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1、摘要翻譯:英文原文本文描述了一個(gè)過程的最優(yōu)測定兩組參數(shù)的液壓支架 用于采礦業(yè)。這個(gè)過程是基于數(shù)學(xué)規(guī)劃方法。在第一步中 ,參數(shù)的最佳值 , 一些領(lǐng)先的四連桿機(jī)構(gòu)被發(fā)現(xiàn)以確保所需的運(yùn)動(dòng)的支持以最小的公差的優(yōu) 化值領(lǐng)先的四連桿機(jī)構(gòu) ,因此響應(yīng)計(jì)算的液壓支架會(huì)令人滿意的Optimal design of hydraulic supportM, Ublak. B. Harl mid B. ButinarAttract This paper tkscribcg a pnoaxiiirc for optimal detenuinatioa of two groups of parameters of a l

2、nrlraiilic -npxtrtin UhRtcav&l April 13y 1999M. OblakLh B. Harl and B. Bniiuaf3 Facultr of Mpchanical Engine閉阻 SmrtancTi 17. 2000 Maiibor, SLPiijae-mail; mak5 .oblakduDi-Tiib. s i Rairoj d.o.o. PtujsLi 14,2QD0hrlbor, Slovenia e- mall; bo st j an. har Lhini-nib. sii faculty of ChQmlMtiy And Ctemlcd E

3、nclndnr Smetmora 17.2000 Maribor. -mail: br into .butina r-Suni- mb.siimlibin. Th,pn-crcliiivis based on nLathematical programming tnethod. In the Hmt step* t 血 uptimd xUuis uf suinc pajai膽k?ni of the L-.nliu Lom-l)rii likdiHiiiHm urt iuimd in unler tv ciisllk- the kHirol motion of the support with

4、minimal traiiswr- sal diplafciiKHts. Inthe Keeond step, nuodnuil bokrnncis of ll忙 nptinud 僑山*味 jf the lriliiig foiir-bEti uiediEUibtiii are cfilfiiLiu-d, no ihe 心凹鍛 ui hulraulic snppuit trillKvy wonk knir-lr mechauwnif optimul desigu, uiatk- cni 11 c al pnAT aiiLiii i u . ippruiiiua dJi lutthoiL tal

5、ci.-ma11IntroductionTbedesgDer aims to find thebtft deagn for the mechnb ical syatciD oonBidcmL Part of t-his dibrt is the optinmi cbjicu ut iioiDC solcctcd 卩nruiKiTS uf a system. Method? of tnthematied pnjgrHJLiitiiux cn l)c iisccL if a suitable mathmatical inudcl of tJic 嚴(yán)卞lem its iiiwb. Of aminvL

6、 it dep?Liniinritiuii. gocul fuiiLpik1 sil|Xj11 is ;LssiUtil t*j look Iuf upland | “- ruuc-terH of die Hvstuu.VTh電 hydraulic support (Fig. 1) described by Harl 11998) is a part of the mining Industry equipment iu the hiiiie Velttije-Slokdii;!. iml Iur pruiietkni uf working oivironment in iln- gEiUer

7、y. It cunchb of twu 伽ehir nivchaiiisitjy FEDC and AEDB as Bhum in Fi號 2. TIk- mE*ch&nism AEDB ddtincs the path of cuupltT point C andUie niechaiiiHin FEDG is nsedtodcnl t he npKii t by ii liyibFLiilic dCtiiF止皿Fi, 1 Hydraulic sup|rtl in required th;il the luutiuii of the auppurt. ihutc precisely, the

8、 Eotion of puiut C in F電.2. is vertical with i tiiiiii ii;il traniiverpal displjiCfiiM. IF this iff nut the case, the hydinidic nupixtri will tiui xrurlt pruKT】y betJiiwt3 it is sinnultid an rvmo 供 duf 血 Mirth imwhU ie.A 卩rutotypt? ut the hyilrjiilk support iv;卜ina laboritory (Grin 1992). Tbc suppor

9、t exhibited large transversal displacemetitH. wliich wiild reduce itx eiib pbynhility. Therefcre,罠 rtrksign 歸押 necessary. The piuject shuuH be inqiraved with minimil cost jf puFk. 2 Two four-bai uiecliauisuiitslble. Lt wm * ! er led to find the best mines for thu most proHcuutic iH;nuutcrs 小 衛(wèi)跖心 i o

10、f 血 leajdlu lour-bar iCKclLUlisill AEDB willlllftllink of ULJltlLvllLt h .| )LU- grMimiLiiig. Odunvisr it wutilci be iiecefisary to change the lirojtxt. .il k?:v:t iiKTlHuiisin AEDB.The Holntiun of above pro bln n will gjw ns t he respot ide of hydraulic suppurt fur the ideal jiystcm. Real respuiiKt

