1、information on the course Course Grading CriteriaAttendance: 10%Participation and Presentation: 30%Final Exam: 60%Topics of Presentation:Oedipus the KingHamletThe Hunchback of Notre-DameAnna KareninaBefore the class, one student will introduce his or her favorite literature works to us. Chapter One
2、Ancient Greek and Roman Literature Introduction 1、What status is this periods literature given to in the history of European literature? 2、What is the essence/spiritual core of this periods literature? 3、What are the basic genres of this periods literature? I Ancient Greek Literature 1. Location of
3、Ancient Greece 荷馬史詩中有關(guān)邁錫尼文明的表現(xiàn)阿喀琉斯的盾牌: 匠神先鑄造碩大、堅固的大盾,盾面精工雕琢,盾沿環(huán)繞著三層閃光的周圍,結(jié)實的背帶由純銀制就。大盾共有五層,盾面上鑄出美妙奇異的圖景,傾注了匠神高超的技藝和獨具的匠心。盾面上鑄出了大地、天空、大海和燦爛的太陽以及圓圓的明月,還有點綴在藍色天空的各種星座,有昂星座、畢宿星座、獵戶星座、還有大熊星座,人們俗稱之為北斗星,它繞著自己運轉(zhuǎn),與獵戶座遙遙相對,只有它,從來不下到俄開阿諾斯大河去暢游一番。上面還鑄著兩座絕妙的人間城市,一座正在舉行婚禮和宴會,人們舉著火把,把新娘從閨房中引向大街,唱著歡快流暢的婚禮贊歌。年輕小伙子和姑
4、娘們跳起飛旋的舞蹈,優(yōu)美的豎琴樂曲在夜空中飄蕩,思考:以希臘為代表的海洋文明與以中國為代表的農(nóng)耕文明有什么區(qū)別? 2. Civilizations before and around Sumer Civilization and Babylon Civilization 1) Cuneiform Script2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 3) The Code of Hammurabi 4) Gilgamesh The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Egyptian Civilization and Book of the Dead
5、 3. BC 12C-BC 8C: known as “the Heroic Age” or “Greek Dark Ages”/”Homeric Age” Literary Accomplishment: mythology & epic 1)Mythology Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and si
6、gnificance of their own cult and ritual practices. Greek myth attempts to explain the origins of the world, and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines, and mythological creatures. Category:the myths of origin or age of godsthe age when gods and mortal
7、s mingled freelythe age of heroes, where divine activity was more limitedTheogony from Hesiod: Gaea, the Earth goddess Mt. Olympia and the OlympiansZeusHadesPoseidonHestiaHeraAthenaAresHephaestusApolloHermesAphroditeDionysus Stories of Heroes and HeroinesDefinition: A god or goddess mates with a hum
8、an and their offspring is a hero or heroin.Story series: Heracles and his Labors Achilles and the Trojan WarOdysseus and the OdysseyJason and the ArgonautsPerseus and the GorgonOedipus and ThebesTheseus and the MinotaurTriptolemus and the Eleusinian Mysteries: Connotations of Greek mythology Relatio
