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1、八年級上各單元短語、句型及單元話題范例作文Unit 1 How often do you exercise?一、短語及句型1. go to the movies = go to the cinema = see a film 看電影 2. look after = take care of = babysit 照顧 3. surf the Internet 上網(wǎng) 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去劃板 6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy 身體健康 7. keep / stay healthy

2、= keep / stay in good health 保持健康 8. as for 至于9. take / do exercise = play / do sports 鍛煉,做運動 10. eating habits 飲食習(xí)慣 11. be the same as 與相同 12. once a month 一月一次 13. be different from 不同 14. twice a week 一周兩次 15. make a difference to 對什么有影響 16. how often 多久一次 17. hardly ever 幾乎不18. most of the stude

3、nts = most students 大多數(shù)學(xué)生 19. activity survey 活動調(diào)查 20. go shopping = do some shopping 購物 21. do homework 做家庭作業(yè) 22. do housework 做家務(wù)事 23. junk food 垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 對有益(害) 25. on / at weekends 在周末 26. want to do sth. = would like to do sth. = feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 27. want sb. to do sth.

4、= would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 28. try to do sth 盡量做某事 try doing sth.試著做某 try ones best to do sth. 盡力做某事 29. come home from school 放學(xué)回家 30. of course = certainly = sure 當(dāng)然 31. get good grades 取得好成績 32. help sb. ( to )do sth. 幫助某人做某事 33. help sb. with sth. 在某方面幫助某人 34. a lot of = lots of = many

5、+ 可數(shù)名詞。 許多,大量的 35. a lot of = lots of = much + 不可數(shù)名詞 。 許多,大量的 36. the results of 的結(jié)果 37. a health lifestyle 健康的生活方式 38. two or three times a week 一周兩三次 39. a healthy habit 一個健康的習(xí)慣 40. kind of unhealthy 有點不健康 二、句子1. How often do you exercise?你(你們)多久鍛煉一次身體?How often +助動詞do(does或did) +主語+ do sth.?疑問詞ho

6、w often是問頻率(多久一次),(在這里助動詞do(does或did)是起幫助構(gòu)成疑問的作用)與一般現(xiàn)在時或一般過去時連用,回答一般是用表示頻率的副詞,如:once, twice, three times, sometimes, often, quite, often, never, every day, once a week , twice a month , three times a month , three or four times a month等。2. As for homework , most students do homework every day .As fo

7、r the story,youd better not believe it.關(guān)于那故事,你最好不要相信。3. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her .want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。4. She says its good for my health.be good for.表示“對有益(有好處)”;其反義為:be bad for.。(這里for是介詞,后跟名詞、代詞或動名詞)如:Its good for us to do mor

8、e reading.多讀書對我們有好處。Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上讀書對你5. I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week .try to do sth.表示“盡力做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思而try doing sth.表示“(用某一辦法)試著去做某事”。6. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.help sb.(to) do sth.幫助某人做某事7. Good food and exe

9、rcise help me to study better.這里better是well的比較級,而不是good的比較級8. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from yours? be the same as / be different from 如:A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health .9keep in good

10、health = keep healthy = stay healthy10You must try to eat less meat .try to do sth.表示“盡力做某事” ,不包含是否成功的意思,less是little的比較級That sounds interesting.這是“主語+系動詞+表語”結(jié)構(gòu)的簡單句。sound(聽起來),look(看起來),smell(聞起來),taste(嘗起來),feel(覺得),seem(好象),grow(變得),get(變得)等詞在英語中可用作系動詞,后跟形容詞作表語。如:It tastes good.這味道好。The music sound

11、s very sweet.這音樂聽起來很入耳。The smoke grew heavier and heavier.煙霧變得越來越濃了。三、詞語辨析1、maybe / may beThe baby is crying she is hungry. The woman a teacher .maybe是副詞,意為“大概,可能,或許”,一般用于句首。May be是情態(tài)動詞,意為“可能是.,也許是.,大概是.”.2、a few / few / a little / littlepeople can live to 100,but people can live to 150. There is ti

