1、英文郵件萬金油句1. 寒暄(I) hope you had agood weekend/ a good evening/ a good trip (to.)/ a good time/ a good holiday/ a good break/ a goodHows it going?/ How are things?/ Hows life?/ How are you doing?I hope you (and your family) are (all) well.2. 回復別人Thank you for your email (yesterday/ of 12 May) aboutThan
2、ks for your quick reply./ Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.Thanks for your phone call this morning/ the information about/ your interest in/ your help with/ yourhospitality in/(I) just read your email about/ (I) just got your message about/ (I) just got your request forSorry for my late repl
3、y/ Sorry it took me so long to get back to you/ Sorry not to reply sooner (but/ but I had to).Thank you for finding the time to meet me/ talk to me/ attendSorry its been so long since I was last in touch/ since my last email.3. 詢問/咨詢Could you (possibly) tell me?(First of all) Id like to knowMy (firs
4、t/ second/ third/ next/ last/ final) question is aboutI (also) have a question about(If possible) I (also) need to knowMy three (main) questions are below./ Please find my three (main) questions below.4. 回答問題/信息分享You (also) asked us aboutThe answers to your question are below./ Please find my answer
5、s below.In answer to your first/ second/ third/ last questionTo answer your question about5. 說壞消息We regret to inform you thatWe are sorry to announce that6. 表明目的Im writing to you about your latest model/ about the meeting next week/ about your presentation yesterday/ aboutI am writing to you in conn
6、ection with/ with regards to/ regarding/ concerningIm writing (in order) to ask/ to enquire/ to confirm/ to check/ to inform you/ to follow up on/ to let you know/ to tell you/ to thank you/ to invite you to/ to update you on/ to announce that/ to ask for a favour/ toAs promised/ As we discussed, Im
7、 writing to send you/ toSorry to write out of the blue, butSorry, in my last email I forgot toI look forward to seeing/ meeting you then.Speak to you soon/ then/ on Monday/ on7. 回復投訴I hope that is acceptable with you./ (I) hope that is okay (with you).Once again, please accept our apologies for any
8、inconvenience caused/ for the inconvenience caused/ for the delay/ forThanks for your patience./ Thank you for your patience.Thanks for your understanding./ Thank you for your understanding.8. 有附件(For your reference,) please find the information/ the document/ some data/ attached.Please see (the inf
9、ormation/ the website/ the diagram/ the) below (for more details/ for).Ive pasted in. below./ Ive copied in. below./ Ive put a copy of below.Ive attached/ . is attached.Heres the (thatI promised/ that you asked for/ that I mentioned/ that)9. 提要求Could you (possibly)?Would you mind sending me/ ing?I w
10、as wondering if you could/ if you would be able toId be very grateful if you could take action in the next few days/ if you couldId really appreciate (some help with)10. 安排計劃,計劃變動Id like to meet on if you are available/ free then.Im available on ,if that is convenient/ okay with you.Im afraid I cant
11、 make (because) How about?(Due to) Im afraid we need to put forward/ delay/ postpone/ put back/ cancel/ call off/ reschedule/ move/ rearrange11. 投訴Im afraid I was not (very) happy withUnfortunately, was not (really) what I expected.Im afraid I was not (completely/ fully) satisfied with12. 當你需要別人回復I
12、look forward to hearing from you (soon)./(Im) looking forward to hearing from you (soon).Please let me know if thats okay/ if that is acceptable with you/ if that sounds okay/ if you can/ if you can help/ if you need an extension/ if you need to reschedule/ if13. 當你需要更多的交流(In the meantime) if you ne
13、ed any more information,/ If you require anyfurther information(about/ in order to/ before you/ to help you/)/ If you need any more info/ Need more info,If you have any (more) questions (about),/ Any more Qs, please do not hesitate to contact me./ please contact me./ please feel free to contact me./
14、 please get in touch./ just let me know./ just drop me a line (at any time).14. 表示感謝Thanks forI appreciate thatThanks in advance15.署名Best regardsKind regardsYour sincerelySincerelyBest wishesCheers常用句1.Iam writing to confirm/enquire/inform you.我發(fā)郵件是想找你確認/詢問/想通知你有關2. I am writing to follow up on our
15、earlier decision on the marketingcampaign in Q2.我寫郵件來是為了跟進我們之前對第二季度營銷活動的決定。3. With reference to our telephone conversation today.關于我們今天在電話中的談話4.In my previous e-mail on October 5.在之前10月5日所寫的郵件中提到5.As I mentioned earlier about.在先前我所提到的關于6.As indicated in my previous e-mail.如我在之前郵件中所提到的7.As we discuss
16、ed on the phone.如我們上次在電話中所說的8.fromour decision at the previous meeting.如我們在上次會議中所決定的9.asyou requested.根據貴方要求10. In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided.回復貴方4月1日的郵件,我方決定11. This is in response to your e-mail today.這是對您今早發(fā)來的郵件的回復。12. As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique
