輪機英語36課件(PPT 34頁)_第1頁
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輪機英語36課件(PPT 34頁)_第3頁
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輪機英語36課件(PPT 34頁)_第5頁
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1、 Lesson 36 General Rules onWorking in Machinery Space 第36課 機艙工作基本規(guī)程.第1頁,共34頁。l. All operations in machineryspaces should be performed by acompetent(適任的) personunder the supervision(監(jiān)督)of a responsible officer or asenior rating(高級船員).第2頁,共34頁。 2. No work other than routine(日常的) duties should be under

2、takenexcept on the orders from theresponsible officer. Maintenance work should be carried out inaccording with manufacturers(生產(chǎn)廠家的)instructionmanuals(說明書).第3頁,共34頁。3. Moving parts of machineryshould be provided withpermanent(永久的) guards orother safety devices such asrailings(圍欄) and fencing(護(hù)欄).第4頁,

3、共34頁。4. If the use of any piece ofmachinery or equipment isconsidered to be unsafe, it shouldbe immobilized(固定不動) or putin a safe place or condition (調(diào)整)immediately and, if necessary, awarning notice(警告) should beposted(張貼) adjacent to or at thecontrol position.第5頁,共34頁。5. No guard(防護(hù)裝置),fencing or

4、shielding(保護(hù)罩) for repair ormaintenance except when themachinery to which itrelates has been stopped.The machinery should not berestarted until the fencingor shielding has beenreplaced and secured.第6頁,共34頁。 6. All valves, pipes and fittings(附件) should be adequately supportedand fixed or clamped(夾緊)

5、toavoid vibration and possiblefracture. All such fixtures andsupports should be properlymaintained and replaced aftermaintenance.第7頁,共34頁。7. All items such as steam pipes,exhaust pipes and fittings which,because of their location andoperating temperature, present ahazard, should be adequatelylagged(

6、用隔熱材料保護(hù)) andshielded.第8頁,共34頁。8. The source of oil leak should belocated as soon as possible andleak stopped.9. Waste oil should not be allowedto accumulate in bilges or on tanktops.第9頁,共34頁。Any accumulation should beremoved in accordance withMARPOL. Tank top and bilgespaces should be washed down at

7、regular intervals or as necessaryfor safety.第10頁,共34頁。 10. A procedure should be inplace(設(shè)置) to ensure that,whenever a fuel oil tank is beingfilled, or the contents of oneare being transferred to another,it does not overflow(溢流).第11頁,共34頁。Such a procedure may be in writingand may include permanently

8、displayed line diagrams(管路圖)and particulars(細(xì)節(jié)). Wheneverfuel oil is being loaded ortransferred, the operation should besupervised by a competent person.第12頁,共34頁。11. Bilges and mud-boxes(泥箱)should be kept clear of rubbish(垃圾) and other substances sothat the bilges can be easilypumped.第13頁,共34頁。 12.

9、 Special attention should begiven to preventing leakage intomachinery spaces of exhaustgases, from boilers, inert gas(惰性氣體) plants, uptakes, etc.第14頁,共34頁。13. Ventilation should bemaintained to ensure comfortableatmosphere so far as reasonablepracticable(只要合理可行) in allareas, with special attention b

10、einggiven to working areas and controlrooms.第15頁,共34頁。 Ventilation should be increased ifnecessary where maintenancework have to be carried out inareas of high temperature or highhumidity.14. All drains on such equipmentas pipes and filters should be clear.第16頁,共34頁。15. Care should be taken toensure

11、 that any pressure in allrelevant piping, system orcontainer has been relieved(泄放)before it is opened or any flangeor joint is broken.第17頁,共34頁。16. As a precaution bolts shouldbe only slacked back and notremoved until the flange or jointis broken.第18頁,共34頁。 17. If the flange or joint does notpart(分開

12、) easily, separationshould be made with a wedge(楔子) and not by allowing pressureinto the line. The pipe should besecured(固定) temporarily ifnecessary before the flange orjoint is broken.第19頁,共34頁。18. It should be remembered thatvalves may not be completelytight nor lines fully drained andthat pressur

13、e, or accumulationsof oil and scalding water(沸水),may build up in a pipe even afterthe pressure has been relieved.第20頁,共34頁。19. Any valve controlling flowshould be effectively locked orsecured as long as the linesremains open, and if necessary awarning notice should be posted.第21頁,共34頁。20. All stores

14、 and tools should beproperly stowed(放置) andadequate arrangements should bemade, particularly with heavystores, to secure each item inheavy weather.第22頁,共34頁。21. When lifting weights,seafarers should avoid strains(扭傷) by using chainblocks(鏈滑輪組) or the engine room crane,as appropriate. When turningval

15、ves or handwheels, seafarersshould avoid strains by usinglever or wheel spanners.第23頁,共34頁。 22. Where heavy items are liftedby chainblocks or engine roomcrane, the lifting device or liftingarrangement should be examinedby a responsible person, whowould ensure that the safeworking load is not exceede

16、d.第24頁,共34頁。23. Slings(吊貨索) shouldbe examined for broken or ragged(破損處) stands, and padded(整平) as required to avoid damage on sharp edges.第25頁,共34頁。 24. Where lifting or eyebolts(吊環(huán)螺栓) are to beused, the thread(螺紋) onthe bolt and in the part tobe lifted should be seen tobe clean and in goodcondition

17、,.第26頁,共34頁。 and the threaded part fullyscrewed home and locked asappropriate before any liftingeffort is applied.第27頁,共34頁。 This is particularlyimportant when liftingheavy machinery parts, whencare should be taken thatcarbon is removed fromthe threaded recess(凹槽),if necessary by runningdown the app

18、ropriate tap(絲攻) before screwing homethe bolt.第28頁,共34頁。 25. Hoisting or lowering, whetherby crane or by chainblocks,should be performed only after allpersons involved have beeninformed the intended action.第29頁,共34頁。 26. Any friction fit(粘貼),tightness or adhesion(粘著) ofthe part of any load being liftedshould be broken by wedge ortapping(敲打) and not byincreasing the load on theappliance.第30頁,共34頁。 27. Seafarers should al


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