12、me left, I dont catch the first bus. Could you give me milk?a few (少數(shù)的,幾個,一些)a little (一點兒,少量)表示肯定few (很少的,幾乎沒有的)little (很少的,幾乎沒有的)表示否定修飾可數(shù)名詞修飾不可數(shù)名詞none / no one如: of the pens are mine . is in the classroom.none指人或物,強調(diào)數(shù)量,用how many提問,常與of連用。no one多指人,強調(diào)“無人”這種狀態(tài),用who提問,不可與of連用,作主語時,其謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。4、ha

13、rd / hardly The job is too.I can understand them.Its raining,the people cango outside.hard作形容詞,意為“困難的,艱苦的,硬的”;作副詞,意為“努力地,猛烈地”。Hardly意為“幾乎不”。Unit 2 Whats the matter?一、短語及句型1. Have a cold感冒2. sore back背痛3. neck and neck并駕齊驅(qū),齊頭并進 4. I have a stomachache我胃痛= I have got a stomachache = There is something

14、 wrong with my stomach= My stomach hurts = I have (got) a pain in my stomach 5. Whats the matter?怎么了?= Whats the trouble (with you)? = Whats your trouble?= Whats wrong (with you)?= What the matter (with you)? =What has happened to you?= Is there anything wrong (with you)? = whats up? 6. sore throat咽

15、喉痛 7. lie down and rest躺下休息 8. see a dentist看牙醫(yī) 9. drink lots of water多喝水 10. hot tea with honey加蜂蜜的熱茶 11.Thats a good idea好主意 12.Thats too bad太糟糕了 13.I think so我認為如此 14. Im not feeling well.我覺得不太舒服= Im not feeling fine/all right. = Im feeling ill/sick. =I feel terrible/bad.= I dont feel well. 15. g

16、et some rest多休息 16. I have no idea = I dont know我不知道 17. stressed out筋疲力盡 18. I am tired我累了He is tired.他累了 19. a healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式 20. traditional Chinese doctors傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī) 23. to eat a balance diet飲食平衡 24. healthy food健康食品 25. stay healthy保持健康=keep healthy=keep in good health = keep fit26. enjoy o

17、neself (myself, yourself, herself, himself, themselves, ourselves, itself)玩得高興,過得愉快=have a good time = have a wonderful time = have fun27. enjoy sth. =like sth.喜歡某物, enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事=like doing sth28. practice doing sth.練習(xí)做某事29.mind doing sth.介意做某事30. finish doing sth.完成某事31.give up doing sth.放

18、棄做某事 32.cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事33.keep doing sth.堅持做某事.(keep on doing sth. / keep sb. doing sth.)34.be busy doing sth.忙著做某事35. be used to doing sth.習(xí)慣于做某事36.make a contribution to doing sth.為.做貢獻37.go on doing sth.繼續(xù)做某事38.forget doing sth.忘記做過某事39.remember doing sth.記得做40.spend.(in) doing sth.花(時

19、間)來做某事41.prefer doing sth.to doing sth.比起(做.)來更愿意(做.)42. at the moment = now此刻43. Host family東道家庭44. Conversation practice會話練習(xí)45. Im sorry to hear that.聽到此事我很難過Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?一、短語及句型1. babysit ones sister照顧妹妹 2. visit ones grandmother看望奶奶 3. spend time with friends和朋友們一起度過時光

20、4. visit cousins看望表弟等 5. go to sports camp去運動野營 6. go to the beach去海灘 7. go camping去野營 8. Go shopping去買東西 9. go swimming去游泳 10. go boating去劃船 11. go skating去溜冰 12. go walking去散步13. go climbing去登山 14. go dancing去跳舞 15. go hiking去徒步遠足 16. go sightseeing去觀光 go bike riding騎自行車旅行,go fishing去釣魚 19. do som

