1、Chapter 4 Part ITranslation l1 Series circuits do have the advantage of increasing resistance to reduce current when this is desirable.l串聯(lián)電路確實有這樣的優(yōu)點:在需要時用來加大串聯(lián)電路確實有這樣的優(yōu)點:在需要時用來加大電阻來減少電流。電阻來減少電流。l(n. 直譯)直譯)l2 The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator or
2、dynamo.l利用發(fā)電機能把機械能轉變回電能。利用發(fā)電機能把機械能轉變回電能。l(art.省譯)省譯)l3 The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.l使用使用計算機可以大大計算機可以大大提高提高勞動生產率。勞動生產率。l(n.-v.)l4 With an equation we can work with an unknown quantity.l利用方程,我們可以求解未知量。利用方程,我們可以求解未知量。l省略省略art.Plural Forms in EST
3、Word EndingSingular FormPlural Forms-a (+e)-on (a)algalarvaformulalalgae/ algasllarvae /larvaslformulae /formulascriterionphenomenonlcriteria/ criterionslphenomena-us (i)-um (a)bacillusfocusfungusnucleusradiusstratusbacteriumcontinuummediummoratoriumspectrumstratumubacilliufoci/ focusesufungi/ fungu
4、sesunuclei/ nucleusesuradii/ radiusesustratibacteriacontinua/ continuumsmedia/ mediumsmoratoria/ moratoriumsspectra/ spectrumsstrata/ stratumsDefinition in ESTlWhat is ?l1 to state the basic meaning of a word, phrase, idea or concept;l2 to explain its nature or essential qualities or characteristics
5、.l3 to determine its boundaries.l1 A telescope is a device (which is) used for making distant objects look nearer and larger, using a combination of lenses.l望遠鏡是一種通過鏡頭組合,將遠處的物體拉近,望遠鏡是一種通過鏡頭組合,將遠處的物體拉近,放大的儀器。放大的儀器。l2 The whale is a large marine mammal of the order of Cetacea which has a fishlike body
6、, forelimbs modified into flippers, and a horizontally flattened head.l鯨是一種大型海洋哺乳動物,鯨是一種大型海洋哺乳動物,屬鯨目屬鯨目,身體似魚,身體似魚,前肢已前肢已轉化為轉化為鰭肢狀鰭肢狀,頭呈扁平狀。,頭呈扁平狀。Names of the Item?l1_ is a natural object moving round a large object in space, or an artificial object sent up into space to travel round the earth.l2 _
7、is (the relationships between) the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc. usually a particular area, or the scientific study of this.l3_ is a flying weapon which has its own engine so that it can travel a long distance before exploding at the place that it has been aimed at.l1 earthquakelAn earthqu
8、ake is a sudden violent movement of the Earths surface, sometimes causing great damages.l2 oxygenlThe oxygen is a colorless gas that forms a large part of the air on the Earth and which is needed by most living things in order for them to live.Provide the DefinitionI 代詞的一般譯法代詞的一般譯法l1 直譯直譯lThe owl ca
9、n hear a mouse chewing and fly down on it, even though it is hidden from sight under a pile of leaves.l即使老鼠躲藏在一堆葉子下即使老鼠躲藏在一堆葉子下看不見的地方看不見的地方,貓頭鷹也能聽見老鼠咀嚼的聲音而飛下來貓頭鷹也能聽見老鼠咀嚼的聲音而飛下來襲擊襲擊它它。l2 還原還原lDrawing electrons away from the atom causes it to have a net positive electric charge.l將將電子電子與與原子原子分離分離會使會使原子
