1、銷售合同和銷售確認書銷售合同和銷售確認書學習目標學習目標l了解銷售合同和確認書的基本內容l重點掌握銷售確認書和合同形式和要求l了解圍繞銷售合同的信函往來書寫的典型句型和表達用語概概 述述 如果賣方的報價(如果賣方的報價(offer)無條件地被買方接受,或者)無條件地被買方接受,或者買賣雙方經過貿易條款磋商達成一致,由買發(fā)方發(fā)出訂買賣雙方經過貿易條款磋商達成一致,由買發(fā)方發(fā)出訂單;或買方根據(jù)賣方報價直接發(fā)出訂單,再由賣方對訂單;或買方根據(jù)賣方報價直接發(fā)出訂單,再由賣方對訂單進行函電確認以后,交易就進入了定購貨物階段。這單進行函電確認以后,交易就進入了定購貨物階段。這時可由賣方寄發(fā)銷售合同或者銷售
2、確認書,也可由買方時可由賣方寄發(fā)銷售合同或者銷售確認書,也可由買方在訂購貨物時直接把購貨合同或者購貨確認寄給賣方。在訂購貨物時直接把購貨合同或者購貨確認寄給賣方。購貨合同和購貨確認書是買賣雙方在通過交易磋商達成購貨合同和購貨確認書是買賣雙方在通過交易磋商達成交易后,是由買方出具并寄給雙方加以確認的列明達成交易后,是由買方出具并寄給雙方加以確認的列明達成交易條件的書面證明,經買賣雙方簽署的確認書,是法交易條件的書面證明,經買賣雙方簽署的確認書,是法律上有效的文件,對買賣雙方具有同等的約束力。律上有效的文件,對買賣雙方具有同等的約束力。第一節(jié)第一節(jié) 銷售合同的形式和基本內容銷售合同的形式和基本內容
3、銷售確認書和銷售合同是買賣雙方在通過交易磋商達成交易后,是由賣方出具并寄給雙方加以確認的列明達成交易條件的書面證明,經買賣雙方簽署的確認書,是法律上有效的文件,對買賣雙方具有同等的約束力。在進出口貿易中,銷售合同主要有兩種形式,即正式合同(contract)和合同確認書(confirmation),雖然繁簡不同,但具有同等法律效力,對買賣雙方均有約束力。書面合同的內容一般由下列三部分組成:約首、正文、約尾。第二節(jié)第二節(jié) 銷售確認書及相關函電往來銷售確認書及相關函電往來例例1:Dear Sirs:Subject: Order for 10,000 Pairs of Leather Bags In
4、 reply to your letter of June 12, we are interested in your various leather bags and have decided to place a trial order試定 as per the terms stated in your offer of June 12. Please take special care of the quality and the package of this order. The leather should be of the same quality as that used i
5、n the sample. We hope that you can pack each bag in an airtight polythene bag密封的塑料袋密封的塑料袋, a dozen一打一打 bags in a box and then 20 boxes into a strong seaworthy wooden case海運的結實木箱海運的結實木箱. 敬啟者:敬啟者:主題:主題: 訂購訂購10000個皮包個皮包 現(xiàn)回復貴公司現(xiàn)回復貴公司6月月12日函電。我公司對貴公司的各式皮包感興日函電。我公司對貴公司的各式皮包感興趣,并按你方趣,并按你方6月月12日所報的條件試訂一批皮包。
6、日所報的條件試訂一批皮包。 請你們對這批貨物的質量和包裝給與特別關注。所用的皮革應與請你們對這批貨物的質量和包裝給與特別關注。所用的皮革應與樣品的質量相符。我們希望每個皮包都能用塑料袋密封包裝,然后每樣品的質量相符。我們希望每個皮包都能用塑料袋密封包裝,然后每12個皮包裝入一個紙盒,再把個皮包裝入一個紙盒,再把20個紙盒裝入一個適合海洋運輸?shù)慕Y實個紙盒裝入一個適合海洋運輸?shù)慕Y實木箱。木箱。 We place this order on the clear understanding that基于基于you can guarantee shipment at Dalian to New York
7、 by Oct. 1, and we reserve the right to cancel it and refuse拒絕拒絕 delivery接收 after this date逾期. We will order more if the first order with you proves證明證明 to be satisfactory. Please confirm the acceptance of our order by return回復回復. Upon receipt of your confirmation, an L/C will be issued. Yours since
8、rely, 我公司下此訂單的條件是貴方能保證在10月1日之前將貨物由大連運至紐約。如若逾期不能交貨,我公司保留取消訂單與拒收貨物的權利。如果首次訂貨令我們滿意的話,我們以后將再惠顧你方。 如果你方愿意接受我們的訂貨,煩請來函確認。一旦你方予以確認,我方將馬上開出信用證。重要語句重要語句As per the terms sated in your offer 按照你方所報條件The quality is as per the catalogue weve provided.品質按照我們提供的目錄。Take special care of the quality and the package 特
9、別關注貨物質量和包裝A strong seaworthy wooden case適合海洋運輸?shù)慕Y實木箱seaworthy packing適航包裝,海運包裝Reserve the right to do something 保留權利例例2:確認訂單發(fā)送銷售確認書:確認訂單發(fā)送銷售確認書Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to receive收到收到 your order (No.132) for Leather Bags. We accept the order and are enclosing you our Sales Confirmation 銷售確認書No.1
