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1、WarmerIm a person who Try to remember everything I say without making any notes. Talk with your partner using Hes a person who .Tell us what you have heard, using You are a person who .This is a strategy I often use to get listeners involved in my self-introduction. It can shift the Ss attention fro

2、m a non-English-speaking environment to an English one.And besides, it can make your class more interactive.小學英語課堂教學案例研究與教師專業(yè)發(fā)展Stage 1 Priming for predictionHello, Ive just jumped off the Empire State Building Comment 這個階段任務的核心是 involves meaning-focused language use. 學生自己根據提示預測故事,或者列出問題等,通過這個任務,教師能夠

3、有效地實施語言教學,教師能夠在這個階段給學生教授一些必要的語言知識,激活學生的背景知識,有了教師的提示,學生會更加注意到文本中的語言現象。 校本教研的三種基本類型教學性教研:課例研究一人同課多輪多人同課循環(huán)同課異構反思式觀課邀請式觀課研究性教研:行動研究選擇研究課題界定研究內容設計研究方案展開研究總結研究成果學習性教研:讀書研究讀書、讀文讀“圖像”讀“人”第三條道路(教師的實踐和生活)專業(yè)引領、指導ExpertSupervisor Mentor Lets have a competition!Between Beauty and BeastOne player from Beauty read

4、s out one sentence and choose a player from Beast to tell from memory if the sentence is true or false. Correct the sentence if it is false. If the player answers correctly, Beast will get one point.Exchange the roles and game continues.The team with more points will be the winners.Stage 7: Evaluati

5、onDid the students find the prediction task too difficult or too easy?Would the students have liked more help?Did the students like the story?Did the students need more help with vocabulary before the reading stage?Did the students feel the language was useful?Are the following sentences true or fal

6、se? There is an exercise book on the left of the coins.The keys are between the coins and the banana.There are some bananas at the top on the left.The ten pound note is in the middle of the tray.There is a glass on the left of the ruler.There are some keys between the coins and the address book.思考回顧

7、本節(jié)課主要教授什么語法點?There is/are a/some + prepositional phrasesThe is/are + prepositional phrases上述兩種結構的表意功能語法點的教授是通過什么主要任務來實施的?A memory challenge task這樣的任務能用到你自己的課堂嗎?改變任務難度:詞匯的數量和難度、位置關系Lets have a competition!Between Beauty and BeastOne player from Beauty reads out one sentence and choose a player from B

8、east to tell from memory if the sentence is true or false. Correct the sentence if it is false. If the player answers correctly, Beast will get one point.Exchange the roles and game continues.The team with more points will be the winners.教學方面的問題:第三類:恰當處理減負與保證學習質量關系問題處理課堂教學“生動活潑”與“知識點落實”關系問題應對教改要求與現行

9、考試制度矛盾問題解決教學設計難以在實際教學過程中實施的問題第四類: 英語教學中存有問題的研究Task 2 Work in pairs to write sentences of your own about the picture three true sentences and three false.The framework of task-based readingStage 1: Priming for predictionStage 2: Prediction taskStage 3: Preparing for reportStage 4: ReportStage 5: Read

10、ingStage 6: Focus on formStage 7: EvaluationWhere is the glass?In the middle of the trayAt the top on the left of the trayAt the bottom on the right of the trayBehind the trayUnder the trayIn front of the tray(use real objects)Class rulesBasic pattern Think-Pair-ShareWork individually, in pairs, or

11、in groups.Find your partners or group members RIGHT NOW!No cheatingDo as I tell you to do.Report your result honestly小學英語任務課堂教學案例研究與教師專業(yè)成長湖北省教研室 周詩杰2014年10月 主要內容從任務課堂教學案例的角度分析總結小學英語課堂需要體現的新課程核心理念;如何構建以意義為中心的小學英語課堂教學模式案例的開發(fā)與小學英語教師專業(yè)發(fā)展三個類型案例:會話、語法和閱讀案例分析一:對話教學對比分析Task 1Teaching Material:Book V,New Par

12、ade Unit 2 My TimeTaskThink下面的一段教材,如果按照您平時的授課方式,您一般會采取怎樣的教學方法和步驟呢?Pair兩人一組討論,小組內達成一個一致的意見。Share將討論的結果與我的案例對比。兩個不同的教學設計一份來自網絡的教學設計來自外教的教學實錄 1 2 3 45 6 7從教學設計的角度來思考這兩節(jié)課 教學設計教學目標設計教學策略設計教學過程設計教學活動設計教學技術設計學習活動評價活動過程性評價目標達成評價教學目標對比分析1. 掌握重點詞組start a chess club, take care of little sister, grocery store,

