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1、 PAGE16 / NUMPAGES16 中國歷代文化要籍篇目(漢英對(duì)照)(本書目包括主要?dú)v史哲學(xué)書籍及詩文戲劇作品與書畫碑帖的篇名)A哀江南賦 A Lament for the South B白虎通義 prehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Halt 白氏長慶集 Anthology of Bai Juyi 白兔記 The White Rabbit 拜月記 Praying to the Moon 拜月亭 The Moon Worship Pavilion報(bào)X一丈書 A Letter to Honorable Liu 抱樸子The Master,who

2、 Embraces Simplicity 北徼匯編 Collected Articles on the Northern Frontier Question 北齊書 History of the Northern Qi Dynasty 北史 History of the Northern Dynasties 本草綱目 Outline of Herb Medicine 本草經(jīng)集注 Annotations to “Emperor Shen Nongs Materia Medica” 辟韓 A Refutation of Han Yu 汴京一日 A Day in the Capital of Bia

3、njing辯中邊 Discrimination between the Middle and the Extremes 泊秦淮 Lying at Anchor on the Qinhuai River 步出某行 A Stroll out of Summer Gate 補(bǔ)闕肘后百一方 Supplement to “Prescriptions for Emergencies” 步輦圖 Imperial Carriage捕蛇者說 The Story Of the Snake-catcher 博物志 Records of Myriad Things 捕蟹圖 Crab-catching不真空論 On E

4、mptiness of the Unreal C藏書 Book of Holding 曹全碑 Cao Quan Tablet 策杖圖 Walking with a Stick茶經(jīng)Book of Tea 昌黎先生集 Collected Works of Han Yu 長恨傳 Everlasting Remorse 長恨歌 Eternal Grief 長生殿 Palace of Eternal Youth 長相思 Everlasting Love 陳書 History of the Chen Dynasty 陳州放糧 Distributing Grain at Chenchow 成唯識(shí)論 The

5、pletion of the Doctrine of Mere Ideation 崇有論 Treatise on Exalting Being /On the Importance of Being 崇禎歷書 Chong Zhen Calendar 楚辭 Elegies of Chu 傳燈錄 Record of the Transmission of the Lamp 傳習(xí)錄 Record of Great LearningInstructions 船山遺書 Preserved Writings of Wang Fuzi 垂老別 The 0ld Man Returns to War 春秋 Sp

6、ring and Autumn Annals 春秋繁露 Spring and Autumn Studies 春夜宴桃李園序 Feasting in the Peach-plum Garden in Spring Night 雌木蘭 A Girt Named Mulan D答耿中丞 In Reply to Minister Keng 答顧東橋書 A Letter in Reply to Ku Tong-chiaos Criticism 答橫渠X子厚先生書 A Reply to Master Chang Heng-chus Letter答司馬諫議書 Reply to Sima Guang 打漁殺家

7、 The Fishermans Revenge 大藏經(jīng) The Tripitaka in Chinese 大乘止觀法門 Mahayana Method of Cessation and Contemplation 大戴禮記 Book of Rites of the Elder Tai 大明歷 Daming Calendar 大清律 Code of Great Qing 大人賦 Prose-poem on the Great Man 大人先生傳 Story of the Great Man 大唐三藏圣教序 Introduction to the Sacred Teachings of Monk

8、Tripitaka of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐三藏圣教序記 Notes on “An Introduction to the Sacred Teachings of Monk Tripitaka of the Great Tang Dynasty” 大唐西域記 Records of Western Travels 大唐西域求法高僧傳 Biographies of the Venerable Monks of the Great Tang Dynasty Who Studied Buddhist Classics in the Western Regions 某書

9、The Book of the Great Unity 大學(xué) Great Learning 大學(xué)衍義 Interpretation of Great Learning 大學(xué)中庸章句 mentary on the,Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean 單刀會(huì) Lord Guan Goes to the Feast 丹楓呦鹿圖 Crying Deer amid Maples搗練圖 Silk Pounding 道藏 Taoist Canon 地黃湯帖 About Adhesive Rehmannia Bill敵戒 Precept on the Att

