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1、Conceptual Masterplan For Puxi No.3, Quanzhou 泉州浦西三號概念設(shè)計VISION愿景Maximize river view of the site. Water is the theme for the project!最大化基地河景,水成為項目的主題!Vision愿景Water gives rhythm to life. 水帶給生命韻律。Create the Mixed-use landmark for the city, along the Jin river在晉江岸,創(chuàng)造城市復(fù)合功能地標Vision愿景兩岸文化交流的平臺As cultural

2、dialogue platform文化設(shè)施、旅游亮點、酒店與休閑設(shè)施,等旅游度假tourism & resort商務(wù)休閑Business recreation人居生活residence & relatedMaximizing the value of the land by promote waterfront lifestyle with commercial and office functions通過濱水區(qū)生活方式營造和城市商業(yè)辦公功能的引入,最大化土地價值Vision愿景兩岸經(jīng)貿(mào)往來的平臺As commercial and trading business platform商業(yè)中心、經(jīng)

3、貿(mào)商務(wù)場所、時尚辦公場所,等泉州港口經(jīng)濟的興盛離不開泉州的重商精神。泉州人除了善于航海,勇于冒險,還善于經(jīng)商,具有敏 銳的商業(yè)頭腦和強烈的競爭意識。Merchant spirit is vital to the prosperous seaport economy of Quanzhou. Except navigation and risk-taking courage, Quanzhou is a good merchant with sensitive business mind and competition awareness. 泉州商人是古代十大商幫之一閩南商幫的核心代表。敢想、敢

4、拼、敢贏、敢為天下先的經(jīng)商精神,被稱為“閩商精神”,從歷史繁盛到現(xiàn)代。Quanzhou merchants established one of Top 10 merchant associates in ancient China the representative of Minnan Merchant Association. They are typical examples of “Minnan Spirit” for their bold thinking, action, victory-dreaming and pioneering spirit. Such spirit pa

5、sses over from ancient times to today. 中山路騎樓、狀元街等都是泉州傳統(tǒng)商業(yè)形式的代表與文化記憶。Qilou of Zhongshan Road and Zhuangyuan Street are typical and cultural presentation of Quanzhous traditional commercial mode.Vision愿景Create a livable community for several generations,by promoting an eco-friendly human environment.提

6、升生態(tài)友好的人文環(huán)境, 來創(chuàng)造為幾代居民生活的社區(qū)匹配泉州實力的居所As showcase of life quality高品質(zhì)住宅、具有文化特色的社區(qū)、社區(qū)各類服務(wù),等Vision愿景Historical Quanzhou Culture and modern lifestyle meets here泉州歷史文化與當代生活在此相遇大規(guī)模的港口建設(shè)和發(fā)達的海外交通,使得古代泉州社會生產(chǎn)長期圍繞海外貿(mào)易來進行。Due to large-scale port construction and developed overseas transportation, the social product

7、ion of ancient Quanzhou was focusing on overseas trade for a long period. 泉州在中世紀時曾因盛產(chǎn)優(yōu)質(zhì)綢緞而聞名于世,中世紀的泉州是海上絲綢之路的起點。Quanzhou was world known for its high-quality silk in the middle century. It was the starting point of the marine silk road.到明代永樂至宣德年間,偉大的中國航海家鄭和率領(lǐng)遠洋船隊,先后七次下西洋,遍訪亞非各國,其船隊規(guī)模之大、船舶之巨、航路之廣、航技之

8、高,在當時無與倫比。During the throne from Emperor Yongle to Emperor Xuande in Ming Dynasty, Zheng He, the Great Chinese voyager navigated his ocean fleet across the Atlantic Ocean 7 times and visited various Asian and African countries. Either the fleet scale, the ship size, the voyage mileage, or the naviga

9、tion technique, was incomparable at that time.Classical and modern meets here經(jīng)典和現(xiàn)代在此相遇Vision愿景A Brand new, elegant, waterfront lifestyle一個全新的,優(yōu)雅的,濱水的生活SITE UNDERSTANDING基地理解Site in China基地在中國Site in Fujian基地在福建Site基地泉州市依山面海,境內(nèi)山巒起伏,丘陵、河谷、盆地錯落其間。山地1000多萬畝,耕地217萬畝,山地、丘陵占土地總面積的五分之四,俗稱“八山一水一分田”。自然資源優(yōu)勢卓著。

