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1、考點1介詞辨析1.(2018北京,14)Good morning, Mr. Lees office.Good morning.Id like to make an appointment next Wednesday afternoon.A.forB.onC.inD.at答案A句意:早上好,這里是Lee先生的辦公室。早上好,我想預約下周三下午的見面。本題考查介詞辨析。題干中的時間狀語next Wednesday afternoon前面通常不接表時間的介詞,因此on, in, at都不符合,appointment for.在此處表示“的預約”。2.(2017北京,35)Many people w

2、ho live along the coast make a livingfishing industry.A.atB.inC.onD.by答案B句意:很多居住在沿海的人都以牧漁為生。本題考查介詞辨析。根據(jù)句意,in在此處表示“從事或影響某種工作”,符合語義,故選擇B項。3.(2016浙江,7)The study suggests that the cultures we grow upinfluence the basic processes by which we see the world around us.A.onB.inC.atD.about答案B句意:這項研究表明我們成長之中的文

3、化影響我們看待周圍世界的基本過程。本題考查介詞辨析。句中that引導的是賓語從句,we grow up為省略了關系代詞that/which的定語從句,根據(jù)其先行詞the cultures可知此處應用in??键c2介詞短語辨析1.(2020天津夏,12)For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cakea monkey.A.in the shape ofB.beyond the reach ofC.at the mercy ofD.on the side of答案A句意:為了我的5歲生日,我媽媽給我烤了一個猴子形狀的蛋糕。考查介詞短語。A:以的形狀;B

4、:夠不到;C:受的支配/控制;D:站在一邊。故選A項。2.(2020江蘇,30)Taking on this challenge will bring you someone who shares your interests.A.in exchange forB.in answer toC.in contact withD.in memory of答案C句意:接受這個挑戰(zhàn)將會讓你接觸和你有共同興趣的人??疾榻樵~短語辨析。A:交換;B:回答,回應;C:接觸;D:紀念。3.(2020天津第一次統(tǒng)考,6)Modern women are energetic, ambitious, and most

5、 of all, persistent their goals.A.in pursuit ofB.in return forC.in touch withD.in contrast to答案A句意:現(xiàn)代女性在追求她們的目標時精力充沛、雄心勃勃,并且最重要的是執(zhí)著。考查介詞短語辨析。in pursuit of追求;in return for作為對的回報;in touch with與有聯(lián)系;in contrast to與形成對照。4.(2020天津第一次統(tǒng)考,8)Dont be late for the 9:00 meeting because I am and have to catch the

6、 11:00 train.A.on a limited budgetB.in high spiritsC.on a tight scheduleD.in deep doubt答案C句意:九點的會別遲到,因為我日程很緊,必須趕十一點的火車。考查介詞短語。on a tight schedule行程緊湊。on a limited budget預算有限;in high spirits情緒高漲;in deep doubt深度懷疑。5.(2019天津夏,5) all the problems, several of the players produced excellent performances.A

7、.According toB.Instead ofC.In addition toD.In spite of答案D考查介詞短語。句意:盡管有這些問題,但有幾個球員表現(xiàn)得很出色。A:根據(jù);B:代替,而不是;C:除之外(還有)。6.(2019天津春,4)The captain of the ship was advised to turn back a sudden heavy storm.A.due toB.by means ofC.in addition toD.instead of答案A句意:由于突然的一場暴風雨,船長被建議返航。本題考查介詞短語辨析。due to由于;by means of

8、依靠方法;in addition to除之外(還);instead of代替,而不是。故A項正確。7.(2019江蘇,27)Favorable policies are to encourage employees professional development.A.in effectB.in commandC.in turnD.in shape答案A句意:為了鼓勵員工的職業(yè)發(fā)展,一些有利的政策開始生效??疾榻樵~短語辨析。A:生效,實際上;B:指揮;C:輪流,依次;D:在外形上。根據(jù)句意可知A項正確。8.(2018天津夏,11)Bob thought he couldnt go to the

9、 party because he had to write a report, but he went.A.at firstB.after allC.above allD.at random答案B句意:由于得寫一份報告,鮑勃原以為自己參加不了那場聚會了,但是他最后還是去了。本題考查介詞短語辨析。根據(jù)句意可知選B。after all=in spite of what you thought was true or ex-pected to happen還是,終究。at first起初,當初;above all首先;at ranom隨便地,任意地。9.(2018江蘇,33)Chinas soft