9、nships or Marriagebetween Gods and Goddess Connotations of Greek mythologyTriptolemus standing between Demeter and , relief from the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. Normal Children There are unruly children and precocious children. Many of the old peoples belong in this category. The Greek
10、s were normal children. -Karl Max 思考:中國有酒神和愛神嗎? VS聞一多:高唐神女傳說之分析儀狄作酒醪,杜康作秫酒。(太平御覽)戰(zhàn)國策魏策二載:“昔者,帝女令儀狄作酒而美,進之禹,禹飲而甘之。遂疏儀狄,絕旨酒。曰:后世必有以酒亡其國者。” artistic charaters of mythology A imaginativee.g. the Rape of PersephoneB narrative比較: 蚩尤作兵伐黃帝,黃帝乃令應(yīng)龍攻之冀州之野。應(yīng)龍蓄水。蚩尤請風(fēng)伯、雨師縱大風(fēng)雨。黃帝乃下天女曰魃,雨止,遂殺蚩尤。 (山海經(jīng)大荒北經(jīng)) C Philoso
11、phical The Riddle of Sphinx Influence of ancient Greek mythology2)Homer and his epics:the Iliad and the Odyssey A. time period: end of BC 8C beginning of BC 7CB. two works: Theogony Works and Days3)Hesiod and his two surviving works4. BC 8C-BC 6C: the Archaic Period Literary Accomplishment: lyrical
12、poetry & fableslyrical poetryA lyre-lyric-lyricalB genres of lyrical poetry the elegiac poetry the lyrical poetry monodic lyric e.g. Sappho & Anakreon choral lyric e.g. Pindarus the epigramsC SapphoSome say the Muses are nine: how careless!Look, theres Sappho too, from Lesbos, the tenth.(Plato) 夜 月已
13、沒,七星已落,已是子夜時分,時光逝又逝,我仍獨臥。 無題親愛的媽媽,我簡直操不好這紡織機,阿佛羅狄忒總控制著我,想那消瘦的青年。 詩經(jīng)王風(fēng)君子于役君子于役,不知其期,曷至哉?雞棲于塒,日之夕矣,羊牛下來。君子于役,如之何勿思!5. end of BC 6C-beginning of BC 4C: the Classical Period Literary Accomplishment: dramas, the prose and theories of literaturee.g. Plato The Republic Aristotle Poetry2)Aesops Fables6. end
14、 of BC 4C-BC 2C: the Hellenistic PeriodLiterary Accomplishment: the pastoral and the new comedy Pastoral:TheocritusNew Comedy:Menander The Grouch、Girl from Samos II Homer and his epics: the Iliad and the Odyssey BC 9-8C - BC 6C - BC 3-2C1. the great poet Homer1) Life of Homer When Where Who2) Homeri
15、c Question Who is Homer?Are the epics of multiple or single authorship?By whom, when, where, and under what circumstances were the poems composed? 相信伊利亞特是幾個詩人的合作結(jié)晶的不可逾越的障礙是:大師的作品都是獨一無二的;而伊利亞特具有大師的真實印記,那個印記就是宏大的風(fēng)格。 (馬修阿諾德)3) history background of the epics2. Stories of the epics 1) the Iliad 2) the O
16、dyssey 3) different styles between two epics 3. Images of the main characters1) the images of the heroesA. excellence B. BraveryC. honor the wrath of Achilles Achilles heel 2) the images of gods and goddess 3) the images of women4. the artistic characteristics1)skillful at organizing a story2)succes