11、 will be diflcrciH liccaiiHe of tulerang uf vsiri- oiis pEtf;unetew td th stolen, whkh is iffhy the tncixiaal alkred talerances of paiTunetcTfi 燈打畋衛(wèi) l Will be calcii- LitoiL wit li help uf Hk?tlkuds of mat J ioiuzitic.il prugiun- iuinx2The dotorministic model of the hydraulic supportAt tir就 it is iK

12、cessry tu dfwlo卩 fin appnjpriatt11utvluiii- leal model f tlio hydraulic mpport. It could be based an the k-lluwiij 出ki山屮LiuLb:tlic liiikx ;in? rijjd Ljudics.-the motion of individual links js relatively shw.The hydraulic support is a uiicluiiisui with one dn- greeof freedom. Un Hnemaiics can be mode

13、lled with syn- du uiMis mutiun ofu-ti Hj1H-H;it KvIhUiistiis FFDG djul AKDB 01 d;4; 11 f:i. IflEWj, The k ailiiig four-lrir m代h- anism ALDB has n decisive infliKiice an the motion oE the JiydicLulic support. MeduunBcn 2 is used bu drive the suppart by a hydraulic actuator + The EDctran of the suppor

14、t h wUthe trajectory L uf Uy? ctmpk-rpoint C. Therefore, the taslc 西 la find the optimal yaliuefi uf link lengths of mechaiuin I by requiimg that tin? tru- jittuiy u I I lie point C is ;卜 iKiiLT ris Jussiblc lu lliu iIlmivI t rajectury tC.The synthesis of the four-bar tnduttiiMtn 1 has been pcrtbrin

15、ciI with help of kiiienintirs qundoiix of iiiotiun given by RaoniidDulddpBtLThesituationis depicted in Fig. %Fiii,3 TracLciypulnl CEquation 目 of trajectory of the point C will be wrii- tcu in Lite cuunliiiule taiuc cutLsidered Cuunliwt炸 j- and y of thf point C will be written with the typicalparfin沖

16、怕咋 of a. foiir-l at liurlinnism fl ffl21 lr?oxmlhintt?!; uf points 11 and D ;urXJ I (15 CDS H1(1)(2)J:n= J; fte ciisff? + 十)旳也=少一加fiin(H卜了).The pfUHiiieterti 尙旳*臨 are Tainted to eachjtlmr by珀皿=碌佰)街l知許二謠Dp sulieiti luting fl I (4) iiiiu j5) (&i ih? ripuiiSLif (lint lutis m Iipurl are ulil.dlivil(r-df

17、icose)a + 仞一 flash!日尸一眉=0,(7)|;r 一仙 cor(G 十丁)-fli 2 +sin(H + 7)|3-Ej - (k閣lliis orp i ; it iun rcuttk utstliz.- h;tK of t lit- iu ;it hoi血 it it?; liiutlf furidlcululiuji. I Ik.1 upLiiiicil vaIi is uTp;triIiiuI.Trt tL. 切-杠I-2.1Mathematical modelTlic mal licmatical model of the syntcm will be furmiil

18、atcd in the ortu pfoposed 1 y Haug and Arora (1979):miu /(u,v)t(9)jviibjc吋 h i cunstriutd=l乙&(10)and rcaponae equationsAj(u.v) = 0t QI2 円一(11)TIlv Vi i Lui n = W| uj7 lt Chilld theuf 血由糾vuklle$, v = j I lip- L-iirv,- qnl j -Jo i 申 if+ihr cqivitkJii uf thb i-iirvc L.SnihilJr liiiiLbiliotfuroiirsyHtei

19、i willlwchwwm, Tlif syshdji iiilist wtUy Hw如41-k恂腐tL Gt心】1卅譏川曲仃“砧(aj + aj)-(W| (1(15)伽+凸;j)- Si+%) W 0,(1。)BiEqiiiililitH f 15) and (16) dpresa the property of a fbur- bfw luDtliiiMu. where the fioka ai)a may cvcilla懷.Thecouditiauuu trail itsGj + hj) - (oj + aal 02 + a:j) -(U| + a J 0,)0( (77.型冬呦5石.

20、(2S)伽巧沖日叢勿h(阿and icwponsc equaitions(z -cae0)a + (y - ns sin 0)a = 0,(27)h - as rcscrilx?(l trajvcturiAJ. Tin? result is tluo uptiuLil v.ilncs uf tho pnraitKt-iT?(i. n i-3The stochastic model of the hydrauic supportThe niiidirmaticJ lad i22J (38) may be ised to cal- ciihtc such vahiffi of the parame

21、ters 叫 g fii. that the Mlfierence between trnjectorics and A? is uiiiii- iuaL HowevcTn ilio real trajectory of the point C could deviiB from the calculated valus because of diffirad iuBnenceB. The BUitatJr mathanatical model deviation cuiild Im? treated depaidcntly on iderauccadEparameters “ 11% a r