10、The city of Quanzhou is enclosed by mountain and sea, where hilly lands embrace small mountains, river valleys, and basins. The hilly lands cover more than 10 million mu, leaving 2.17 million mu for plowing. Mountains and hills take up four fifth of the overall land area, so in folk culture, Quanzho

11、u is recognized as consisting of “80% hills, 10% water and 10% plowland” with abundant national resources.泉州素有“海濱鄒魯”的美譽。這里歷史文化積淀豐厚,名勝古跡星羅棋布,文物瑰寶舉世矚目。泉州是古代“東方第一大港”,自古以來各種宗教兼容并存,東西文化交匯薈集。Quanzhou is reputed as “Coastal Zou & Lu (Zou and Lu are two origins of traditional Chinese culture)” for its long

12、history & culture, places of interest and historic sites and world-know cultural relics. As the “l(fā)argest oriental seaport” in ancient times, the old city incorporates various religions and cultures from various countries. 泉州在國家海西戰(zhàn)略的閩三角區(qū) Fujian Delta including Quanzhou is the key node as the State St

13、rategy on West Coast of the Straits在海峽西岸經(jīng)濟走廊的戰(zhàn)略角色中,泉州是重要且產(chǎn)業(yè)活躍的功能城市,有廣闊的腹地和實力,是對外貿(mào)易基地和窗口,未來在都市功能更新和旅游功能發(fā)展上都有強勁的潛力。In the economic corridor of the west coast of the Straits, Quanzhou plays an important strategic role and is an active functional city based on its wide area and strong strength. It is th

14、e base and window of foreign trade and is vigorously potential in the future metropolis upgrading and tourism development. Regional location區(qū)域位置廈門、泉州、漳州三城市發(fā)展走廊的構(gòu)建已有一定的區(qū)域基礎(chǔ)和條件,共同構(gòu)建強勢的閩三角、并與長三角珠三角交相輝映是大勢所趨 。There are certain regional basis and conditions for build up the development corridor of Xiamen

15、, Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, and it is the trend of times to create Min Delta to echo with Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. 有強大生產(chǎn)能力的泉州,除了向國內(nèi)外輸送產(chǎn)品以外,更要積極發(fā)展作為地區(qū)中心城市的服務(wù)職能,對外貿(mào)易交流的國際潛力。Quanzhou is not only a manufacturing base of the world, it has to realize it is also a gateway city to southeast

16、China, a central service hub to surrounding regions. Regional location區(qū)域位置從國際發(fā)達國家走過的歷程可見,沿海地區(qū)都將逐步發(fā)展成為該國家最具價值,第三產(chǎn)業(yè)最集中、最具有活力的區(qū)域。We can see from experiences of developed countries, that seashore district will normally become the economically dynamic area with the most developed tertiary industry.在面臨中國勞

17、動與產(chǎn)業(yè)雙轉(zhuǎn)移的大趨勢下,泉州必將借助濱海地區(qū)城市功能提升,平穩(wěn)實現(xiàn)人口向著服務(wù)業(yè)、高素質(zhì)化轉(zhuǎn)化。Under Chinas overall environment of both labor force and industry transition, Quanzhou will definitely realize transition to higher quality service industry in a stable way along with its upgrading in urban functions.Site in the regional landscape str

18、ucture 基地與區(qū)域景觀結(jié)構(gòu)的關(guān)系Site in the regional transportation structure 基地與區(qū)域交通結(jié)構(gòu)的關(guān)系Site Condition 基地條件Site opportunities and constrains基地機遇和挑戰(zhàn)OPPORTUNITY機遇1.位于晉江濱江地段的延伸段,視野開闊,擁有極佳江景。Located in the waterfront of Jngjiang, with great riverview.2.位于舊城和新市政中心之間,未來將成為重要的功能節(jié)點As being in the middle of the axis be