17、sful in portraying characters three aspects of Achilles 關(guān)于阿喀琉斯,我們可以說:“這是一個人!高貴的人格的多方面性在這個人身上顯出了它的全部豐富性?!焙神R所寫的其他人物性格也是如此,每一個人都是一個整體,本身就是一個世界,每一個人都是一個完整的有生氣的人,而不是某種孤立的性格特征的寓言式的抽象品。(黑格爾)3)beauty in the wordsAheroic hexameter-dactylic hexameterstanza/strophe - line/verse - foot(arsis/ictus & thesis)Iamb
18、us Trochee Anapaest Dactyl Amphibrach Tyger!/ Tyger!/ burning / brightIn the / forests / of the / night monometer dimeter trimeter tetramete pentameter hexameter heptameter octameter Saturnian Verse dactylic hexameter UU/UU/UU/UU/UU/U U | U | U | U | u u | X(或U) B. formulas in Homerwomen: white-arme
19、dsea: loud-roaringAchaeans: strong-greavedTrojans: breakers of horses Achilles: son of Peleus swift-footed breaking through men lion-hearted like to the gods shepherd of the people C. use of simile 他(赫爾墨斯)來到皮埃里亞,從高空落到海上,然后有如海中的鷗鳥掠過波濤,那海鳥掠過咆哮的大海的驚濤駭浪,捕捉游魚,海水沾濕了強健的羽翼,赫爾墨斯有如那飛鳥掠過層層波瀾。 5.50III Ancient G
20、reek Drama 1. Greek Tragedy1) introduction of tragedyA. the definition of Greek tragedy A Tragedy, then, is the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself; in language with pleasurable accessories, each kind brought separately in the parts of the work; i
21、n a dramatic, not in a narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions.Aristotle Poetics B. the development of Greek tragedyearly of BC 6C - late of BC 6C - BC 534 - early of BC 5C - late of BC 5C - BC 120C. the structure of tragedy Prolo
22、gue Parodos Episodes Stasima Exodus Prologue: one or more characters introduce the drama and explain the background of the ensuing story. Parodos: the first song sung by the chorus after its entrance from the side wings. Episodes: 3 to 7 episodes. Stasima: choral interludes explaining or commenting
23、on the situation developing in the play. Exodus: concluding the story. 2) Aeschylus life of Aeschylus surviving playsThe Persians 波斯人 Seven against Thebes 七將攻忒拜The Suppliants 祈援人 The Oresteia: 俄瑞斯忒亞 (trilogy: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides )Prometheus Bound 被縛的普羅米修斯 The Oresteia
24、C. his style and artistic characteristics a. improvements of the dramatic form后景壁轉(zhuǎn)開,壁后有一個活動臺,阿伽門農(nóng)的尸體躺在臺上的澡盆里,上面蓋著一件袍子;卡珊德拉的尸體躺在那旁邊,克呂泰墨斯特拉站在臺上?;顒优_轉(zhuǎn)回去,后景壁還原;克呂泰墨斯特拉、埃癸斯托斯進宮,眾衛(wèi)兵隨入。 阿伽門農(nóng) b. his tendency to write connected trilogies c. views on tragedy 在這樣一種沖突里,對立的雙方,就其本身而言,都是合理的,可是從另一方面來看,雙方只能把自己的目的和性格