10、23 in duplicate 一式二份一式二份of which please countersign會簽會簽 and return one copy to us for our file. 已獲悉貴方第132號訂購皮包的訂單。我方按相應條款接受訂單并隨函附寄我方第123號銷售確認書一式二份。請會簽后寄回一份供我方存檔。 Please note that a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit保兌的不保兌的不可撤銷的信用證可撤銷的信用證in our favor covering the above mentioned goods should
11、be established immediately. The stipulations規(guī)定規(guī)定 in the relevant相關的 Letter of credit should strictly conform 相符to the terms stated in the herewith enclosed Sales Confirmation so as to avoid possible subsequent以后的 amendments修改. 請貴方注意,請對上述貨物立即開立以我方為受益人的、保兌的、不可撤銷信用證。有關信用證的條款應該嚴格遵循所附的銷售確認書的規(guī)定,以避免今后可能出現(xiàn)的
12、修改。 As soon as we get your L/C, we shall arrange the delivery交貨 immediately. We believe that the goods will turn out to be of your entire satisfaction and we may have further orders from you. 一旦收到貴方信用證,我方將馬上安排裝運。我們相信我們的貨物能令貴方完全滿意,同時也希望繼續(xù)收到貴方訂單。 Yours faithfully,重要語句重要語句Countersign ,counter sign; cou
13、nter signature 會簽Enclosed is our contract No.123in duplicate, of which please return us one copy, duly countersign.隨函附上我方123號合同一式二份,請會簽并寄回一份。Return one copy to us for file 寄回一份供我方存檔A confirmed and irrevocable Letter of credit in our favor以我方為受益人的、保兌的、不可撤銷信用證Turn out to be your entire satisfaction令貴方
14、完全滿意例例3:會簽合同:會簽合同Dear Sirs, We are in receipt of your contract with signature in duplicate一式二份 on Tuesday and pleased to make you our counter signature會簽 attached附上的 herewith. Now we are in urgent need of the products, thus we fax you this letter and the contract for the arrangement of your early sh
15、ipment delivery and the original contract with our signature will also be duly sent to you soon. Thanks a lot and your prompt cooperation will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, 貴方所簽發(fā)的合同一式二份于周二收悉,我方已會簽。由于急需供貨,現(xiàn)將我方會簽的合同傳真至貴方,以便盡快安排發(fā)貨。合同正本立即寄去。 衷心感謝貴方的及時配合。重要語句重要語句Counter signature 會簽in urgent n
16、eed of急需As we are in urgent need of the goods, please make up and ship our order immediately.由于我們急需貨物,請立即包裝并發(fā)運我方訂貨。銷售確認書(實例)銷售確認書(實例)茲買賣雙方同意成交下列商品訂立條款如下:茲買賣雙方同意成交下列商品訂立條款如下:The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipul
17、ated below:6.付款方式:請在裝運期前30天開給我方保兌的、不可撤銷的、即期信用證。 Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.7. 包裝: 12打/箱200箱裝一集裝箱Packing:12dozens in a carton,200cartons in a teu fcl8. 裝運期限 :收到可以轉船及分批裝運之信用證7 天內裝 出。 Time of Shipment : Within7days a
18、fter receipt of L/C allowing transhipment and partial shipment.9. 裝運口岸:天津 Port of Loading:TIANJIN CHINA10. 目的港: 溫哥華 Port of Destination: VANCOUVER 11.保險: 按發(fā)票金額的110%投保一切險及戰(zhàn)爭險(不包括罷工險)。 Insurance: To be covered by the seller for 110% of total invoice value. Covering all risks and war risk only (excludi