10、itude towards Enemy弟子規(guī) Pupils Rules and Disciplines 典論論文 Historical Allusions and Essays (吊)古戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)文 An Elegy on the Ancient Battle-field東城老父?jìng)?The 0ld Man of the East City東方見聞錄 Travels 東方朔畫贊 Eulogizing a Portrait Painting of Dongfang Shuo/Praise of Dongfang Shuo讀史方輿紀(jì)要 Essentials of Historical Geography

11、讀通鑒論Thought and Question,ments on “History as a Mirror” 短歌行 A Short Song多寶塔碑 The Pagoda of Many Treasures多識(shí)錄 prehensive Studies E阿房宮賦 Ode to the Efang Palace爾雅翼 Book of Plants and Animals 二程全書 plete Works of the Two Chengs 二諦章 Essay on the Double Truth 二十年目睹之怪現(xiàn)狀 Strange Events Seen in the Past Twent

12、y Years 二十一史彈詞 Ballad of Twenty-one Dynasties F法言 Model Sayings 翻譯論集 An Anthology of Papers on Translation焚書 Book Burning 奉橘帖 Letter Offering Oranges 佛國記 A Record of the Buddhist Countries 富春山居圖 Living in the Fuchun Mountains福樂智慧 Wisdom of Royal Glory (Kutadgu Bilig):A Turko-Islamic Mirror for Princ

13、es 服田圖 FarmingG感遇詩 Random Thoughts 高僧傳 Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks告誓文 A Pledge of Faith公孫龍子 Gongsun Longzi 公羊傳 Gong-Yang mentary 古今圖書集成 A Collection of Books of Ancient and Modern Times古詩四帖 Four Poems of Old古微堂內(nèi)外集 Collected Works of the Guweitang Study 古文觀止 Anthology of Classic Prose 古文尚書

14、Book of History in Ancient Script 官場(chǎng)現(xiàn)形記 The Exposure of the Official World Bureaucrats 管子 Guan Zi 廣弘明集 Extensive Teachings廣藝舟雙楫 Extension of Two Volumes on position and Calligraphy虢國夫人游春圖 Lady Guo Gos Outing in Spring歸去來兮辭 e Away Home/Lets Go Back 國榷 National Deliberations 國語 Sayings of the States 過

15、秦論 On the Cause of Ruin of the Qin 觳梁傳 Gu-Liang mentaryH海國圖志 Illustrated Records of the Maritime Nations 某記Dream of Handan,The韓非子 Han Fei Zi 寒谷雪霽圖 Valley, Snow and Clear Sky漢宮秋 Autumn in the Han Palace 寒林圖 Cold Forest韓詩外傳 Anecdotes on the Book of Songs 漢書 History of the Han Dynasty 韓熙載夜宴圖 The Night

16、Banquet in the House of Han Xizai河防一覽 An Outline of River Control紅樓夢(mèng) A Dream of Red Mansionsthe Red Chamber紅線傳 Red Thread 洪X Grand Norm 后赤壁賦 The Second Trip to the Red Cliff后漢記 Records of the Later Han Dynasty 后漢書 History of the Later Han Dynasty 蝴蝶夢(mèng) The Butterfly Dreams華事夷言 Chinas Affairs in the Wo

17、rds of Foreigners 華嚴(yán)法界玄鏡 The Mysterious Mirror of the Avatamsaka Dharmadhatu華嚴(yán)經(jīng) Avatamsaka-Sutra畫語錄 Arts of Painting by Shi Tao某子 Writings of Prince Huainan 還冤記 Stories of Retribution 寰海 World Seas 浣紗 The Girl Who Washes Silk 皇朝經(jīng)世文編 A Collection of Essays on National Affairs During the Ming Dynasty/