21、e shopping買東西 20. do some washing洗衣服 21. do some cooking做飯 22. do some reading讀書 23. do some speaking訓(xùn)練口語 25. at home在家 26. how about=what about 怎么樣 ? 27. how long多長時間 28. how far多遠29. how often多長時間一次 30. how much, how many多少 31. have a good time=have fun= have a wonderful time= enjoy oneself玩得高興,過得

22、愉快 32. show sb. Sth.=show sth. to sb.出示某物給某人看 give me the book=give the book to me給我書,pass me the cup=pass the cup to me把杯子遞給我,sell me the house=sell the house to me把房子賣給我buy me a book =buy a book for me給我買書,make me a cake = make a cake for me給我做蛋糕33. get back=come back回來34. rent videos租借影碟35. take

23、walks=go for a walk散步36. think about考慮37. decide on= decide upon決定一個計劃38. something different不同的事情39a great vacation一個愉快的假期40. I cant wait我等不及了41. the famous movie star著名的影星42. an exciting vacation激動人心的假期43. Ask her about her plans向她詢問她的計劃ask sb. about sth.向某人詢問某事44. forget to do sth.忘記要做某事forget do

24、ing sth.忘記做過某事二、句子1Who are you going with? Im going with my parents.你要和誰一起去?我要和父母一起去。2What are you doing there? Im going hiking in the mountains.你在那里要做什么?我要在山區(qū)里遠足。3Show me your photos when we get back to school.我們返回學(xué)校時,你把照片拿給我看。4. Please dont forget to close the door when you leave.你離開時,請別忘記關(guān)門。5She

25、couldnt wait to get home to see he parents.她迫不及待的想回家看望父母。 三、作文Weekend plansI am going to have fun this weekends. On Saturday morning Im going bike riding with my best friend. In the afternoon Im going fishing with my father. I like fishing very much. And in the evening, Im going to the movies with m

26、y family. Were going to watch a comedy. I think its very interesting. Then on Sunday , I am going sightseeing in our city all the day. Maybe it can help me know much about our city. And on Sunday evening Im going to have a rest.Unit 4 How do you get to school?一、短語及句型1. get to school到校2. get home到家3.

27、 how about=what about .怎么樣?4. take the subway乘地鐵5. ride a bike騎自行車6. take the bus乘公共汽車7. take the train乘火車8. take a taxi乘坐出租車9. go in a parents car坐父母的車10. by bike, bike bus, by subway, by taxi, by car, by train (乘坐車,放在句尾)11. have a quick breakfast迅速吃早飯12. the early bus早班車13. how far多遠14. take sb. t

28、o sp.帶某人到某處15. doing sth. takes sb. Some time/ money=It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.=sb. spends some time/money (on sth.)=sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.=sth. costs sb. some time/money=sb. pay some money for sth.花費某人多少時間/金錢做某事/某人花費多少金錢/時間做某事16. bus stop公共汽車站,train station火車站,subwa

29、y station地鐵站,bus station客運站17. want to do sth.想做某事18. walk to school步行上學(xué)19. in North America在北美20. in other parts of the world在世界的其他地區(qū)21. depend on=depend upon依靠,靠決定22. not all不是所有的23. need to do sth.需要做某事24. number of students學(xué)生數(shù)25. a number of=many許多number前可用large, great, small修飾其謂語是復(fù)數(shù)26. the numb

30、er of.的數(shù)量,謂語是單數(shù)27. dont worry(about sth./sb.)別著急(為某人/事?lián)?8. around the world= all over the world世界各地,全世界二、句子1. How do you get to school? I walk to school.你是怎樣到校的?我步行。2. How about the white shirt?這件白襯衫怎么樣?3. I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.我通常步行,但有時坐公共汽車。4. How long does it take you to ge

31、t to school? It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus.你需要多長時間到校?步行大約10分鐘,乘汽車15分鐘。5. Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometers from school.林飛的家離學(xué)校大約10公里6. He leaves for school at around six-thirty.他大約在6點30分動身去學(xué)校。7. Then the early bus takes him to school.然后,他乘坐早班車到學(xué)校。8. A small number of stu

