Once Upon a Time《童話鎮(zhèn)(2011)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文對照劇本_第1頁
Once Upon a Time《童話鎮(zhèn)(2011)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文對照劇本_第2頁
Once Upon a Time《童話鎮(zhèn)(2011)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文對照劇本_第3頁
Once Upon a Time《童話鎮(zhèn)(2011)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文對照劇本_第4頁
Once Upon a Time《童話鎮(zhèn)(2011)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文對照劇本_第5頁
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1、Previously on "Once Upon a Time".童話鎮(zhèn)前情提要Hi, m'lady.你好 小姐I mean, uh, Violet.我是說 維奧萊特I miss you.我想你Swan?斯旺How are you here? Zeus he must have sent me back.你怎么會在這兒 宙斯 他送我回來了And this isn't going to kill you,這東西不會殺死你it's going to end you. No!而會消滅你 不This is my kingdom.這是我的王國To Robin!

2、 ?To Robin.敬羅賓 敬羅賓Regina.瑞金娜Look, I know that there's nothing we can really say,我知道我們也說不了什么but we just want you to know.但我們想告訴你you don't have to go through this alone.你不用一個人面對She won't have to.她不會的I think what my sister needs is a little time我覺得我妹妹需要with someone who understands what she&

3、#39;s going through.跟一個理解她心情的人在一起Zelena, we're sorry.塞琳娜 我們很遺憾What happened with Hades, that.哈迪斯的事can't exactly be easy.肯定讓你很難過We'll leave you two alone.我們不打擾你們了Henry.亨利Violet.維奧萊特I'm sorry about Robin.羅賓的事我很遺憾Thank you.謝謝When I heard ?you went to the Underworld,我聽說你去了冥界時(shí)I was afraid

4、 ?I was never gonna see you again.我還擔(dān)心自己再也見不到你了You were?是嗎Me, too.我也是When we get to Granny's,等我們到了外婆家I think it's best if you wait outside.你或許還是先在外面等著吧Aye. Regina.知道 瑞金娜Robin's death - it can't be easy for her.羅賓的死 她肯定很難過And seeing you back when that's not possible for him?見到你回來

5、而他不可能回來了Fate is cruel.命運(yùn)太殘酷了It could push her over the edge.這可能會讓她崩潰She cursed an entire kingdom when she lost her first love.她第一次痛失真愛時(shí) 詛咒了一整個王國Yeah, but she's changed much since then.是啊 但她已經(jīng)變了很多了I know.我知道But I still need to break the news about you carefully.但我還是得小心地說出關(guān)于你的消息It's the right

6、thing to do.這是正確的做法Belle, since your father refused to wake you,貝兒 由于你父親不肯喚醒你I'm gonna have to find another way, and I will.我只能另想辦法了 我會想到的It's not just you I have to worry about now.我現(xiàn)在不止要考慮你了It's our family, our unborn child.還有我們的家庭 我們未出世的孩子There's only one way I can free you both.我

7、只有一個辦法能解救你們兩個I need more power.我需要更多法力I need all of it.我需要全部法力Regina.瑞金娜Emma, please.艾瑪 行了I've already had enough people feeling sorry for me today.今天已經(jīng)夠多的人可憐我了I know.我知道I just think we should talk somewhere quiet.我們該找個安靜的地方談?wù)処t's kind of delicate.這事有點(diǎn)不好說What the hell was that?那是什么Swan!斯旺Is

8、everything okay?一切都好吧Hook.虎克What the bloody hell's the pirate doing here?海盜怎么在這兒We thought we left you in the Underworld.我們不是把你丟在冥界了嗎Aye, you did. But now I'm back.是的 但我回來了Delicate, as always.還真是不好說Regina.瑞金娜I'm used to suffering, Swan,我習(xí)慣了痛苦 斯旺and I'm used ?to others getting their w

9、ay.也習(xí)慣了看著別人如愿Right now, neither one of our feelings matter.現(xiàn)在 我們倆的感受都不重要Given that blast of magic,看那道魔法沖擊波there's only one person not present只有一個現(xiàn)在不在場的人who's powerful enough for something like that.有能力實(shí)現(xiàn)這樣的事Gold.戈登He's got the Olympian crystal,他拿了奧林匹斯水晶or part of it, anyway.至少是一部分Some of