13、mow the lawn, start piano lessons, chess set和句型:I have toIm going to2. 了解Lee的課余作息表。3. 會使用句型設計成立各種俱樂部的海報。Your task today is to start a new club with your friend.You will be able to:Talk about your schedule (your jobs at home (chores), your lessons and other things you have to do).Make plans.Explain.目

14、標分析任何教學在設計以前必須回答的問題是“經過教學之后學習者將能做哪些他們以前不會做的事?”或者 “教學之后學習者將會有何變化?”(加涅:教學設計原理)網絡教案的著重點在于教授一些詞組和句子,后面“會使用句型設計成立各種俱樂部的海報”,其實質是為了鞏固所學習的語言知識。第二條“了解Lee的課余作息表” ,似乎對教材理解有誤。外教課的目標在于做事情:to start a new club with your friend. 所有的語言教學是為了順利完成這個任務,而且在完成任務的過程本身之中,來學習語言。教學過程分析教學媒介的選擇教學模式的選擇教學技巧的利用教學技術的使用教學評價的設計語言教學觀:

15、Form-based?Meaning-based?Form-based approaches are based on the belief that we need to take great care, at each stage of learning, that learners produce the language accurately.這種教學法往往在課的開始就表現一兩個語言點,這些語言點要么是本課的主要功能句,要么是本課的主要語法現象。每表現一點,就操練一點。學生也明白,在一節(jié)課的最后,他們會被要求把這些目標語言點準確地使用出來,如果能夠這樣,就算是學到了東西。網絡課的設計大

16、致是按照這個思路來的。Form-based approaches典型代表:PPP典型特征:A focus on one or two forms, specified by the teacher, which are later to be incorporated in the performance of a communicative activity.This focus on form comes before learners engage in communicative activity.Teacher control of learner language. This is

17、 imposed strictly in the early stages of the cycle and gradually relaxed.The success of the procedure is judged in terms of whether or not learners do produce the target forms with an acceptable level of accuracy.Meaning-based approaches are based on the belief that it is more effective to encourage

18、 learners to use the language as much as possible, even if this means that some of the language they produce is inaccurate.這種教學法往往是課的開始就提出一個交際任務,學生考慮到所有已學的語言來試圖完成交際任務,教師協助學生重塑語言,讓其清楚地表達意思。最后,教師引導學生學習使用中的一些目標語言。學生的學習結果是:學會用英語做一件事情,并附帶學習了一些有用的表達。外教課堂表現出了這類教學的一些特點。Meaning-based approaches典型代表:TBLT主要特征:

19、A focus on meaning, in which participants are concerned with communication.A focus on language, in which learners pause in the course of a meaning-focused activity to think for themselves how best to express what they want to say, or a teacher takes part in the interaction and acts as a facilitator

20、by rephrasing or clarifying learner language.A focus on form in which one or more lexical or grammatical forms are isolated and specified for study, or in which the teacher comments on student language by drawing attention to problems.教學過程對比The actual teaching procedures of the first lessonBefore th

21、e dialogueGet ready for the classLets chantPresent and practice several new language items, such as “Be going to”, “Have to”While the dialogueElicit the dialogue through a listening activityGet the Ss to understand the dialogue by checking the answers with them, teaching some more language items lik

22、e “mow the lawn”, “grocery store” etc. Practice reading or acting out the dialogueAfter the dialogueLets sing about a chess club.Make a poster of a clubEnd the classThe actual teaching procedures of the second lessonPreparationTopic explanationMaking class rulesSetting the goalsPre-task priming acti

23、vities1. Warm-up: charade games, 2. Teaching more vocabulary:.3. Dialogue presentation and comprehension.Task cycleTask 1: Ss Complete the schedule.Task 2: Start your own club.Task reflection1. How did you do?2. What was easy?3. What was hard?4. What did you learn?Form focus1. Discussing what langua

24、ge Ss used today.2. Correcting Ss errors.Reporting backDemonstration by a pair.Task repetition and/or evaluation1. Starting a new club with a new partner.2. EvaluationThe problems with PPPStudents can give the impression that they are comfortable with the new language as they are producing it accura

25、tely in the class. Often though a few lessons later, students will either not be able to produce the language correctly or even wont produce it at all.Students will often produce the language but overuse the target structure so that it sounds completely unnatural.Students may not produce the target

26、language during the free practice stage because they find they are able to use existing language resources to complete the task.教學活動設計Activity: things students do in the classroom, especially in order to achieve a particular aim.課堂教學活動是課堂教學的核心內容,活動是否適合兒童的需求,是否能夠協助達成教學目標,將直接影響教學效果。Activities in the f

