1、 PAGE90 / NUMPAGES90 PLC 1 2220W 200W 3S7-226PLCPLC 123PLC PLC 2mmin-360mmin2mmin-80mmin 2mmin-60mmin 1100001500020#34II PLC S7-226PLCEM235MM440S7-226PLCSH-20403PLCstep7 PLCIIII Abstract In modern logistics warehousing systems, automated storage is increasinglywidespread. Hay stackers are the key eq
2、uipments, Performance of the stacker playsan important role. Design and Development of a higher degree of automationStacker Control System become Warehouse trend of development, Thereforerelated research has important theory and application value. This paper introducesapplication and performance of
3、automated High-rise Warehouse basing onapplication and development requirement of modern logistics techniques. And putsemphasis on the researching of control techniques in automated High-riseWarehouse stacker combining modern science and techniques. This paperelaborated on the design of the system o
4、f control, as well as the implementation ofthe systems hardware and the design of the software.Based on the parameter related to the automated storage, this paper presentedthe hardware system of stacker electrical control. Speed of the stacker was thebasic. In order to improve the performance of the
5、 stacker, the system adopts thespeed, position, double feedback control. The horizontal recognize addresses ofsystem using laser rangefinder sensor positioning, and vertical recognition usingphotoelectric switches and address piece combination addressing. Speed-adjustedsystem by S7-226PLC and its ex
6、tension module EM235 through transducerMM440 control ac motor. Goods fork system is by S7-226PLC binary systemthrough stepping motor driver SH - 20403 control two-phase hybrid steppingmotor. According to the requirements of the control system, this paper completedthe selection of PLCfrequency conver
7、ter, the motor and its controller. Andpresents the system hardware hookup. Then use the software of Siemens step7designs the stacker control procedures.Key Words: Automated Storage and Retrieval System Stacker PLC1 I Abstract II 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 21.1.3 21.2 31.2.1 31.2.2 31.3 4 52.1 52.2 72.2.1 72
8、.2.2 82.2.3 92.2.4 102.3 PLC 112.3.1 S7-200PLC 112.3.2 CPU 122.3.3 PLC 132.4 142.4.1 142.4.2 152.4.3 172.5 19 22.6 202.7 212.8 222.9 232.10 24 253.1 / 273.1.1 273.1.2 / 283.2 293.2.1 PLC 293.2.2 PLC 313.2.3 PLC 323.3 343.4 35 36 37 38 39 4811 1.1 /Automated Storage &Retrieval SystemAS/RS 1.1.1 4012A
9、GV22 3/ 1.1.2 1 2 3 4 1.1.3 19501960 33 1963()1973()1980 1.2 1.2.1 19601967101519697090m/min240m/min 1.2.2 2070550m/min4160m/min300m/min44 2070416m/min025m/min8m/min435m/minProfibus160m/min080m/min030m/min 1.3 (1) (2) PLC(3) 55 2.1 1220W200WS7-200PLCS7-2002m/min360m/min2m/min80/min2m/min60/min2 3PLC
10、 PLCPLC66 PLC PLCPLC()6.52S7-200PLC2.12.1 S7-200 PLC 77 2.2 2.2PLC2.2 2.2.1 X1X20Y0ZX1X2YZ M 88 2.2.2 1211342-12-1 mm mm 99 2.2.3 1PLC()/22.3 2.3 1010 2-2 2-2 A1A2 A32.2.4 2.4mamvmaVA BCS1 S2 S3 S2.4 1111 2.3 PLC S7-200PLC 2.3.1 S7-200PLCS7-200PLCPLC,PLCPLC/PLCS7-200CPU22*PLC(21*PLCS7-22*PLCS7-200I/