18、 Imperial Collections of Essays on Government 皇輿全覽圖 The plete Atlas of the Empire黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng) The Yellow Emperors Classics of Internal Medicine 黃書 Yellow Book 黃庭經(jīng) The Yellow Emperor Classic諱辯 In Refutation of Avoidance of Using the Personal Names of People in Superior Stations回回藥方 Muslim Prescription 揮扇仕女圖

19、Palace Ladies with Silk Fans貨郎圖 The Itinerant Vendor霍小玉傳 The Story of Huo XiaoyuJ集史 Collected Histories 祭十二郎文 In Memory of My Nephew祭侄文稿 Elegiac Lament for Departed Nephew 建炎以來系年要錄 A Chronicle of the Most Important Events Since the Jianyan Reign Period薦季直表 Memorial Remending Ji Zhi 諫太宗十思疏 Ten Points

20、 of Deliberation Remended to Emperor Taizong 諫迎佛骨表 Memorial of Remonstrance against the Worship of Buddhas Bones 將進(jìn)酒 An Exhortation江南春 Spring es to the South 蕉蔭結(jié)夏圖 In the Shades of Palm in Summer焦仲卿妻 The Bride of Jiao Zhongqing鮚掎亭集 The Collected Works of the Jiqu Pavilion借靴 Borrowing Boots 今古學(xué)考 Stud

21、y 0f the New and 0ld Learning 金剛經(jīng)Vajracchedikasutra / Diamond Sutra 金剛鋅 The Diamond Stick 金匱要略 Gold Chest Dissertations 金瓶梅Flowering Plum in a Golden Vase 金獅子章 Treatise Essay on the Gold Lion 金線池 Gold Thread Pool 進(jìn)學(xué)解 The Scholars Apology 晉書 History of the Jin Dynasty 經(jīng)學(xué)理窟 Assembled Principles of Cla

22、ssical Learning 荊釵記 The Thorn Hairpin 警世通言 Stories to Warn Men 敬告同鄉(xiāng)書 A Message to My patriots 鏡花緣 Flowers in the Mirror 鏡鏡話癡 Summary of Knowledge of Optics 九辯 Nine Arguments救風(fēng)塵 Rescued by a Coquette 九歌 Nine Odes 九經(jīng) Nine Classics 九章 Nine Elegies 九章算術(shù) Mathematics in Nine Sentinels 舉賢良對(duì)策 Responses by a

23、n Inquired Eminence 菌說 On GermsK開寶本草 Classification of Viable Herbs /Pharmacopoeia of the Kaibao Period 孔子改制考 Study of Confucius as a Reformer 孔子家語 Sayings of the Confucian School 孔子廟堂碑 The Tablet of Confucian Temple 枯樹賦 On Dry Tree 坤輿全圖 plete Atlas of the World 坤輿圖說 Explanations of the World Atlas

24、困知記 Knowledge through Hardship L某王 Prince of Lanling 蘭亭(集)序 A Sketch of the Gathering at Orchid Arbor / The Story of the Orchid Pavilion /The Story of the Get-together at the Orchid Tower蘭竹圖 Orchid and Bamboo老殘游記 The Travels of Lao Can 老子 Lao Zi/Tao Te Ching老子注 Annotations to “Lao Zi” 樂 Book of Musi

25、c 樂毅論 An Essay on Le Yi 李白行吟圖 Li Bai, the Poet歷代帝王圖 Portraits of the Emperors歷代史表 A Chronological Chart According to Dynasties歷代史略鼓詞 Ballad of Times Past 禮記 Book of Rites 禮器碑 Liqi Tablet 離騷 Grief of Parting 李娃傳 The Story of a Singsong Girl 禮運(yùn) Evolutions of Rites 醴泉銘 Eulogy to the Sweet Fountain麗春堂 B

