【培訓(xùn)課件】簡明英語語法教程(共40張)(PPT 40頁)_第1頁
【培訓(xùn)課件】簡明英語語法教程(共40張)(PPT 40頁)_第2頁
【培訓(xùn)課件】簡明英語語法教程(共40張)(PPT 40頁)_第3頁
【培訓(xùn)課件】簡明英語語法教程(共40張)(PPT 40頁)_第4頁
【培訓(xùn)課件】簡明英語語法教程(共40張)(PPT 40頁)_第5頁
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1、簡明英語語法教程第一單元 名詞名詞(Noun)專有名詞 London Mary the United Nations普通名詞個體名詞 table, computer,gun集體名詞 family, committee 物質(zhì)名詞 rain, fire, air抽象名詞 youth, success, beauty第1頁,共40頁。可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞個體名詞和集體名詞一般都是可數(shù)的,如:two computers a happy family, two football teams.抽象名詞和物質(zhì)名詞一般都是不可數(shù)的,如 Translation is an art. 翻譯是一種藝術(shù)。 Light

2、 travels faster than sound. 光比聲的速度快。第2頁,共40頁。 可數(shù)與不可數(shù)名詞間的轉(zhuǎn)化The trees are now in flower. Theres no school tomorrow.Long Jing is a well-known tea.Two coffees, please.We met with many difficulties.Hes had many odd experiences.不可數(shù)的物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為可數(shù)名詞可數(shù)的個體名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為不可數(shù)的物質(zhì)名詞第3頁,共40頁。不可數(shù)名詞“一件”、“一個”的表達法a piece of ne

3、ws(work,information,furniture)a bar of chocolate, a block of ice, a burst of applause(一陣掌聲) a fit of anger(一頓脾氣), a loaf of bread, a slip of paper, a(large)sum of money.補充:第4頁,共40頁。 名詞的規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)形式一般情況加s,如desks, books, girls,以 s,x,sh,ch收尾的詞,加es,如glasses,roses,brushes,churches以f或fe結(jié)尾的詞,則一般變?yōu)関es,如:wife(wive

4、s),bookshelf(bookshelves),wolf(wolves),thief(thieves)以輔音+y結(jié)尾的詞,則變y為i,再加es, 如party(parties),city(cities) family(families), university(universities)第5頁,共40頁。 名詞的規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)形式以輔音+o結(jié)尾的,一般加es,如hero(heroes),potato(potatoes),tomato(tomatoes), echo(echoes),但有一些外來詞只加s,如piano(pianos),radio(radios),photo(photos),stud

5、io(studios).有關(guān)字母,數(shù)字,縮寫詞以及引語的復(fù)數(shù)形式詳見書本(略)第6頁,共40頁。 名詞的不規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)形式變內(nèi)部元音:foot-feet, man-men, mouse-mice,tooth-teeth,woman-women, goose-geese,ox-oxen,child-children.單復(fù)數(shù)同形:deer, sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese, means,series,等 某些外來詞的特殊的變化: curriculum(curricula)課程,bacterium(bacteria)細菌,medium(media)媒體,crisis(crises

6、)危機,basis(bases)基礎(chǔ)第7頁,共40頁。復(fù)合名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式 主體名詞變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù):looker(s)-on,passer(s)-by, son(s)-in-law, commander(s)-in-chief,editor(s)-in- chief 等 最末一個構(gòu)成部分變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式:film-goer(s), go-between(s), good-for-nothing(s), forget-me-not(s)勿忘我兩個構(gòu)成部分都變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù):man-doctor(men-doctors), man cook (men cooks), man-writer(men-writers),w

7、oman-doctor(women-doctors) woman cook(women cooks),woman writer(women writers).第8頁,共40頁。復(fù)數(shù)的一些習慣用法只以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)的詞:trousers, jeans, scissors,glasses,等往往和“a pair of ” 連用。以s結(jié)尾的名詞但非復(fù)數(shù):mathematics, economics, physicspolitics(政治), news, gymnasticsa ten-pound note, two 14-year-old girls, a four-week holidaya six