11、O1 CPUCPUPLC2I/OI/OI/O3SIMATIC S7-2004SIMATIC S7-20051212 2.3.2 CPU 1CPUSIMATIC S7-200CPUI/OCPUCPUCPU 22*CPU CPU 221CPU 2216/410I/O6KB430kHz220kHzRS-485/PPIMPI CPU 222CPU 222CPU 2218/614I/O864I/O, CPU 224CPU 2222416835 CPU 226CPU 22440248352CPUCPU-226CPUCPU22624/1624835 24V 220KHZ CPU2262RS-485PPIMP
12、I CPU226 /CPU22624/1624V1313 7 CPU226630KHZCPU 2.3.3 PLC S7-200-CPU22624/16EM221EM2352-3 2-3 EM221DI16 6ES7221-1BH22-0XA0 1EM235/AI4/AO1 6ES7235-0KD22-0XA0 2CPU22624EM22116EM235/2.5 CPU226EM221EM235EM235 MM440MM440RS-4852.5 1414 2.4 2.4.11 4IGBTPWM 2 1515 4 MM440MM440PIDPIDMM440MM4403380VAC50Hz2.8A0
13、.75KW3(0-380)VAC(0-650)Hz2.1A(IGBT)VF682(010) V2(020) mARS485USSAOPBOP 2.4.2220W2m/min360m/minS7-200PLCKUMM440PLCI1.4I1.52.6gnKUPLCu1616 nPID gn e KU u nfn2.6 PLC1PIDPIDAIN12HDEFHSCHSC09AB3/42Y2Y-632-2300W0.69A380V 50Hz 2720minr0.81PLCPIDIGBT 1717 2-42-4 P0003 3/P0004 0P0700 2/P1000 2PLCP1300 1V/fP2
14、010 69600P2011 0MM4402.4.3 200W2m/min80m/min70%80%2.7 1818 2.7 1 2KC 220VUVWYY7112250W1.73A670.92280010A0.351.62.8 1CK2M1919 R S U V WAC2202.8 2.5 ?(360?=)mnn ()360nn?= 2-1S7-226PLCQ0.0Q0.1PTOPWMPTOPLCQ0.042BYG()()1.80.9,SH-204032.92020 PLCMA+A-B+B-24VDC1K1K42BYGSH-204032.9 2.6 122121 2.7 2-5 2-5 PL
15、C PLC 1 S7-200CPU226AC/DC1EM221162EM23541KM 3 CJ20-100220VR 2 2KFR 1 JRS4-140365d80-104AFU 4 RLS1-100380V20-100AHL 5 AD16-22GLED220VSQ 14 LF-0124LB10-30VDCSA KD2B-2124V1ODSL8 25-45E3G-MR19755AM 1 Y2-632-2380V300WM 1 YY7112380V250WSH-20403 24-70VDCM 1 42BYG0.9/1.8 2222 2.8 RS-232CRS-485RS-485 1 RS-23
16、2CRS-485RS-48532/32 RS-485/RS-485PLCRS-485RS-232232-485ModbusModbusModiconModbus-PLCDCSModbusPLCModbusModbus2323 2.9/1/01/0PLCS7-200 CPU2262411I/O2-6I/OEM221I/O2-7 EM2354/1EM235MOVOMM440342-6 PLCCPU226I/O 1I0.0 19I2.22I0.1 20I2.33I0.2 21I2.44I0.3 22Q0.05I0.4 23Q0.16I0.5 24Q0.27A I0.6 25Q0.38BI0.7 26
17、Q0.49I1.0 27Q0.510I1.1 28Q0.611I1.2 29Q0.712I1.3 30Q1.013AI1.4 31Q1.114BI1.5 32Q1.215I1.6 33Q1.316I1.7 2424 17I2.018I2.12-7 EM 221I/OI3.0 9I4.0I3.1 10I4.1I3.2 11I4.2I3.3 12I4.3I3.4 13I4.4I3.5 14I4.57I3.6 15I4.68I3.7 16I4.7 2.10 PLC2525 S7-200STEP7-Micro/WIN32STEP7-Micro/WIN 32WindowsSIMATIC S7-2001(
18、LAD)(LAD)STEP72(STL)(STL)STEP7CPU3(FBD)(FBD)STEP7()12;3.1 2626Y NNY3.1 2727 3.1/ 3.1.1 3.1PLCPLC3.2YNNY3.2 ? 2828 3.1.2/ ()3.33s3s(3s)NYYNNY3.3 / 2929 3.2 , 3.2.1PLC 1PLC33BOOLM20.1M20.3M20.5ONOFFQ0.63-11LD SM0.0LPSAN M20.7AN M20.1A M0.0A M10.0 / Q0.6ONQ0.6S Q0.4, 1LPPA M20.7AN M20.5 3030 A M0.0A M1
19、0.0S Q0.5, 1 / Q0.5ONQ0.53-1 1 M20.7ONSM0.01M10.0Q0.5M20.1Q0.4M20.5M0.02(M20.1OFF)Q0.53-222LD SM0.0LPSAN M20.7AN M20.1A M0.0A M10.0AR= VD1200,VD28= Q1.6 / S M20.1, 1 / LPPA M20.7AN M20.1 / AN M20.3A M0.0A M10.0AR= VD1200,0.0= Q1.7R M20.1, 1 / R M20.7, 1 / 3131 3-2 2 M20.7ONSM0.01M10.0M20.1VD28VD1200
20、M20.3M0.0Q1.4Q1.3 3.2.2PLC 3.333 LD SM0.0LPSLD I0.3 / AN M20.7AN M20.3A M10.0A C1 / C1A I2.2 / LDN I0.3AN M20.7AN M20.3A M10.0A C1 / C2A I2.0 / OLDA M0.0ALD= Q2.0 / S M20.3, 1 / LPPA M20.7 3232 AN M20.6A M0.0A M10.0A C2S Q2.1, 1 / R M20.1, 1R M30.1, 1 / 3-3 3 M20.7ONSM0.01M10.0I0.3M20.1 3.2.3PLC M20