27、irst lesson優(yōu)點:直觀性 2. 游戲化缺點:目標指向單一和零散,不利于習得語言Activities in the second lesson點評:目標指向明確:綜合語言使用水平體現了一下活動設計的原則:以學生為中心設計原則 2. 體驗原則 3. 循序漸進原則4. 注重語言習得原則評價活動設計T: My name is Spring. Hello, boys and girls. I will divide you into two groups. You are Group 1. You are Group 2. Lets have a competition. If you can

28、 answer my questions, you can turn back a card for your group. Lets see which group can get to the top first.Next, when I say “Pair work”, you should practice with your deskmates. When I say “Group work”, you should practice in groups of four. Lets try.Target-orientedStart the lessonEnd the lessonSe

29、lf-reflection on the main task How did you do?What was easy?What was hard?What did you learn?構建以意義為中心的課堂設計思路Re-ordering activities: PPP upside-downBrainstorm words and phrases and ideas related to the topic with the class. (pre-task preparation)Get learners to do the task, plan what to say and repor

30、t the results to the class. (task cycle)After commenting or giving feed-back on the content of their task reports, go back to the text-book, saying “Lets look more closely at some of the forms you might have used when doing your task”, and do the form focused exercises quickly. If you can remember w

31、hat other language they used to express their meanings (or if you have made a note of this in your notebook), highlight those patterns and expressions too, this gives value to their own efforts, and shows there is not just one correct way of expressing those meanings.Get the students to repeat the t

32、ask or do a similar one with a different partner.小學英語課堂教學案例研究與教師專業(yè)發(fā)展案例分析二:如何讓語法課更有意義?思考本節(jié)課主要教授什么語法點?語法點的教授是通過什么主要任務來實施的?這樣的任務能用到你自己的課堂嗎?What are these in English?What are these in English?Where can you put them?Objects we use in our daily life.Where is the glass?In the middle of the trayAt the top o

33、n the left of the trayAt the bottom on the right of the trayBehind the trayUnder the trayIn front of the tray(use real objects)This is Joes tray. Please look at the tray and try to remember whats on the tray in three seconds?Task 1Make a list in English of as many things as you can remember by yours

34、elf.Work in pairs to share your list.Lets see how many objects we can remember together.Lets double check the answer together. Lets double check the answer together.Are the following sentences true or false? There is an exercise book on the left of the coins.The keys are between the coins and the ba

35、nana.There are some bananas at the top on the left.The ten pound note is in the middle of the tray.There is a glass on the left of the ruler.There are some keys between the coins and the address book.Task 2 Work in pairs to write sentences of your own about the picture three true sentences and three

36、 false.Lets have a competition!Between Beauty and BeastOne player from Beauty reads out one sentence and choose a player from Beast to tell from memory if the sentence is true or false. Correct the sentence if it is false. If the player answers correctly, Beast will get one point.Exchange the roles

37、and game continues.The team with more points will be the winners.What are the six correct sentences?Useful structuresThere are keys between the and the The is next to the There is a on the right of the The are on the left of the Task repetitionReflection1. As a language learner, how do you feel duri

38、ng the above learning activities? What do you focus on when you talk about the objects on the tray? What language skills can you practice when taking part in the above activities? 思考回顧本節(jié)課主要教授什么語法點?There is/are a/some + prepositional phrasesThe is/are + prepositional phrases上述兩種結構的表意功能語法點的教授是通過什么主要任務

39、來實施的?A memory challenge task這樣的任務能用到你自己的課堂嗎?改變任務難度:詞匯的數量和難度、位置關系A task or not?Determine how task-like a given activity is by asking the following questions:Does the activity engage learners interest?Is there a primary focus on meaning?Is there an outcome?Is success judged in terms of outcome?Is comp

40、letion a priority?Does the activity relate to real world activities?案例分析三:任務閱讀教學Stage 1 Priming for predictionHello, Ive just jumped off the Empire State Building Task 1 ListingHow could someone who has just jumped off the Empire State Building possibly be alive to tell the tale? Work in groups to t

41、hink of as many explanations as you can. You can use simple drawings to help with your explanations.Possible responsesHe was wearing a parachute;He was abseiling;He only jumped from the ground floor;He was bungee-jumping;He had a safety net.如果學生的語言不好,可以在圖片或者手勢的幫助下完成預測:He have thing on his back, like

42、 rubber, like elastic.He jump like this.Stage 2 Prediction taskHere are some words and phrases taken from the article. They appear in the same order here as in the article: All alone in New York decided to kill himself the 86th floor held on to the safety fence over 1000 feet below a narrow ledge th

