



1、 大學生留學申請文書格式 大學生留學申請文書格式 Dear _, Whenever I have set a goal in life, my mind has always drifted to the example set by Lester Wunderman. Growing up poor amidst the Great Depression, he went on to become a marketing mastermind, responsible for innovative direct media techniques such as the insert card

2、 and Gold Box. Wunderman was never content to accept setbacks. When faced with a struggle, I have always sought to emulate him by emerging from obstacles - not with a sense of defeat - but with a renewed sense of determination and greater problem-solving skills. While at school, I underwent a two-da

3、y hospital procedure that caused me to miss a considerable amount of class; as a result, I fell behind in my studies and faced extensive makeup work. I quickly made a vow, however, not to allow my schoolwork to suffer. By spending many hours on my academics even while rebuilding my physical health,

4、I continued to excel in school, achieving high grades in my GCSEs. After graduation, I decided to gain exposure to the insurance field, taking a position at Norwich Union Insurance. As a sales advisor, I primarily generated insurance quotes. After one year, I craved greater challenge, deciding to lo

5、ok for new opportunities. Transferring to the travel section, I assumed the position of Travel Executive, during which I performed many customer service tasks and managed the distribution of insurance certificates.Yet, I still yearned for more challenge, more risk and more opportunity. After two yea

6、rs of service at Norwich Union, I decided to enter the perpetually stimulating field of business. However, I wanted to pursue a business career after gaining a thorough mastery of the subject matter; therefore, I needed a university degree. During 200 , I immersed myself in thorough preparations for

7、 business school, learning to write business plans, model businesses and carry out statistical tests. Through my self-directed study and experience in the Management position, Im thoroughly familiar with the concepts behind strategy, marketing. While an academic record can reveal much about a person

8、s character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved. Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation,

9、 and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of and operations. I now wish to expand my proficiency in these areas on the MBA pro

10、gram. While an academic record can reveal much about a persons character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved. Throughout my

11、 life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of accomplishment. By a

12、dopting the constructive, determined approach of business wizards such as Wunderman, I have a much better chance of getting there. Yours sincerely, 芬蘭留學好的專業(yè)介紹 一、金融商業(yè) 經(jīng)濟的全球化發(fā)展,帶來的是更多的商業(yè)機會,在芬蘭本地商業(yè)的發(fā)展就是特別繁榮的,再加上和歐洲各國密切的經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系,可以為學生提供很不錯的學習和實習的環(huán)境。 而校內(nèi)的教學,也特別注重實用的方面,大家在學習了理論知識后,就可以直接進入到實踐的領域,可以很好的和市場的需求結合起

13、來,未來就業(yè)也基本上不用過于擔心。 二、酒店管理 伴隨著旅游業(yè)發(fā)展起來的酒店的管理行業(yè),目前展示出很強大的生命力,并且隨著人們生活質(zhì)量的提升,未來的需求量只會增進不會降低,所以就業(yè)的選擇也會更多,薪資報酬也不低。 提供教學的除了學校的學院之外,還有專門的學院,雖然在認可度上會稍微差一些,但是卻可以提供教學實習的一整套服務,有合作的企業(yè),可以直接進入運營的崗位。 三、公共關系 隨著各國之間的往來越來越方便和頻繁,國際之間的交流也變得越來越重要,所以大家相關專業(yè)的學習,在就業(yè)的選擇上還是比較多的,這樣可以有效的保證大家未來的就業(yè)情況比較樂觀。 當然大部分的學生,還是可以擁有比較不錯的國內(nèi)的交際選擇

14、,因為公共關系囊括不同崗位不同企業(yè)之間的交流,都是可以提供比較不錯的選擇的。 四、物流管理 物流已經(jīng)成為日常生活和社會發(fā)展不能夠缺少的一部分,小到大家日常線上購物配送,大到跨國的商品運輸,都與第三方的物流密不可分,而這些都是可以大大解放勞動力的發(fā)展。 教學的內(nèi)容波及到了錄入、運輸、對接等各個流程,并且大家學習的內(nèi)容都是一整套的發(fā)展流程,雖然后續(xù)進入到具體額工作中,只需要負責部分的內(nèi)容,但是熟悉全稱對大家是有優(yōu)勢的。 芬蘭留學申請流程介紹 一、了解目標 在確認要出國了以后,需要盡快的將院校和專業(yè)定下來,這樣大家才會有相對充足的時間,進行相關資料的搜集和整理,進而為后續(xù)的申請打下基礎,這都是很有必

15、要的前期準備。 主要是確認申請需要滿足的要求,以及要出示的材料清單,一般中會直接將這些內(nèi)容展示出來,如果還沒有進行更新的話,可以發(fā)郵件咨詢學校,會很快的收到回復的。 二、準備材料 首先要開始的,是大家的語言準備,雖然大家在國內(nèi)就有一定的英語學習基礎,但是要相應對專業(yè)的考試,和本國人之間的日常交流,還是需要經(jīng)受更加專業(yè)的培訓的,報班是比較直接的選擇。 接著就是文書的整理,囊括PS和CV,這兩樣要自己書寫,推薦想要聯(lián)系好推薦人來寫;最后就是學術相關的各類材料,證書由官方發(fā)放,成績單需要學校進行開具。 三、遞交申請 整理好了材料后,大家要先遵照要求填寫網(wǎng)申表,將個人信息和專業(yè)選擇進行完善,然后直接進行提交,這部分操作是直接在學校的上進行的,顯示提交成功以后需要


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