10、原子帶上帶上純凈純凈正電正電荷。荷。lEach crystal should have a shape as much like that of the other crystals as possible.l每一每一結晶結晶的形狀應與其他結晶的的形狀應與其他結晶的形狀形狀盡可盡可能相似。能相似。l3 互換互換lEvery element retains its identity no matter how it is finely divided.l每種每種元素元素不論不論分得怎樣細小分得怎樣細小,它它仍保持其仍保持其特征特征。lAstronomers can estimate the si
11、ze and brightness of a star by its color.l天文學家根據(jù)天文學家根據(jù)恒星恒星的顏色可以估計的顏色可以估計它它的的大大小和亮度小和亮度。l4 增譯增譯lMany processes have already been proposed, and one possible future process is a smelting reduction.l人們人們已經(jīng)提出了很多已經(jīng)提出了很多方法方法,未來可能的選未來可能的選擇之一擇之一就是就是熔融還原法熔融還原法。lIt is possible to work backward from the known s
12、trength and determine what factor of safety was used.l我們我們能夠由能夠由已知的強度已知的強度反過來反過來求出求出所用的所用的安全系數(shù)安全系數(shù)。lEach is a solid sphere with a metallic core surrounded by silicate shells.l它們它們每一顆都是由每一顆都是由硅酸鹽外殼硅酸鹽外殼包圍著金屬包圍著金屬內核的內核的固態(tài)球體固態(tài)球體。l5 轉換轉換lIn this chapter our task is to find out what the air is made of.l在
13、這一章中,我們的任務是在這一章中,我們的任務是弄清弄清空氣的空氣的構構成成分成成分。lToday we have a fairly clear idea of what goes on inside of atom.l現(xiàn)在我們對原子內部的現(xiàn)在我們對原子內部的情況情況已相已相當清楚了當清楚了。lPractically all of the heat energy received by the earth comes from the sun.l地球所得到的熱能幾乎地球所得到的熱能幾乎都都來自于太陽。來自于太陽。II 人稱代詞的譯法人稱代詞的譯法l1 第一第一/二人稱代詞的譯法二人稱代詞的譯法
14、(直譯(直譯/省譯)省譯)lYou can decide what resolution and compression level is best for your output.l你你可以決定哪種可以決定哪種溶解和壓縮溶解和壓縮程度程度對對成品成品最最好。好。lWell do everything possible to improve the supply of electricity.l我們我們將盡一切努力來將盡一切努力來改善改善電力供應電力供應。lYou can find the density of a body providing you know its mass and vo
15、lume.l只要只要知道物體的質量和體積,就可求出物知道物體的質量和體積,就可求出物體的體的密度密度。lWe must be very careful to avoid trying to express energy in terms of power units.l必須注意避免必須注意避免用用功率單位功率單位表示能量。表示能量。l2 第三人稱代詞的譯法第三人稱代詞的譯法l(直譯(直譯/還原還原/互換互換/省略)省略)lIt may require the taking of a large sample as in macro analysis.l它可能要求像它可能要求像宏觀分析宏觀分析中
16、那樣采用中那樣采用大的樣大的樣本本。lIf an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral.l如果一個原子有三個如果一個原子有三個質子質子,這個原子必然,這個原子必然有三個電子來使其呈有三個電子來使其呈電中性電中性。 III 形容詞性物主代詞譯法形容詞性物主代詞譯法l1 直譯直譯lThe density of anything is its mass per unit volume.l任何物體的任何物體的密度密度是是它的它的每單位每單位體積的質量。體積的質量。lEac
17、h substance shows an individual structure of its own.l每一種每一種物質物質都顯示出都顯示出它自己的它自己的獨特結構獨特結構。lOne of the drawbacks of the early lasers was their inability to operate continuously.l早期激光器的早期激光器的缺點缺點之一是它們之一是它們不能不能連續(xù)地連續(xù)地工作。工作。l2 省譯省譯 “的的”lIn their workshop there is no one who understands how a computer uses
18、 its tubes.l在在他們他們車間,無人能理解計算機是怎樣使車間,無人能理解計算機是怎樣使用其用其電子管電子管的。的。lTransistors are more advantageous to vacuum tubes for their being small and light.l晶體管晶體管優(yōu)于優(yōu)于真空管真空管,因為因為它它尺寸小、重量尺寸小、重量輕。輕。lThe transformer cannot be called a machine because of its having no moving parts.l變壓器不能稱為機器,因為變壓器不能稱為機器,因為它它沒有沒有轉動
