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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上全英教學(xué)授課用語一、課堂用語 (一.)問候語1.你好Hi/Hello.2.同學(xué)們早安/下午好/晚上好Good morning/afternoon/evening.3. Whats new?有什么新鮮事么? 4. How are you all today? 你們今天都好嗎?5. Are you all well this morning? 今天早上大家都好嗎?(二) checking attendance (考勤)1. Is everybody here?大家都到了么?2. Who is not here?誰沒到?3. Come in進(jìn)來.4. Hurry up.快點(diǎn)

2、5. Why are you late?你為什么遲到?6. Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?7. OK! Listen while I call your names.好!點(diǎn)名。8. Quiet now ,please. Listen while I see if youre all here.請安靜,現(xiàn)在點(diǎn)名。9.Now! Lets see whos absent. 現(xiàn)在讓我們看看誰缺席了。10. Right! Lets see if anyones away. 好的,讓我們瞧瞧是否有人離開了。11.Is anybody absent? 有人缺席嗎?12.Is every

3、body here? 所有人都在這兒嗎?(全到齊了嗎?)13、 Whos on duty today? / Whos helping this morning/today?今天誰值日?14、 Whos absent? /Whos away? 誰缺席了?15、Try to be on time./ Dont be late next time. 請盡量準(zhǔn)時。(下次別遲到了。)(三)教室常規(guī)1. No dirty words.不可以講臟話2. No sleeping.不可以睡覺3. No talking, please.。請不要說話了4. Dont speak out.不要說出來5. No eat

4、ing.不可以吃東西6. No Chinese, speak English.不可以說中文,說英語7. Raise your hand before you speak.先舉手,在說話8. No cheating.不可以作弊9. Please be quiet.請安靜10. Lower your voice/Keep your voice down.小聲點(diǎn)11. Speak up, please.大點(diǎn)聲12. Listen to me.請聽我說13. Look at the blackboard.請看黑板14. Pay attention/May I have your attention,

5、please ?請注意這里15. Go back to your seat.回到你的座位去 16. Now , lets begin.現(xiàn)在開始吧。 17. Listen carefully.注意聽。 (四)教學(xué)指示語In class(在課堂上)1. I cant hear you.對不起,我聽不見2. Pardon?對不起,你說什么3. Try it again在試一次.4. All together now.大家一起來5. Take out your book. 把書拿出來6. Put your book away. 把書收起來7. Look at page 2 in your book.

6、看書上第二頁8. Page 3,Line 5. 第三頁,第五行9. Turn to next page. 翻到下一頁10. Say it in a complete sentence. 用完整的句子說11.Can you say it in another way? 你能換一種方式說么?12. Give me your notebook/homework. 把筆記本(作業(yè))交給我13. Hold up your book. 拿起書14. Show me your picture. 給我看你的畫15. Let me tell you a story. 我來給你們講故事16. Turn on/of

7、f the fan. 開燈/關(guān)風(fēng)扇17.Turn up the radio. .把收音機(jī)大聲點(diǎn)18. Turn down the TV. 把電視關(guān)小聲點(diǎn)19.Are you finished? 好了么20. Not yet. 還沒有.21. Is it correct? 正確么?22. Is it clear? Is that clear? 清楚么?23. Any questions? 還有問題么?24. Anything else? 還有什么要補(bǔ)充么?25. Any volunteers? 有人自愿么?26.Can you follow me? 跟的上么?27. Could you give

8、 me another example?可以給我另舉一個例子么?28.Are you sure? 你確定么29. Are you OK?你沒事吧30. I dont think so. 我想不是這樣31. Who can help him/her? 誰能幫他?32.Read after me .(請)跟我讀。33.Look at your books.(請)看書。34. Do you understand? 懂了嗎?35. Read slowly. 念慢些。36.Read clearly. 念清楚些。37. Louder please./Speak louder. 大聲點(diǎn)。38. Answer