21、.5ONOFFT37ON3.454 LD SM0.0LPSAN M20.7A M20.1A M20.3A M0.0AN I1.7A I1.6 / A M10.0AN M20.5TON T37, 18 / LPPA M20.7A M20.5A M0.0A M10.0LD I0.3 / A I2.0 3333 LDN I0.1 A I2.2 / OLDALDTON T37, 185 LD SM0.0 / 1LPSAN M20.7A M20.1A M20.3A M0.0A M10.0A T37S I1.6, 1= Q2.4 / LPPA M20.7A M20.1A M20.3A I1.6A M0.0
22、LD I0.3A I2.0LDN I0.1A I2.2OLDALDA M10.0A T37R I1.6, 1 = Q2.5 /3-4 5 M20.7ONSM0.01M10.0I4.3I0.3M20.1M20.3M0.0Q2.5 3434 3.3 13.4; NYYNYNYNYNYN 3.4 3535 23.5YNYNNY 3.4 STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32S7-200PLC3636 12Step7PLC3737 1 PLCM20062 S7-200/300/400PLCM 20093 .S7-200PLCM 20094 M200413-21132-138166-1685 J2003
23、(1)27-296 J19986487 PLCJ200734118 AS/RSD20029 J1996(8)10 M:19793-3111 SIMATIC S7-200 200412 MICROMASTER 440 13 PLC200814 M199815 .J.200627(6)42-4316 M199717 J1996(8)18 M199519 .2002(6)15-1620 M:20011-1321 D2003-123838 3939 An Analysis Of Dual Shuttle Automated Storage/Retrieval SystemsBrett A. Peter
24、s August 1, 1994AbstractThis paper addresses the throughput improvement possible with the use of a dualshuttle automated storage and retrieval system. With the use of such a system,travel between time in a dual command cycle is virtually eliminated resulting in alarge throughput improvement. The dua
25、l shuttle system is then extended to performan equivalent of two dual commands in one cycle in a quadruple command mode(QC). A heuristic that sequences retrievals to minimize travel time in QC mode isdeveloped. Monte Carlo simulation results are provided for evaluating theheuristics performance and
26、show that it performs well, achieving large throughputimprovements compared with that of the dual command cycle operating under thenearest neighbor retrieval sequencing heuristic.Keywords:Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems Design; Automated Storage/RetrievalSystems Operation; Material Handling Syst
27、ems; Performance Modeling andAnalysisIntroductionAutomated storage/retrieval systems (AS/RS) are widely used in warehousingand manufacturing applications. A typical unit load AS/RS consists of storageracks, S/R machines, link conveyors, and input/output (I/O) stations. An importantsystem performance
28、 measure is the throughput capacity of the system. Thethroughput capacity for a single aisle is the inverse of the mean transaction time,which is the expected amount of time required for the S/R machine to store and/orretrieve a unit load. The service time for a transaction includes both S/R machine
29、travel time and pickup/deposit time. This time typically depends on theconfiguration of the storage rack and the S/R machine specifications. 4040 Han et al. 2 improved the throughput capacity of the AS/RS throughsequencing retrievals. Intelligently sequencing the retrievals can reduceunproductive tr