22、The rapouse equations (27)- (28) allow Ils to cidcii- kitc th? mtur t ! res卩uukt v-in d Ji-s v ill k-punkiice uii the vector of design vnridl詡 n. T血 implies v = h(u)4 Tlit* huictiaii Fi is the b;tse uf lite i】i”i1a】w*tif;kl tuodcl22.1 2i. becEiiisc it rupr-uii- iliu rclatiuiislii,i bctwt/ii th甲 vect

23、or uf ikgn variab紳 u and rcspousw v of our meckihkiil Hyrtttau. Th riaiue fmution n can be used to cdculate the tmudiDlvalues of the tDleraiiccs. J72 -! panunolcrs 巧,,口軒 f?lu the Miudi;崗祀 iiiu lrl tk vectur n= _ m of design variaUefl is treated as a mndum vector U = C/L 幾T meaning that the vcctoir v

24、 : u| * * of rc- spuijst-LriablLs 腹 also a randoin vcctar V = VJ h. * 臥 卩tiiiil cihjtctivo fiiiLctiuiixiih .-I uditiun?-Ail zlfl| zAq | . An2,In (33) E ia the Mndtua alowed st.uidard deviatiuo a of cooidimite j of thi1 point C andThe noulDear prugrainmiii probkiD for cdculatir the optimal taleranecs

25、 could Im? thcixiEorefldined 娜iiinsubjLCt tu consiMints例 EgV = f)(U)(29)It is supposed that the design variablffi t/jI . areindcpendetit frucn the probability point of view nnd that they exhibit normal dbtributicu. Uk( =L2,. . i)l TIk1 luiiia parLimekrs and g k = L 2. .、n) could Iw IkjiiiuL with tec

26、hnological notions &uch .亦 ni.uiitj.d iii-.L-iir.-:. ;:.iji. ii-l-t.ii.r.-, V阪:su eventsin. - Au, U. .*三12 衛(wèi)丫 (30)will uveiii willi tin - cliuCiL pnjlml ility.The prolwilHlity disUiluUion functioi of tlie ruiduiti ctor Vf that 也 searched for depeiuls ou the probability distributjon fimcticm of tb? r

27、andom Tctur U cunl it a prEictjcEilly inipuAsjble tu c;dciilto, Tiore|utf, tljv r;m- iluiii tctor V will Z rktscrilKtl with help of iiiuiih- clidractcristio. . that c. m be estimated by Taylor iippltnc- iJn.iii-iiL i.lilu IuiL-ii-iiL Jj i 11 111- i-iiiii ii /1 . .1 nrwith hdp of the Mnnte Culo nulle

28、d in ihr papers ry Oblik (I9S2 aju I Hrul 199i.1.1Th(? matbernatical model丁II- ULritlBdcritKd iiiuilcl rfilciil.iting optim:d lulci- anccs of the hydraulic support will bo brrnulatl as j DonlinefLr pi ogr?uu niipg pre 山lem with i ndpe i licit v:u iTw Aji Aa2 Aq. i(31)Al, Aa Aa t 占呵三心切乞丑亦*Numerical e

29、xamplerhi1 STiyii罠 t;i卩;ihilitytlic hplmiilic support is 1600kN. Both fbiir-baz mechnnrus AEE1B and FEDC iiKint fulfill the kllouiii(kni-uKktlwy must dlvw liuiduial tr;iverKal displacemenisof tlie point Cr amitiny must pruvidc sufficient wide 就;i hi lit、:The paraniutcis uf tin? hydmulic support (Rgh

30、 2) are gi理niti Eilk I.Tlie drive lDccliajiisui FEDC iw specifitHl I 巧 tlic vcet or 做,訃 4 =國狀(1325+d), 1251,1310r (mm) tiutl 1 lie lDvcJhuiisiii AEDB by竹衛(wèi)厲旳:生=67丄 13GA.382,131fl 7(nun).(-10 =In .the parametor d is a mdk of the 噸port with niaximnl vahn、of925mm. P.trfnueters Eur the shift uf ill- iiK-

31、chaiiisiii AEDF? are iven in Tililv 2.Fin. J TVaJpctoritt; of the pomt C*Table -1 Optimal lolgrancsB fbr E 0.01SinV;lIu (min)40.DJ917O.QOSAa i0.009CJ3optimal tolerances lor th(? design variables a y a* wire ralcuhtcil nliter 9 iitcration気 For E = 0X)5 the optimum *;ix ijilniueti a Her 7 iterations T

32、ke時(shí)幻也 i inLiltks 4 rijid 2Iil FigH. GuhI G Uk1 taudnrd deviitisi!: are calculated k tlicluijte Cailo mcthuJ niitl M_ith Taylor pproxima- tioQ (full line rqjrcsontod Taylor approxiiDatiDn), reaper tivclv.VTiibJk 5 Optimal toloranooE for = 0.05SI01VUik (mm)40.0955dflj0.0339da i0,046675ConclusionslAith a suitable niatbcinatical model of the syst an and temploying mathematical programmip耳 tho dosigii of thehydnnilic supp


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