冀教版七年級下冊英語 Unit6 單元整合與拔高 習題課件_第1頁
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1、單元整合與拔高Unit 6 Seasons12345DBAWhat an interestingHow delicious真題真練溫馨提示:點擊 進入講評答 案 呈 現(xiàn)678910surprisedautumn/fallwakeBA1112becomeeveryone; everywhere答 案 呈 現(xiàn)原汁原味123Fishing in Snow. We know that by “Is fishing snow in a lonely boat”. 夜來風雨聲,花落知多少。Four/There are four seasons. Gu Kaizhi is a painter and a p

2、oet from Jin Dynasty. 一、語法整合真題練1. He has made many friends since he came here three weeks ago. _ outgoing boy he is! 【2021四川】 A. How a B. How C. What a D. What an【點撥】考查感嘆句。根據(jù) “. . . outgoing boy he is!”可知感嘆句的中心詞是可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) “boy”,要用“What+a/an+ 形容詞+ 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+ 主語+ 謂語!”結構,outgoing 以元音音素開頭,其前用不定冠詞an。故選D。D2. _

3、amazing the film is! Mothers love always touches my heart. 【2021上?!?A. How an B. How C. What an D. WhatB3. Have you heard that Chinas explorer (探測器) has landed on Mars (火星)? Really? _ exciting news! 【2021哈爾濱】 A. What B. How C. What anA4. 這門課程真有趣! 我等不及要上下一課了。 _ _ _ course it is! I cant wait to have t

4、he next class. 【2021廣東】What an interesting5. 香港的食物真美味! 【2021湖北】 _ _ the food is in Hong Kong!【點撥】此處強調的中心詞是形容詞, 用“How+adj. + 主語+ 謂語!”結構。故填How delicious。How delicious二、高頻考點真題練6. My parents are s with my progress in my lessons. 【2021日照】urprised7. In _,leaves fall down. 【改編眉山】autumn/fall8. I will have a

5、 meeting this afternoon. Please _ (喚醒) me up at 2:00 p. m. 【改編安順】wake9. Diet drinks(低熱量飲料) are not quite as _ as you think. It is reported that drinking too many of them might lead to illness. 【2021東營】 A. helpful B. healthy C. popular D. deliciousB10. Im going to visit Chengdu this summer holiday. G

6、reat! _ ! 【改編錦州】 A. Have a good trip B. Good work C. With pleasure D. Well done【點撥】考查交際用語。句意為“這個暑假我要去成都旅游。太好了,祝你旅途快樂!”。故選A。A11. Parents and schools make rules to help the students to_ (become) better and better. 【2021安順】become12. 我們應該對每個人都友善,在我們?nèi)ミ^的各個地方傳播愛和喜悅。 【改編荊門】We should be kind to _, spreading love and joy _ we go. everyone everywhere欣賞美詩,完成下列各題。1. Which poem is about winter? How do you know that?_.請同學們看典中點第79頁短文。Fishing in Snow. We know that by “Is fishing snow in a lonely boat”. 2. 請用詩歌形式翻譯橫線上的句子。_.夜來風雨聲,花落知多少。3. How many seasons are there in the third poem? And what


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