32、dents take the subway to school.小部分學(xué)生乘坐地鐵上學(xué)9. What do you think of the transportation in your town?你對你們鎮(zhèn)的交通認為怎么樣?三、作文:育英中學(xué)八年級一班學(xué)生上學(xué)方式調(diào)查 There are fifty students in Class 1, Grade 8 at Yuying Middle School. Every day they go to school in different ways. Fifteen students take buses because they live f

33、ar from the school. Ten students walk. They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. Twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school. No one goes to school by car. Unit 5 Can you co

34、me to my party?一、短語及句型1. come to ones party 參加某人的聚會 2. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午 3. Id love to 我非常樂意 4. Im sorry 對不起 5. study for a test為測驗而學(xué)習(xí) 6. go to the doctor 去看醫(yī)生 7. visit ones aunt 看望某人的姑姑 8. have a piano lesson 上一堂鋼琴課 10. too much homework 太多家庭作業(yè) 11. much too interesting 有趣得多 12. maybe an

35、other time 也許下一次吧 13.Thanks for asking(inviting)謝謝邀請 14. go to the baseball game 參加棒球比賽 15. Birthday Party 生日聚會 16. go to the mall 去購物中心17. soccer practice 足球練習(xí) 18. look for 尋找19. find out 找到,弄清楚,查明 20. study for the math test 為數(shù)學(xué)考試而學(xué)習(xí) 21. play tennis with me 和我一起打網(wǎng)球 22. I have a really busy week 我一

36、周很忙23. football match足球比賽 24. my cousins birthday party 我表弟的生日聚會 25. write soon 盡快回信 26. study for my science test 為科學(xué)考試而學(xué)習(xí) 27. 給某人打電話的幾種說法:call sb. up, call sb. phone sb. telephone sb. telephone to sb. phone sb. Up ring sb.give sb. a ring, give sb. a phone make a telephone call to sb.28. on Thursda

37、y night 星期四晚上 29. be (go) on vacation 度假 30. next week下周31. join sb.加入某人一起32. Please keep quiet! 請保持安靜, keep+形容詞表示“保持某種狀態(tài)”, keep+(sb.)+doing 表示“(使某人)不停地做某事”,keep sth. 保存某物33. culture club 文化俱樂部 34. try to do sth. 努力(企圖)做某事,try doing sth.試著做某事,try one best to do sth. 盡力做某事二、句子1. Can you come to my pa

38、rty on Saturday afternoon? Sure, Id love to. 星期六的下午你能來參加我的聚會嗎?當(dāng)然,我非常樂意。2. May I ask you some questions? Sure. / Of course. /Certainly. 我可以問您一些問題嗎?當(dāng)然可以。 3. She isnt very well these days and has to stay home. 她這幾天身體不太好,只好呆在家里。 4. Thank you for inviting me. =Thanks for asking (having, inviting)me.謝謝你邀請

39、我。 7. Maybe another time.或許下一次吧。 6. She and I are both students. 我和她都是學(xué)生。三、作文Tom 邀請Li Ping 參加他這周日的生日宴會,但Li Ping的父母出差要到下個月回來,奶奶又臥病在床,需要人照顧。再說英語考試即將來臨,因此,無法前去參加生日宴會。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好寫信辭謝。Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. Id love to go,but I cant. My parents are out on

40、business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. Im very sorry but I cant go to your party. Thank you for asking me. I hope you can have a good time. From Li PingUnit 6 Im more outgoing

41、than my sister.一、短語及句型1. long hair 長頭發(fā) 2. How are you? 你身體好嗎?3. How old 多大年紀4. how tall 多高 5. how long ago多久前(的事)6.more outgoing 比較外向7. want/plan to do sth. 意欲,企圖 8. here are photos of me 這是我的照9. as you can see 正如你所看到的 10. in some ways在某些地方 11. we look the same我們看起來一樣, They look different他們看起來不同 12.