8、-minute walk, five-foot tall(五英尺高)Three years is a long time to be without a job.Six miles is too far for me to walk. Im going to take a taxi.第9頁,共40頁。名詞的所有格s 所有格的構(gòu)成方法: 單數(shù)名詞在末尾加s,the boys father 以s結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)形式名詞,末尾僅加,如the two boysmother 以s結(jié)尾的單數(shù)人名變?yōu)樗懈駮r,一般加s,Thomass brother 幾個詞作為一個單位時,s應(yīng)加在最后一個詞的末, everyon

9、e elses opinion 固定詞組:at ones wits end, a stones throw 表示度量,時間,空間,如a weeks holiday, todays post, 表示某些國家,城市,天體等名稱的,the earths surface, Londons traffic 表示各自的所有關(guān)系時,一系列的名詞末尾均需加s Johns and Susans desks, (約翰和蘇珊各人的書桌) 第10頁,共40頁。Of 所有格的用法用于無生命的東西:如 the subject of the sentence(句子的主語)用于名詞化的形容詞:the struggle of

10、the oppressed(被壓迫人名的斗爭)名詞的修飾語較多時,如: the name of the man over there雙重所有格的運用詳見書本第11頁,共40頁。第二單元 冠詞定冠詞(the)的用法: (需強調(diào)的幾點) 特指一類人或東西:the Japanese, the masses(群眾) 獨一無二的東西:the sun, the moon, the earth, 可與一個形容詞連用,代表一類人或東西:the dead, the rich, the poor, the wounded(受傷的人) 在海洋,江河,山脈,群島,海灣詞前加the,但 Mountain Tai 形容詞

11、最高級和比較級前加the, 如the best girl 表序數(shù)詞或next, last,same 構(gòu)成的名詞短語:如 the last one 第12頁,共40頁。不定冠詞(a,an)的用法須強調(diào)的幾點: 表“一類”如:a teacher must love his students.(教師必須愛他的學 生) 特殊的用法: The children are just of an age.(同歲)a full moon, have a big lunch. a Chinese and an English dictionary.(一本中文和一本英文字典) a Chinese and Engli

12、sh dictionary.(一本漢英字典) 第13頁,共40頁。 零冠詞的用法補充:在名字,國家,語言,球類,星期,月份,季節(jié)前,不用任何冠詞,如:China, play football, on Monday, in winter.表職位,頭銜,社會關(guān)系等前,不用任何冠詞,如:Lincoln was elected president in 1861.用于by 交通工具時,如:by car, by ship,by plane.第14頁,共40頁。冠詞的一些習慣用法go to university(上大學), go to church,(做禮拜),in prison(坐牢)詳見書本內(nèi)容區(qū)別以

13、下兩組詞組:out of the question(不可能) out of question (沒問題) in case of (萬一,如果) in the case of (就.來說)其他一些限定詞的用法: both.and .(兩者都) either.or (或者或者) neither.nor (兩者都不)第15頁,共40頁。第三單元 代詞代詞可分為九類:人稱代詞 (personal pronoun)物主代詞 (possessive pronoun)反身代詞 (reflexive pronoun)相互代詞 (reciprocal pronoun)指示代詞(demonstrative pro

14、noun)疑問代詞 ( interrogative pronoun) 關(guān)系代詞(relative pronoun) 連接代詞(conjunctive pronoun) 不定代詞(indefinite pronoun)第16頁,共40頁。人稱代詞單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)主格賓格主格 賓格 Ime we us youyou you you hehim sheher they them itit第17頁,共40頁。人稱代詞的一些其他用法 Let us 與lets 有時有異議,lets 多用表勸告或建議,包括自己與對方在內(nèi):lets go, shall we? 在不包括自己與對方在內(nèi)的,please let us k

15、now the time of your arrival. He 和she 常用來代表動物。如:Its the farmers cow:she gives lots of milk.國家,車船,大地,月亮等常以she 代替,如:I think England will do what she promised to do.We,you,they 泛指一切人:We(you)should keep calm even when we (you)are in danger.第18頁,共40頁。物主代詞的一些特殊用法物主代詞分為名詞性物主代詞(mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,

