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1、Pan LongqingChairmanShanghai Municipal Peoples Government Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Commission (SMERT)New Rules On Expanding your China Distribution Network了解新的貿(mào)易、分銷規(guī)則您將拓寬在華貿(mào)易、業(yè)務(wù)渠道Laws On Foreign Investors Doing Trading BusinessI 貿(mào)易流通領(lǐng)域外資相關(guān)的法律According to the WTO commitments, China will sta

2、rt to grant foreign investors distribution right by the end of this year 按照入世承諾,今年年底我國將對外資開放內(nèi)貿(mào)分銷權(quán) Carry CEPA into execution at the beginning of this year 年初實施CEPASet out “ Foreign Trade Law” on April 6th 4月6日頒布對外貿(mào)易法 ”Measures for the Administration on Foreign Investment in Commercial Sector “ promul

3、gated by the Ministry of Commerce on April 16, 2004 and effective as of June 1, 2004 4月16日頒布,6月1日實施 外商投資商業(yè)領(lǐng)域管理辦法 “Measures for the record and registration of foreign trade operation” announced on June 25th 6月25日發(fā)布對外貿(mào)易經(jīng)營者備案登記辦法 Shanghais Plan For Attracting Foreign Investment In Commercial BusinessII

4、 上海在商業(yè)領(lǐng)域吸引外資的規(guī)劃 Shanghai, the biggest and the most prosperous commercial center in China, attracts most of Chinas foreign investment 上海作為中國最大的經(jīng)濟中心、最繁華的商業(yè)中心, 商業(yè)領(lǐng)域的吸引外資始終走在全國前列 Developing a modern service industry will be a priority 優(yōu)先發(fā)展現(xiàn)代服務(wù)業(yè)Encouraging Foreign Investors to set up Regional Headquarter

5、s and holding companies and purchase/Operation Center鼓勵設(shè)立地區(qū)總部、投資性公司、采購/營運中心等功能性項目 Developing services for production and professional service industry發(fā)展生產(chǎn)服務(wù)、專業(yè)服務(wù)等;“Measures For The Administration Of Foreign Investment in The Commercial Sector “III 外商投資商業(yè)領(lǐng)域管理辦法 According to this new law, foreign inve

6、stors can apply to set up JVs or cooperative commercial companies starting from June 1st. 6月1日起按此辦法可申請設(shè)立合資或合作商業(yè)企業(yè) After Dec. 11th , foreign investors can apply to set up WOFEs under the “Measures”12月11日起,按上述辦法可申請設(shè)立外商獨資商業(yè)企業(yè) According to article twenty-four in this law, the foreign invested companies

7、which have not been registered as commercial businesses may apply to expand their business scope to include commercial activities 按照辦法第二十四條規(guī)定,商業(yè)企業(yè)以外的其他外商投資 企業(yè)也可以申請變更經(jīng)營范圍從事商業(yè)經(jīng)營活動Compare the new “Measures” with “ Experimental Measures” of 1999IV 管理辦法 與 試點辦法 的比較 Some differences between the “Experiment

8、al Measures” of 1999 and the “Measures for the Administration on Foreign Investment in Commercial Sector “ of this year 今年出臺的外商投資商業(yè)領(lǐng)域 管理辦法 與99年出臺的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)試 點辦法 相比,內(nèi)容主要有以下幾點突破 Commercial sector is now fully opened to foreign investors 商業(yè)利用外資工作由試點轉(zhuǎn)為正常開放 Regional restrictions on investment in commercia

9、l sector has been lifted 擴大開放區(qū)域,取消地域限制 Lower requirements on registered capital 取消了對投資者規(guī)模、企業(yè)注冊資本 等方面的限制性要求 On the municipal level, SMERT now has some approval rights 下放了部分商業(yè)利用外資的審批權(quán)限,一部分申請可以交由省級商務(wù)主 管部門省批 Applications For Which Shanghai Has Approval Rights V 上??梢詫徟捻椖堪╓here a foreign-funded retail e

10、nterprise opens stores within one province and meets thefollowing conditions - its business scope does not involve the sales through televisions, telephone, mail order, internet or vending machine- the provincial government will examine and approve the application within its power of examination and