30、avel between time when the S/R machine is traveling empty andthereby increase the throughput. They develop an expression for the maximumpossible improvement in throughput if travel between is eliminated for an AS/RSthat is throughput bound and operates in dual command mode. In essence, thismeans tha
31、t if the S/R machine travels in a single command path but performs botha storage and a retrieval operation, the above throughput improvement could beobtained.In this paper, we analyze an alternative design of the S/R machine that has twoshuttles instead of one as in a regular AS/RS. The new design e
32、liminates the travelbetween the storage and retrieval points and performs both a storage and a retrievalat the point of retrieval, thereby achieving the maximum throughput increasecalculated by Han et al. 3.The dual shuttle AS/RS is a new design aimed at improving S/R machineperformance. most studie
33、s on AS/RS systems have been based on a single shuttledesign. In our analysis of the dual shuttle AS/RS performance, we build upon theseprevious research results.Alternative S/R Machine DesignA typical unit-load AS/RS has an S/R machine operating in each aisle of thesystem. The S/R machine has a mas
34、t which is supported at the floor and the ceilingand travels horizontally within the aisle. Connected to this mast is a shuttlemechanism that carries the unit load and moves vertically up and down the mast.The shuttle mechanism also transfers loads in and out of storage locations in therack. Figure
35、1 provides an illustration of the single shuttle S/R machine.Figure 1. Single Shuttle S/R Machine DesignA typical single shuttle AS/RS can perform a single command cycle or a dualcommand cycle. A single command cycle consists of either a storage or a retrieval.For a storage, the time consists of the
36、 time to pickup the load at the I/O point,travel to the storage point, deposit the load at that point, and return to the I/O point.The time for a retrieval is developed similarly.A dual command cycle involves both a storage and a retrieval in the same cycle.The cycle time involves the time to pickup
37、 the load at the I/O point, travel to thestorage location, place the load in the rack, travel empty to the retrieval location,retrieve a load, return to the I/O point, and deposit the load at the I/O point. 4141 If we critically analyze the dual command cycle of the S/R machine (shown by thesolid li
38、ne in Figure 2), a potential open location for a future storage is created whena retrieval is performed. Furthermore, if both a retrieval and a storage areperformed at the same point, the travel between time (TB) is eliminated, and thetravel time will be equal to the single command travel time. With
39、 the existingAS/RS design, this mode of operation is not possible; therefore, an alternative tothe S/R machine, a dual shuttle R/S machine, is proposed.Figure 2. Dual Command Travel Paths of S/R and R/S MachinesR/S Machine OperationConsider an S/R machine with two shuttle mechanisms instead of one.