19、ng S.R.C.C.) 12.仲裁:仲裁: 凡因執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關事項所發(fā)生的凡因執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關事項所發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí),一切爭執(zhí), 應由雙方通過友好的方式協(xié)商解決。應由雙方通過友好的方式協(xié)商解決。 如果如果不能取得協(xié)議時,則在被告國家根據(jù)被告仲裁機構的仲不能取得協(xié)議時,則在被告國家根據(jù)被告仲裁機構的仲裁程序規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁決定是終局的,對雙方具有裁程序規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁決定是終局的,對雙方具有同等約束力。仲裁費用除非仲裁機構另有決定外,均由同等約束力。仲裁費用除非仲裁機構另有決定外,均由敗訴一方負擔。敗訴一方負擔。Arbitration: All disputes in co
20、nnection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by negotiation between two parties. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the arbitration organiz
21、ation of the defendant country. The decision made by the arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.備注:買方收到本售貨確認書后立即簽回一份,如買方對備注:買方收到本售貨確認書后立即簽回一份,
22、如買方對本確認書有異議,應于收到后本確認書有異議,應于收到后5天內提出,否則認為買天內提出,否則認為買方已同意本確認書所規(guī)定的各項條款。方已同意本確認書所規(guī)定的各項條款。REMARKS:The Buyers are requested to sign and return one copy of this Sales Confirmation immediately after receipt of the same. Objection, if any, should be raise by the Buyers within five days after the receipt of t
23、his Sales Confirmation, in the absence of which it is understood that the Buyers have accepted the terms and conditions of the Sales Confirmation.賣賣 方:云南華龍紡織品貿易有限公司方:云南華龍紡織品貿易有限公司 談嘉THE SELLERS: YUNAN HUALONG TEXTILE CORP 買買 方:弗蘭克紡織公司方:弗蘭克紡織公司 DENGFEITHE BUYERS:FRANk TEXITILE CO.LTD 銷售確認書兩條主要條款銷售確認書
24、兩條主要條款PAYMENT付款條件付款條件: By confirmed, irrevocable, transferrable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before _ and to remain valid有法律效力的 for negotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid上述的 time of shipment. The L/C must specify that trans-shipment and partia
25、l shipments are allowed. 買方須于買方須于_年年_月月_日將保兌的,不可撤銷的,可轉讓日將保兌的,不可撤銷的,可轉讓可分割的即期信用證開到對方。信用證議付有效期延至上可分割的即期信用證開到對方。信用證議付有效期延至上列裝運期后列裝運期后15天在中國到期,該信用證中必須注明允許分天在中國到期,該信用證中必須注明允許分運及轉運。運及轉運。 ARBITRATE CLAUSES仲裁條款仲裁條款: Any dispute arising out of 引起的in connection with thus contract shall be referred to China in
26、ternational economic and trade arbitration commission for arbitration in accordance with its existing rules of arbitration. The place of arbitration shall be _. The arbitral award is final and binding upon the two parties. 凡因本合同引起的或與本合同有關的爭議,均應凡因本合同引起的或與本合同有關的爭議,均應提交中國國際經濟貿易委員會,按照申請仲裁時提交中國國際經濟貿易委員會,
27、按照申請仲裁時該會現(xiàn)行有效的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁,仲裁地點在該會現(xiàn)行有效的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁,仲裁地點在_,仲裁裁決是終局,對雙方均有約束力。,仲裁裁決是終局,對雙方均有約束力。第三節(jié)第三節(jié) 銷售合同及相關函電往來銷售合同及相關函電往來Dear Sirs, In reply to your counter offer of June 10, we are here sending you this confirming letter, accepting all you have counter-offered as follows: 關于貴方6月10日還盤,我方接受你方的所有還盤,并在此作如下確認