10、 it must have survived.肯定是有一部分沒有燃盡I can still feel the aura from it.我還能感應(yīng)到它的氣場Yeah, you're not the only one.是啊 不止你一個He used it ?to cast a tethering spell.他用它施了一個捆綁咒Tethering spell?捆綁咒What was Gold attaching the crystal to?戈登把什么跟水晶連在一起了Storybrooke's magic.童話鎮(zhèn)的魔法That's why he cast a spell

11、here.所以他才在這里施咒With that crystal, he can harness有了那根水晶 他可以all of this town's magic for his own purpose.將全鎮(zhèn)的魔法收為己用Gold already has ?the power of all the Dark Ones.戈登已經(jīng)有作為黑暗者的法力了Why does he need more?他為什么還需要法力To wake Belle.喚醒貝兒True love's kiss didn't work真愛之吻沒起作用because she doesn't want

12、 to be with him.因?yàn)樗幌敫谝黄餉ye, and once the Crocodile wakes Belle,是啊 等老鱷魚喚醒了貝兒do you think he'll stop there?他會就此收手嗎Do you think he'll just你覺得他會turn the bloody crystal and all of its power over to us?把水晶和其法力交給我們嗎He's right. Let's go get that crystal.他說得對 我們?nèi)グ阉Z來吧Let's.走吧Where sho

13、uld we start? Actually, um.從哪開始 其實(shí)I was thinking maybe you should sit this one out.我在考慮 或許這次你還是別參與了Oh, that's why you were trying to be delicate with me.怪不得你之前那么欲言又止呢You're worried the Evil Queen is about to come out to play.你是擔(dān)心巫后會跑出來作怪No, I just want what's best for you.不 我只是為你著想No, yo

14、u don't.不是的When you're upset, we follow you to Hell.你難過時(shí) 我們追隨你下了地獄But when I'm upset, I get a time-out.但我難過時(shí) 就要我坐冷板凳Okay.好吧You're not in any state to think straight about this.你現(xiàn)在不能好好思考And you don't get to tell me what to do.你不能對我指手畫腳Moms, please. ?Henry, now's not the time.媽

15、媽們 別吵了 亨利 現(xiàn)在不是時(shí)候Maybe just take a minute to cool off and think about it.或許你該冷靜一會兒 好好想想You don't want my help. Fine.你不想要我的幫助 好吧I'll fix this on my own.我自己去解決Kid.go to my place and stay there.孩子 去我家 待在那里You'll be safe, okay?你在那兒會安全的 好嗎We got this.交給我們吧I mean it, Henry. Go right home.我認(rèn)真的 亨

16、利 直接回家Henry.亨利What's - What's going on? I got your text.怎么回事 我收到你的短♥信♥了It's my grandpa.是我爺爺He's trying to steal Storybrooke's magic.他想偷童話鎮(zhèn)的魔法It made me realize how bad it is.這讓我意識到魔法的惡It's always magic. Always.壞事的總是魔法Magic turned my mom into a Dark One,魔

17、法把我媽媽變成了黑暗者it took away the man my other mom loved,奪走了我另一個媽媽愛的男人and now.現(xiàn)在now I think it's gonna tear my parents apart.現(xiàn)在我覺得它會讓我的家長分♥裂♥I used to think ?there was light and dark magic,我以前認(rèn)為魔法也分光明和黑暗but it's all bad.但魔法完全是壞的Look around this shop.看看這家店These - These are Gep

18、petto's parents.他們是蓋比特的父母This needle has put dozens of people under a curse這個針 讓數(shù)十人陷入沉睡咒they can't wake from,無法醒來and this - an entire village is frozen in there.這個 一整個村莊都凍在里面It's hurt so many people.魔法傷害了好多人My mother.我母親that's how she died - magic.她就是死于魔法Come with me on a road trip.跟