16、theirs)和形容詞性物主代詞(my,your,his,her,its,our,their) 作介詞賓語的用法(與of連用作定語): He is a close friend of ours.(他是我們中的一位親密朋友。) The remark of yours is quite correct.(你的那句話是很正確的。)下面這類結(jié)構(gòu)中常用the 代替物主代詞: He was wounded in the leg. I had a cold in the head. He took me by the arm.第19頁,共40頁。 自身代詞 自身代詞的形式: 單數(shù):myself, yours

17、elf, himself, herself, itself. 復(fù)數(shù):ourselves,yourselves,themselves.自身代詞的功用: 作賓語:please help yourself to some fish. 作表語:Im not quite myself these days. 作同位語:He himself is a doctor. 一些習慣用法: among themselves (ourselves)在他們(我們)之間 between ourselves 私下說的話 by oneself 一個人,自己干 for oneself 替自己,為自己第20頁,共40頁。In

18、oneself 就其本身來說,本人(not) be oneself 身體康復(fù)(不適)to oneself 供自己用自身代詞常和某些動詞連用:I hope youll enjoy yourselves.(希望你們玩的開心。)She told the boy to behave himself.(她讓孩子規(guī)矩點。)Please help yourself to some fish.(請吃些魚)She dressed(herself)quickly and went downstairs.(她匆忙穿上衣服就下樓了。)自身代詞第21頁,共40頁。 相互代詞 相互代詞的形式:(each other, o

19、ne another)賓格,(each others ,one anothers)屬格 相互代詞的功用: 作賓語:I think we misunderstand each other. We can help one another. 作定語:They look into each others eyes for silent moment. They have great concern for one anothers work.(他 們很關(guān)心彼此的工作。) 分開使用有不同的含義: We each know what the other thinks. The passengers em

20、barked one after another.(乘客 一個一個地上船了。) 第22頁,共40頁。 指示代詞指示代詞的形式:this, that, these, those,such,same. 指示代詞的功用: 作賓語:We should always keep this in our mind. (我們應(yīng)當經(jīng)常記住這一點) 作定語:This motor-car is for hire. 作主語:Those are apples;these are pears. 作表語:The reason is this. that和those 指前面講到過的事物,this 和these 指后面 將要講

21、到的事物: I had a bad cold. Thats why I didnt come.(我傷風 傷的厲害,這就是我沒有來的原因。) I want to know this:Has John been here?(我想知道 約翰來過沒有。) 第23頁,共40頁。 That 和those 有時用來代表前面提到的東西,以避免重復(fù): These machines are better than those we turned out last year.(這些機器比我們?nèi)ツ晟a(chǎn)的好。) The oil output in 1988 was much higher than that of 19

22、86. (1988年的石油產(chǎn)量比1986年高得多。)如果名詞是單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,用the one (而不是that)的時候更多一些: My room was lighter than the one next door.(我的房間比 隔壁那間亮一些。)指示代詞第24頁,共40頁。Such(這樣或那樣的人或物) 的功用:(重點) You give me such a fright!(修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)) I have never met such people.(修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)) He did not deserve such fortune.(修飾不可數(shù)名詞) 指示代詞Such .as 象.這樣的

23、,諸如.之類 Such men as these are dangerous. They export a lot of fruit,such as oranges,lemons,etc.Such as 像.這樣的( as 作關(guān)系代詞,引起定語從句) Let children read such books as will makes them better and wiser.(讓孩子們看那種會使他們變好變聰明的書。)第25頁,共40頁。So 的功用:(重點) 和動詞say,tell,think,suppose等連用(代表一個賓語從句或形容詞)I know they enjoy every

24、minute of it. Do you think so? So. that 那樣.以致(因而)引起表示程度和結(jié)果的從句 He was so young that you must excuse him. So that 以便,使能夠(引起表示目的的從句) I hired a boat so that I could go fishing. So that 因此(引起表示結(jié)果的從句) My pencil fell under my desk, so that I couldnt see it.指示代詞第26頁,共40頁。倒裝句型:John drives well. So does he.(約

