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1、主講:王 孝 民招商經理睬談技藝培訓 培訓目的Improve the negotiation quality.提高談判質量. Aware of importance of the preparation and follow-up提高對預備任務及后續(xù)跟蹤重要性的認識Design processes to improve preparation and follow-up設計可以改良預備任務及后續(xù)跟蹤的程序Apply communication skills in negotiation 了解在談判中溝通技藝的運用Share experiences 交流閱歷 內 容Definition and

2、company principles定義及公司原那么The negotiation phases談判階段Simulated negotiation模擬談判Experience Sharing, Successful Cases and Questions &Answers閱歷分享、勝利案例和問題解答Definition and company principles定義及公司原那么The negotiation phases談判階段Simulated negotiation模擬談判Experience Sharing, Successful Cases and Questions &Answer

3、s閱歷分享、勝利案例和問題解答 Question問題What is Negotiation 什么是談判? 談判的定義談判是由彼此依賴但又沒有完全一樣的資源的雙方來作出一個決策的過程。這是一個雙方共同決議每方得到什么和給予什么的關系。Negotiation is a decision-making process among interdependent parties who do not share identical preference. It is the processthrough which the parties decide what each will give and t

4、ake ina relationship. it is more difficult to lead by persuasion than defeat by asword用壓服引導他人比用劍制服他人還要難4 negotiation criteria 衡量談判的四個坐標Focus on relationship 關系Long term vision Interests 利益What really care aboutResources 資源Can be allocatedMotivation 動機Ultimate aim FIRMNegotiation Types 談判的種類Lose -Los

5、e兩敗俱傷Win-Lose / Lose -Win 贏-輸/輸-贏Win -Win 雙贏Three criteria of negotiation 衡量談判的三個規(guī)范結果是明智的動機Motivation衡量談判的第一個規(guī)范是明智,也就是說,談判的結果應該是明智的。由于談判是談判雙方為了達成某種共識而進展的一種行為.One of the criteria of negotiation is advisable, namely, the purpose is wise. As subscribe the contract or Tariffs &Trading negotiation.Three

6、criteria of negotiation 衡量談判的三個規(guī)范有效率有效的利用 Resources衡量談判的第二個規(guī)范是有效。談判追求的是效率,最好能速戰(zhàn)速決,除非萬不得已,不要拖延時間 Second, availability, the purpose of negotiation is efficiency, the better way is to quick to start and quick to achieve the target.Dont waste too much time, more time you spending, more human, material a

7、nd financial will be spent.Three criteria of negotiation 衡量談判的三個規(guī)范增進或至少不損害雙方的利益 利益 Interests 衡量談判的第三個規(guī)范是增進或至少不損害雙方的利益,即友善。談判不是他死我活,不是在損害對方利益的前提下滿足本人的私利,而是要增進雙方的利益,經過談判使雙方到達雙贏。Third point is to be friendly, to improve at least not to damagethe other partys interest. On the premise of make mutual bene

8、fits to gain the result of WIN-WIN, not to satisfy your self-interest by your side, if only one part attain its objective, we say it wontbe a real WIN-WIN negotiation.Your Story 他的故事Experience Sharing 閱歷分享Our Negotiation Goals 我們的談判目的 Goals of the negotiation in PCDS SHOPPING MALL 春天百貨的談判目的 To incre

9、ase and improve : 目的是提高和改善: Rental income 租金收入 Contract terms 合同條款 Tenant mix租戶組合 Payment of rental 租金的支付 Long term relationship 長期協作關系Shopping Mall Principles招商部的談判原那么A fair and promising partnership must be developed between our tenant and us.必需與租戶建立起一種公平而且有開展出路的協作關系Negotiations are prepared accor

10、ding to a rational approach and are based on accurate data :談判要以合理的方法去預備, 談判預備任務要建立在準確的數據根底上The results of negotiations should optimize the rental in value, the tenant mix and the long-term and sustainable relationship development with our tenants.談判的結果必需使租金收入和租戶組合最優(yōu)化,同時要有助于建立與租戶之間的長期可繼續(xù)開展的關系。Agreem

11、ents are followed-up throughout the tenancy periodto ensure that objectives are achieved.整個合同期限內要對合同進展跟蹤以確保目的的實現。Shopping Mall Principles招商部的談判原那么A fair and promising partnership must be developed between our tenant and us.必需與租戶建立起一種公平而且有開展出路的協作關系Negotiations are prepared according to a rational app