43、e offices of a television station the strong wind poured myself a stiff drink a great ChristmasWork in groups to decide what happened. Try to include information from as many of the clues as possible.Comment 這個階段任務的核心是 involves meaning-focused language use. 學生自己根據提示預測故事,或者列出問題等,通過這個任務,教師可以有效地實施語言教學,

44、教師可以在這個階段給學生教授一些必要的語言知識,激活學生的背景知識,有了教師的提示,學生會更加注意到文本中的語言現象。 Stage 3: Preparing for reportAsk learners to prepare one member of their group to tell the story they have decided on, so that he or she can tell that story to the whole class.Comment 因為學生要給全班講述這個故事,所以講述的人必須同時兼顧準確性和流暢性。他們想做的最好,因此必須流利。他們肯定用自

45、己認為的最好的和最有效的語言來講述故事,這個就是準確了,他們甚至還會要爭論已達成最好的版本。教師這時候的主要工作就是給學生提供語言幫助和解決學生的爭端。 Stage 4: ReportTarget task: storytellingMembers from two or three groups tell their story to the whole class who listen in order to compare stories.Comment 每個講故事的人得到了很好的語言操練;故事真實性強。學生在聽故事時,教師要注意給學生足夠聽的理由,經常問的問題是:Listen care

46、fully to Xs story. Is it the same as yours? Does X miss anything important out?Now listen carefully to Y as he tells the story. Is it different from Xs story in any way? Does it have any more details? Does Y miss anything out?教師可以把故事再講一遍,在講的過程中更正學生在講解故事時的語言錯誤。還可以提醒學生注意這些語言錯誤。從更加積極的方面來看,教師可以強調學生已經用的比

47、較好的語言,這個就需要教師在聽學生講解時記錄下學生使用比較成功的、得體的語言。下一步就是學生回去把故事重新構思,然后寫出來當做家庭作業(yè)。下次課拿著這個故事和真正的故事對照。Stage 5: ReadingComment:學生閱讀的目的和過程非常真實。他們帶著強烈的好奇心來閱讀故事,正如現實生活中的讀者讀報紙或雜志的文章一樣。閱讀目的性非常強:驗證自己的猜測,或者滿足自己的好奇心,這樣閱讀就成了任務中的任務了。Read Comment: 似乎閱讀本身的過程需要的時間不長,但是,這種方式符合所有的語言學習的理念。教師可以問學生猜測是否正確,還是部分正確?接著,他們可以重復任務,一遍讓學生對詞匯和語

48、法更加熟悉,意義也更加清楚。最后,他們可以仔細研究文本的詞匯、語法和文本特征等。Stage 6: Focus on form教師可以讓學生劃出這些表示地點的表達法。另外還有一個結構很重要,即I took the from to ,還有一個語法現象是關于反身代詞的用法,如表強調的反身代詞:Jim Burney himself,反身代詞作直接賓語:to kill himself, threw himself off, found himself on a narrow ledge,還有一個反身代詞作間接賓語的:I poured myself a stiff drink.教師也可以讓學生找出這些帶反

49、身代詞的句子,以便提請學生今后注意這些反身代詞的用法。Stage 7: EvaluationDid the students find the prediction task too difficult or too easy?Would the students have liked more help?Did the students like the story?Did the students need more help with vocabulary before the reading stage?Did the students feel the language was us

50、eful?The framework of task-based readingStage 1: Priming for predictionStage 2: Prediction taskStage 3: Preparing for reportStage 4: ReportStage 5: ReadingStage 6: Focus on formStage 7: Evaluation小結:主要觀點從形式入手還是從意義入手課堂教學是區(qū)分傳統(tǒng)教學與新課程教學的重要分水嶺;在操作時,一個非常有用的范式是把傳統(tǒng)的PPP顛倒過來,先考慮本節(jié)課要輸出什么,然后再考慮怎樣通過任務鏈來完成任務,最后落實

51、到語言形式的習得上來;設計真實、有意義、與學生生活密切相關的任務是一堂課能否成功的關鍵。新課程理念下的小學英語課堂教學原則意義先于形式原則(Meaning first)真實性原則 (Authenticity)循環(huán)性原則 (Recycling)任務依存原則 (Task dependency)在做中學原則 (Learning by doing)“腳手架”原則 (Scaffolding)互動性原則 (Interaction)現有條件下的小學英語教師專業(yè)成長方法當前關于教師專業(yè)發(fā)展的名詞導師制同課異構觀課議課校本教研集體備課行動研究課例研究敘事研究個案研究教研活動不在一個層級上面!校本教研是指導青年教師成長的有效途徑是以學校為研究


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