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1、2020物聯(lián)網(wǎng)白皮書:智能與安全的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)平臺2020物聯(lián)網(wǎng)白皮書!本IEC白皮書提供了對IoT下一階段發(fā)展(智能安全IoT平臺的發(fā)展)的展 望。該平臺在安全領域的能力方面做顯著的改進,并且能在不同的IoT平臺之間實現(xiàn)互聯(lián),而現(xiàn)有的平臺往往是“遺留”系統(tǒng)的組合,并未按照IoT的目標來進行設計。Gartner預測,到2020年,因數(shù)據(jù)收集方法不當可能會導致全部IoT項目的80%在實施階段失敗。因此,智能安全IoT平臺的主要目標之一就是成為“平臺的平臺”。本白皮 書首先結(jié)合當前IoT發(fā)展的總體現(xiàn)狀,重點針對IoT系統(tǒng)設計和架構(gòu)模式分析了 當前IoT框架的優(yōu)缺點和局限性,包括安全性、互操作性和可擴展性

2、等方面。然后,從下一代智能安全IoT平臺的功能需求角度出發(fā),對工業(yè)領域、公眾 領域和消費者領域的多個用例進行了深入剖析。 基于這些用例以及它們的不同的 關(guān)注領域,推導出智能安全IoT平臺的能力和要求。隨后,本書討論了智能安全IoT平臺的下一代技術(shù),重點關(guān)注了連接、處理、 存儲、感知、可執(zhí)行、安全等領域的平臺級技術(shù)。s 2020smsaasepsOT pgqmInternet of Things (loT) market lorecaats show that loT ts aireacfy making an impact on the global economy. While estima

3、tes of the economic impact during the* next five tc ten years vary slightly (IDC estimates USD 1.7 trillion in 2020 1|. Gartner sees a benefit of USD 2 trillion by that time |2). and McKinsey predicts growth of USD 4 trillion to USO 11 trillion by 2025 (3), there seems to be a consensus that the imp

4、act of loT technologies 愴 substantial and growing.Although a significant impact already exists. Gartner notes that both loT and the business models associated with it are immature at this pont (2, hence the hug transformation that the economy - and maybe von soooty as a whote - will face from the In

5、ternet of Things Is still to come.This IEC White Paper provides an outlook on what the next big step in loT - the development of smart and secure lol platforms - could invotve. These platforms offer significant improvements m capabdines n the field ot security and bridge the gaps between different e

6、xisting loT platforms, which usually consist of legacy* systems that have not been designed for k)T purposes. Gartner predicts that by 2020. 80% of all loT projects will have failed at the implementation stage due to improper methods of data collection (4J. Hence, one of the main objectives of the s

7、mart and secure I6T plaiform is to serve as a -platform of plaHorms.After providing an overview of v/bere IbT currently stands, v/ith a partcuiar focus on k)T system design as well as architecturG patterns, the limitations and deficiencies of the current I6T framework are similarly Identified in thi

8、s White Papr. Suet) limitations and deficiencies involve topics such as security, irteroperatxlity and scalability. To derive capabilties and requirements for the nAxt-QAneratior smart and sect ire kiT platform, several use cases from the industry, public and customer donwns are investigated. Based

9、on these use casos and their different focus areas, the capacities and requirements for smart and secure loT platforms are deduced. Subsequently. next-gGnofatlor enabling technologies for smart and secure loT platforms are discussed, with a strong focus on platform-kevel technoiogiGS in the field of

10、 connectivity, processing and securityBringing the ambitious visions connected with the Internet ot Things to fruition wll require significant efforts in standarduabon - G.g. devetopment of initiatives to enable interoperability - thus this White Paper presents a desired future kT standarcSzation ec

11、osystem environment to address those needsThis White Raper concludes by formulating recommendaticns both of a general nature as well as specifically addressed to the IEC and its committees. *he principal recommendations proposed for the IEC include Talang the lead in establishing an loT standardizat

12、ion ecosystem environment with IEC exercizhg a key rolG., Assigning tasks to the ISO/IEC JTC1 leadership concerning key I6T standardization actlvrties. Working more ctosely v/itti government entities to increasG their level of particlpalion and to identify the related requirements and concerns to be

13、 addressed by IEC deliverables.Executive summaryDr. Jijun Luo, Huawei TechnologiesMr. Ulrich Graf. Huawei TachnologiesDr. Sadayuki Watanabe. METIDr. Tetsushi Matsuda. Mitsubishi ElectricMr. Nontaka Okuda. Mitsubishi ElectricDr. Yasunori Mochizuki. NEC CorporationO. Ernoe Kovacs. NEC CorporationDr. G

14、urkan Solmaz, NEC CorporationMr. Hiroshi Takechi. NEC CorporationDr. Akihisa Ushrokawa. NEC CorporationDr. Fang Jmg V/u. NEC CorporationMr. Peter LanctoC. IEC. MSB SecretaryAcknowledgmentsThis White Paper has been prepared by th loT 2020 project team in the IEC Market Strategy Board (MSB), with a ma

15、jor contribution from the project leader, SAP and project partner. Fraunhofer AISEC The project team met four times - November 2015 (Waldorf. DE), January 2016 (Munich. DE). March 2016 (Tokyo. JP) and May 2016 (WaldoH, DE) - and be*d a number of online conference calls. The project team includes:Mr.