42、 the same to 多是一樣的 13. quite the same 完全一樣 14. all the same 還是, 同樣應(yīng)15. look like 看起來像.一樣,而look the same看起來很像16. go to lots of parties經(jīng)常參加聚會=often go to the party 17. a little taller 高一點 18. take sth. from sth. 從某處拿/取出某物 19. put sth. in sth. 將某物放入某物中 20. make a list of 列出清單 21. has cool clothes 有漂亮的衣

43、服 22. be popular in school 在學(xué)校受歡迎 23. be good at sports 擅長體育 24. make me laugh 使我發(fā)笑25. thats not very important for me 那對我來說并不重要 ( be important for sb.)26. put up舉起,抬起,掛起,張貼,建造;put on穿上,戴上,上演(戲?。籶ut down=write down=copy down 寫下來; put out 伸出,撲滅;put away 收起來,收好;put off推遲;put ones heart into全神貫注于,全身心投

44、入27. opposite views 相反的觀點 28. a weekendteacher 周末教師29. Abacus Study Center 珠算研究中心 30. elementary school students 小學(xué)生31. be good with children 善于與孩子相處 32. have good grades 成績出色 33. enjoy telling jokes 喜歡講笑話 34. cant stop talking 不能停止講話35. help others 幫助別人,help each other互相幫助36. in ones free time在業(yè)余時間

45、37. one of +復(fù)數(shù)名詞(代詞)其中之一 38. use sth. to do sth.=do sth. with sth. 使用做 39. be/feel sorry for sb. 為某事感到同情或難受; be / feel sorry for sth. 因某事感到抱歉或后悔;be sorry +to see/hear 聽到或看到某種情況很不安或難過;say sorry to sb.向某人道歉40. begin with 從開始 41. next to 在旁邊,緊靠42. be famous for 因 而著名,因而廣為人知; be famous as 作為而知名43. all t

46、ogether 總計,總共 44. make sb. do sth. 讓/使某人做某事,相似的用法有幾個感官動詞see, let, hear, watch, feel等二、 詞語辨析 1how long / how far how long多長,用來詢問時間, 指時間上的長短。How far多遠,用來詢問距離,指路上的遠近。2too much / much tootoo much 是用too來修飾much,加深much的程度,意思是“太多”,作定語時,后接不可數(shù)名詞。much too是用much來增強too的語氣,意思是“太.”,后面常接形容詞。三、作文My best friendMy bes

47、t friend is Li Ming. We are in the same class.He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me. Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine. Li Ming likes sports. He often exercises after school. He is more outgoing and more athletic than me. But I think Im

48、smarter than him. Most of my subjects are better than his.Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?一、短語及句型1. make a banana smoothie 制作香蕉混合飲料(思木西) 2. peel the bananas 剝香蕉 3. cut up the bananas切碎香蕉 4. pour the milk in the blender 將牛奶倒入攪拌器5. turn on the blender 打開攪拌器電源 6. put the yogurt in the blende

49、r將酸奶放入攪拌器7. turn off 關(guān)上,(turn on 打開)turn up旋大(燈火等),開大(煤氣等)調(diào)高(聲音等),turn down 把(燈火、電器等)關(guān)小一點 8. how much cinnamon多少肉桂 9. one teaspoon of cinnamon 一茶匙肉桂 10. make fruit salad 制作水果沙拉 11. two pieces of bread 兩片面包12. mix it all up 將它們混合在一起 14. turkey slices 火雞肉片, a slice of bread一片面包 13. takes turns doing s

50、th, take turns to do sth.=do sth. in turns 輪流做某事 15. slices of duck 烤鴨片 16. roll pancake 卷上薄餅 17. make faces 作鬼臉make friends with 與交朋友make a noise吵鬧, make mistakes犯錯誤, make the bed整理床鋪 make ones way to往走去, make room for給騰出地方18. its easy to do sth. 做某事容易its hard (difficult) to do sth.做某事難,Its necessa