9、 my questions. 請回答我的問題。39.All right./ Thats right. 行/對。40.What does it mean? 這是什么意思?41.Say it in English. 用英語說吧。42.Who will answer this question? 誰來回答這個問題?43. Will you try? 你來試試好嗎?44. Just try. 試試看。45.Come to the blackboard. 到黑板前面來。46.Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位上去吧。47. Get ready for dictation. 準(zhǔn)備聽寫

10、。48. Now lets have dictation. 現(xiàn)在聽寫。49、Your turn the next. 第二輪該你們。50. I want all of you to answer the question. 我希望大家一起回答這個問題。51.Thats all for today. 今天的課就上到這兒。52.Take out your textbooks. 請把課本拿出來。53. Close your books. 把書合上。54. This way, please. 請走這邊。55.Here you are. 給你。56. Spell the word “student”. 請

11、拼出“student”這個詞。57.Is it correct? 對嗎?58. Say it again. 再說一遍。59. Read the first paragraph. 讀第一段。60.Think it over. 考慮一下。61. Answer my question, please. 請回答我的問題。62. Who can answer the question? 誰能回答這個問題?63.Let me try. 讓我試試。64.Translate this sentence into English/Chinese.把這句子翻譯成英文/中文。65.Lets have a choru

12、s reading of the text. 現(xiàn)在大家一起來朗讀課文。66.Analysis this sentence, please. 請分析這個句子。67.Will you read the text, Jack ? 杰克,請讀一下這篇課文。68.Go on , please. 請接著讀下去。69.Lets start with the text. 我們先講課文。70.Please pay more attention to your spelling/ pronunciation.請多注意拼寫/發(fā)音。71.He made a mistake in grammar. 他有一個語法錯誤。7

13、2. Will you lease correct his mistake? 請你糾正他的錯誤好嗎?73. We are going to have a revision lesson today. 今天我們上復(fù)習(xí)課。74.Whats the noun form of this word? 這個詞的名詞形式是什么?75. Look up the word in the dictionary. 在詞典中查查這個詞。76.I am sorry. I didnt quite catch you. 對不起,我不太明白你的意思。77. What part of speech is the word “h

14、elp”? “help”這個詞是什么詞性?78. Is it a verb? 是動詞嗎?79.It is used as a noun here. 它在這里用作名詞。80.Learn something new now. 現(xiàn)在學(xué)習(xí)新內(nèi)容。81、Now lets play the dialogue out in pairs. 現(xiàn)在我們兩人一組,練習(xí)對話。82、Whose go is it? You, be quick! 輪到誰了?你要快點(diǎn)。組織性語言83.Please pass these papers back. 請把卷子傳上來。84.Please clean the blackboard/

15、the board. 請你把黑板擦干凈。85.Just clean this half. 只擦這一半。86. Hand in your exercise books. 把本子交上來。87. Put down your pens. 把筆放下。(五)游戲用語1.我們來唱首歌吧Lets sing a song.2.你們還記得那首歌么?Do you remember the song?3.仔細(xì)聽游戲規(guī)則.Listen to the instructions carefully.4.圍成一個圈.Make a circle.5.3人一組.Play in group of three.6.排成2隊(duì).Make

16、 two lines.7.加油.Come on.8.從你開始You go first.9.輪到誰了?Whose turn?10.下一個是誰?Whos next?11.等一下.Wait/Just a second.12.你們有10分鐘.You have 10 minutes.13.時間到了.Time is up.14.B組得一分Team B gets one point.15.讓我們看看誰贏了.Lets see who wins the game16.每題三分/每組三分.Three points each.(六)評價與鼓勵1.Good/ Very good.好/很好/太棒了。2. Perfect

17、. 太完美了。Wonderful ! 很棒?。ê芫剩?!3. Good job/Well done. 干得好。4. Good boy/girl好孩子.5. Right/You did a good job.你對了/你做的好極了6. Im proud of you.我以你為榮.7.Take your time. 慢慢來。8. Much better. 好多了。9. Keep trying. 繼續(xù)努力。10.You can do better. 你可以做得更好。11.Not bad. 不錯。12.A good answer. / Nice work. 答得好。13.Thats interestin

