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1、About the Evaluation 考核為形成性考核考核為形成性考核 形成性考核形成性考核 formative assessmentformative assessment 形成性考核占課程總成績的形成性考核占課程總成績的40%40%1. 1. Attendance 10%Attendance 10%2. Group Presentation 10%2. Group Presentation 10%3. Home reading 10%3. Home reading 10% 3 pieces of news chosen from newspaper in 2009- 3 pieces

2、of news chosen from newspaper in 2009-2012, mark the new words in the news, translate 3-5 2012, mark the new words in the news, translate 3-5 difficult or theme sentences difficult or theme sentences 4. Classroom activity 10%4. Classroom activity 10% The tips for after-class reading一、報刊內(nèi)容摘抄一、報刊內(nèi)容摘抄

3、報刊內(nèi)容摘抄包括報刊內(nèi)容摘抄包括: : useful words and expressions, good sentences, key words,main idea and summary for a certain passage二、讀報時間的安排二、讀報時間的安排 短時,高頻:短時,高頻:Twenty or thirty minutes three or more times a week is generally better than reading for several hours once a week. 三、讀報內(nèi)容的選擇三、讀報內(nèi)容的選擇 新聞:新聞:Read news

4、 stories even if you are not especially interested in the news. News stories are by far the easiest to read because of their unique style. 專欄:專欄:Read certain columns regularly. 長篇報道:長篇報道:For longer stories, first look to see how they are organized. Features, for example, usually have several distinc

5、t parts. This will save you from getting lost and it will allow you to read them as several short sections rather than one long story. The Major Difficulties of Reading English Newspapers 1. The special writing style which often goes against the normal grammar will pose great obstacle for learners b

6、ecause it always strives to contain the richest information in as few words as possible .The Major Difficulties of Reading English Newspapers 2. News English is rich in puns(雙關(guān)),overtones(弦外之音),and various word games by means of polysemy (一詞多義), synonym(同義詞) and antinomy(反義詞). The Major Difficulties

7、 of Reading English Newspapers3. Western journalists like to quote the classics in their reports, so lack of necessary cultural background knowledge will lead to confusion.Example Claiborne Darden, a pollster in Atlanta, said Democrats in the region were attached to a coalition of “feminists, labor

8、unions, blacks and homosexuals. Talk about a kiss-of-death crowd among Southern politicians. (U.S. News &World Report)kiss-of-death 喻“表面有益實際有害的”,“幫忙會帶來毀滅性的或災(zāi)難性后果的”,“幫倒忙的”。圣經(jīng)故事中猶大以接吻(kiss of Judas)為暗號出賣耶穌,致使耶穌被釘死在十字架上。 Example So far, the European Commission is wary of(謹(jǐn)慎的) encouraging Gypsies to pre

9、sent themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a Pandoras box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. (The Economist ) Basques 巴斯克人,居住在西班牙北部比利牛斯山區(qū)。曾多次舉行大規(guī)模游行示威要求脫離西班牙政府,實行自治。 Example So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present thems

10、elves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a Pandoras box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. (The Economist ) Corsicans科西嘉人??莆骷螎u是地中海中的島嶼,1769年被強(qiáng)行并入法國領(lǐng)土;拿破侖一世的出生地。自從被侵占后,科西嘉人從未停止民族獨立運動。Example So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to prese

11、nt themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a Pandoras box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. (The Economist ) Pandoras box潘多拉之魔盒潘多拉之魔盒,典出希臘神話。比喻“災(zāi)難之源災(zāi)難之源”或“由于不明智的干預(yù)而引起許多難以解決的復(fù)雜問題”。 Example The idea of March looms as a crucial time. Pollster Richard Wirthl

12、in and Counsellor Ed Meese have warned the president that just about now President Carter began to yield to outside clamor. He lost his power through retreat(退卻) and vacillation(動搖猶豫).( Time)“idea of March”指古羅馬日歷的三月十五日,比喻“危險即將來危險即將來臨的日期臨的日期”。典出莎士比亞悲劇Julius Caesar(裘力斯愷撒)。Essential Techniques for Read