16、 Bernd Leaked. SAP. MSB Member.Project DirectorDr Dr. Timo Kubach, SAP, Project ManagerDf. Claudia EckerL Fraunhofer AJSEC.Project PartnerDr. Kazuhiko Tsutsumi. Mitsubishi 日ctric.MSB MemberMr. Mark Crawford, SAPMs Nina Vayssiere. SAPMr. Ebo Thomas Kandathtl. SAPDr Uwe Kubach, SAPMr. Anirban Ma/umdar

17、. SAPMr. Alan Southall, SAPMr. Faban Biegel, SAPMs Krista Grothoff. Fraunhofer AISECMr. Mario Hoffmann, Fraunhofer AISECMr. Phdlpp Stephanow. Fraunhofer AJSECDr Seisuke Kano. AISTDr Hiroyuki Sawada. AISTDf. Kai Cui. HaierDr Daisuke Matsubara. HitachiDr. Motonobu Saito. HitachiMr. Tadashi Kaji. Hitac

18、hiDr. Yun Chao Hu. Huawei TchnologGSMr. Xiangqun Liu. Huawei TechnologiesTable of contentsList of abbreviations TOC o 1-5 h z Glossary15Introduction17Background17Moving forward18Scope19Structure of this WNt Paper19Todays loT21I6T components21Physical device21Edge21Platform22loT system design23ISO/IE

19、C 30141, Internet of Things Reference Architecture (loT RA)23fTU-TY.206024IIC URA25RAMI 4.026loT-A ARM27AIOT1 - reference architecture27Architecture patterns28Three-tier architecture29Gateway-mediated edge connectivity and management30Edge-to-cloud30Multi-tier data storage30Distributed analytics30La

20、mbda archltdcturo31Charactenstlc features of loT31Data correlation and otormation retrieval31Communication32Integration and mteroperation32Security, privacy and trust32Table of contents TOC o 1-5 h z Limitations and deficienciesIntodaysloT35Security, trust privacy and Identity management35Trust36Pri

21、vacy36Identity management36Safety37Integrability, interoperability and composabilrty37integrability37Inter operability38CocnposabAty39Resdioncy39Data collection, management and ownership40Advanced analytics and advanced data processing40Virtualization41Scalability41Regulation41Use cases for next-gen

22、erationsmart and secure loT platforms43Industrial domain: business continuity management for production lines44Public domain: Smart Cities47Customer domain: improved journey experience in public transport for passengers with special needs49Capabilities and requirementsfor smart and secureloT platfor

23、ms51General qualities of future loT systems51Core capabilities and requirements53Connectivity53Processing54Memory57524Sensing58525Actions59526Security62Next-generation enablingtechnologiesfor smartand secure loT platforms69Connectivity70Transport layer protocol for the next-generation satellite conn

24、ections(higher bandwidth, high latency)70Table of contents TOC o 1-5 h z Next-generation communication systems70Low power wireless access networks (LPWAN)71Mapping to use cases73Processing73System con6gurabon and dynamic composition73Data contextual nation73Autonomous data exchange74Sensor fusion te

25、chnology75625MacNne teaming76Virtualization76Mapping to use cases77Memory77Digital product memory77Mapptng to use cases78Sensing78Ultra-precise location technology78Mapping to use cases78Actions79Augmented reality79Virtual reality79Tactile Internet79Mapping to use cases80Security80Elemental security

26、 technologies80Security as a service84Identity management84Mapping to use cases85Standards87Environment87Current loT standardization environment87Desired future I6T standardization ecosystem environmeit88Standards requirements89Mapping to use cases91Recommendations93General recommendations93Recommen

27、dations addressed to the IEC and its committees93Table of contents TOC o 1-5 h z Annexes - Use cases95- Business continuity management (BCM)95- Anomaly detection system for advanced maintenance services103- Collaboratr/e supply chain management (SCM)113- Predictive maintenance and service121- A Smar

28、t Crty with a smart and secure I6T platform133- Social sensors143- Improvement of journey experience In public transport for passengers including tnose wltn special needs151- Connected cars159- WISE Skiing173- Home device smart factory183Bibliography191List of abbreviationsTechnical and 5G scientifi

29、c terms5T generation celkjlar access authentication and authorizatior for constrained environmentsADECPautonomous data exchange control profileAPIapplication programming intertacGARMarchitectural reference modelASEasymmetric searchable encryptionBCMbusiness continuity managGmentCACCcooperative adapt

30、rve cruise controlCAGRcompound annual growth rateCAMcooperative awareness messageCMMIcapability maturity model integrationCoAPconstrained application protocolCOPcommon operational pictureCPScyber physical systemCRISP-DMcross industry standard process for data minngCRMcustomec relationship management

31、CTcommunication technologyDENMdecentralized environmental nolhcation messageDevOpsdevelopment and operationsDPMdigital product memoryeMTCenhancements for machine type communicationsERPenterprise resource planningFCWforv/ard colhsion warningGPSglobal positioning systemGSMglobal system for mobile communicationsHSMhardware security


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