdemocratic fina nci al,system,strengt heni ng Parkpart y,and Chief,and fina ncial ,fullpubli c,powerfulto g uarantees has new ruralconstruction,bycity ruralstyl ecle an governme ntinspecti on unitled ofheig htevaluation.Throughtheimplementatio
48、nofhonestandcleangovernmentcultural construction,andeffectivelyeducate thebroadmassesofpartymembersand cadres and consciously reg ulated behavi orand di sci pline ,honestyi n politicsand culture t ocreatea good atmosphere andfreshdevelopmentenvironment.Alt hough we inimpl ement impl ementation indep
49、endent Commissionagainstcorruptionguidelinesaspectsmadehasmusteffectivene ss, butawayfrom superi or of requirements alsoexistsmustofdistance,mainperformancefor:aissystemenough sound,e ducation,a nd supervision, a nd preventi on,a nd punishment,a spe ctslong-term me chanism also e nough perfect, espe
50、 ciallyin enrol lment bi d w orkregulatory a spe cts al so neede d strengtheni ng;IIis reg ulatorysupervision exists l ostofYu wide,and lost ofYusoft,investigationillegaldisciplinary case ofeffortsalso neededstre ngthe ning, individual se ctor a nd cadres also different degre e exists treatgift,nott
51、o benefitsnotdo,andmessdoofphenomenon;Threeforhonestworkis the new situati onsand new problemsi nfindi ngtimely e noug h,treatmentmea suresar e notstrong enough.o solve t hese problems,we will proceed fromthe followingfiveaspectsof1.2.5 重慶市公安局消防局建筑工程消防設(shè)計(jì)的審核意見書,(200*)渝公消(建方 )字第 * 號文, 關(guān)于 * 工程方案消防設(shè)計(jì)的審核
52、意見;1.2.6 重慶市園林事業(yè)管理局重園建方(200* )* 號文, 關(guān)于 * 工程(方案 )配套綠地的意見;1.2.7 重慶市人民防空委員會* 年 * 月 * 日下發(fā)的修建防空地下室設(shè)置意見書;1.2.8 重慶市建設(shè)項(xiàng)目環(huán)境影響評價(jià)文件批準(zhǔn)書渝( *) 環(huán)準(zhǔn) 201* 號 ;1.2.9 顧客提供的設(shè)計(jì)委托書、本階段的設(shè)計(jì)要求及各種有關(guān)設(shè)計(jì)的基礎(chǔ)資料和雙方會商紀(jì)要;1.2.10 顧客提供的由* 單位 * 年 * 月編制的巖土工程勘察報(bào)告;1.2.11 有關(guān)部門批準(zhǔn)并經(jīng)顧客確認(rèn)的由* 院編制的本工程方案設(shè)計(jì)文件;1.2.12 顧客與我院簽定的建筑工程設(shè)計(jì)合同;1.2.13 與本工程設(shè)計(jì)有關(guān)的國
53、家和地方現(xiàn)行法規(guī)、規(guī)范、規(guī)程、標(biāo)準(zhǔn);1.3 建設(shè)場地概況1.3.1 項(xiàng)目區(qū)位:位于重慶 市 奉節(jié)中心城區(qū)。1.3.2 工程所在地區(qū)氣象條件:重慶氣象臺裝置位置:北緯29 0 35;東經(jīng)106 028。溫度:年平均溫度18.3;極端最高溫度44.0;極端最低溫度1.8。降雨量:歷年平均降雨量1081.7mm;最大小日t降雨量65mm。濕度:歷年平均相對濕度79;最熱月平均相對濕度76;最冷月平均相對濕度81.3。風(fēng)向:全年主導(dǎo)風(fēng)向北風(fēng);最大風(fēng)速28.4m/s;冬季風(fēng)向C頻率36%,北向頻率15%;夏季風(fēng)向C頻率31%,北向頻率10%。歷年平均風(fēng)速2.2m/s?;撅L(fēng)壓3XXXXXX項(xiàng)目初步設(shè)計(jì)0
54、.4KN/m2 (高層為 0.45KN/m2)。1.3.3 工程水文及地質(zhì)條件:本地區(qū)地震基本烈度6度,抗震設(shè)防烈度6度, 無不良地質(zhì)情況,屬適建區(qū)。詳細(xì)工程水文及地質(zhì)條件詳見結(jié)構(gòu)說明中 4.3 條。1.3.4 公用設(shè)施情況:本工程在*方向有市政供水管,*方向有市政污水 管,*方向有市政雨水管。天然氣管道由*方向引入;電力管網(wǎng)由*方 向引入;電訊(網(wǎng)絡(luò)、閉路電視)管網(wǎng)由*方向引入。1.4 設(shè)計(jì)范圍和內(nèi)容1.4.1 根據(jù)與業(yè)主簽定的建筑工程設(shè)計(jì)合同,本次設(shè)計(jì)范圍為該工程規(guī) 劃道路紅線及用地界線范圍內(nèi)按審定方案所確定的建筑物和總平面初步設(shè) 計(jì)。包括總圖(含擋土墻、綠地布置、管道綜合)、建筑、結(jié)構(gòu)、
55、給水排水、 電氣、采暖通風(fēng)與空氣調(diào)節(jié),消防、節(jié)能、環(huán)境保護(hù)等內(nèi)容。1.4.2 設(shè)計(jì)合同以外的內(nèi)容(如:環(huán)境景觀綠化、燈飾工程、建筑智能化、 二次裝修、幕墻工程等),由業(yè)主另行委托有關(guān)專業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)或咨詢,我院 給予配合。景觀綠化設(shè)計(jì)本次僅考慮綠地布置。建筑智能化本次設(shè)計(jì)僅提 出系統(tǒng)要求。1.4.3 本工程共有子項(xiàng)目8個(gè),各子項(xiàng)具體情況詳見321.5 設(shè)計(jì)指導(dǎo)思想和設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn)1.5.1 各專業(yè)在符合國家和重慶市現(xiàn)行有關(guān)規(guī)范、 規(guī)定和技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的前提下, 忠實(shí)于原方案設(shè)計(jì)和滿足顧客提出的要求,并完善建設(shè)各項(xiàng)配套設(shè)施。同 時(shí)針對該項(xiàng)目的特點(diǎn)對方案進(jìn)一步深化。1.5.2 充分體現(xiàn)“以人為本”的現(xiàn)代設(shè)計(jì)思想,處理好人與建筑、人與環(huán)境、11yuan,a n increaseof 17.5%;l ocal gov ernmentge neralbudgetrevenueof 500 milli
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