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1、 2022年心理學(xué)個(gè)人申請(qǐng)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書 在中國報(bào)考研究生時(shí)大多仍然要求有本科同專業(yè)的背景,而去國外讀碩士則比較靈活,不需要學(xué)術(shù)考試,并且轉(zhuǎn)專業(yè)比較方便。這里給大家分享一些2022年心理學(xué)個(gè)人申請(qǐng)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書,歡迎閱讀! 2022年心理學(xué)個(gè)人申請(qǐng)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書 Dear _, MJ has been a student of Evanjelicke Gymnazium J. A. Komenskeho since September 2022. It is a bilingual Slovak-English high school aimed at preparing students for hig

2、her education. Admission to this school is restricted to students with remarkable school results; that she was admitted is in itself evidence of her excellent academic abilities. The standard curriculum includes Slovak language and literature (SLL), physics, chemistry, civics, and ICT. Students are

3、evaluated on a grading system (1-5) where 1 stands for excellent. The bilingual curriculum consists of history, biology, mathematics, geography, and religion. The Maturita, a school leaving exam, consists of two parts: the external part in March, which includes a written test and an essay, and the i

4、nternal part in May, which is an oral examination of four selected subjects. Students take the SLL test at the end of the fourth year and the next three in the fifth year. Two subjects, SLL and English (B2) are compulsory; the other two are to be chosen by the student. MJ scored a 1 in her SLL Matur

5、ita, a 100% in the essay, and placed third in the entire school on the written test. Besides the compulsory subjects, she has chosen French (B1) and geography, which, as she says, will provide her with a better understanding of different cultures and people. As for academic qualities, MJ is a very b

6、right student, a quick thinker, and able to grasp the most complex concepts easily. I can see a great potential in MJs future as I believe she is driven by sound ambitions and an eagerness to learn new things. She is creative, logical, and has an extraordinarily developed sense for in-depth and syst

7、ematic learning demonstrated by her academic performance: she has been one of the top scholars, always with straight 1s and extremely dedicated to her education. In English lessons, she engages at an impressively sophisticated level expressing her own responses in a strongly persuasive way. In both

8、oral and written work, she performs excellently. As for English proficiency, MJ is fluent with an advanced vocabulary and shows great confidence both in speaking and writing. She is a natural linguist, speaking and writing in English with skill and accuracy, and learning French with the same enthusi

9、asm. Last year, she won the school, local, and regional round of English Olympics in the Anglophone category. This year, she placed 1st in the school round again, thus advancing to the local round to be held in February. She has a great interest in different cultures, and has read widely in literatu

10、re. It is simply a pleasure to teach her. MJ is an excellent candidate for higher education as she is intelligent, hard-working, and diligent. She won an ASSIST scholarship two years ago that enabled her to spend a full academic year at a prestigious private American high school where her performanc

11、e was outstanding. She had straight As, her American teachers were delighted with her, she did well in AP tests and was awarded a French II. book prize. This experience has significantly enhanced her appreciation of different cultures and strenghtened her determination to study abroad. Included in M

12、Js achievements is the 5th place in the national round of the English Olympics in Slovakia. In her free time MJ enjoys nature strolls and reading, especially in English. For the past two years she has also been tutoring dyslexic students in English; these students? grades have improved singnificantl

13、y since then. There is no doubt that MJ would make the most of not only the academic aspects of your university, but also the opportunity to become a valuable part of a new community. She loves learning for its own sake, fully reciprocates any interest shown in her progress, and will thoroughly enjo

14、y and avail herself of the opportunities offered by university life. In terms of MJs motivation and abilities I can recommend her to you with every confidence. Yours sincerely, 出國留學(xué)研究生申請(qǐng)材料 1.研究生院申請(qǐng)表 以傳統(tǒng)紙質(zhì)形式或越來越多的在線形式提供的通用表格。完成學(xué)業(yè)所需的信息通常反映在簡(jiǎn)歷中,囊括個(gè)人信息、你的學(xué)習(xí)成績(jī)、你選擇的課程名稱、你需要參加的任何考試的結(jié)果以及你的推薦人姓名。請(qǐng)記住,申請(qǐng)表中的任何錯(cuò)

15、誤、夸大和不準(zhǔn)確都將對(duì)你的申請(qǐng)不利。 2.成績(jī)單 根據(jù)學(xué)校的偏好,你應(yīng)該提供你所學(xué)的所有專上教育課程的成績(jī)單原件或認(rèn)證副本(或成績(jī)和成績(jī)清單)。研究生院通常允許你提交復(fù)印件以加快申請(qǐng)過程,但要求你在注冊(cè)時(shí)出示原件。 3.目的陳述或個(gè)人陳述 根據(jù)你申請(qǐng)的學(xué)校的不同,你需要提交一份書面材料,反映你想學(xué)習(xí)所選研究生課程的理由。這些常常對(duì)申請(qǐng)至關(guān)重要,必須囊括與所選課程相關(guān)的個(gè)人和專業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的融合,并表明你希望如何受益于該課程的研究學(xué)習(xí)。誠實(shí)、清晰和連貫是寫目的陳述或個(gè)人陳述的基本要求把你的目標(biāo)陳述想象成書面的面試,并做好相應(yīng)的準(zhǔn)備。 4.推薦信或證明信 所有研究生院的申請(qǐng)都需要至少兩封,有時(shí)甚至三封的