40、This newS/R machine could now carry two loads simultaneously. Each shuttle mechanismcould operate independently of the other, so that individual loads can still be storedand retrieved. An illustration of the dual shuttle S/R machine is shown in Figure 3.This new S/R machine would operate as describe
41、d below.Figure 3. Dual Shuttle S/R Machine DesignThe S/R machine picks up the item to be stored from the I/O point, loads it into thefirst shuttle, and moves to the retrieval location. After reaching the retrievallocation, the second shuttle is positioned to pickup the item to be retrieved. Afterret
42、rieval, the S/R machine positions the first shuttle and deposits the load. The S/Rmachine then returns to the I/O point. The operation can easily be seen as a singlecommand operation plus a small travel time for repositioning the S/R machinebetween the retrieval and storage (as well as the additiona
43、l pickup and deposit timeassociated with the second load). Therefore, the S/R machine now operates as anR/S machine performing a retrieval first then a storage in a dual command cycle.Since the R/S machine has two shuttles, the position of the shuttles has a role in theoperation of the system. With
44、two shuttles, the R/S machine is able to perform adual command cycle at one location in the rack. This operation is accomplished byfirst retrieving the load onto the empty shuttle, transferring the second shuttle intoposition, and storing the load into the empty location in the rack. However, thecho
45、ice of shuttle configuration does not impact the analysis in this paper.To perform these operations, the R/S machine must move the second shuttle intoposition after the first shuttle has completed the retrieval. Due to the small distanceinvolved, the R/S machine will use a slower creep speed for pos
46、itioning, but thistravel time is generally small. Furthermore, an amount of creep time is usuallyincluded in the pickup and deposit time to account for this required positioning. A 4242 second design characteristic is that additional clearance beyond the first and lastrow and column of the rack must
47、 be provided for over travel of the R/S machine toaccommodate both shuttle mechanisms.Throughput ImprovementTo estimate the throughput improvement by the dual shuttle system over existingdesigns, we use the expressions for single command and dual command cycletimes developed by Bozer and White 1 and
48、 the tabulated values for the nearestneighbor heuristic from Han et al. 4. In developing the expressions, the authors in1 and 4 made several assumptions. The same assumptions hold for the newdesign and include the following.The rack is considered to be a continuous rectangular pick face where the I/
49、Opoint is located at the lower left-hand corner of the rack.The rack length and height, as well as the S/R machine velocity in the horizontaland vertical directions, are known.The S/R machine travels simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical directions.In calculating the travel time, constant ve
50、locities are used for horizontal andvertical travel. Acceleration and deceleration effects are implicitly accounted for ineither a reduced top speed or an increased pickup and deposit time. A creep speedis used for repositioning the dual shuttle.Pickup and deposit times associated with load handling
51、 are assumed constantand, therefore, these could be easily added into the cycle time expressions.The S/R machine operates either on a single or dual command basis, i.e.,multiple stops in the aisle are not allowed. (This assumption is later relaxed for thenew R/S machine to perform a quadruple comman
52、d cycle.)For the nearest neighbor heuristic, a block of n retrievals is available forsequencing and there are m initial open locations in the rack face.Dual Shuttle S/R SystemsThe new design of the S/R machine has two shuttles and therefore could beoperated as a dual shuttle system: carrying two loa
53、ds and depositing them,retrieving two loads, and returning to the I/O point to deliver them as shown inFigure 4. The above operation can be performed by storing and retrieving the loadsat four different locations. Therefore, the travel time would consist of the time for asingle command travel plus t
54、hree travel between times. To more efficientlyperform the 4 operations, a retrieval and storage performed at one location isinterspersed with a dual command operation. This mode of operation, termed the 4343 quadruple command (QC) cycle, eliminates one travel between and is moreefficient than the pr
55、evious mode mentioned above (see Figure 5). The QC cyclecan be performed with storages at randomized locations and retrievals processed ina first-come-first-served (FCFS) manner. However, by intelligently sequencing theretrieval list, the travel time in performing the four operations can be signific
56、antlyreduced. This type of analysis was used by Han et al. 4 to improve the throughputof a single load AS/RS. In our paper, we build on the results of their analysis. Thenotation and the assumptions mentioned in section 2.2. still hold, except thatmultiple stops of the S/R machine are now allowed.Fi
57、gure 4. S/R Machine Path Performing Four Operations At Four Locations.Figure 5. S/R Machine Path Performing Four Operations At Three Locations.ConclusionsThis paper performs an analysis of dual shuttle automated storage and retrievalsystems. Several contributions have been made including the followi
58、ng.Throughput improvements in the range of 40-45% can be obtained using thequadruple command cycle relative to dual command cycles with a single shuttlesystem.With the dual shuttle design, travel between is virtually eliminated for a dualcommand cycle.The dual shuttle system shows promise for situations requiring high throughput.The ma
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