11、 approval 經(jīng)營范圍不涉及電視、電話、郵購、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)絡(luò)、自動收獲機銷售,且店鋪面積和數(shù)量滿以下條件:The business area of a single store does not exceed 3,000 square meters, the number of stores does not exceed three, and the total number of stores in the same class opened by the foreign investor in China through foreign-funded commercial enterpr

12、ises does not exceed 300 單一店鋪營業(yè)面積不超過3000平方米,且店鋪數(shù)量不超過3家,其外國投資者通過設(shè)立的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)在中國開設(shè)同類店鋪總數(shù)不超過30家The business area of a single store does not exceed 300 square meters, the number of stores does not exceed 30, and the total number of stores in the opened accordingly by the foreign investor in China through

13、 foreign-funded commercial enterprises does not exceed 300 單一店鋪營業(yè)面積不超過300平方米,店鋪數(shù)量不超過30家,其國外投資者通過設(shè)立的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)在中國開設(shè)同類店鋪總數(shù)不超過300家,上海可在審批權(quán)限內(nèi)審批Applications That Should Be Approved By the Ministry of Commerce V 商務(wù)部審批的項目Applications which need to be approved by the Ministry of Commerce 需要由商務(wù)部審批的項目包括:Applica

14、tions of retail commercial enterprises that do not fulfill the conditions mentioned in the previous page 不能滿足前述省級審批條件的零售項目Applications of foreign commercial companies that apply for wholesale business申請從事批發(fā)業(yè)務(wù)的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè)The new policy will affect following three types of business VI 新的政策將對以下三個領(lǐng)域的外商投資產(chǎn)生

15、The new policy on trade and distribution will influence following three types of business新的貿(mào)易分銷政策將在以下三個領(lǐng)域?qū)ν馍掏顿Y產(chǎn)生影響 Commercial Retail 商業(yè)零售領(lǐng)域 The new “Measures” lower the registration requirement on foreign investors doing commercial business 新辦法降低了外資進入商業(yè)領(lǐng)域的門檻 The new “Measures” eliminate a number of

16、regional restrictions for foreign investors doing commercial business 對開設(shè)商業(yè)企業(yè)取消了地域限制 Trade and Wholesale 貿(mào)易(批發(fā))領(lǐng)域 Shanghai has six types of foreign invested companies that could conduct trading business 上海有六類外商投資企業(yè)可從事貿(mào)易活動The new policy will affect following three types of business VI 新的政策將對以下三個領(lǐng)域的外商

17、投資產(chǎn)生 In the new “Measures”, the minimum amount of the capital required for wholesale is RMB500,000 新辦法中批發(fā)企業(yè)的最低注冊資金為50萬人民幣. According to the new “Measures”, foreign invested manufacturing companies may apply to enlarge their business scope 已設(shè)立的外商投資生產(chǎn)性企業(yè)也可按新辦法申請擴大經(jīng)營范圍至商業(yè)領(lǐng) 域以從事批 發(fā)貿(mào)易業(yè)務(wù) Franchising 特許經(jīng)營領(lǐng)

18、域 The new “Measures” allow foreign invested commercial enterprises to engage in franchising business, which was previous restricted 新辦法實施前,特許經(jīng)營項目屬于限制外商投資的領(lǐng)域,新辦法中 明確規(guī)定外商投 資商業(yè)企業(yè)可以從事特許經(jīng)營The new “Measures” is one of Chinas WTO Fulfilled VI 新辦法 的出臺是中國切實履行入世承諾的舉措The implementation of “Measures for the Adm

19、inistration on Foreign Investment in Commercial Sector “ is an action that China fulfilled its WTO commitments. It enlarged foreign investors business scope in commercial section 外商投資商業(yè)領(lǐng)域管理辦法 的出臺是中國切實履行入世承諾的舉 措,為外商在商業(yè)方面進行投資提供了廣闊的空間。We consider infrastructure to be hardware, while government services

20、 to be software. We will optimize the investment environment through improving the “hardware” and “software”. Foreign invented companies will receive more efficient and more professional service from the local government我們將在基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施硬件和政策服務(wù)軟件等方面優(yōu)化投資環(huán)境,為在滬的外商投資企業(yè)提供更為高效、更為專業(yè)的服務(wù) America and Oceania Business Team美大地區(qū)商務(wù)小組North America and Oceania Business Team in SMERT specializes in helping the foreign investors from America and Oceania Region with service of Law Policy Consultancy, Investment Projecting, Partner Selection and Government Coordination etc. 上海外


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