英語習語講解PPT課件(PPT 44頁)_第1頁
英語習語講解PPT課件(PPT 44頁)_第2頁
英語習語講解PPT課件(PPT 44頁)_第3頁
英語習語講解PPT課件(PPT 44頁)_第4頁
英語習語講解PPT課件(PPT 44頁)_第5頁
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1、 英語習語1.第1頁,共44頁。英語的idiom一詞語義范圍:廣義上:idiom泛指一種民族語言中所有的習慣用 法和特殊表達方法,可以是一個詞,也 可以是一個詞組或句子。Idiom:A form of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people. -COD 簡明牛津詞典2.第2頁,共44頁。狹義上:一種語言中長期以來習用的、表達 完整意義的、結(jié)構(gòu)定型的固定詞組 或短句?!傲曊Z、熟語、慣用法”3.第3頁,共44頁。I. 英語習語的特征英語習語有兩個特征:a. 語義的統(tǒng)一性(semantic unity)習語是個固定的

2、詞組,在語義上是個不可分割的統(tǒng)一體,其整體的意義往往不能從組成習語的各個詞匯意義中揣測出來。如:do sb. brown, do up brown, show the white feather, to have an axe to grind Friday face, hard names. under the weather4.第4頁,共44頁。 b. 結(jié)構(gòu)的固定性(structural stability)從結(jié)構(gòu)上來看,習語也有本身的完整性,其中各個組成部分是固定的,不可任意拆開或替換。如:on board 在船上 on the board 在會上討論 on the boards 登臺做

3、演員 in the same boat None of your sauce! Diamond cut diamond, crook cut crook. Like cures like. to tread/ walk on air 洋洋自得,飄飄然5.第5頁,共44頁。英語習語 idioms 與自由短語free phrase 的區(qū)別自由短語(free phrase)可從其組成部分的字面意義來判定其釋義。英語習語則不盡然。 如:red tapes, cold winter. red tape, cold comfort.短語動詞既可看作習語,也可不作習語對待,視上下文而定。如:He took

4、off his shoes. He took off the comedian to perfection.? There are ten dark horses in the stable. Whatever the outcome of the election, he is still a dark horse.6.第6頁,共44頁。II. 英語習語的分類從語法功能和結(jié)構(gòu)成份來看,習語可分為:一、動詞性習語動詞性習語(idioms verbal in nature)以動詞為中心與其他動詞搭配使用,在句中起謂語作用。動詞性習語有以下幾種結(jié)構(gòu):1. 動詞 + 小品詞(verb + parti

5、cle) (1) 動詞 + 副詞 如:Some parts of the story didnt add up. 合乎情理 The official blundered out government secrets again. 不慎泄漏,順口說出 7.第7頁,共44頁。(2) 動詞 + 介詞 如:a. Why are they always biting at each other? 朝吼叫 b. She cut across our talk. 打斷(3) 動詞 + 副詞 + 介詞 如:a. The products of Japan are gradually edging those

6、of the United States out of the European market. 逐漸排除去 b. I think that man is just hanging out for a better offer. 故意拖延以待8.第8頁,共44頁。2. 動詞 + 名詞如: bide ones time, blaze the trail, hang fire a. When the story of the barbers ill-treatment of his wife got wind, he left town. 泄漏,傳播 b. Its slow service gav

7、e the restaurant a bad name. 使名聲不好 c. The police gave him the collar as he was leaving the apartment. 逮捕,抓獲 d. He killed time by reading a newspaper while waiting for the bus. 消磨時間 9.第9頁,共44頁。3. 動詞 + 介詞短語如:beat about the bush, fall by the way a. He amuses himself by setting other people by the ears.