12、roach and are based on accurate data :談判要以合理的方法去預備, 談判預備任務要建立在準確的數據根底上The results of negotiations should optimize the rental in value, the tenant mix and the long-term and sustainable relationship development with our tenants.談判的結果必需使租金收入和租戶組合最優(yōu)化,同時要有助于建立與租戶之間的長期可繼續(xù)開展的關系。Agreements are followed-up t

13、hroughout the tenancy periodto ensure that objectives are achieved.整個合同期限內要對合同進展跟蹤以確保目的的實現。Contents內容Definition and company principles 定義及公司原那么The negotiation phases談判階段 Negotiation preparation談判預備 Negotiation Process談判過程 Negotiation result follow up談判跟蹤The negotiation process 談判過程Negotiation Prepar

14、ation 談判前的預備Negotiation Process 談判的過程Negotiation result follow up 談判結果的跟蹤1.Preparation 預備What is the appropriate percentage of time you should give to preparation before starting Negotiation?多少時間用于談判的預備任務是合理的?The negotiation process 談判過程Negotiation Preparation 談判前的預備Negotiation Process 談判的過程Negotiat

15、ion result follow up 談判結果的跟蹤If I had nine hours to cut down a tree,I would spend the first six sharpening the axe. -Abraham Lincoln假設我有九個小時來砍一棵樹,我會用前六個小時來磨利斧子 -亞伯拉罕.林墾Whats the equivalent in Chinese?中國有句什么類似的話?磨刀不誤砍柴工! 工欲善其事, 必先利其器.1.Preparation 預備What to be prepared before Negotiation?談判前應做哪些預備任務?1

16、.Preparation 預備What to be prepared1 預備的內容一Take into account the shopping mall target in termsof strategy, rental budget, remodelling plans, etc.必需思索每個購物中心的戰(zhàn)略、租金預算和改造方案等方面的目的Spend time on a detailed analysis of the tenant situation.花時間來仔細分析和了解每個租戶的情況Tenant company operation situation Tenant competito

17、r situation Tenant shops in Carrefour Tenant expansion plan for the next few years1.1.Preparation 預備What to be prepared 預備的內容二This activity should define the negotiation strategies percategory /tenant and fix the targeted conditions.經過預備, 針對某個分類或某個特定的租戶, 來制定談判的戰(zhàn)略并確定目的合同條款At the end, a negotiation fi

18、le will have to be set up for each tenant.最后,要預備各個租戶的談判文件1.Preparation 預備Are you ready to negotiate?他能否預備好了談判?Negotiation target談判目的Win-Win Mind-set雙贏思想Communication skills溝通技巧Necessary tools必要的工具1.Preparation 預備Negotiation Target 談判目的What& Needs 明確想要和需求Needs are main target & Want are secondary tar

19、get 需求是主要目的,想要是次要目的Make the upper limit and lower limit制定最高上限和最低下限1.Preparation 預備Win-Win Mind-set 雙贏思想Long term vision 有長期配合的遠見Use “WE運用“我們的字眼Mutual benefits 彼此都能獲得益處Open & objective 開放、客觀Share information 分享信息Listen and balance talking ratio 傾聽并且平衡說話的比例Find solution together 一同處理問題或妨礙Concede if ne

20、cessary 必要時雙方各退一步1.Preparation 預備Communication Skills 溝通技巧 Active Listening 積極傾聽 Ask Question 有效提問 Answer 應對藝術 Persuade 壓服藝術Active Listening 積極傾聽 What is Active Listening? 什么是傾聽?Active Listening 積極傾聽Listen to others with interest and acceptance 帶著興趣和開放的心態(tài)去聽 Build trust between people 在人際間建立信任 Serve

21、as a key in the development of relationship是開展彼此關系的關鍵Active Listening 積極傾聽 Listening Techniques 傾聽技巧 Summarizing總結 Positive feedback 積極反響 Paraphrasing 重述 Open questions 開放式問題 “I Language言語 Active Listening 積極傾聽 Summarizing example 總結的例子 “What I heard you say was that (It sounds like) you dont like t