10、 power grows the increasing appreciation and understanding of China globally.A.in line withB.in reply toC.in return forD.in honour of答案A句意:中國軟實力的增長是與全球對中國不斷增長的欣賞和理解緊密相連的。本題考查介詞短語辨析。in line with與相似;與緊密相連,符合語境。in reply to答復;in return for作為對的回報;in honour of 為向表示敬意。10.(2017天津夏,13)We offer an excellent e

11、ducation to our students., we expect students to work hard.A.On averageB.At bestC.In returnD.After all答案C句意:我們向我們的學生提供優(yōu)質的教育,作為回報,我們希望學生努力學習。本題考查介詞短語辨析。根據(jù)句意可知,設空處的意思為“作為回報”,應選擇C項。on average平均來看,at best至多,充其量,after all畢竟。11.(2017天津春,6)I still have a few sweet memories of my childhood;, I remember time

12、s when I explored caves in the mountains with my friends.A.in turnB.by chanceC.in particularD.by contrast答案C句意:我對童年依然有一些甜蜜的回憶。我尤其記得和朋友們一起在山洞中探險的時光。本題考查介詞短語辨析。in turn依次,輪流,相應地;by chance偶然;by contrast相比之下;in par-ticular特別,尤其。12.(2016天津,2)The dictionary is:many words have been added to the language sin

13、ce it was published.A.out of controlB.out of dateC.out of sightD.out of reach答案B句意:這本詞典過時了:自從它出版以來,這種語言已經(jīng)添加了許多單詞。本題考查介詞短語辨析。out of date過時,符合句意。out of control失控;out of sight看不見;out of reach夠不著。13.(2016浙江,6)That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help., hes reliable.A.Or

14、elseB.In shortC.By the wayD.For one thing答案B句意:那個年輕人誠實且有合作精神,當你需要他幫忙的時候,他總是隨叫隨到。簡言之,他是可以信賴的。本題考查介詞短語辨析。in short 簡言之;or else否則,不然;by the way順便提一下,順便問一下;for one thing一則。A組考點基礎題組考點1介詞辨析1.(2020天津南開上學期期末,13)The lunar calendar divides the year 24 solar terms.A.throughB.fromC.intoD.for答案C句意:農(nóng)歷把一年分成24個節(jié)氣。考查

15、介詞。o.意為“將分成”,結合句意可知答案。2.(2018天津壓軸卷,8)Star skater Wu Dajing won Chinas first gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games breaking the world record in short track mens 500m.A.toB.byC.withD.in答案B句意:明星溜冰選手武大靖在2018年平昌冬季奧運會上贏得了中國第一枚金牌,打破了男子500米短道速滑的世界紀錄??疾榻樵~。by doing sth.憑借/通過做某事,為固定

16、搭配。故選B。3.(2018天津紅橋3月模擬,3)I agree to his suggestioncondition that he drops all charges.A.onB.inC.byD.to答案A句意:我同意他的建議,條件是他撤銷所有的指控??疾榻樵~。on condition that條件是,為固定表達。4.(2018北京西城一模,14)Parents need to encourage kids to develop their potential putting too much pressure on them.A.withoutB.besidesC.byD.for答案A句

17、意:父母需要鼓勵孩子們?nèi)ラ_發(fā)他們的潛能,不要在他們身上施加太多的壓力??疾榻樵~。由前面的“鼓勵孩子們”可知,后面應該否定“施加壓力”,without意為“沒有”,符合語境。without doing sth.沒有做某事,故答案為A。5.(2018北京東城一模,13)Electric cars produce about 80 percent less pollution than carsgas-powered motors.A.fromB.byC.forD.with 答案D句意:與燃油汽車相比,電動汽車可減少大約80%的污染??疾榻樵~。此處表示“裝有”,需用介詞with。考點2介詞短語辨析1

18、.(2020天津河北一模,4)This special school accepts all disabled students, educational level and background.A.according toB.regardless of C.in addition toD.in terms of答案B句意:這所特殊學校接受所有殘疾學生,不管他們的教育水平和背景如何??疾榻樵~短語。 according to根據(jù); regardless of不管;in addition to此外;in terms of就而言,在方面。故選B。2.(2020天津南開線上自檢,5)In many