19、我一起上路吧I-It's like a quest, but on a bus,應(yīng)該說是正途 但是要乘大巴which is like a horse, but with wheels and seats.那就像馬 但有輪子和座位J-Just - just come with me.跟我走吧What do you say? I think I can fix this.怎么樣 我覺得我可以解決問題My father would probably kill me.我父親大概會殺了我的B-But yes. Of course I'll come.好吧 我跟你走Great. Great

20、.太好了We'll call it "Operation Mixtape."我們管它叫"混音帶行動"There's just one more thing we're going to need.我們還需要一樣?xùn)|西I promised I'd never use this pen我曾起誓絕不會用這支筆to do anything ?besides record what happens,做如實(shí)記錄以外的事but what we're about to do is for the greater good.但我們接下

21、來要做的事是為了大局What's that?那是什么The crystal my grandpa tethered Storybrooke's magic to.我爺爺把童話鎮(zhèn)的魔法捆綁在了這個水晶上Wait, I-I-I don't understand. You said magic is bad.等等 我不明白 你說魔法是壞的Why are we going to take it out of Storybrooke?我們?yōu)槭裁匆阉鼛С鐾掓?zhèn)To destroy it.好毀掉它Once and for all.永遠(yuǎn)毀掉它So far, no sign of Go

22、ld,到目前還沒找到戈登的蹤跡which means we need to expand our search perimeter所以我們得把搜尋范圍to include the woods.擴(kuò)展到林子里Where is he?他在哪I told you. ?We got this. We'll find Gold.我說了 交給我們吧 我們會找到戈登的Not Gold. Henry.不是戈登 亨利"Mom, there's only one way"媽媽 想要解決to fix everything that's tearing us apart.一切

23、分♥裂♥我們的問題只有一個辦法I have to destroy " "The source of all of our problems."我得毀掉." "我們一切問題的源頭"I got the same text.我也收到了一樣的短♥信♥What does he mean? What is the source of all of our problems?那是什么意思 我們一切問題的源頭是什么What is he going to destr

24、.他要?dú)У羰裁碬ell, I think I can answer that.我可以回答The Olympian crystal and all the magic tethered to it.奧林匹斯水晶和與它捆綁在一起的全部魔法It would appear my grandson has outsmarted us all,看來我孫子比我們都高明used his authorial power他用作者的力量to steal the crystal right out from under my nose.從我眼皮底下偷走了水晶Would Henry even do that - des

25、troy magic?亨利會那么做嗎 毀掉魔法We'd better hope he doesn't.我們只能祈禱他不會Why? What happens if Henry succeeds?為什么 如果亨利成功了會發(fā)生什么Considering this town was built with magic,鑒于這座小鎮(zhèn)是用魔法建造的what do you think will happen?你覺得會發(fā)生什么呢He would never destroy magic if he knew it could hurt us.如果他知道這會傷到我們 他就不會毀掉魔法I'll

26、 be sure to tell him that我奪回水晶之前right before I take the crystal back.一定會告訴他的Don't you dare go near my son.你敢靠近我兒子Sorry, dearie, ?but he's threatening me now.抱歉 親愛的 但他也威脅到了我Regina, where are you going?瑞金娜 你去哪I just lost Robin. I'm not about to lose Henry, too.我剛失去了羅賓 我不想連亨利也失去I know, but

27、we have to be smart about this.我知道 但我們得講講策略Gold doesn't know where Henry is any more than we do.戈登跟我們一樣不知道亨利在哪We?我們I don't remember inviting you to come along.我好像沒邀請你一起來You benched me. Now I bench you.你之前讓我坐冷板凳 現(xiàn)在我也不帶你Even if I knew how to find Henry?即便我知道要怎么找到亨利嗎All right, Sheriff Swan.好吧 斯

28、旺警長where is he?他在哪You think after ?all those times he ran away,你以為他離家出走那么多次I wouldn't put a GPS app on his phone?我不會往他手♥機(jī)♥上裝定位軟件嗎Let's get to the bug. We have to catch up to him.我們?nèi)ラ_甲殼蟲 得追上他了Where's he headed?他去哪了Boston.波士頓Is it true? Magic might disappear?是真的嗎 魔法可能