22、he space on first floor in the far end of the mall but would be interested in the one next to the main door? Do you agree with that? Did I get that right? Is that what you are saying? 他說的是聽起來好似他們不喜歡一樓究竟的那個空位,倒是對接近入口的地方很感興趣?他贊同嗎?我了解對嗎?他是這個意思嗎? Active Listening 積極傾聽 Positive Feed back example 積極反響的例子

23、“Thanks for dropping by my office today, its great to see you! “ Great idea, why dont you try it, let me know what happens! “謝謝他今天到我辦公室來看我,看到他太高興了!“這個主意太棒了,他為何不去嘗試一下呢,讓我知道進展怎樣! Active Listening 積極傾聽Positive Feedback Exercise 積極反響的練習 John is embarrassed that he couldnt attend the day one training. To

24、day, he took courage to attend the day two training. 約翰很慚愧由于他沒能參與第一天的培訓。但是,今天他還是鼓足勇氣參與了第二天的培訓。 How would you respond? 他會如何反響? Active Listening 積極傾聽Paraphrasing Example 重述的例子“I cant believe that after all that hard and wearynegotiation we didnt make a deal!you respond “So you cant believe that after

25、all hard work, you didnt get the deal.No, Im so angry“我?guī)缀蹼y以置信經過這么艱苦和疲憊的談判我們還是沒有達成協議!他回答到“因此他無法置信經過這么艱苦的談判還是沒有達成協議。是啊,這太氣人了。 Active Listening 積極傾聽 Open Question Example 開放式問題的例子 “How did you like our products?“What did you like about it?“Really, tell me more about that “他如何以為我們的產品?“他詳細喜歡這個商品的哪些方面呢?“是

26、嗎?能再詳細點告述我嗎? Active Listening 積極傾聽“I Language Example “我的言語的例子 - “Your shop is in this mall, why dont you promote regularly? “I hear what youre saying, why dont we talk about that ? We tried hard with this regard, but we will still keep trying different ways to bring customers.-“他們的店在這個購物中心里,為什么他們不定

27、期地進展促銷呢?-“我聽到他所說的了,干嗎我們不談談這個呢?我們曾經嘗試了各種手段,但是我們依然繼續(xù)努力去吸引顧客。 Active Listening 積極傾聽Give others a chance to clarify or explain 給他人時機以廓清或解釋Emphasize important points 強調重點Calms a conflict on an intensive situation 在緊張和爭論時可以緩和沖突Helps other people clarify own thinking 協助對方廓清觀念Manage your emotions 管理他的心情Enco

28、urages Other People to Share Information 鼓勵對方提供信息Increase the other partys trust in you 加強對方的對本人的信任感Examples Of Active Listening 積極傾聽實例It sounds Like What You Are Saying Is Isit? 聽起來您的意思好似是說.What do you think of this option as a solution? 他以為這個處理方案如何?So What You Mean Is 您的意思是說.I hear what you are sa

29、ying is only interested in 我聽到他說他們只對感興趣.You Feel You Operation People Will need yes, necessary您以為貴公司業(yè)務員需求.Your understanding is very much appreciated 他們能對我們了解太好了 Ask Question 有效提問 How to ask ? 如何做到有效提問? Ask Question 有效提問Ask questions to 問問題是為了Collect information搜集信息Enhance persuasion提高壓服力Control and

30、 manage the meeting 掌控談判的進展Keep the other side in activity 讓對方堅持警惕Clarify the ideas and carefully listen to answers 廓清想法并仔細傾聽回答Propose a more balanced alternative to disagreement 提供更平衡的方案以處理歧見 How to ask? 如何提問? Ask Question 有效提問Open Questions 開放式問題Use What, How,Why, and Please運用什么、如何、為什么和請等詞語Cant be

31、 Answered by “Yes or “No無法用“是或“否來回答Encourage the Other Person to Give More Information鼓勵對方提供更多的信息Draw Out the Other Persons Feeling and Opinions開掘對方的想法和觀念Stimulate the Other Person to Think About Your Ideas激發(fā)對方思索他的建議-安康、高效、創(chuàng)新、進取- Ask Question 有效提問Examples Of Open Questions 開放式問題舉例How is your busines