18、g! 真有意思!14.Dont worry about it. / No problem. 別擔(dān)心。/沒問題。15.I dont think so. 我不這么想。16.Can you try? 能試一下嗎?17.Try, please. 請?jiān)囋?。Come on! 來吧,試一試!18.Think it over and try again. 認(rèn)真思考一下,然后再試試。19.Dont be afraid/ shy. 別害怕/別不好意思。(七) 家庭作業(yè)布置作業(yè)1.Learn by heart the last three paragraphs of the text. 背誦課文最后三段。2.Do

19、some reading/ writing/ note taking/ role play. 朗讀/抄寫/記筆記/角色扮演。3.At home tonight, do the exercises on page 9. 今天晚上做第九頁上的練習(xí)。4.Remember/Memorize these words/ sentences. 記住這些單詞/句子。5.Learn these words/ these sentences/ this text by heart. 背誦這些單詞/這些句子/這篇課文。6.Prepare up to page 8. .預(yù)習(xí)到第八頁(八)結(jié)束語1. Break tim

20、e/Lets take a break. 休息一下2.Lets stop here./ Thats all for today. 今天的課就講到這里。3.Most of you have done that better than last time. 大多數(shù)同學(xué)比上次做得好。4.Thank you, everyone. Well done. 謝謝,同學(xué)們,做得好。5.Time is up. 時間到了。6.Class is over. 下課了。7.Goodbye. / Bye. / See you next time. 再見!二、常用專業(yè)術(shù)語1、詞法 MorphologyParts of Sp

21、eech 詞類 Tense 時態(tài) The Nouns 名詞The Present Indefinite Tense 一般現(xiàn)在時 Countable Nouns 可數(shù)名詞 The Past Indefinite Tense 一般過去時 Uncountable Nouns 不可數(shù)名詞 The Future Indefinite Tense 一般將來時The Singular Form 單數(shù)形式 The Present Continuous Tense 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時The Plural Form 復(fù)數(shù)形式 The Past Continuous Tense 過去進(jìn)行時The Pronouns 代詞 T

22、he Present Perfect Tense 現(xiàn)在完成時Personal Pronouns 人稱代詞 The Past Perfect Tense 過去完成時Possessive Pronouns 物主代詞Demonstrative Pronouns 指示代詞 Voice 語態(tài) Interrogative Pronouns 疑問代詞 The Active Voice 主動語態(tài) Conjunctive Pronouns 連接代詞 The Passive Voice 被動語態(tài) Relative Pronouns 關(guān)系代詞 Indefinite Pronouns 不定代詞 The Infinit

23、ive 動詞不定式 Reflexive Pronouns 反身代詞 Infinitive Phrases不定式短語 The Nominative Case 主格 The Gerund 動名詞 The Objective Pronouns 賓格Gerundival Phrases 動名詞短語 The Adjective 形容詞 The Participle 分詞 Adjective Phrases 形容詞短語 Participle Phrases 分詞短語 The Comparative Degree 比較級The Adverb 副詞The Superlative Degree 最高級 The

24、Preposition 介詞 The Numeral 數(shù)詞 Prepositional Phrases 介詞短語 Cardinal Numerals 基數(shù)詞 The Article 冠詞 Ordinal Numerals 序數(shù)詞The Indefinite Article 不定冠詞The Verb 動詞 The Definite Article 定冠詞Link Verbs 連系動詞 The Conjunction 連詞 Notional Verbs 表意動詞 Coordinate Conjunctions 并列連詞Auxiliary Verbs 助動詞 Subordinate Conjunctions 從屬連詞Modal Verbs 情態(tài)動詞 The Interjection 感嘆詞Transitive Verbs 及物動詞 Intransitive Verbs 不及物動詞 Person 人稱 Regular Verbs 規(guī)則動詞 Number 數(shù) Irregular Verbs 不規(guī)則動詞 Finite Verbs 限定動詞 Members of the Sentence 句子成分Nonfinite Verb 非限定動詞 The Subject 主語 句法 Syntax


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