19、的轉動的部件部件。l3 省譯物主代詞省譯物主代詞lAccording to their ability to conduct electric current, all materials may be classified into three major categories: conductors, semiconductors and insulators.l根據(jù)根據(jù)導電導電的性能不同,所有的材料可分為三大類:的性能不同,所有的材料可分為三大類:導體、半導體和絕緣體。導體、半導體和絕緣體。lYou shouldnt have touched the wire with your wet
20、 hands.l你不該用濕手觸摸導線。你不該用濕手觸摸導線。l4 its 和和 their的譯法的譯法l1) 譯為譯為 “其其”l2) 還原還原l3) 互換互換l4) 轉譯為反身代詞轉譯為反身代詞lHeating semiconductors means increasing their conductivity.l加熱半導體加熱半導體就會就會增加增加其其導電率。導電率。lTriangles can be classified according to their angles or the relative lengths of their sides.l三角形可按照其角度或三角形可按照其角
21、度或其其相對相對邊長邊長來分類。來分類。lAccording to their composition, these raw materials may be separated into three groups.l根據(jù)這些原材料的根據(jù)這些原材料的構成成分構成成分,它們它們可以分為三種可以分為三種類型。類型。lThe brain has its managing system.l大腦有大腦有自己的自己的管理系統(tǒng)。管理系統(tǒng)。IV 指示代詞的譯法指示代詞的譯法l1 直譯直譯/還原還原lAll atoms, except those of hydrogen, contain one or more
22、 neutrons in the nucleus.l除了氫除了氫原子原子外,所有的外,所有的原子原子都有一個或幾都有一個或幾個個中子中子。lThe speed of the object approaches that of light.l該物體的速度接近光該物體的速度接近光速速。l2 譯為譯為“這這”lHeat is a form of energy and that is known to all of us.l熱是能的熱是能的一種形式一種形式,這這是大家都知道的。是大家都知道的。lThey used the transformers of poor quality, and this c
23、aused the whole power supply system break down.l他們用了一批他們用了一批劣質劣質的變壓器,使得整個供的變壓器,使得整個供電系統(tǒng)陷于電系統(tǒng)陷于癱瘓癱瘓。l3 that指上文提到兩點中的前一點,指上文提到兩點中的前一點,this指提指提到的后一點,分別譯為到的后一點,分別譯為“前者前者/后者后者”l略略l4 such 譯法譯法l這種,這些,這樣這種,這些,這樣lThis is a simple criterion that guarantees the existence of such a representation.l這是確保這是確保這種這種等
24、值表達式等值表達式存在的一個簡單標存在的一個簡單標準。準。lThe percentage of such cases among surgical patients can be determined in the following manner.l在在接受手術的病人接受手術的病人中,中,這樣的這樣的病例病例所占的所占的百分比可用百分比可用下述方法下述方法確定。確定。l5 the samel同樣的,相同的同樣的,相同的lAs a rule solids and liquids expand when heated, water does the same except near its fr
25、eezing point.l按照固體和液體按照固體和液體遇熱膨脹遇熱膨脹的的原理原理,水除了,水除了接近其接近其冰點冰點的情況之外也是的情況之外也是如此如此。V 不定代詞的譯法不定代詞的譯法l1 alll1) 所有,都所有,都lAll these elements can be used in semiconductor manufacture.l在半導體生產中,在半導體生產中,所有所有這些這些元件元件都能用上。都能用上。lAll transformers and electric machinery use magnetic material.l所有所有的變壓器和的變壓器和電機電機都使用磁性
26、材料。都使用磁性材料。lAll the shafts were cut from heavy planks of wood.l箭桿箭桿都都是用是用厚木板厚木板削制削制而成的。而成的。lAlmost all who die of AIDS actually die of starvation.l幾乎幾乎所有所有喪命愛滋病的患者喪命愛滋病的患者都都是死于饑餓。是死于饑餓。l2) not all/ all notl部分否定部分否定: 并非所有并非所有l(wèi)Not all people who test positive for the AIDS antibody get the disease AIDS
27、.l并不是所有的并不是所有的愛滋病抗體試驗為陽性愛滋病抗體試驗為陽性的人的人都患有愛滋病。都患有愛滋病。l2 anyl1) 任何任何lThe equipment will compensate for any dimensional variations caused by wheel wear.l該裝置對該裝置對砂輪磨損砂輪磨損引起的引起的任何任何尺寸誤差尺寸誤差給給予予補償補償。l2) if anyl譯為條件句:如果,如有譯為條件句:如果,如有l(wèi)譯為助動詞:可能譯為助動詞:可能l譯為:幾乎沒譯為:幾乎沒lWhich, if any, of the three statements below are false?l下面三種下面三種說法說
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