32、s?生意怎樣樣?Why did you always delay your rental payment? 為什么他們總是晚付租金?How do you think we can solves this problem? 他以為我們該如何處理這個問題?How do you think of your monthly turnover of rmb120,000?他怎樣看他們每個月120000的營業(yè)額? Ask Question 有效提問Detailed Probing Questions 探求式問題Be More Specific, Using: How Many, How. Long, Wh

33、o, Where, When , etc更加詳細化,運用:多少、多久、誰、哪里、何時等詞語Give a Choice ,e .g: Do You expand only in Shanghai or in whole east China?做出選擇,比如說:他們是只在上海地域開展還是整個華東區(qū)?Looks Like an Open Question But with a Narrower Focus看似開放式問題,但減少了所能搜集信息的范圍 Ask Question 有效提問Closed Questions封鎖式問題Restrict the Information You Can Gather

34、限制您的搜集信息范圍Obtain the Other Persons Commitment to a Definite Position明確對方的立場Direct a Conversation to a Particular Area將說話引導到某個特定的方面Reinforce a Positive Statement加強一定的陳說Clarify Questions 廓清問題 Ask Question 有效提問6 types of negotiation questions6 種談判問法To generate proposals and positions 產生新的提議或立場To know t

35、he tenants argument 了解對方的爭論點To understand the priorities of supplier 了解對方的優(yōu)先順序To minimize or refuse the proposal of supplier 減低或回絕對方的要求To remind on the consequences of a bad proposal 告知不當方案的后果Questions on general topics普通性問題 Ask Question 有效提問Generate Proposals & Positions 產生新的提議或立場What is your propo

36、sal ?他的提議是什么?What is your opinion on this rental?他對租金的看法如何?According to which criteria do you decide to 他決議的根據是什么? Ask Question 有效提問Know the tenants argument了解對方的爭論點Why a rental decrease?為什么他們要求降低租金?Where are the reasons? Why you dont like this location?緣由是什么?為什么他們覺得這個位置不適宜?Why do you want to termin

37、ate the contract earlier?為什么他們要提早解約? Ask Question 有效提問Understand the tenants priority 了解對方的優(yōu)先順序Among these 4 reasons, which one is the most important to you? 這四個理由,哪個最重要?Could you please classify your requests by order of the priority? 可不可以請他把他的要求排一下優(yōu)先順序?Is it detailed enough for you? 這樣夠仔細嗎? Ask Qu

38、estion 有效提問Minimize or refuse the tenants reasons 減低或回絕對方的要求In your opinion, why did your sales drop by 40%? 他覺得營業(yè)額下降40%的緣由是什么?What are your sources of information? 他信息的來源是什么?Did you check this information? 他查過這個信息的真實性嗎?On the contrary, our hypermarket sales increased by 30% in the first 4 months of

39、 this year!恰恰相反,我們賣場的營業(yè)額今年前四個月增長了30%! Ask Question 有效提問Show the consequence of a bad proposal 告知不當方案的后果Did you evaluate the consequences of this ? 他評價過后果嗎?Did you estimate the loss of turn over? 他有沒有算過營業(yè)額的損失?Have you considered the loss of image? 他有沒有思索過在籠統上的損失? Ask Question 有效提問General Topics 普通性問題

40、What is the weight of Carrefour in your sales turnover ? 春天百貨在他們公司的營業(yè)額占比是多少?What is your commercial policy? 他們公司的商業(yè)政策是什么?Who is your new Expansion Manager? 誰是他們公司新上任的拓展經理?Answers 應對藝術How to answer ? 如何應對?When the question needs to be thought about 對某些應對問題需求再思索時的戰(zhàn)略讓對方再反復一下或解釋一下如有人打岔,無妨讓他干擾一下可以暗示他的助手,

41、適當地將話題扯遠一些When the answers inconvenience 對某些應對問題不便回答時的戰(zhàn)略顧左右而言他用數據或資料不全為借口 需請示指點或有關方面“讓我們再研討一下Answers 應對藝術Examples Of Answers 應對藝術舉例I want to know your comment before the answer 在回答他的問題之前,我想聽聽貴公司的觀念I am sorry, we need discuss for your questions很負疚,對您提及的問題,我們需求再研討研討Could you repeat ,I dont understand