29、會消失Only if Henry destroys the crystal.如果亨利摧毀水晶的話Which he won't, not with Emma and Regina searching for him.他不會的 艾瑪和瑞金娜正在找他Yeah, but what if they don't find him in time?如果她們不能及時(shí)找到他呢How are we gonna get back without magic?沒有魔法我們怎么回家It won't be a problem if we send you home now.如果我們現(xiàn)在送你們回家這

30、就不是問題了We?我們I think you mean me, dear.是我吧 親愛的But this time, summon the portal without the twister?這次能不能不把龍♥卷♥風(fēng)♥跟傳送門一起招來You heroes ruin all the fun.你們英雄真不會玩Very well.好吧He wasn't on the bus?他不在大巴上嗎Lady, I don't know what to tell you. Everyone got off.女士 我不知道該說什么

31、 乘客都下了Then why does the GPS tracker still say he's on it?那為什么定位儀顯示他還在上面Because Henry hid his phone under one of the seats.因?yàn)楹嗬咽?amp;hearts;機(jī)♥藏在一個座位下了He wanted us to think he came to Boston.他是想騙我們以為他來了波士頓Ladies, if you don't mind, it's my lunch.女士們 失陪 我得去吃午飯了Got any more brigh

32、t ideas?還有其他好主意嗎Regina -瑞金娜Well.that's new.這好新鮮How's that even possible? We're in the land without magic.這怎么可能 我們在沒有魔法的地方And so is Henry, with the crystal.亨利也是 還帶著水晶And all of the magic from Storybrooke.以及整個童話鎮(zhèn)的魔法Regina, if our magic works out here,瑞金娜 如果我們的魔法在這兒好使Gold's magic works

33、out here.那戈登的魔法也會好使We've got to find Henry before he does.我們得趕在他之前找到亨利Well, if he's not in Boston, then where is he?如果他不在波士頓 那他在哪I thought the spires of Camelot were tall.我還以為卡米洛特的尖塔就夠高了Welcome to New York City.歡迎來到紐約市Are you sure Regina won't mind us leaving without a goodbye?你確定瑞金娜不會介意

34、我們不告而別嗎She'll understand.她會理解的Robin would want him to grow up in Sherwood forest.羅賓會希望他在舍伍德森林長大We'll come and visit you soon, okay?我們很快就去看你 好嗎And we'll even bring your baby sister.還帶上你的小妹妹For Regina.給瑞金娜的From one of my papa's arrows.是我爸爸一支箭上的How sweet.太貼心了She'll cherish it.她會喜歡的T

35、hat's everyone.大家都走了Let's close it up.我們關(guān)門吧What's happening?! Stand back!怎么回事 退后Zelena!塞琳娜It must have something to do肯定是跟with magic being tied to that bloody crystal!魔法和那個破水晶綁在一起有關(guān)Everyone okay?大家還好嗎For now. Look.暫時(shí)還好 看Well, we're certainly not in Storybrooke anymore.我們絕對是不在童話鎮(zhèn)了?The

36、re has to be something in here that belongs to Henry.里面肯定有什么亨利的東西I assume you have a map somewhere in this pigsty of yours.你這個豬圈里有地圖吧In the glove box.在儲物箱里By the way, it was your idea to go to Hardee's.對了 是你想去哈德斯吃飯的Give me your hand.手給我Why? What is that?干什么 那是什么What?怎么了Worried I might make you t

37、ake an eternal nap on a bus bench?擔(dān)心我會讓你在大巴長凳上永遠(yuǎn)沉睡嗎If you want to help Henry,如果你想幫亨利you're just gonna have to trust me.就得信任我?Now that there's magic in the world.既然這世上有魔法了this just might work.這或許能起效And if it does, you're going to lead us right to him.如果能起效 你會讓我們找到他Of course. New York.當(dāng)然了

38、紐約I hope Gold doesn't know that yet.希望戈登還不知道Welcome to New York. It'll be $15.歡迎來到紐約市 15塊I can't imagine living here.真無法想象在這里生活I(lǐng)t's overwhelming.太讓人目不暇接了I thought the same thing when I first went to Camelot,我剛?cè)タ茁逄貢r(shí)也那么想until you showed me around.直到你帶我到處轉(zhuǎn)了轉(zhuǎn)Well, I want to see this pla