17、 sellingpoints in china.如先前所述,我們認為這個產品在中國有強有力且獨一無二的銷售點。13. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to getback to you about the pending issues of our agreement.追蹤我們昨天在電話中所談,我想答復你我們合約的一些待解決的議題。14. I received your voice message regarding the subject. Im wondering ifyou can elaborat
18、e i.e. provide more details.我收到了你關于這個主題的留言。我在想您你是否可以再詳盡的說明一下,也就是再提供多一點相關細節(jié)。15. Please be advised/informed that.請被告知.16. Please note that.請注意.17. We would like to inform you that.我們想要通知你.18. I am convinced that.我確信.19. We agree with you on.我們同意你在.的看法。20.Witheffect from 4 Oct., 2008.從2008年10月4日開始生效.21
19、. We will have a meeting scheduledas noted below.我們將舉行一個會議,會議時間表如下。22. Be assured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is forinternal use only.請確保個人信息不會外泄且只供內部使用。23. I am delighted to tell you that.我很高興地告訴你.24. We are pleased to learn that.我們很高興得知.25. We wish to notify you that.我們希望
20、通知你.26. Congratulation on your.恭喜您.27. I am fine with the proposal.我對這份提案沒異議。28. I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to join theworkshop scheduled for 22-24 Nov,2008.我十分高興地通知你,我們已經同意您參加于2008年11月22-24日舉行的研討會。29. We are sorry to inform you that.我們很抱歉地通知您.30. Im afraid I have some ba
21、d news.恐怕我今天要宣布一些壞消息。31. There are a number of issues with our new system.我們的新系統(tǒng)有些問題。32. Due to circumstances beyond our control.由于情況超出我們的控制.33. I dont feel too optimistic about.我對.不太樂觀34. It would be difficult for us to accept.我們很難接受.35. Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquir
22、ies on thesubject, our view has not changed.我不得不這么說,自從收到你關于這個主題的詢問,我們的看法都沒有改變。36. We would be grateful if you could.如果你可以.我們會很感激的。37. I could appreciate it if you could.如果你可以.我會很感激。38. Would you please send us?你能否寄給我們?39. We need your help.我們需要你的幫助。40. We seek your assistance to cascade/reply this m
23、essage to your staff.我們希望您能將此信息傳達給你們的員工,非常感謝。41. We look forward to your clarification.我們期待你的澄清。42. Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.您若能立即關注此事,我們將非常感激。43. I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Pleaselet me know what suits you best.如果您能從百忙中抽出時間,我希望能與您
24、見面,請讓我知道您最適合的時間。44. Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.請讓我知道您對這件事情初步的想法。45. Would you please reply to this e-mail if you plan to attend?請您回信如果您計劃參加?46. Please advise if you agree with this approach.請告知我們你是否同意這個方法。47. Could you please let me know the status of this project?請通知我這個計劃的進
25、度?48. If possible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal when it isfinished.如果可能,當你完成提案,我希望你能發(fā)一份復本給我。49. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply bynext Monday.如果能在下周一前收到您的答復,我將非常感激。50. Hope this is OK with you. If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.希望您滿意,如果不滿意,請發(fā)郵件盡快通知我。51.
26、Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by theend of June?請您在6月份前答復我上述問題好嗎?52. May I have your reply by April 1, if possible?如果可能,我可否在4月1日前收到您的答復?53. If you wish, we would be happy to.如果你有需要,我們很樂意.54. Please let me know if theres anything I can do to help.如果我有什么可以幫得上忙的,請告訴我。55.I
27、ftheres anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter,please feel free to contact me at any time.對于這件事,如果還有什么我能幫得上忙的地方,請隨時與我聯(lián)絡。56.Ifyou want additional recommendations on this, please let us knowand we can try to see if this is possible.如果關于此事你需要額外的建議,請讓我們知道,我們會試著看看這是否可行。57. Im just writin
28、g to remind you of.我只是寫信來提醒您.58. May we remind you that.?我們想要提醒您.59. I am enclosing.我附上.60. Please find enclosed.請查閱附件.61. Attached hereto.附件是關于.62. Attached please find the most up-to-date informationon/regarding/concerning附上關于某某的最新資料63. Attached please find the draft product plan for your review a
29、ndcomment.附上產品計劃書的草稿,請審查及評價。64. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.如果你有任何問題,請隨時與我聯(lián)系。65. I hope my clarification has been helpful.希望我的說明對你有所幫助。66. Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually provide fullsupport.請隨時與我聯(lián)系,我將持續(xù)地提供全程支持。67. Please let me know
30、if this is suitable.請讓我知道這是否恰當。68. Looking forward to seeing you soon.很期待能盡快見到你。69. We look forward to hearing from you soon.我們很期待能得到您的回復。70. Hope this is clear and we are happy to discuss this further ifnecessary.希望上述說明很清楚,如有必要,我們很樂意再進一步討論。71. I look forward to receiving your reply soon.我期待很快能收到你的回
31、復。72. Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course.期待在預期的時間收到你的反饋。73. Ill keep you posted.我會與你保持聯(lián)系。74. Please keep me informed on the matter.請隨時讓我知道這件事的發(fā)展。75. For any comments/suggestions, please contact Nadia at 2552-7482.有任何評價或建議,請撥打2552-7482聯(lián)絡Nadia。76. I would like to apologize for.我想
32、就.道歉.77. I apologize for the delay in.對于.的耽擱,我深感抱歉。78. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.對于產生的任何不便,我們感到抱歉。79. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.對于造成的不便,我深感抱歉。80. Im sorry about last time.上次的事我很抱歉。81. We apologize for not replying you earlier.對于未能早一點回信給你,我們感到抱歉。82. Im really sorry about this.這件事,我真的很抱歉。83. Sorry, Im late in replying to your e-mail dated Monday, April 1.抱歉,太遲回您在4月1日(星期一)發(fā)給我的郵件。84. We apologize for the delay and hope tha
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