8、 引起紛爭,挑撥離間 b. He took the boy to the station and set him on his way. 給某人指明路途 c. My mother packed some food for the beggar and giving him a shilling, set him on his way. (給予幫助后)送某人上路 10.第10頁,共44頁。4. 動詞 + 名詞 + 介詞短語如:burn the candle at both ends catch a hare with a tabor 試圖作幾乎不可能做到的事 He spent all his l

9、ife in dropping buckets into empty wells.5. 動詞 + 名詞 + 介詞如: make short work of, make a clean breast of get wind of, pick holes in 11.第11頁,共44頁。6. 動詞 + 形容詞如:go easy, come clean, sit pretty a. We have set apart a special sum of money for new equipment. b. Her bright red hair sets her apart from her sis

10、ters.12.第12頁,共44頁。二、名詞性習語名詞性習語(idioms nominal in nature)以名詞為中心,與其他詞語搭配使用,這類成語由以下幾種結(jié)構(gòu)組成:1. 形容詞 + 名詞 如: high tea cold shoulder, red herring white elephant, fond dream blue chip13.第13頁,共44頁。2.名詞 + 介詞 + 名詞如:a fly in the ointment, a fly on the wheel, the apple of ones eye an apple of discord14.第14頁,共44頁。

11、3. 名詞或?qū)S忻~ + s + 名詞如:the lions share, cats paw, Kings weather15.第15頁,共44頁。4. 名詞 + and + 名詞如:wear and tear, rank and file flesh and blood,16.第16頁,共44頁。5.名詞 + 名詞如:sheet anchor, brain trust, a moot point17.第17頁,共44頁。三、形容詞性習語1. 形容詞 + and + 形容詞 如: high and mighty, null and void, free and easy18.第18頁,共44頁

12、。2. 介詞 + 形容詞如: on the go, on call, out of sorts,19.第19頁,共44頁。3. 形容(或副詞)+ 介詞短語如:wide of mark, wet behind the ears,20.第20頁,共44頁。4. as + 形容詞 + as + 名詞如:as stiff as a poker, as cool as a cucumber21.第21頁,共44頁。四、副詞性習語1. 名詞+ and + 名詞 如: heart and soul, tooth and nail, hammer and tongs22.第22頁,共44頁。2. 介詞+ 名詞

13、如:in a breeze, with flying colors, behind the scenes, by the way,23.第23頁,共44頁。3. 介詞+ 名詞+ and + 名詞如: between the devil and the deep blue sea through thick and thin24.第24頁,共44頁。與動物有關(guān)的:1. smell a rat 2. go to the dogs3. take the bull by the horns4. horse of a different color5. let the cat out of the ba

14、g6. for the birds7. straight from the horses mouth8. be fishy9. cat got your tongue25.第25頁,共44頁。與身體有關(guān)的:10. get in someones hair11. shoot off ones mouth12. jump down someones throat13. get off someones back14. tongue-in-check15. pull someones leg16. play it by ear17. stick out ones neck18. shake a le

15、g19. all thumbs20. not have a leg to stand on26.第26頁,共44頁。五、諺語諺語不同于上面的四種習語,習語一般起到句子成分的作用,而諺語往往起到句子的作用。諺語一般以句子的形式出現(xiàn),表示判斷或推理。諺語是人民智慧的結(jié)晶,語言簡練,寓意深刻。如: He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon.The pot calls the kettle black.The mills of God grind slowly.He laughs best who laughs last.One cannot

16、 make a silk purse out of a sows ear.27.第27頁,共44頁。1.Birds of a feather flock together.2.In unity there is strength.3.It takes two to tango.4.A man is known by the company he keeps.5.Misery loves company.6.Too many cooks spoil the broth.7.Two heads are better than one.8.Twos company, but threes a cro

17、wd.9.Do as I say, not as I do.10.If you cant beat them, join them. 11.If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.28.第28頁,共44頁。12.Look before you leap.13.May hay while the sun shines.14.Strike while the iron is hot.15.The way to a mans heart is through his stomach.16.Curiosity killed the cat.

18、17.Dont bite the hand that feeds you.18.Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched.19.Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.20.The road to hell is paved with good intentions.21. The first step is always the hardest.29.第29頁,共44頁。III. 英語習語的整體與結(jié)構(gòu)成分之間的語義關(guān)系一、無理據(jù)習語( de-motivated idioms)。 習語的意義與構(gòu)成這習語的詞的意

19、義已經(jīng)喪失聯(lián)系, 整個習語的意義已經(jīng)不能從構(gòu)成這一習語的各個詞的意義中得出來了。 這一類習語可稱之為無理據(jù)習語( de-motivated idioms)。如:fly off the handle, between the devil and the deep blue sea, drop the pilot, wear ones heart on ones sleeve. 30.第30頁,共44頁。二、有理據(jù)習語(motivated idioms), 習語的意義與構(gòu)成這習語的詞的意義有一定聯(lián)系 這一類習語的意義雖然不是由構(gòu)成該習語的各個詞的意義合成的,但卻是由整個詞組的意義引申出來的。 所以