39、ce, Henry, truly,我想好好看看這里 亨利 真的but - but what does it have to do with destroying magic?但這跟毀滅魔法有什么關(guān)系It's got to do with my dad.跟我爸爸有關(guān)系Magic ?tore apart his family, too,魔法也把他的家庭拆散了when my grandpa became the Dark One.當(dāng)它讓爺爺成為黑暗者的時(shí)候And did he want to destroy magic, too?他也想摧毀魔法嗎The truth is, for a rea

40、lly long time.事實(shí)上 他想了很長時(shí)間No one else knows this, not even my moms.別人都不知道 連我兩個媽媽都不知道He made me promise not to tell anyone.他逼我不告訴任何人的It's safe with me, I promise.我會保密的 我保證See, that's why he was in New York.那就是他來紐約的原因He was trying to find a way to protect himself他想找辦法保護(hù)自己in case his dad found h

41、im.以防他爸爸找上門Right, and he thought the best way of doing that嗯 他覺得最好的辦法was by destroying magic.就是毀掉魔法Did he ever figure it out?他想到辦法了嗎He died before he could, but I know he got close.他還沒找到就死了 但我知道他很接近了He kept everything he found in a journal.他把自己的一切發(fā)現(xiàn)都記在了日記里It's got to be in my dad's apartment

42、.肯定就在我父親公♥寓♥里Come on.走吧If this isn't Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest,如果這里既不是童話鎮(zhèn)也不是魔法森林then where are we?那我們在哪Well, wherever we are,不管我們在哪I'd rather not stick around long enough to find out.我不想繼續(xù)待下去等著知道了Can you.use the wand and get us back to Storybrooke?你能用魔杖帶我們回童話鎮(zhèn)

43、嗎Not quite.不行So we're trapped in this mysterious realm,那么我們被困在這個神秘國度里了wherever it is.不管這里是哪You can fix it, right?你能修好它吧Of course.當(dāng)然Do you happen to have any duct tape?你有膠帶嗎We're not affixing the bumper to that God-awful truck of yours.這又不是修復(fù)你那輛破車的保險(xiǎn)杠This requires the proper potions,這需要合適的藥劑n

44、one of which I have with me.而且我現(xiàn)在都沒帶來Well, then we're just gonna have to go find them.那我們只能去找了Then we'll have to move quickly.那我們得快點(diǎn)行動了If we don't find Regina and Emma before Henry destroys magic,如果我們不在亨利毀滅魔法前找到瑞金娜和艾瑪fixing this wand won't matter.修不修復(fù)魔杖就無所謂了We'll be cut off from

45、Storybrooke for good.我們會被永遠(yuǎn)擋在童話鎮(zhèn)之外Hold on, I hear something.等等 我聽到了什么Excuse me.打擾Can you tell us what land we're in?能告訴我們這里是哪嗎No need to run!不用跑Please don't hurt me.別傷害我We just want to know what land we're in.我們只是想知道這里是哪I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.我不能跟陌生人說話的It's okay.沒事

46、的You don't need to be afraid of us.你不用怕我們No, you don't understand.你不懂You shouldn't be here. You have to go.你們不該來這兒 你們得走了Well, that's what we want to do.我們就是想走We're trying to get home to our families,我們想回到家人身邊to a town called Storybrooke?一個叫童話鎮(zhèn)的小鎮(zhèn)That's a s-strange name.好奇怪的名字

47、We need magic to get back there. Can you help us?我們需要魔法才能回去 你能幫忙嗎Magic? N-No, no, no. M-Magic is dangerous.魔法 不不 魔法是危險(xiǎn)的If I help you, I'll be punished.如果我?guī)湍銈?我會受懲罰的Punished? By who?懲罰 誰會懲罰你By me.我I guess now we know what that groundsman was so afraid of.看來我們現(xiàn)在知道那個園丁是在怕什么了This isn't like ?any