26、eautiful Spring Hall 歷象考成 A Study of Universal Phenomena練兵紀(jì)實(shí) A True Record of the Training of Soldiers兩都賦 The Western and Eastern Capitals梁甫吟 An Elegy 兩河管記 My Humble View of the Two Rivers梁書 History of the Liang Dynasty 聊齋志異 Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio 列仙傳 Lives of Immortals 列異傳 Strange Stori

27、es 列子 Lie Zi 某四夢(mèng) Four Dreams of Linchuan林泉高致 Lofty Messages of Landscape Painting林則徐集The Works of:Lin Zexu凌煙閣功臣二十四人圖 Meritorious Ministers at the Lingyan Pavilion六國論 On Six Fallen States 留侯論 On the Marquis of Liu 六經(jīng) Six Classics 六韜 Six Tactics 六學(xué) Six Teachings 六藝 Six Disciplines 柳毅傳 The Story of Liu

28、 Yi六月雪(竇娥冤) Snow in Midsummer 六祖壇經(jīng) Platform Scripture of the Sixth Patriarch 陋室銘 Inscription on My Humble Cottage 魯齋郎 The Wife-Snatcher呂氏春秋 Lus Almanac 論貴粟疏 On the Importance of Grain Production 論衡 Discourses Weighed in the Balance 論畫 On the Art of Painting 論語 The Analects論語集解義疏 Exegesis of Collecte

29、d ments on the Analects 論語孟子集注 Collected mentaries on “The Analects and “Mencius” 廬山題名 The Inscriptions on Mount Lushan盧仝烹茶圖 Lu Tong Brewing Tea洛神賦圖Goddess of the Luo River / The Goddess of River Luo 某伽藍(lán)記 Temples and Monasteries in LuoyangM麻姑仙壇記 Fairyland of the Lady Magu賣柑者言 The Sayings of the Oran

30、ge Dealer脈經(jīng) Classic on Pulse 脈經(jīng) Treatise on the Pulse 蒙古秘史 The Secret History of the Mongols 蒙古游牧記 Shepherding in Mongolia 孟子 Mencius 孟子字義疏證 A Textual mentary on the Terms in the Books of Mencius 夢(mèng)溪筆談 Dream Pool Essay 夢(mèng)游天姥吟留別 His Dream of the Sky-Land:A Farewell Poem 勉強(qiáng)行道大有功 A Treatise on Endeavor t

31、o Practice Tao for Great Achievement免胄圖 The armorless General鳴鳳記 The Story of Mingfeng明儒學(xué)案 The Ideological Controversy During the Ming Dynasty 明史案 Cases in the History of the Ming 明史稿 A Draft History of the Ming 名實(shí)論 Discourse on Name and Actuality名賢集 Collected Better-Known Sayings 明彖 An Explanation

32、of the Explanation of Hexagrams 明文海 Ming Literature 墨辯 Mohist Dialectians 墨經(jīng) Mohist Canon 墨子 Mo Zi 默觚治篇五 On Government(Part V) in Weis Notes 牡丹孔雀圖 Peonies and Peacock牡丹亭 Peony Pavilion 木蘭詩 The Song of Mu Lan 穆天子傳 The Travels of King MuN 南海寄歸內(nèi)法傳 The Record of the Buddhist Practices Sent Hone from the

33、 Southern Sea南柯記 The Southern Tributary State 南柯太守傳 The Governor of the Southern Tributary State 南齊書 History of the Southern Qi Dynasty 南山集 A Collection of Nanshan南史 History of the Southern Dynasties南巡圖 Inspection in the South廿二史考異 The Study of Differences in the Twenty-Two Dynastic Histories廿二史札記 N

34、otes on Twenty-two Dynastic History 孽海花 The Flower in the Sea of Sin 農(nóng)桑輯要 The Fundamentals of Agriculture and Sericulture 農(nóng)書 Agriculture 農(nóng)政全書 A plete Treatise on Agriculture 女史箴 Admonitions of the Instructress to the Curl Ladies 女媧補(bǔ)天 Nwa Mends the Sky 女狀元 A Woman Who-Passed the Metropolitan Examinat