25、的肯定的內(nèi)容,作為對另一種同樣合理的力量的否定和損害而予以實現(xiàn),結(jié)局就是它們在倫理的意義上,并且通過倫理意義來看,全都好似有罪的。(黑格爾)duse of metaphors現(xiàn)在,忍過了這一切,心里無憂無慮,我要稱呼我丈夫作家里看門的狗,船上保證安全的前桅支索,穩(wěn)立在地基上撐持大廈的石柱,父親的獨生子,水手們意外望見的陸地,口渴的旅客的泉水。這些向他表示敬意的話,他可以受之無愧。讓嫉妒躲得遠遠的吧!我們過去所受的苦難已經(jīng)夠多了! 她是我叫她作什么可恨的妖怪呢?一條兩頭蛇?或是一個住在石洞里的斯庫拉,水手們的害蟲?一個狂暴的,惡魔似的母親,一個向著親人們噴出殘忍殺氣的母親?這個多么大膽的東西剛才
26、是怎樣歡呼,像在戰(zhàn)爭里擊潰了敵人一樣,同時又假裝為了他平安歸來而慶幸! 阿伽門農(nóng)3) Sophocles A. life of Sophocles B. surviving plays Ajax Antigone Oedipus the King The women of Trachis Electra Philoctetes Oedipus at ColonusC. his style and artistic characteristicsa. the exquisite structureb. emphasis on deeper development of characters4)
27、Euripides A. life of EuripidesB. surviving plays Alcestis阿爾刻提斯, Medea美狄亞, Heracleidae赫拉克勒斯的兒女, Hippolytus希波呂托斯, Andromache安德洛瑪克, Hecuba赫卡柏, The suppliants請愿的婦女, Heracles瘋狂的赫拉克勒斯, The Trojan Women特洛伊婦女, Iphigenia in Tauris伊菲革尼亞在陶洛人中, Helen海倫, Orestes俄瑞斯忒斯 Medea 在一切有理智,有靈性的生物當中,我們女人算是最不幸的。首先,我們得用重金爭購一
28、個丈夫,他反會變成我們的主人;但是,如果不去購買丈夫,那又是更可悲的事。而最重要的后果還要看我們得到的,是一個好丈夫,還是一個壞家伙。因為離婚對于我們女人是不名譽的事,我們又不能把我們的丈夫轟出去。一個在家里什么都不懂的女子,走進一種新的習(xí)慣和風(fēng)俗里面,得變作一個先知,知道怎樣駕馭她的丈夫。如果這事作得很成功,我們的丈夫接受婚姻的羈絆,那么,我們的生活便是可羨的的;要不然,我們還是死了好。 美狄亞 一個男人同家里的人住得煩惱了,可以到外面去散散他心里的郁積(不是找朋友,就是找玩耍的人);可是我們女人就只能靠著一個人。他們男人反說我們安處在家中,全然沒有生命危險;他們卻要拿著長矛上陣:這說法真是
29、荒謬。我寧愿提著盾牌打三次仗,也不愿生一次孩子。 美狄亞 我就想這樣同我的孩子告別:“啊,孩子們,快伸出,快伸出你們的右手,讓母親吻一吻,我的孩兒的這樣可愛的手,可愛的嘴,這樣高貴的形體,高貴的容貌!愿你們幸??墒鞘窃谀莻€地方享福,因為你們在這里所有的幸福已被你們的父親剝奪了。我的孩兒這樣甜蜜的吻,這樣細嫩的臉,這樣芳香的呼吸!分別了,分別了!我不忍再看你們一眼!”我的痛苦已經(jīng)制服了我;我現(xiàn)在才覺得我要做的是一件多么可怕的罪行,我的忿怒已經(jīng)戰(zhàn)勝了我的理智。 美狄亞 我的心啊,快堅強起來!為什么還要遲疑,不去做這可怕的、必須做的壞事!啊,我這不幸的手呀,快拿起,拿起寶劍,到你的生涯的痛苦的起點上
30、去,不要畏縮,不要想念你的孩子多么可愛,不要想念你怎樣生了他們,在這短促的一日之間暫且把他們忘掉,到后來再哀悼他們吧。他們雖然是你殺的,你到底也心疼他們!啊,我真是個苦命的女人! 美狄亞 至于你罵我同公主結(jié)婚,我可以證明我這事情作得聰明,也不是為了愛情,自從我從伊俄科斯帶著這許多無法應(yīng)付的災(zāi)難來到這里,除了娶國王的女兒外,我,一個流亡的人,還能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)什么比這個更為有益的辦法呢?最要緊是我們得生活得像個樣子,不至于太窮困,我知道誰都躲避窮人,不喜歡和他們接近。 美狄亞氓之蚩蚩,抱布貿(mào)絲。匪來貿(mào)絲,來即我謀。送子涉淇,至于頓丘。匪我愆期,子無良媒。將子無怒,秋以為期。乘彼垝垣,以望復(fù)關(guān)。不見復(fù)關(guān),
31、泣涕漣漣。既見復(fù)關(guān),載笑載言。爾卜爾筮,體無咎言。以爾車來,以我賄遷。桑之未落,其葉沃若。于嗟鳩兮,無食桑葚!于嗟女兮,無與士耽!士之耽兮,猶可說也。女之耽兮,不可說也。桑之落矣,其黃而隕。自我徂爾,三歲食貧。淇水湯湯,漸車帷裳。女也不爽,士貳其行。士也罔極,二三其德。三歲為婦,靡室勞矣;夙興夜寐,靡有朝矣。言既遂矣,至于暴矣。兄弟不知,咥其笑矣。靜言思之,躬自悼矣。及爾偕老,老使我怨。淇則有岸,隰則有泮??偨侵?,言笑晏晏。信誓旦旦,不思其反。反是不思,亦已焉哉!詩經(jīng)衛(wèi)風(fēng)氓 C. his style and artistic characteristicsthe representation