16、推薦信。這些參考資料在所有情況下都是極其重要的,尤其是對(duì)于世界頂尖大學(xué)中競(jìng)爭(zhēng)性更強(qiáng)的課程。選擇一個(gè)合適的推薦人可能是一個(gè)特別困難的過程,你必須遵循你申請(qǐng)的個(gè)人項(xiàng)目的要求。有些課程只需要學(xué)術(shù)參考,有些課程只需要專業(yè)參考,但大多數(shù)課程都經(jīng)受兩者兼而有之。選擇那些在日常生活中了解你的人,那些熟悉你工作的人,那些可以評(píng)論你潛力的人。記住,推薦人可能會(huì)很忙,所以要按時(shí)詢問他們。 5.研究生院考試成績(jī) 現(xiàn)在,大多數(shù)研究生院課程都需要一項(xiàng)或多項(xiàng)國際公認(rèn)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試,如GRE、GMAT、TOEFL、IELTS或PTE,作為申請(qǐng)過程的一部分。請(qǐng)務(wù)必在需要時(shí)提交測(cè)試結(jié)果,以便不會(huì)延誤對(duì)你申請(qǐng)的決定。許多研究生院只

17、會(huì)在收到正式考試成績(jī)后才處理你的申請(qǐng),而其他研究生院則會(huì)根據(jù)申請(qǐng)的整體情況作出決定,并根據(jù)與你的雅思或GRE成績(jī)有關(guān)的某些條件提供有條件的錄取。 6.研究生院申請(qǐng)費(fèi) 這在國際研究生院中越來越普遍,旨在支付申請(qǐng)過程的費(fèi)用,并對(duì)不太認(rèn)真的申請(qǐng)者起到篩選作用。如果你付不起申請(qǐng)費(fèi),請(qǐng)直接聯(lián)系招生辦公室解釋原因。如果沒有提交申請(qǐng)費(fèi),許多研究生課程將不會(huì)處理你的材料和延遲錄取決定。 除了所描述的常見的研究生留學(xué)申請(qǐng)材料外,某些課程可能需要其他更具體的組成部分,如學(xué)術(shù)寫作樣本、項(xiàng)目工作以及博士申請(qǐng)者的擴(kuò)展目的聲明,用來概述他們希望關(guān)注的研究領(lǐng)域。 在任何情況下,你申請(qǐng)的研究生課程都會(huì)確定說明你在申請(qǐng)過程中的

18、要求。你也有責(zé)任滿足這些要求,如果不滿足這些要求,你的申請(qǐng)可能會(huì)被延遲做出決定,最壞的情況是,你的申請(qǐng)會(huì)被拒絕。 出國留學(xué)要注意的安全事項(xiàng) 1、不要坐黑車 到國外后,如果打算從機(jī)場(chǎng)趕往校園,一定要事先考慮如何解決這一段的交通問題。如果院校有專門接送的巴士,要提前明確接機(jī)時(shí)間和流程。如果學(xué)校沒有此項(xiàng)服務(wù),那么在下飛機(jī)以后,不要著急出機(jī)場(chǎng),可以通過機(jī)場(chǎng)咨詢服務(wù)臺(tái),尋找正規(guī)的出租車或公共交通工具。切忌盲目聽信黑車司機(jī)的低價(jià)誘惑,為后續(xù)造成麻煩。 2、關(guān)注飲食細(xì)節(jié) 出國留學(xué)前常常需要進(jìn)行體檢,除了體檢之外,還可以根據(jù)自身需要注射相應(yīng)疫苗。由于中外飲食差異,出國以后,調(diào)整自己的飲食習(xí)慣,給身體一個(gè)過渡期。少吃生菜、冷盤,更切記大魚大肉。如果有過敏反應(yīng),和服務(wù)員說明一下自己對(duì)哪些食物過敏,然后再明確可點(diǎn)的菜品有哪些。 水果相對(duì)安全,像蘋果、橘子、香蕉之類正常食用即可。不過,如遇上之前未見過的水果,非常是熱帶水果,食用之前,了解一下與之相克的食物有哪些,以及在食用上的相關(guān)禁忌,然后再食用。 3、勿隨身帶大額現(xiàn)金銀行卡 中國人有隨身攜帶現(xiàn)金的習(xí)慣,而在國外則主要使用各種卡消費(fèi)。如果出門少帶現(xiàn)金,宿舍中也不多放現(xiàn)金,就能夠有效減少財(cái)產(chǎn)損失。剛抵達(dá)的學(xué)生應(yīng)立即把現(xiàn)金存入銀行賬戶。以前曾有學(xué)生的書包和錢包在學(xué)校、餐館里以及火車上等地方被盜。如果你的錢包里的錢不多,這不算大的損失。通常情況下


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