25、翰車開的很好,他 也開的很好)習慣用法: and so on(forth)(等等) asso(隨著.,與.同時,就像.一樣) be so kind(good) as to勞駕,請您. even so 盡管如此,即使這樣 Is that so?是嗎,有意思,胡說 It so happened that.恰好,碰巧 soas to到這種程度,以致 指示代詞第27頁,共40頁。Same 的功用:與定冠詞the 連用 作主語:The same is true of our time. 作賓語:Whatever he says, we must all say the same. 作定語:Men and

26、 women now get the same pay for doing the same jobs. 作表語:The town will still the same after fifty years. so as to.以便,到這種程度以致 so far so good到現(xiàn)在為止一切不錯 so long as (as long as)只要 so so 不太好,不怎么樣,一般指示代詞第28頁,共40頁。指示代詞習慣用法: all the same盡管如此,仍然 be all the same to 對.都一樣 be the same with 也一樣 just the same 照樣,同

27、樣地 one and the same 同一 the same.as 和.一樣 The same is true of 也有同樣情況,也適用于. The same to you 祝你也如此!第29頁,共40頁。疑問代詞疑問代詞的形式: who(誰,主格),whom(誰,賓格),whose(誰的屬格),what (什么),which (哪一個).who,whom,whose,只能指人,what和which 可指人和物。疑問代詞在句中充當主語,賓語,表語等。(詳見書本)第30頁,共40頁。關(guān)系代詞關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)定語從句,一方面在句中擔任一種成分,即從句中的主語,表語或定語:另一方面又代表定語從句所修

28、飾的主句中的一個名詞或代詞(稱為先行詞)。關(guān)系代詞的形式(詳見書本)關(guān)系代詞的功用(詳見書本)第31頁,共40頁。連接代詞連接代詞的形式與關(guān)系代詞相似,但關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)的是定語從句,而連接代詞引導(dǎo)的是名詞性從句(主語從句,賓語從句,或表語從句)It is not decided who is to be the chairman.(主語從句)I will prove to the world that he was right.(賓語從句)Thats what I hope.(表語從句)I say whatever comes into my head.我想到什么說什么(賓語從句)Whoever

29、 comes will be welcome.(主語從句)Take whichever seat you like.(定語從句)第32頁,共40頁。不定代詞不定代詞的形式:all,each,every,both,either,neither,one,none,little,few,many,much,other(s),another,some,any,no;還有由someany,no ,every 構(gòu)成的合成代詞。代詞none和含有some,any,no,every的合成代詞不能作定語,而every和no只能做定語。不定代詞的功用(詳見書本)第33頁,共40頁。第四單元 數(shù)詞數(shù)詞(numera

30、l)分為基數(shù)詞(cardinal numerals)和序數(shù)詞(ordinal numerals) 基數(shù)詞:one,two,.fourteen(十四),forty(四十) hundred,thousand,million, billion. 序數(shù)詞:first(1st),second(2nd),third(3rd),fourth(4th) fifth , eighth,twelfth,twentieth,fortieth,hundredth,millionth.第34頁,共40頁。數(shù)詞的一些習慣用法年,月,日:1995(nineteen ninety-five) 美國:8/21/1995 (Au

31、gust 21,1995/August 21st,1995) 英國:21/8/1995 (21 August 1995/21st August 1995) 加,減,乘,除: 2+2=4 Two plus two equals four. 10-3=7 Ten minus three equals seven. 9*6=54 Nine times six equals fifty-four. 20/4=5 Twenty divided by four equals five.第35頁,共40頁。數(shù)詞的一些習慣用法時刻的表達方式: 8:15 a quarter past eight, fiftee

32、n past eight, eight fifteen. 7:55 five to eight, seven fifty-five. 4:30 half past four, four thirty. 23:05 twenty-three oh five. 24:00 twenty-four hundred hours.編號,電話號碼,溫度的表達方式: part one ,unit seven, page 30, Room 201, Bus Number seven, Extension 007(分機號007). 8422244 eight four two double two double four. 第36頁,共40頁。數(shù)詞的一些習慣用法攝氏溫度(Centigrade or Celsius),華氏溫度(Fahrenheit)Waters freezes at nought degrees centigrade.Last night the temperature was five degrees below zero.分數(shù),小數(shù),百分數(shù),倍數(shù):1/3 a(one) third, 2/3 two thirds, 1/4 a(one)quarte


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