35、ion as Number One P佩文齋書畫譜 The Peiwenzhai Handbook of Calligraphy and Painting朋黨論 On Party 琵琶記 Tale of the Lute 琵琶行 A Singsong Girl破窯記 A Tumble Down Cave Q七略 Seven Categories of Writings 齊民要術(shù) The Manual of Important Arts for the People 千金要方 A Precious Prescriptions 千金翼方 Supplement to “Precious Prescr

36、iptions” 前赤壁賦 The First Trip to the Red Cliff潛書 Private Thoughts 千字文 The Thousand-Character Text 喬松仙壽圖 Pines and Longevity欽定憲法大綱 Imperial Constitution 秦府十八學(xué)士 Eighteen Scholars秦中吟 Shaanxi Songs 清代學(xué)術(shù)概論A Brief Intellectual History of Qing Dynasty 清明上河圖 Riverside Scenes at Qingming Festival 清平山話本 Tales

37、of Chin Ping Hermitage 清忠譜 The Loyal Citizens秋林群鹿圖 Deer in Autumn Forest秋聲賦 The Autumn Sound Lay 勸世良言 Good Words for Exhorting the Age 闕題二首 The Two Poems Untitled鵲華秋色圖 Autumn Scenes in the Que and Hua Mounts群英會(huì) The Battle of WitsR仁學(xué) On Benevolence 日知錄 The Daily Accumulated knowledge 儒林外史 The Scholar

38、s S三朝北盟編 A Chronicle of Three Song Emperors Dealings with the Northern Neighbor 三都賦 Ode to the Three Capitals 三國志 History of the Three Kingdoms 三國志通俗演義 Romance of The Three Kingdoms 三字經(jīng) A Primer in Three-Character Lines殺狗記 Death of a Dog 山茶霽雪 Camellias in Thawing Snow山高水長圖 Towering Mountains and Lon

39、g Rivers山海經(jīng) The Book of Mountains and Seas傷寒論 Treatise on Fevers商君列傳 The Life of Lord Shang 商君書 Book of Lord Shang 尚書 Book of History 神滅論 Treatise on the Extinction of the Soul /On the Destructibility of the Soul 神農(nóng)本草經(jīng) Emperor Shen Nongs Materia Medica 神童詩 Wonder Child Poems 慎言 Careful Speech 圣武記 Re

40、cords of Warrior Sages 史晨碑 Shi Chen Tablet 師說 Esteem Teachers 世說新語 New Anecdotes 詩經(jīng) Book of OdesSongs 詩品(司空?qǐng)D) The Realm of Poetry 詩品(鐘嶸) Critique of Poetry 十駕齋養(yǎng)新錄 The Record of New Discoveries by Shijiazhai 十七帖 The “17” Calligraphic Models and others十三經(jīng) Thirteen Confucian Classics 十翼 Ten Supplementa

41、ry Explanation on the Texts of Zhou Changes 石壕吏 The Shihao Official (石濤)畫語錄 Arts of Painting 拾遺記 Supplementary Notes 史記 Records of the Historian 史記天官書 Chapter on Astronomers in Records of the Historian 史通 Critique Of Historical Works 氏族志 Clan and Family Gazette 授時(shí)歷 Time-Telling Calendar 蜀道難The Steep

42、 Road of Shu,述學(xué) On Learning 恕谷文集 The Collected Works of Shugu 數(shù)理精蘊(yùn) The Essence of Mathematics and Physics 書譜 Arts of Calligraphy (Sun Guoting)霜寒表 Letter about Frost Cold 蜀素帖 Ancient Poems on the Silk of Shu水滸(傳)OutlawsHeroesof the Marsh(es) 水經(jīng) Waterways Classic 水經(jīng)注 mentary on “Waterways Classic” 說卦傳