28、: Commodity: Haier TV sets 產品名稱:海爾牌電視機 Specifications: as per list attached 規(guī)格:詳見隨附單據(jù) Quantity: 5 000sets 數(shù)量:5000臺 Packing: in firm, plastic, waterproof 防水的cases 包裝:置于結實、有塑料內襯、 防水的箱子中。 Price $400.00 preset shipment no later than August 20 價格:400.00美元/臺 Shipment: no later than August 20 裝船:不遲于8月20日 P
29、ayment: by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in our favor, payable by draft at sight即期匯票即期匯票 付款方式:以我方為受益人的、保兌的、不可撤銷的即期付款方式:以我方為受益人的、保兌的、不可撤銷的即期信用證付款信用證付款 Please send us your sales contract the soonest possible, and your prompt arrangement for the ordered goods will be highly appreciated.
30、請盡快回寄貴方的銷售合同,對貴方的妥善安排深表感謝。 Yours faithfully,例例5:寄發(fā)銷售合同寄發(fā)銷售合同Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of June 12th for 5 000 TV sets and we are pleased to confirm your order. Price: at RMB $400.00 per set, CIFC 3% New York. CIF紐約含3%的傭金 . Packing: in wooden boxes. Though the prevailing現(xiàn)行的 quotations are s
31、omewhat有點 lower than our expectation, we will still accept the order on the same terms as you mentioned with a view to encouraging 鼓勵business. 感謝貴方6月12日來函提及訂購我方5000臺電視機,我方現(xiàn)確定貴方訂貨。 價格:紐約到岸價每臺400美元,含你方傭金3% 包裝:木箱 雖然現(xiàn)行報價比我們預期偏低,我方仍然接受合同條款,以促進雙方的進一步合作。 As requested in your previous上一次的 letter, we have ma
32、de out and send you the Sales Contract in triplicate 一式三份and shall be grateful should you send back one copy duly countersigned. We are pleased to learn that you can immediately open a letter of credit in our favor. In order to avoid subsequent amendments, here we would like to draw your attention t
33、o the fact that the stipulations in the relative credit should conform strictly to the terms in our Sales Contract. We appreciate your cooperation and trust相信 that the shipment to be dispatched發(fā)貨 upon receipt of the letter of credit will turn out to your complete satisfaction. Yours faithfully, 根據(jù)你方
34、前次來函要求,我方已制定并寄去銷售確認書一式三份,請將其中一份簽字后回寄我方。 很高興貴方將開立有我方為受益人的信用證。同時,為了避免今后修改,請注意有關信用證的表述應當嚴格按照我方銷售合同中的相關條款。 請確信,我方將妥善辦理你方訂購事宜。重要語句重要語句Prevailing quotations 現(xiàn)行報價On the same terms 依照相同的條款With a view 以為目的to encouraging business 為了促進交易We agree to your proposal with a view to development of business.為了發(fā)展業(yè)務我們同
35、意你方的建議。Avoid subsequent amendments避免日后修改銷售合同(銷售合同(sales contractsales contract)p86-89p86-89(簡要講解)(簡要講解)7. Shipping mark裝運嘜頭裝運嘜頭 : On each package shall be stenciled用模板印 conspicuously顯著地 : port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurement and the shipping mark shown on the right
36、 side .(for dangerous and/or poisonous有毒的 cargo貨物, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package)每件貨物上應刷明到貨口岸、件號、每件毛重及凈重、尺每件貨物上應刷明到貨口岸、件號、每件毛重及凈重、尺碼及右列嘜頭(如危險及碼及右列嘜頭(如危險及/或有毒貨物,應按慣例在每件貨或有毒貨物,應按慣例在每件貨物上明顯刷出有關標記及性質說明)。物上明顯刷出有關標記及性質說明)。 10. Terms of Payment付款條
