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1、 2Microstructural design considerations for Li-ion battery systems3Q1 45689101112Q31314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253room exists for improving the theoretical gravimetric or volumet-545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283portation

2、are large enough that cost is a critical factor, and have 84efciencies and form factors that also depend heavily on gravimet-85ric and volumetric properties 13. This review will discuss battery Co Q2rresponding author.91The majority of lithium ion batteries consist of electrodes fol-92lowing one of

3、two basic designs; thin lm battery electrodes and 93composite electrodes. Both types of batteries have been the topic98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 comparable volumetric power. Compositing electrode material128 wi

4、th metals, such as aluminum or copper, allows the binder phase129 and percolating electronic conductor to be combined into a single 157158Since electrolyte-free total electrode mass does not vary with 159microstructural effects it is relatively ineffective as a metric for 160considering structural e

5、ffects. Charge and discharge rates, or C-165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 Similar issues exist with regards to lithium ion battery electrodes.192 Most articles in the literature utilize gravimetric metrics too heav-193 ily an

6、d often do not report important electrode parameters, such as 221222popular approach to improving power in recent years 22327,48,49,7692. Nanoparticles, nanowires, and a variety of de-224signer nanostructures have been demonstrated to improve the229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 24

7、2 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 with the battery data for mesoporous nanostructures. Overall,254 the consistency in results across a variety of battery systems indi-255 cates that C-rate is not an ideal metric for parameterizing electrode 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316

8、 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 329 330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386the technology in a microuidic scheme could further enhance sys-387tem power. Fig. 9plots sy

9、stem energy versus cost for a traditional 388lithium-ion and a lithium ion ow battery. Calculations for the cost393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400401 402 Much has been written about vehicular batteries and the topic403 has been the subject of a number of reviews and government re-404 ports 13,21,168171

10、. Engineering ideal vehicular batteries pre- 40945kWh battery pack. At 0.25kWh kg À1the pack would weigh 410180kg, which represents about 1015%of the total mass of the 411vehicle. The volume of this battery would be on the order 75 412100L. This simple analysis does not account for an overdesig

11、n in 413energy of a factor of 2that would likely be required to meet rea-414sonable warranty guarantees. For this reason, lifetime is intimately 415associated with cost in these systems. This review will not discuss 416degradation effects, which have been the subject of several re-417views. The cost

12、 of lithium ion batteries is currently on the order 418of $0.5per W h, causing large battery packs to cost approximately 419$20,000.420No clear consensus exists with regards to designing ideal sys-421tems for vehicular 422be a critical factor 423ergy density 424the desire for rapid 425As discussed a

13、bove, 426quire sacricing 427structure for the 428on the grid. 429for utilization. For 430cussed as solution 431utilized in hybrid 432sity. For such 433from 434electrochemical 435inate these 436When 437context of the data 438that remove 439ing performance. 440based on owing 441tive approach that 442s

14、umer habits 443batteries could 444174,175. An 445tional batteries that 446such a way that 4473.4. Multifunctional 448The inherent 449that batteries be 450priate design 451the batteries are 452mechanical, optical, 453be functional 454the addition of some 455batteries with 456steel could replace 457gr

15、avimetric energy 458completely new 459both mechanical 460new form factors.4613.4.1. High-strength 462Thin lm 463modulus battery 464Attempts have been 465armor systems in a way that provides additional ballistic protec-466tion and a source of energy for portable devices 176. Batteries 467have also be

16、en integrated into mechanical composites 177. 472bipolar batteries ultimately limits the applicability of such 473batteries.474One alternative design strategy utilizes compositing approaches 475to design electrodes with high strength, high stiffness, and good 476electrochemical performance. Thermall

17、y processed batteries com-477posed of a metal electronic conductor, ceramic solid electrolyte, 478and ceramic active electrode material could provide mechanical 479properties associated with cermets 178,179while being engi-480neered appropriately for electrochemical performance. Traditional 481compo

18、site electrodes have mechanical strength and moduli on the 482order of 4MPa and 0.5GPa, respectively 180,181. High strength 483electrodes have been demonstrated to have strength and moduli 484electrode is depicted in 485and cathodes by such 486these electrodes is rela-487are opportunities to im-488t

19、ailoring geometry, or 489temperatures.490co-red with a ceramic 491or bonded together 492toughness. A sin-493as a substrate for more 494either polymer of liquid 495employed previously 496182,183. Likewise, 497could be inltrated 498design schemes would 499properties and electro-500501502research topic

20、 for over a 503many electronic devices 504of these tech-505power sources. Lithium 506electrodes are inher-507the basis for exible en-508. Stainless steel packaging 509ion batteries. Limita-510relate to the fatigue of 511robustness of composite 512many composite elec-513volume fraction of bin-514Seve

21、ral studies have 515on paper, nanotubes, 516. The major challenge 517is the need to pro-518density and exible. All 519exist, but are com-520solution to this chal-521packaging that can be 522approach is to utilize 523the exible device. An 524inexible batteries 525inhibit the defor-526remaining attach

22、ed. 527528demonstrated 196. 529This type of structure opens up new design opportunities for 530microelectronics where the battery might not inhibit graphical 531interfaces, or could enable batteries to be integrated into transpar-S. Dillon, K. Sun /Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Scienc

23、e xxx (2012xxxxxx 7 536to the point that it does not signicantly affect optical properties 537has circumvented this. Similar strategies have been employed to 538fabricate transparent electrochemical capacitors 197. Such sys-539tems exhibit very low energy density and might only be practical 540for a

24、pplications that have very large area interfaces. However, 541the general concept of battery integration by design of multifunc-542tional batteries, will likely continue to be an ongoing topic of bat-543tery engineering research. 5444. Conclusions545A number of 546of lithium ion 547in battery system

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