43、 Treatise of Remarks on the Trigrams 說文解字 Explanation of Script and Elucidation of Characters 說苑 The Garden of Anecdotes思問錄 Unauthorized mentary on the “Book of Changes 四部醫(yī)典 Pharmacopoeia in Four Divisions四景山水 A Landscape in Four Seasons四庫全書 The plete Library of the Four Treasures 四庫全書總目提要 Critical

44、Catalogue of plete Writings in the Four Divisions 四梅花圖 Four Variations of Plum Blossom四聲猿 The Ape with Four Voices 四書 Four Books 四書大全 The plete Works of the Four Books 四書正誤 Corrections on the Explanations of the Four Books 四洲志 Four Continents 宋高僧傳 Sung pilation of Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Mon

45、ks 宋季忠義錄 Loyal and Righteous Men toward the End of the Song Dynasty 宋論 ments on the History of the Song Dynasty 宋書 History of the Song Dynasty 宋元學(xué)案 The Ideological Controversy of the Song-Yuan Period 搜神后記 More Stories of Immortals 搜神記 Stories of Immortals 素問 Plain Questions 隋書 History of the Sui Dyn

46、asty 孫臏兵法 Arts of War(by Sun Bin) 孫文學(xué)說 Memoirs of a Chinese Revolutionary 孫子兵法 Arts of War(by Sun Wu)T踏歌圖 Dance and Sing踏搖娘 The Dancing Maid 太極圖辯 Discussion on the Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate 太極圖說 An Explanation of the Diagram of the Absolute太平廣記 Taiping MiscellanyExtensive Anthologies of Taipin

47、g 太平御覽 Taiping Anthology for the Emperor 太師箴 An Address Exhorting the Imperial Tutor太玄 Great Mystery 唐律疏議 Exposition of the Tang Penal Code 桃花扇 Peach Blossom Fan 桃花源記 The Story of the Peach Blossom Source 陶庵夢(mèng)憶 Reminiscence of Tao An 天工開物 Expositions of the Works of Nature 天論 A Discussion on Heaven /

48、On Heaven 天問 Questions about Heaven苕溪帖 Poem for Friends to Tiaoxi通典 A prehensive Study of History 潼關(guān)吏 The Tongguan Official童蒙須知 What Children Must Know 銅人腧穴針灸圖經(jīng) An Illustration of the Copper Mans Acupuncture Points 通書 Explanatory Text(on the Book of Changes) 通雅 Understanding the Literary Expositor 通

49、志 Historical Collection W外科正宗 Principle of Surgery 萬古愁 Eternal Sorrow 萬國輿圖 Atlas of the World 萬民安 Fighting against Taxation 萬壽盛典圖 The Celebration of the Emperors Birthday望江亭 The Riverside Pavilion王文成公全書 plete Works of Wang Shouren維詰摩經(jīng) Vimalakirti Sutra 維摩詰經(jīng)注 mentary to the Vimalakir ti-nirdesa Sutra

50、 唯識(shí)二十論 Treatise in Twenty Stanzas on Representation Only 魏書 History of the Wei Dynasty魏征進(jìn)諫圖 Wei Zheng Admonishing the Emperor文賦 On Poetry Writing 文集 Selected Writings of Master Zhu Xi 文明小史 Modern Times 文史通義 The General Meaning of Literature and History 文獻(xiàn)通考 A prehensive Study of Civilization 文心雕龍 Ca

51、rving a Dragon at the Core of Literature 文選 Anthology through the Ages 文言 On the First and Second Hexagrams武備志 A Record of Military Affairs 五代史評(píng)話 Popular History of the Five Dynasties 五代史志 Historical Records of the Five Dynasties 五蠹 Five Vermin無家別 The Homeless五經(jīng) Five Classics 五經(jīng)大全 The plete Works of

52、 the Five Classics五經(jīng)正義 Annotations to the Five Classics武經(jīng)總要 The Outline of Military Science 物理小識(shí)自序 Self-preface to A Primary Study of the Reasons of Things五柳先生傳 The Story of Five-willow Gentleman無向遼東浪死歌 Dont Go and Die in Liaodong五星二十八宿真形圖卷 A Roll of the Five Stars and Twenty-eight Constellations in

