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1、Unit 1 Freshman Convocation1.Complete the following sentences.Many “intellectual ghosts” showed a total disregard for(表現(xiàn)出完全超越的態(tài)度) the accepted boundaries between different field of knowledge.Da Vinci made painstakingly precise observations of everything and put to use everything he learned(把一切學(xué)以致用).

2、Many MIT faculty members are crazy about multidisciplinary thinking (酷愛跨學(xué)科思考) . For example, professors from the climate science political science departments collaborate creatively with the subject of economics (創(chuàng)新地與經(jīng)濟學(xué)合作) to find solutions for the demand for new energy sources.The second facet of

3、da Vincis character that fits with MIT (與MIT一致) is his respect for and curiosity of nature (他對大自然的敬重與好奇) ,both as a scientist and an engineer.Students at first class universities will encounter a great many extraordinary teachers, perhaps the most stimulating minds and inspiring models (最激情飛揚的大師和啟迪智

4、慧的楷模) they will ever know.There is a good chance that the students will never live and work in a community with as rich as many different cultures and backgrounds (大批不同文化與背景者) as they will at MIT.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.大學(xué)新生將會發(fā)現(xiàn)大學(xué)是一個啟迪他們研究、學(xué)習(xí)、成長的地方。(an inspiring palce

5、to do something)Freshman will discover that college is an inspiring place to study ,learn and grow.對于達芬奇來說,正是他那種渴望探求一切、解釋一切、把所學(xué)的一切付諸于實踐的強烈好奇心使他在多種領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)生興趣。(it was simply . that)For Leonardo da Vinci ,it was simply his desire to explore everything ,to explain everything ,and to put to use everything he

6、 learned that guided his interests.達芬奇具有吸引我們的三大特質(zhì):他的跨學(xué)科的好奇心、他對設(shè)計的自然法則的尊重以及解決實際問題的澎湃激情。(fascinated by ,admiration for ,enthusiastic passion for)We are fascinated by da Vincis three characters ,namely ,his multidisciplinary curiosity ,his respect for the designed natural laws and his enthusiastic pass

7、ion for solving problem.你只有像達芬奇一樣,具有堅定的好奇心,才會充分利用好大學(xué)里自己寶貴的時光。(as . as ,to use ones time to its fullest potential)As long as you are as determined in your studies and are as curious about the world around you as da Vinci was ,then you will use your time in college to its fullest potential. 我們早就知道成功人士

8、不是袖手旁觀,聽之任之,而是采取主動性創(chuàng)造奇跡。(have long since observed ,people of accomplishments ,sit back ,take ones own initiative)It has long since been observed that people of accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them ,but instead take their own initiative to happen to things.Unit2 Understanding

9、 ScienceComplete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in brackets.Scientific knowledge can be of great help for governmental decision-making (十分有助于政府決策)and the results of these decision are everywhere.The invention of the Internet causes the rapid development of globalization(觸發(fā)了全球

10、化的快速發(fā)展).Science helps satisfy our natural curiosity (滿足我們天生的好奇心)by answering question about the nature without resorting magic for explanation(而無需借助魔法來作出解釋).The inventors of the mouse tried to figure out how many buttons a mouse should have.(計算出鼠標(biāo)應(yīng)該有多少按鍵)It seems to me that a doctor can change the w

11、hole society thoroughly(徹底改變整個社會).We must provide decent accommodation for the poors.(為窮苦人提供像樣的住房)A nearsighted person cannot focus properly on distant objects.(正確地聚焦看遠處的物體)Toms mother does not allow him to enroll in this cooking class. (報名參加烹飪課)Translate the following Chinese sentences into English

12、.要清楚地理解電對我們的生活有多么重要,只要試過一天沒有電的日子。(to make it clear how . just try doing . )To make it clear how electricity is important to our life ,just try have a day without power.先進技術(shù)不能解決一切難題,但它確實在經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的各個領(lǐng)域里起到了非常重要的作用。( .doesnt . , but it does . )Advanced technology doesnt find a solution to every problem ,but

13、 it does play a very important role in many aspects of economic development.清單上所有條目都可被視為科學(xué)重要特征,但沒有一項是不可或缺的條件。(All of these . ,but none of them . )All of these item on the checklist can be considered as important characteristics of science ,but none of them should be interpreted as all-or-nothing.問題是

14、一些萬無一失的科學(xué)調(diào)研可能會走進死胡同,并不能開展持續(xù)的研究。(the problem is that . )The problem is that some perfectly scientific investigations may run into a dead end and not lead to ongoing research.對自然災(zāi)害的科學(xué)預(yù)測能確保政府做好應(yīng)急工作,讓市民有足夠的時間獲得安全保障。(ensure that . )Scientific forecasting of natural disasters can ensure that there will be

15、 enough time for the government to prepare for the emergencies and that citizens are given enough time to get to safety.Unit3He made a speech at the protest, which stired up racial hatred ( 是在煽動種族仇恨).2) We have a whole string of complaints(一連串的投訴信) about the SMS spam (垃圾短信) coming from telecommunica

16、tions service providers.3 His account of the car accident missed out two of the most important facts4) There were too many things happening all at once(同時發(fā)生). I could not take it all in.) Every student passed the final examination, with the exception of John ( 除了John 以外).6) Although she was not awar

17、ded the Nobel Prize, she will go down in history ( 名留青史) because of her sizable 7) Nowadays many young people are self-appointed champions of the environmental protection ( 環(huán)保衛(wèi)士) and are trying to make the world a greener place for future generations.8) He never takes the easy path, but is always re

18、ady to take on difficult tasks ( 承擔(dān)艱巨任務(wù)) .9) Hopefully an inter-laboratory standards program will be established prior to further studies 在進一步研究之前) .10) As he grew up, the memory of his childhood gradually faded away ( 也逐漸消逝了).1) 諾貝爾獎評獎委員會重發(fā)現(xiàn)而輕發(fā)明這一事實同樣引起了激烈的爭議。(Also controversial is the fact thatAls

19、o controversial is the fact that the Nobel Prize Committee has emphasized discoveries over inventions.2) 圣雄甘地曾被五次提名, 顯然是最有資格獲得諾貝爾和平獎的人,卻由于在獲獎提名截止日兩天之前遭到暗殺而永遠與之失之交臂。 (being assassinated)Mahatma Gandhi would seem to be the person most deserving the Nobel Peace Prize. Despite being nominated for the prize five times, he missed o


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