19、tween the old city and the future city administration center, the site will become a significant development as a new center.3.基地具備便捷的交通,利于地塊近期開發(fā)The Traffic condition is good, easy for the site to be developed in the near future.4.南側(cè)的公共綠化成為基地優(yōu)越的周邊環(huán)境 The public green at the south of the site provides

20、 good surrounding situation.5. 滯洪水面為基地提供了豐富的內(nèi)部水景 Water inside the site is going to be very nice landscaped.CONSTRAINS限制1.用地低洼,現(xiàn)狀用地零散,有大量回遷戶將安置需要The land is low, there are large amount of relocation requirment.2. 滯洪水面將限制可開發(fā)用地及布局結(jié)構(gòu)The water area restriction limits the site developable area.3. 現(xiàn)狀的保留建筑陳

21、舊,并限制了小區(qū)入口的設(shè)置The existing buildings restrict entrance location.URBAN DESIGN城市設(shè)計Sketch3 Lake and Island草圖3翠湖碧島DESIGN INITIAL IDEAS設(shè)計初步概念Sketch1 -Waterfront草圖1水景星城Sketch2 ”shui” 草圖2”水“韻Option AWaterfront水景星城Option AWaterfront水景星城Land area: 16.26ha-5.15ha=11.11haOption A:GFA:522,170平方米 FAR:4.70Option A

22、OPTION AArea(平方米)Primary School8665Relocation150249Waterfront Residence185352360 degree water view Residence34920Hotel & Commercial55120Service Apartment87864TOTAL522170Option AOption B”shui” ”水“韻Option BLand area: 16.26ha-5.15ha=11.11haOption B:GFA:509028平方米 FAR:4.58Option BOPTION BArea (平方米)Reloca

23、tion155019Schools3843Service Apartment92213Hotel 47510Commercial52150Mixed Use Commercial/residential 51259Exclusive Island4912Waterfront Residence102122TOTAL509028Option BOption CLake and Island翠湖碧島Option CLand area: 16.26ha-5.15ha=11.11haOption C:GFA:501163 平方米 FAR:4.51Option COPTION CAreaRelocati

24、on151915Schools9007Hotel & Commercial64430Service Apartment41242Luxurious Residence25120Waterfront Residence209449TOTAL501163Option CCASE STUDY案例分析巴特麗公園,紐約市曼哈頓自從 2001年9月11日的恐怖襲擊發(fā)生后,專家和公眾開始在曼哈頓下城修建一個生機勃勃的綜合功能社區(qū)。 RTKL的意向書呈現(xiàn)了一個充滿活力、環(huán)境舒適的社區(qū)。方案通過朝向和分布最大限度的利用了日照,同時建筑為社區(qū)形成了裝配有光電板的公園和娛樂場所。喧鬧的街道設(shè)計采用了大開窗,有利于促

25、進步行交通,創(chuàng)造了舒適而繁忙的氛圍。 Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a central goal of planning professionals and the public has been to create a dynamic mixed-use community in lower Manhattan. RTKL designed a proposed development that would serve as a lively, environmentally friendly hub for resid

26、ents. Designed to best take advantage of natural sunlight via the positioning and layout of the site, the building also features community gardens and playgrounds outfitted with electricity-generating photovoltaic panels. The vibrant streetscape design incorporates large windows to engage pedestrian

27、 traffic and create a friendly, bustling atmosphere. 巴特麗公園,紐約市曼哈頓Battery Park ,New York Reston城市中心被公認為美國第一個城市規(guī)劃設(shè)計為主導(dǎo)的綜合功能開發(fā)。該項目開發(fā)首次通過主街和城市廣場的概念為位于維基尼亞州的現(xiàn)有社區(qū)形成獨特“個性”。項目位于杜勒斯國際廣場附近,里斯頓城市中心已經(jīng)成為以機場為導(dǎo)向的社區(qū)核心,并且成為華盛頓城區(qū)適宜生活,工作和娛樂的區(qū)域。該社區(qū)具有國際影響力,為世界各地游客高度贊譽。Reston Town Center is recognized as the first urban