20、是有理據(jù)習語(motivated idioms)。這類習語的特征之一是形象化,帶有隱喻或明喻色彩。如:eager beaver, as cool as a cucumber, smooth tongue, put a spoke in ones wheels, dance attendance on, as easy as rolling off a log.31.第31頁,共44頁。這一類習語的另一個特征是:由組成習語的各個詞的字面意義引申出轉(zhuǎn)義。如: draw the curtain 拉開、拉上簾子-結(jié)束或掩蓋 drag ones feet 拖著腳步走-故意拖拉32.第32頁,共44頁。I

21、V 英語習語的修辭色彩和語體色彩一、修辭色彩/修辭方法 英語習語言簡意賅,表達方式簡潔洗煉,語言生動活潑,具有濃厚的修辭色彩。不少習語利用各種修辭手段。如:a. 對比手段 hit or miss make neither head or tail of sth. make or mar, sink or swim, rain or shine 33.第33頁,共44頁。 b. 詞語的重復 neck and neck, out and out / through and through round and round c. 意義相近的詞語起強調(diào)作用 by leaps and bounds, pi

22、ck and choose, with might and main, chop and change, 34.第34頁,共44頁。 d. 利用押頭韻的手段構(gòu)成習語 neck or nothing, hum and haw, rough and ready, as blind as a bat as large as life35.第35頁,共44頁。二、語體色彩一般來說,大部分英語習語屬于口語語體。但由于習語含義深刻并富于形象性,所以會經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在其他語體中。一、屬于語言的共核部分的習語如:We dont usually admit anyone under the age of twenty

23、-one to our meetings, but I think we might stretch a point in your case.二、帶有口語色彩的習語如:He likes to let on that he is an expert in electronics. Dont take what he says too much to heart, hes just letting off steam. If youve got a complaint, the best thing is to see the person concerned and have it out w

24、ith him. 36.第36頁,共44頁。三、帶有俚語色彩的習語如:As soon as they realized that there was likely to be trouble, his companions deserted him and left him to carry the can. (fair weather friend) They used to chew the rag after dinner.同一個習語在不同語境中有不同意義和語體色彩。如:John kept at the job until he cleaned it up. The company cl

25、eaned up in real estate. To keep the enemy from crossing the river they blew up the bridge. He relieved his feeling of annoyance by blowing up his assistants. 37.第37頁,共44頁。V. 英語習語的應用一、英語習語的句法功能 語法功能與結(jié)構(gòu)成份有其一致的一面,也有其不一致的一面。 單從表層結(jié)構(gòu)不能判斷其句法功能。如:以動詞為中心構(gòu)成的習語多半在句中起謂語作用,這可從動詞性習語的結(jié)構(gòu)中加以判定。 pick and choose, rou

26、nd up, kick over the traces. 由名詞為中心構(gòu)成的習語比較復雜,不能只從起結(jié)構(gòu)上確定其句法功能。 part and parcel: Microbiology is part and parcel of biology. 微生物學是生物學的組成部分。 a bed of rose: A teachers job is not a bed of roses. 38.第38頁,共44頁。 有的習語形式上似乎是名詞性結(jié)構(gòu),而實際上并 非是名詞性習語。 pepper and salt His hair is pepper and salt. heart and soul We m

27、ust serve the people heart and soul. 我們必須全心全意地為人民服務。 tooth and nail That woman fought tooth and nail during the war to protect her children. 那個婦女在那場戰(zhàn)爭中竭盡全力的保護她的孩子。39.第39頁,共44頁。 同一個習語也有及物和不及物之分,而且意義也 不相同。如:clear up It will probably clear up this afternoon. 今天下午天氣大概將晴朗。 His responsibility is to clear up the mess. 他的責任是收拾這個爛攤子。 knock about We just want to go to Beijing, and knock about for a few Days. 我們想去北京,在那兒幾天到處逛逛。 The ship was badly knocked about by storm. 船被暴風雨擊打得很厲害。40.第40頁,共44頁。二、英語習語與其他詞語的搭配要精確地使用英語習語,除了掌握其語法功能之外,還需要注意


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