42、your meaning?我不太清楚您所說的含義是什么,能否請您再說一次?Our rental are high, but 我們的租金是高了一點,但是. Persuade 壓服藝術How to persuade ? 如何壓服?Lets have same comments獲得共同言語Find the needs of the other one 針對對方的心思,發(fā)現對方的需求Set up the opinion according the needs of the other one根據對方的需求,建立心得信心 1.Preparation 預備Tools of Negotiation Proc

43、ess談判時所需的工具 1.Preparation 預備What are the Benefits of Preparation? 預備任務的益處? 1.Preparation 預備What are the Benefits of Preparation?預備任務的益處所在Information enables negotiators anticipate objectives/questions/answers/objections from the tenant有關信息使談判可以預測目的/問題/答案/租戶的異議Actually saves time, reduces stress, res

44、ults in a more effective negotiation真實節(jié)省時間、減低壓力,使談判更有效Avoids being caught off guard防止對手攻己不備 1.Preparation 預備What are the Benefits of Preparation?預備任務的益處所在Improves management of the supplier在談判過程中更具壓服力To be more convincing during a negotiation 展現出一種職業(yè)化籠統Communicates the impression of professionalism對

45、更高水準技藝的要求談判桌前的高手都是來自于-談判前的精心預備任務!以努力實現目的為主,以少說而精為輔。The negotiation process談判過程Negotiation Preparation 談判前的預備If you fail to prepare you prepare to fail 知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)不殆Three steps of Negotiation 談判的三個步驟Negotiation Preparation談判前的預備Negotiation Process談判的過程Negotiation result follow up談判結果的跟蹤 Actual Negotiatio

46、n 談判過程Actual Negotiation談判過程 1.Introduction引見Be on time with all necessary documents and materials 準時出席,攜帶必要的文件和資料Manage your schedule effectively有效的管理本人的方案表Be polite and professional and image彬彬有禮、職業(yè)化及籠統Your credibility他的威信Present name card if this is the first negotiation 假設是初次談判,請呈遞名片Ensure that

47、the contact is the decision-maker 確保對方是決策者If not, give enough time for respect假設對方不是決策者,仍應加以談判,以示尊崇Actual Negotiation談判過程 1.Introduction引見State the purpose of the negotiation 陳說談判目的Take control of the negotiation right from the beginning 一直主導談判Communicate Carrefours desire for mutual benefit闡明春天百貨的“

48、互利愿望Know your objectives清楚本人的目的Know your ideal and acceptable target levels清楚本人的理想目的水準和可接受目的水準Actual Negotiation談判過程 2. Discovery 發(fā)現 Clear up any previous problems or outstanding issues first 去除任何遺留問題或突出事宜 .Make the counterpart present their position first 使對方首先呈明其立場 .Understand the reasons 了解他們確立立場

49、的緣由及理由Actual Negotiation談判過程 3. Negotiate 談判Be aware of common negotiation tactics and blocks了解常見的談判戰(zhàn)略及妨礙Use communication skills throughout the negotiation to gather information and clarify understanding在談判過程中,運用溝通技巧搜集信息并廓清本人的了解Ensure that you are “armed with good, complete information 確保本人掌握良好且完善的

50、信息Dont be caught off-guard! 謹防對手攻己不備Actual Negotiation談判過程 3. Negotiate 談判Dont be distracted切勿精神不集中Stress the advantages the tenant will receive and minimize those that you will obtain 強調租戶將會得到的益處,最大限制地淡化本身所將獲得的益處Actual Negotiation談判過程 3. Negotiate 談判5 Negotiation strategy 5種談判戰(zhàn)略 Pricing strategy報價戰(zhàn)

51、略 Conceding strategy退讓戰(zhàn)略 Refuse strategy回絕戰(zhàn)略 Ultimatum strategy“最后通牒戰(zhàn)略 Sign strategy簽約戰(zhàn)略 Negotiation Ability Test 談判才干檢驗以下是不同情況下的談判才干檢驗,每個案例均給出了幾種常見的選項,根據這些選項,下面又給出了相應的評價。他可以根據這些談判案例來學習好的談判方法,并了解不當的談判方法的失誤之處。Negotiation Ability Test 談判才干檢驗1. 挑戰(zhàn)或依從他的導演案例描畫他是出道不久的小牌演員,導演以50萬元的片酬請他拍行情300萬元的新片,他會1.談判決策:爭取上演時機,片酬


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