53、 the Celestial Sphere 吳山圖記 A Sketch on the Landscape of Wu Shari 吾人最后之覺悟 Our Ultimate Awakening 梧桐雨 Rain on the Plane Trees 吳越春秋 Annals of Wu and Yueh 無準(zhǔn)禪師像 The Portrait of Zen Master WuzhunX 溪山無盡圖 Endless Hills and Streams溪山行旅圖 Traveling Among Streams and Hills西廂記 The Western Chamber /A Story of th

54、e West Chamber習(xí)學(xué)記言序目 Notes and mentaries of Study 系辭 The Appended Remarks /The Great Treatise洗冤錄 The Cleansing of Wrongs 西游記 JourneyPilgrimageto the West 夏山圖 The Summer Mountains先妣事略 A Brief Account of My Deceased Mother閑看兒童捉柳花句意圖 Leisurely Watching Kits Catching Willow Catkin憲宗實(shí)錄 Documentary Record

55、s of Xian Zong 項(xiàng)脊軒志 A Record of the Xiangji Pavilion象山先生全集 plete Works of Lu Chiuyuan 曉庵遺書 The Surviving Works of Xiacun 小草千字文 Kiloword Passage 孝經(jīng) Classic of Filial Piety小兒語 Words Given to Children 小山畫譜 A Handbook of Flower and Birds Painting 瀟湘奇觀圖 A Rare Spectacle at Xiangjiang瀟湘圖 The Xianjiang Riv

56、er新安吏 The Xinan Official 新婚別 Lament of the New Wife 新樂府 New Folk Songs 新書 New Political Views 新修本草 A New pendium of Materia Medica新學(xué)偽經(jīng)考 A Study of the Forged Classics 新儀象法要 New Design for an Armillary Sphere 性辨 Discourse on Human Nature 性惡 Evil Nature of Man 星槎勝覽Vision in Triumph:Ships Sail Under St

57、arry Sky 性理大全 The plete Works of Neo-Confucianism性理精義 Essence of Neo-Confucianism 醒世恒言 Stories to Awaken Men 醒世要言 Verse to Awaken the World 序卦 Prelude to Eight Diagrams 序卦傳 Orderly Sequence of the Hexagrams 續(xù)高僧傳 Further Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks/Sequel to Biographies of Venerable Monks 旭

58、書 Book of Grievances 續(xù)藏經(jīng) Tripitaka Supplement 續(xù)藏書 Supplement to Book Holding 續(xù)焚書 Supplement to Book Burning 續(xù)漢書 An Extension of the History of the Han Dynasty /Sequel to the History of the Han Dynasty 續(xù)資治通鑒長編 A Sequel to History as a Mirror 宣和遺事 Tales of the Hsuani Ho Period 宣示表 Proclamation 學(xué)部通辨 An

59、alysis of the Prejudices of Philosophy雪梅圖 Plums Blossom in Snow荀子 Xun Zi Y鴨頭丸帖 About Duck-head Bill 雅述 Elegant Narrative 言盡意論 On the Fullness of Speech in Expressing Ideas /Speech with full Expressivity of Its Implications 顏勤禮碑 Rites Observation of the Yan Family顏氏家訓(xùn) Yan Family Admonitions 鹽鐵論 Disco

60、urses on Sal t and Iron雁塔圣教序 The Emperors Preface to the Sacred Teachings of Monk Tripitaka of the Great Tang Dynasty顏?zhàn)铀煤螌W(xué)論 On What Kind of Learning Master Yan Was Fond of 乙丙之際著議第七 A Paper pleted in 1815 to 1816夷堅(jiān)志 Yi Jians Notes 憶江南 Recollections of the South 易說 ments on the Book of Changes 易繹稽覽圖


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