37、件付款條件: By Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the Seller before_and to remain valid for negotiation in China until_after the Time of Shipment. The L/C must specify that transshipment 轉運and partial shipments are allowed. 買方須于買方須于_前將保兌的,不可撤銷的,
38、可轉讓可分割的前將保兌的,不可撤銷的,可轉讓可分割的即期信用證開到賣方,該信用證的有效期延至裝運期后即期信用證開到賣方,該信用證的有效期延至裝運期后_ 天在中國到期,并必須注明允許分批裝運及轉船。天在中國到期,并必須注明允許分批裝運及轉船。 The Buyer shall establish a Letter of Credit before the above-stipulated time, failing which. the Seller shall have the right to rescind撤銷 this Contract upon the arrival of the no
39、tice at Buyer or to accept whole or part of this Contract non fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge提出 a claim for the direct losses sustained, if any. 買方未在規(guī)定的時間內開出信用證,賣方有權發(fā)出通知取買方未在規(guī)定的時間內開出信用證,賣方有權發(fā)出通知取消本合同,或接受買方對本合同未執(zhí)行的全部或部分,或消本合同,或接受買方對本合同未執(zhí)行的全部或部分,或對因此遭受的損失提出索賠。對因此遭受的損失提出索賠。13. Quality/Quantity disc
40、repancy品質品質/數(shù)量異議(不符合數(shù)量異議(不符合之處)之處): In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed提出訴訟 by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of
41、 destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to由于 causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other Transportation Organization /or Post Office are liable.如買方提出索賠,凡屬品質異議須于貨到目的口岸之日如買方提出索賠,凡屬品質異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起起30天內提出,凡屬數(shù)量異議須
42、于貨到目的口岸之日起天內提出,凡屬數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起15天內提出,對所裝貨物所提任何異議于保險公司、輪天內提出,對所裝貨物所提任何異議于保險公司、輪船公司、其他有關運輸機構或郵遞機構所負責者,賣方船公司、其他有關運輸機構或郵遞機構所負責者,賣方不負任何責任。不負任何責任。14. The Seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequ
43、ence of 因any Force Majeure incidents, which might occur. Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable不能克服的 objective客觀的 conditions情況.由于發(fā)生人力不可抗拒的原因,致使本合同不能履行,部由于發(fā)生人力不可抗拒的原因,致使本合同不能履行,部分或全部商品延誤交貨,賣方概不負責。本合同所指的不分或全部商品延誤交貨,賣方概不負責。本合同所指的不可抗力系指不可干預、不能避免
44、且不能克服的客觀情況。可抗力系指不可干預、不能避免且不能克服的客觀情況。15. Arbitration仲裁仲裁: Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Sales Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall then be submitted提交 to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration
45、Commission (CIETAC, Shenzhen Commission) for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.因凡本合同引起的或與本合同有關的任何爭議,因凡本合同引起的或與本合同有關的任何爭議,如果協(xié)商不能解決,應提交中國國際經濟仲裁委如果協(xié)商不能解決,應提交中國國際經濟仲裁委員會深圳分會。按照申請仲裁時該會當時施行的
46、員會深圳分會。按照申請仲裁時該會當時施行的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方均有約束力。均有約束力。16. Notices通知通知: All notice shall be written in_and served to both parties by fax/e-mail /courier according to the following addresses. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within_days after the ch
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