19、countries in the world, breakfast is a snack a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.A.less thanB.better thanC.other thanD.rather than 答案D句意:在許多國家早餐是點心而不是一頓飯,但英國的傳統(tǒng)早餐卻是豐盛的一餐。考查介詞短語。less than少于;better than好于;other than除以外;rather than 而不是。3.(2019天津十二校一模,6)They did everything in th

20、eir power to save the building dating back to the Qing Dynasty, but their efforts were .A.in turnB.in timeC.in vainD.in need答案C句意:他們盡全力拯救那棟追溯到清朝的建筑物,但他們的努力是徒勞的。考查介詞短語。in turn 依次,輪流;in time 及時;in vain 徒勞;in need 貧困的。4.(2019天津紅橋一模,11)This is not an economical way to get more water;, it is very expen-s

21、ive.A.worse stillB.on the contraryC.in shortD.in addition答案B句意:這不是一個獲得更多水的省錢的方法,正相反,它很昂貴。考查介詞短語。worse still 更糟糕的是;on the contrary 正相反;in short 簡言之;in addition 此外。5.(2019天津河西質調(diào)一,12)The new product is beyond all praise and has quickly taken over the mar-ket its superior quality.A.in terms ofB.on accou

22、nt of C.on behalf of D.on top of答案B句意:這種新產(chǎn)品受到了廣泛的好評并因它的優(yōu)質很快地占領了市場。考查介詞短語辨析。on account of 由于;in terms of 就而言;on behalf of 代表;on top of 在上方。故選B。6.(2018天津河東一模,6)It was nice and warm that evening.I stayed awake until eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.A.on averageB.on purposeC.on

23、businessD.on time答案B句意:那天晚上天氣又好又暖和,我熬到11點故意不睡覺,為的是獨自好好看一看月亮。考查介詞短語辨析。on purpose故意地;on average 平均來看;on business出差;on time按時,準時。7.(2018天津十二校一聯(lián),4)A grand banquet was held by Elizabeth President Xis current state visit to the UK.A.in terms ofB.in honor ofC.in favor ofD.in memory of答案B句意:伊麗莎白二世為習近平主席此次對英

24、國的國事訪問舉行了盛大的宴會??疾榻樵~短語辨析。in honor of為了紀念;in terms of就而言;in favor of贊成/支持(某人或某事物);in memory of作為對紀念。8.(2018天津濱海新區(qū)七校聯(lián)考,18) he was 12, Einstein had learned advanced mathematics by himself. A.The first timeB.At the timeC.By the timeD.During the time答案C句意:到他12歲時,愛因斯坦已經(jīng)自學了高等數(shù)學??疾榻樵~短語。由主句使用的時態(tài)是過去完成時可知,此處應使用

25、by the time(到時候;在之前,常和完成時連用)。the first time第一次;at the time在那時,當時;during the time期間。B組專題綜合題組(時間:90分鐘分值:100分)1.(2020天津紅橋線上自檢,10)A great person is always putting others interests his own.A.belowB.aboveC.inD.on答案B句意:一個偉人總是把別人的利益置于自己的利益之上。考查介詞。below在下面,低于;above高于,在上;in在里面;on在上面。故選B。2.(2020天津河東一模,5)Is the

26、re anything else that youd like to share with us?No, thank you.A.in particularB.in orderC.in shortD.in conclusion答案A句意:你有沒有別的具體的想和我們分享的東西?沒有,謝謝你??疾榻樵~短語辨析。 in particular 尤其,專門的,具體的;in order準備好,就緒;in short總之,簡言之;in conclusion最后,總之。故選A。3.(2020天津和平一模,4)anxiety, COVID-19(新冠肺炎) has also brought opportunit

27、ies to some industries and changes to our lifestyles.A.Due toB.In spite ofC.Apart fromD.According to答案C句意:除了焦慮,新冠肺炎也給一些行業(yè)帶來了機會并且給我們的生活方式帶來了一些改變。考查介詞短語辨析。due to由于;in spite of盡管;apart from除之外;according to根據(jù)。故選C。4.(2020天津和平二模,12)The ideas most inventions come from people trying to solve a prob-lem.A.fr