51、ry to do sth.做某事必要 19. put sth, in order 將某些東西按順序排列 20. a recipe for 的烹調(diào)方法, 的菜 二、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1. Check you have all the (ingredient). 2. This his (finally) exam.3. Theres no need (worry) about his study.4. I like Chinese tea (with) anything in it.5. Listen! Who (sing) in the next room?6. Most of the

52、(Australia) speak English, too.7. The busiest (shop) center is on Green Road.8. They need another (pair) of shoes.9. Write a sentence with the words (give).二. 根據(jù)要求改寫句子:1. There six bags of rice in the room. (就畫線部分提問)2. Mary needs another three pens. (同義句). Mary needs pens.3. If you have nothing to d

53、o now, please put the rice into the basket. (同義句) If you now, please put the rice into the basket. 4. Lets make a birthday cake. (同義句). making a birthday cake?四、作文下周末,同學(xué)們準備開一次聚會,在聚會上,大家想自己動手制作一些喜歡吃的東西,許多同學(xué)愛吃水果沙拉,你會做嗎?請你根據(jù)下面所給的材料,寫出制作水果沙拉的過程。three bananas, three apples, a watermelon, a bowl, honey, y

54、ogurt. How to make fruit salad?First cut up three bananas three apples and a watermelon. Next put the fruit in a bowl. Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix them all up. And you can enjoy the delicious fruit salad.Unit 8 How was your school trip?一、短語及句型1. talk about 談?wù)摚?/p>

55、talk over談?wù)?2. give a talk 作報告 3. have a talk to (with) sb.與某人談話 4. go to the beach去海灘5. have ice cream吃冰淇淋 6. go to the zoo去動物園7. go to the aquarium去水族館 8. hang out with ones friends和朋友閑逛9. take photos=take a photo=take pictures=take a picture照相 10. buy a souvenir買紀念品 11. have pizza吃比薩餅 12. a famou

56、s actor著名的演員 13. get ones autograph得到了某人的親筆簽名14. win a prize贏得獎品(獎項)15. at the aquarium 在水族館16. have a great time玩得高興,過得愉快 17. on the school trip在學(xué)校的旅游18. Blue Water Aquarium藍色水族館 19. the Visitors Center游客中心20.a dolphin show海豚表演 21. after that 后來22. at the end of在結(jié)束的時候,在的盡頭 23. the Gift Shop禮品店 24.

57、at the beginning of在.開始的時候 25. a terrible school trip糟糕的學(xué)校旅行26. that sounds interesting那聽起來很有趣27. make up a story編一個故事28. go for a drive 開車兜風(fēng) 30. in the rain在雨中in the dark在黑暗中in the sun在陽光下in the snow在雪中31. take notes of=write down=copy down 寫下,記下32. have fun doing sth.很快樂的做某事 33. play computer game

58、s打電腦游戲34. for sale 供銷售35. see you soon盼望很快見到你36. in ones opinion據(jù)某人看來,某人的觀點上看 37. win the first prize獲得了一等獎 38.a famous basketball player著名的籃球運動員 39. in the future在將來,今后40. cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事 41. the story goes that據(jù)說 42. a busy day off 繁忙的假日,in ones off hours在某人的休息時間the off season淡季 43. non

59、e of 當(dāng)中沒有一個44. a heavy rain 一陣大雨a light rain一陣小雨a fine rain 一陣細雨 44. all day = all day long 整天all night = all night long整夜 二、句子 1. What else did you do? 你還做了別的什么事情嗎? 2. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip.在哪天結(jié)束的時候,自然老師很高興,因為學(xué)生

60、們在旅游之后把汽車打掃了一遍。 3. The students had a terrible school trip.學(xué)生們度過了一次很糟糕的學(xué)校旅行。 4. On my next day off, I dont want to go for a drive. That sounds really boring.在我的下次假日,我不想開車兜風(fēng)。那聽起來真的很煩人。三、作文上個星期六學(xué)生們?nèi)ノ魃竭M行了一次野餐, 請參考所給詞語, 描述此次活動.go to West Hill, by bike, a short rest, after, the foot of , sing, dance, cli


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