13、ing English News 1.Familiarity with news English vocabulary.Look at the following words:“跑”“競賽”“汁”、“措施”、“發(fā)言人”、“炮艦”、“建立”、“散步”、“去釣魚”、“干”、“濕”、“他眨眼睛”“我是一個有家室的人”run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship,establishment, take a walk, go fishing, dry, wet, He blinked Im a family manThe Right Meaning in Jou

14、rnalistic English “競選”、“競選”、“權(quán)力、權(quán)勢、活力、生機(jī)、精力、勁頭”、“議案”、“議長”、“武裝直升機(jī)”、“權(quán)勢集團(tuán)”、“退黨”、“與黨離心離德”、英國保守黨中的“強(qiáng)硬派”英國保守黨中的“溫和派”“他頂不住而退讓了”我有家庭責(zé)任感,引申為“我是一個治家有方,治國有道的人”run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship,establishment, take a walk, go fishing, dry, wet, He blinked Im a family manEssential Techniques for Readin

15、g English News 2. Accumulation of various world knowledge is highly important.Example Republicans narrowly retained control of the House in November. The new Senate will be split 50-50, and will include Mr. Lieberman. But any ties will be broken by the new vice president, Mr. Cheney. The Internation

16、al Herald Tribune在十一月大選后組成的新一屆國會中,共和黨仍勉強(qiáng)控制著眾議院。在參議院,兩黨平分秋色,各占50席,而且民主黨議員中還包括落選的副總統(tǒng)候選人利伯曼。然而,如果如果在表決中票數(shù)相等而出現(xiàn)相持不下的局面時,在表決中票數(shù)相等而出現(xiàn)相持不下的局面時,新任副總統(tǒng)切尼先生會打破這種僵局新任副總統(tǒng)切尼先生會打破這種僵局Example Republicans narrowly retained control of the House in November. The new Senate will be split 50-50, and will include Mr. Lie

17、berman. But any ties will be broken by the new vice president, Mr. Cheney. The International Herald Tribune美國憲法規(guī)定,參議院主席參議院主席(President of the Senate)一職由副一職由副總統(tǒng)兼任,在表決出現(xiàn)相持不下的局總統(tǒng)兼任,在表決出現(xiàn)相持不下的局面時,他才有投票權(quán)。面時,他才有投票權(quán)。Example Jesse Jackson did a number on Lieberman, accusing him of joining with Republicans t

18、o dismantle affirmative action programs. Jackson also drew a big laugh from the crowd when he branded Lieberman “a Demopublican” who had more in common with Republicans than Democrats. (The Washington Post)美國民主黨內(nèi)自由派是主流,共和黨內(nèi)保守派占多數(shù),而將Demopublican(由Democrat和Republican拼綴而成譯為“民主黨內(nèi)的保守派”。2000 美國大選中副總統(tǒng)候選人Li

19、eberman 民主黨內(nèi)的保守派 What does the nation care about? Like most people, Bill Clinton is uncomfortable with what he doesnt know and avoids dealing with it. Fortunately for him, the nation he leads usually cares more about Madonna than Mogadishu; its turn inward following the cold wars end coincides neatl

20、y with the Presidents passion for domestic affairs. - “Its All Foreign to Clinton”,TimeWhat does the nation care about? the nation he leads usually cares more about Madonna than Mogadishu; Madonna:麥當(dāng)娜麥當(dāng)娜 domestic affairs. Mogadishu:摩加迪休(索馬里首都)摩加迪休(索馬里首都) foreign affairs. (alliteration 押頭韻)The source

21、 of the supplementary articles 經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家 讀者文摘 新聞周刊 商業(yè)周刊 時代 國家地理 紐約時報雜志美英報刊閱讀端木義萬, ( 南京大學(xué)出版社,2012)美英報刊閱讀教程(中級精選本),端木義萬,北京大學(xué)出版社,2010 新聞英語文體與范文評析,張健,上海外語教育出版社,2009.英美報刊文章閱讀,周學(xué)藝 趙林,北京大學(xué)出版社,2010)英文報刊導(dǎo)讀,馬建國,外語教學(xué)與研究出版社,2005News North East West South News The following questions are answered briefly in the first