28、design led mixed use center in America. It is the first center to use a main street and town square concept to create “identity” for this established community in Virginia. Located near Dulles international airport, Reston Town Center has become the focus for the airport oriented community and is a

29、very desirable place in Washington Metropolitan area to live, work and play. The community has international appeal as it is recognized by many international travelers and has many parallels to the Sunpark project. 里斯頓城市中心,維基尼亞Reston Town Center, VirginiaAn upscale resort that caters to both busines

30、s and leisure travelers alike. Golf, tennis, and spa lovers will find plenty to do at this 230-acre resort, as will families. The lobbys centerpiece is a 28-story tower fronted by flowers and fountains. The large, comfortable and beautifully decorated rooms sleep four, and the higher poolside floors

31、 offer views of Disney. For a large-scale resort, it is surprisingly easy to get around, as it is not spread out, so much as up. The largest of its five pools has water slides and waterfalls surrounded by plenty of space to relax among the palm trees and tropical plants. Theres plenty of dining righ

32、t on site ranging from counter service casual to fine dining; the Mikado Japanese Steakhouse headlines the hotels four restaurants. The location, only 2 miles from the Disney parks, is a fabulous plus. MARRIOTTS ORLANDO WORLD CENTER RESORT, Orlando FL 洛杉磯商業(yè)娛樂中心, 加利福尼亞州,洛杉磯洛杉磯新建的史泰博中心毗鄰原會議中心,這為市中心的復(fù)興

33、起到了催化作用.開發(fā)商希望延續(xù)此類開發(fā),因此聘請RTKL為市中心西南面的33英畝地區(qū)進行總體規(guī)劃,該地區(qū)每年接待六百萬游客。采取階段性開發(fā),需要八至十年,包括兩間酒店,800個住宅單位,辦公,6000個座位的劇場和演藝空間,夜總會,專業(yè)零售商及多層停車場。LA Live, Los Angeles, CaliforniaThe new STAPLES Center in Los Angeles lies adjacent to theolder convention center and has been a powerful catalyst for the renewal of the ci

34、tys downtown. Developers, eager to continue with this revitalization, hired RTKL to generate a master plan for a 33-acre urban district along the downtown areas southwestern quadrant, an area trafficked by six million visitors annually. Phased development, to take place over eight to ten years, will

35、 include two hotels, 800 residential units, offices, a 6,000-seat theater and additional performing arts space, nightclubs, specialty retail outlets and a multi-level parking structure.LA LIVE! Los Angeles, California Centro Oberhausen ,Oberhausen, Germany Centro Oberhausen is a multi-use developmen

36、t located in the heart of Germanys Ruhr Valley. The 250 acre site, formerly the home of a Thyssen steel mill, has been transformed by RTKL to include a regional retail centre, a waterfront leisure promenade and a landscaped family entertainment park. The two-level retail centre is anchored by three

37、premier fashion stores and showcases over 200 small shops and 15 mid-size units. The malls and courts have been designed and themed as a series of urban streets and squares with lush landscaping and fountains. The waterfront promenade provides a focal point for the entertainment offer which features

38、 a nine-screen Warner Bros cinema and an 11,000 seatCentral Oberhausen, GermanyAventura Mall ,Aventura, Florida Aventura, a successful, upscale shopping center, sought RTKLs services to create an entertainment- and restaurant-based environment that would appeal to a diverse and growing tourist popul

39、ation in northern Miami. RTKL set out to meet the challenge by catering to families and responding to a need for a social center that young, affluent couples would find to be as exciting as Coconut Grove. Aventura Mall, FloridaDream Mall ,Kaoshuing, Taiwan Located in an industrial redevelopment area

40、 near the harbor of Kaoshuing, the 2.5 million SF Dream Mall is the first phase of a proposed 7.4 million SF mixed-use development. Subsequent phases include an additional 4.2 million SF of retail, 1.3 million SF of office space, a 400,000 SF hotel and 1.5 million SF of high-rise residential. The projects massing was inspired by the nautical trade tradition of Taiwan, the larger building representing the island of Taiwan and the adjoining, smaller building representing a docking vessel loaded with good


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