48、 dungeon I've ever seen.我從沒見過這樣的地牢These bars are enchanted.鐵欄被施了魔法Magic won't get us out of here.靠魔法是出不去的What about the wand? Do you still have it?魔杖呢 還在你那兒嗎Should I be offended that he didn't frisk me?他沒搜我身 我該覺得受傷嗎Not that this ?is any use to us in here.雖然在這里 這東西也派不上用場?Hid it. Someone&#

49、39;s coming.藏起來 有人來了There you are.你們在這兒The prisoners who attacked my groundsman.襲擊了我的園丁的囚犯No, no, no. We didn't attack anyone.不不 我們沒襲擊誰This is just a big misunderstanding.這是個天大的誤會We just want to know where we are.我們只想知道我們在哪All you need to know你們只需要知道is that you don't want to be here,你們不想待在這里

50、and that you're the ones而且是你們得who are going to be answering my questions.回答我的問題Like why are you really here?比如你們究竟來這兒干什么We just want to go home.我們只想回家You must think me so naive.你們一定當(dāng)我很天真吧I know you're lying.我知道你們在撒謊I know who really sent you.我知道究竟是誰派你們來的So tell me.告訴我what does the Dark One w

51、ant?黑暗者想要什么You know the bloody Crocodile?你知道那條老鱷魚Who are you? What do you really want?你是誰 你究竟想要什么Don't lie to me.別騙我He's too strong.他力氣太大了Look, we get it. You're powerful.聽著 我們懂了 你很有力氣But killing him ?isn't gonna change the truth,但殺了他 事實(shí)也還是事實(shí)which is that we don't work for Rumple

52、stiltskin.我們根本不為朗普斯金效命He's our enemy.他是我們的敵人He's the whole reason we're here.我們就是因?yàn)樗怕涞搅诉@里He tried to steal magic from our town to wake the woman he loves.他企圖偷竊我們小鎮(zhèn)的魔法好喚醒他愛的女人She's.她.pregnant.懷孕了You expect me to believe that the Dark One has found love?你想讓我相信黑暗者找到了愛情嗎Yes.是的So whateve

53、r grudge you have against him,不管你跟他有什么仇怨we have nothing to do with it.我們都與之無關(guān)Let us go, and you won't have to worry about us ever again.放了我們 我們再不會給你添麻煩了In my experience,憑我的經(jīng)驗(yàn)if you really don't want to worry about something,如果你真想避免麻煩you lock it into a cage -就把它關(guān)在籠子里a strong cage, like this o

54、ne.堅(jiān)實(shí)的籠子 比如這個It's when you unlock the cage.你打開籠子時(shí).that's when the trouble starts.麻煩才會開始Looks like Henry was here, but I don't think he was alone.看來亨利來過這里 但我覺得他不是一個人This is, uh, Henry and Violet's song.這是亨利和維奧萊特的歌♥They have a song?他們還有一首歌♥He really likes her. She

55、's a nice girl.他真的很喜歡她 她是個不錯的女孩You're just saying that because you feel bad你那么說不過是出于之前在about ripping her heart out in Camelot.卡米洛特掏了她的心的愧疚感I'll like her a lot better如果我知道when I know where she's taken my son.她把我兒子帶去了哪才會更喜歡她Well, I think I might be able to figure that out.我覺得我或許能弄明白Yes

56、. ?He has definitely been here.沒錯 他絕對來過這里He tried to wipe ?the search history clean.他還企圖清除搜索記錄Luckily, I can get it back.幸好 我能恢復(fù)I won't hold my breath.我就不太期待了Maybe there's something else in here或許這里還有別的that can tell us where they've gone.能告訴我們他們?nèi)チ四腄id you find something?你有發(fā)現(xiàn)嗎One of Robin

57、's books.羅賓的一本書He must have brought it with him肯定他從童話鎮(zhèn)過來時(shí)from Storybrooke when he came here.一起帶來的I know because I gave it to him.因?yàn)槭俏医o他的It's a collection of this world's是這個世界關(guān)于legends about Robin Hood.羅賓漢的傳說的合集He used to laugh ?at everything they got wrong.他以前會嘲笑他們說錯的那些地方What is it? Are you okay?是什么 你沒事吧It's a letter f


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