32、 of traditional, mythical heroes as ordinary peoplehis tendency to the women themes the most tragic of poets: focusing on the inner lives and motives of characters 2. Greek Comedy1)introduction of comedyA. the development of Greek tragedy late half of BC 5CBC 486three periods of comedy:Old Comedy: B
33、C 5CMiddle Comedy: BC 400 323New Comedy: BC 323 263 prologue parodos agon parabasis episodes exodus B. the structure of tragedy2) AristophanesA. life of Aristophanes 然后在深深的草叢中間 玫瑰樹叢到處蔓延 那串串珍珠似的露珠: 以矯健的步伐邁進 我們自己永恒的舞步, 直到快樂的命運之神 最早串成快活的露珠。 因為我們的陽光明媚 因為那是我們的快樂之光, 清純而毫無威脅: 因為我們承蒙你的選擇, 我們親眼看到你的奧秘, 我們一直保衛(wèi)
34、的純凈之心 無論對同胞還是陌生人! 蛙B. surviving playsThe Acharnians阿卡奈人, The Knights騎士, The Clouds云, The Wasps馬蜂, Peace和平, The Birds鳥, Lysistrata呂西斯特拉特, Thesmophoriazzusae地母節(jié)婦女, The Frogs蛙, Ecclesiazusae公民大會婦女, Plutus財神 C. his style and artistic characteristics IV Ancient Roman Literature 1. differences between Rom
35、an and Greek spirits 1) historical backgroundRed:Roman republicPurple:Roman EmpireGreen:Eastern Roman EmpireBlue:Western Roman Empire The Latins & The Roman Latin as a language 其他民族,從青銅到石器,都更樂于外觀之美,求證不明原因,測繪天地,知曉行星何時落地與升起。而羅馬人,你你統(tǒng)治遠近不同的民族,把和平統(tǒng)治強加于被征服的敵人,對卑賤之人施以憐憫,制服驕傲的子孫,這就是你的才能。維吉爾埃涅阿斯紀2)different
36、spirits life style way of expansion national spirits literature spirits2. The Republican Period (BC240BC30) 1)Livius Andronicus 利維烏斯安德羅尼庫斯 translated Homers Greek epic:the Odyssey BC 240: his works as the beginning of Roman literature Saturnian Verse 2)Quintus Ennius and the Annals 埃紐斯與編年史 the dacty
37、lic hexameter 3)Plautus 普勞圖斯: comedian4)Terence 泰倫斯: comedian3. The Golden Age (BC100 AD17) 1)Cicero 西塞羅 the master of Latin prose 2)Titus Livius 利維烏斯: historian 3)Titus Lucretius Carus 盧克萊修 and On the Nature of Things 論自然4)Catullus 卡圖魯斯: the lyric poet 5) Publius Ovidius Naso 奧維德Works: Metamorphose
38、s, Love affairs, Art of LoveMetamorphoses 變形記15-book catalogue; written in dactylic hexameter; about transformations in Greek and Roman mythology 6) Quintus Horatius Flaccus:Horace the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus works:Satires 諷刺詩集, Epodes長短句集, Odes 歌集, Epistles 書札,Song of the Ages世紀之歌,The Art of Poetry詩藝 friendship with Virgil何等緊密的握手!感情萬世永留,縱然整個世界,也抵不住一個朋友。 A. Lyrics希望和悲傷、恐懼和憤怒,由他去,把破曉的每一天當作你最后的一日;因為這樣你所未曾預(yù)見的時光就將給你帶來雙倍的歡暢。徒勞地我們進行那些血腥的戰(zhàn)爭,還有亞德里亞海那怒號的疾飛的狂風(fēng),或南方和煦的微風(fēng)在秋日里吹走惆悵和害蟲。誰沒見過科賽特斯河高漲的潮水蜿蜒流緩,誰沒見過達那伊得斯的辛勞,和那可怕巨石的反復(fù)墜
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