28、omB.underC.beyondD.behind答案D句意:大多數(shù)發(fā)明背后的想法來自努力想要解決一個問題的人。考查介詞。behind在的后面,符合語境。5.(2020天津南開二模,4)With the development of the economy, our income has increased 10% recently.A.byB.inC.onD.at答案A句意:隨著經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,我們的收入近來增長了10%??疾榻樵~。 increase by增加了,增長了。6.(2019天津紅橋二模,6)How did she lose so much weight as expected? ea

29、ting less, she jogged for several miles every day.A.In addition toB.In spite of C.Instead of D.Thanks to答案A句意:她是怎么像預期的那樣瘦了那么多的?除了少吃,她每天還要慢跑幾英里??疾榻樵~短語。in addition to 除以外(還);in spite of 不管,不顧;instead of 代替;thanks to 多虧。7.(2018天津部分區(qū)質調(diào)二,12)Harvard University takes in any outstanding student religion, co

30、lor or background.A.in honor ofB.on account ofC.regardless ofD.in spite of答案C句意:哈佛大學招收任何優(yōu)秀的學生,無論宗教、膚色或背景是什么??疾榻樵~短語。regardless of不管,不顧,符合語境。in honor of為向表示敬意;on account of由于;in spite of雖然,盡管。8.(2018天津河北二模,13)It is known that theory is based on practice and serves practice.A.in needB.in returnC.in tur

31、nD.in place答案C句意:眾所周知,理論以實踐為基礎,反過來又為實踐服務??疾榻樵~短語。in turn反過來,轉而,符合語境。in need在危難中;in return作為回報;in place在正確位置,準備就緒。9.(2018天津一中第四次月考,9)A passer-by who happened to see the traffic accident was taken to the police station to describe it .A.at leastB.in reliefC.at lengthD.on purpose答案C句意:一位碰巧看到交通事故的路人被帶到警察

32、局詳細地描述這起事故??疾榻樵~短語。at length充分地,詳盡地,符合語境,故選C。at least至少;in relief如釋重負,松了口氣;on purpose故意地。10.(2018天津耀華中學二模,10)Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measure of a persons weightheight.A person with a BMI of twenty-five to twenty-nine is considered overweight.A.in view of B.in relation to C.in terms of D.in resp

33、onse to答案B句意:身體質量指數(shù)(BMI)是一個評判一個人體重與身高關系的標準。一個人的BMI在25到29時被視為超重??疾榻樵~短語。in view of考慮到,由于,鑒于;in relation to關于,和相比;in terms of 就而言,在方面;in response to對做出反應,回應??键c1介詞辨析1.(2012浙江,6)all the animals Ive ever had,these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.A.FromB.OfC.ForD.With答案B2.(2012全國,16)100

34、is the temperaturewhich water will boil.A.for B.atC.onD.of答案B3.(2013課標,34)It was a real racetime to get the project done.Luckily,we made it.A.overB.byC.forD.against答案D4.(2013課標,11)A serious study of physics is impossiblesome knowledge of mathematics.A.againstB.beforeC.beyondD.without答案D5.(2014江西,33)

35、It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple lifehis great wealth.A.withoutB.despiteC.inD.to答案B6.(2014重慶,7)She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost wentthe road.A.onB.alongC.fromD.off答案D7.(2014北京,23)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaveshalf an hour.A.byB.inC.forD.unt

36、il答案B8.(2014大綱全國,29)September 30 is the daywhich you must pay your bill.A.byB.forC.withD.in答案A9.(2014陜西,14)The Scottish girlblue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Con-test.A.byB.ofC.inD.with答案D考點2介詞短語辨析1.(2012江蘇,29)Thank God youre safe!I stepped back,justto avoid the racing car.A.

37、in timeB.in caseC.in needD.in vain答案A2.(2013浙江,14)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner.,Ill set the table.A.As a resultB.On the wholeC.In the meanwhileD.As a matter of fact答案C3.(2014天津,6)the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.A.In reply toB.In addition toC.In charge ofD.In place of答案B4.(2014江西,25)Starting your own busin


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