22、 or second paragraph of the news report. What happened ? when did it happen? who was involved? where did it happen? why/ how did it happen?Introduction containing most important or most interesting informationsupporting information or background quotes or more facts of lesser importance Structure of

23、 news reports: the Inverted Pyramid Form ( e-Business )least significant information News lead more facts more facts minor details Brief Introduction of American and British newspapers and magazines The classification of English publication1) 按出版時間,可分為:按出版時間,可分為: 日報(日報(day newspaper), 晨報(晨報(morning

24、newspaper),晚報(晚報(evening newspaper), 半周半周報(報(semiweekly), 周報(周報(weekly), 雙周報雙周報(biweekly)2) 按報紙的品味,大致可分為兩大類:高質(zhì)量大報按報紙的品味,大致可分為兩大類:高質(zhì)量大報(quality papers,也稱為,也稱為“高級報紙高級報紙”);通俗小報);通俗小報(popular papers / tabloid,也稱為,也稱為“大眾報紙大眾報紙”)。)。 Quality newspapers: They are serious daily issues. They appeal mainly to

25、the upper and middle classes. 高質(zhì)量高質(zhì)量大報對國內(nèi)外大事進(jìn)行全面的報道和述評,兼刊登財經(jīng)大報對國內(nèi)外大事進(jìn)行全面的報道和述評,兼刊登財經(jīng)金融、科技文教、體育娛樂等各方面的信息。主要讀者金融、科技文教、體育娛樂等各方面的信息。主要讀者是政府官員、上層知識分子、工商金融界人士。是政府官員、上層知識分子、工商金融界人士。 Popular newspapers / tabloid: They are smaller in size and contain many photographs. They are not so serious and their storie

26、s tend to be sensational. They appeal mainly to the working and middle class. 通俗小報的消息不夠嚴(yán)肅通俗小報的消息不夠嚴(yán)肅可靠。為了迎合讀者,往往追求轟動效應(yīng),忽視了報紙可靠。為了迎合讀者,往往追求轟動效應(yīng),忽視了報紙的社會責(zé)任。它擁有令人羨慕的高發(fā)行量,卻對重大問的社會責(zé)任。它擁有令人羨慕的高發(fā)行量,卻對重大問題缺乏深遠(yuǎn)的影響力。讀者基本是工人階級和中產(chǎn)階級。題缺乏深遠(yuǎn)的影響力。讀者基本是工人階級和中產(chǎn)階級。3) 按報紙版面,可分為四開和對開兩種。按報紙版面,可分為四開和對開兩種。 版面(版面(Page Make-

27、up)是報刊的門面,讀者拿)是報刊的門面,讀者拿起報刊的第一印象就是版面。因此,為了吸引讀者,起報刊的第一印象就是版面。因此,為了吸引讀者,各家報社想盡辦法使其版面生動活潑、富有特色,并各家報社想盡辦法使其版面生動活潑、富有特色,并在辦報實踐與競爭中形成了各自的版面風(fēng)格。了解報在辦報實踐與競爭中形成了各自的版面風(fēng)格。了解報刊版面的編排情況,有助于讀者快速找到所需信息??婷娴木幣徘闆r,有助于讀者快速找到所需信息。 嚴(yán)肅性的高質(zhì)量報紙一般以對開紙張印刷,版面嚴(yán)肅性的高質(zhì)量報紙一般以對開紙張印刷,版面大小與我國的大小與我國的中國日報中國日報(China Daily)相同,稱)相同,稱為大報(為大報(broadsheet)。大眾報紙一般是四開紙印刷,)。大眾報紙一般是四開紙印刷,版面小,故稱小報(版面小,故稱小報(tabloid),大小與我國的),大小與我國的參考參考消息消息相同。相同。Broadsheet is the largest of the various newspaper formats and is characterized by long vertical pages (typically749


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