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1、PAGE 1PAGE 11廈門大學(xué)雙語物理化學(xué)(二)課程期中試卷化學(xué)化工學(xué)院 化學(xué) 系 2003 年級 化學(xué) 專業(yè)主考教師: 王野 試卷類型:(A卷)一、選擇題 ( 共10題 20分 每題2 分)1. 反應(yīng) A + BC AB + C 的焓變 rHm 0,A ,C 是自由基, AB , BC 是分子 AB,BC 的摩爾鍵焓。以下哪個(gè)關(guān)系式可以近似估算該反應(yīng)的活化能 Ea? ( ) (A) 0.055 AB (B) 0.055 AB+ rHm (C) 0.055 BC (D) 0.055 BC- rHm 2. 氣相反應(yīng) A + 2B 2C,A 和 B 的初始壓力分別為 pA和 pB,反應(yīng)開始時(shí)

2、并無 C,若 p 為體系的總壓力,當(dāng)時(shí)間為 t 時(shí),A 的分壓為: ( ) (A) pA- pB (B) p - 2pA (C) p - pB (D) 2(p - pA) - pB 3. 某反應(yīng) A B,反應(yīng)物消耗 3/4 所需時(shí)間是其半衰期的 5 倍,此反應(yīng)為: ( ) (A) 零級反應(yīng) (B) 一級反應(yīng) (C) 二級反應(yīng) (D) 三級反應(yīng) 4. 過渡態(tài)理論的速率常數(shù)的公式為,下述說法正確的是 ( )不是過渡態(tài)的全配分函數(shù)qA, qB是任意體積中分子的配分函數(shù)qA, qB, 均是分子在基態(tài)時(shí)的配分函數(shù)是過渡態(tài)中任一個(gè)振動自由度配分函數(shù)5. 已知 HI 的光分解反應(yīng)機(jī)理是: HI + h H

3、+ I H + HI H2 + I I + I + M I2 + M則該反應(yīng)的量子效率為: ( ) (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 1066. 對于一個(gè)簡單化學(xué)反應(yīng)來說,在其它條件相同時(shí),下列說法中的哪一種是正確的? ( ) (A) rS 越負(fù),反應(yīng)速率越快 (B) rH 越負(fù),反應(yīng)速率越快 (C) 活化能越大,反應(yīng)速率越快 (D) 活化能越小,反應(yīng)速率越快7. X0 Y0 Z 增加 0.0050 moldm-3 所需的時(shí)間/ s 0.10 moldm-3 0.10 moldm-3 72 0.20 moldm-3 0.10 moldm-3 18 0.20 moldm-3 0.05

4、moldm-3 36 對于反應(yīng) X + 2Y 3Z,Z 增加的初始速率為: ( ) (A) 對 X 和 Y 均為一級 (B) 對 X 一級,對 Y 零級 (C) 對 X 二級,對 Y 為一級 (D) 對 X 四級,對 Y 為二級 8. 氣固相催化反應(yīng) 的速率方程是: r= k p(o2)/p(co), 其反應(yīng)級數(shù)應(yīng)為: ( ) (A) 一級反應(yīng) (B) 二級反應(yīng) (C) 對 O2是一級,對 CO 是負(fù)一級 (D) 級數(shù)不能確定 9. 單原子分子A,B間發(fā)生反應(yīng),若忽略振動基態(tài)能量之差,則實(shí)驗(yàn)活化能Ea,臨界能Ec, 勢壘Eb間存在關(guān)系為: ( ) (A) Ea=Ec+RT=Eb+RT (B)

5、Ea=Eb+RT=Ec+RT (C) Ea=Ec-RT=Eb-RT (D) Ea=Eb+RT=Ec+RT10. 受激物的磷光光譜是由于下述哪種原因所致: ( ) (A) 單重態(tài)到三重態(tài)的躍遷 (B) 三重態(tài)向基態(tài)的躍遷 (C) 振動模式不同 (D) 核自旋躍遷二、填空題 ( 共 4題 8分 每題2 分)11. 對于平行反應(yīng), 改變各平行反應(yīng)K值之比, 常采用方法有: 。12. 一級反應(yīng)半衰期與反應(yīng)物起始濃度關(guān)系 。 在一定溫度下,某化學(xué)反應(yīng)的平衡轉(zhuǎn)化率為 33.3%,在相同反應(yīng)條件下,當(dāng)有催 化劑存在時(shí),其反應(yīng)的平衡轉(zhuǎn)化率 _ 。 13. 333 K時(shí),在硝基苯水溶液中:反應(yīng)熵變r(jià)Sm= -1

6、55.2 JK-1mol-1,而活化熵變?yōu)? -151.2 JK-1mol-1,該實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明活化絡(luò)合物的結(jié)構(gòu)_。14. 2H2O2(aq) 2H2(l)O2(g)被I-催化,已知Ea(cat)56.5 kJmol-1, Ea(uncat)=75.3 kJmol-1, 則k(I-)k(uncat)_。(T=298 K)三、計(jì)算題 ( 共 5題 47分 )15. 10 分pH等于3.42的甲酸甲酸鈉緩沖溶液中已研究出CO-血紅朊的酸變性是甲酸鈉濃度的函數(shù),該一級變性反應(yīng)的半衰期如下: NaOOCHmoldm-3 0.007 0.010 0.015 0.020 t1/2min 20.2 13.6

7、8.1 5.9試確定CO-血紅朊上的電荷。 16. 10 分A chemist camping on top of Mt Kosciusko (height above sea level, 2213 m) attempts to hard boil an egg for lunch. How long will it take to produce a “ten minute” egg? The activation energy for the thermal denaturation of the impure ovalbumin which constitutes the egg wh

8、ite is approximately 85 kJ mol-1. The pressures, P, Po at two points in a column of gas separated by a height of h are related by the equationlg(P/Po)=-Mgh/2.303 RTwhere M is the average molecular weight of the gas in kg mol-1 and g is the acceleration due to gravity.You may assume that the air temp

9、erature from sea level up to the summit is constant at 20.17. 10 分Radon gas is formed by the decay of radium for which the half life is 1620 years. Radon itself is very radioactive (half life= 3.82 days) and if inhaled can cause cancer of the lungs. If the maximum permissible concentration of radon

10、in the air is 710-11 ppm (parts per million) by volume, how long must a sealed room contaminated with 2010-11 ppm of radon be left before the radon level falls to a safe value? Calculate how long it will take for 10-6 kg of radium to create a hazard in a sealed room of 30 m3 volume at 20.(Hint: this

11、 time is small compared with the half life of radon.)18. 7 分Suppose that an enzyme has a turnover number of 104 min-1 and a molar mass of 60000 gmol-1. How many moles of substrate can be turned over per hour per gram of enzyme if the substrate concentration is twice the Michaelis constant? It is ass

12、umed that the substrate concentration is maintained constant by a preceding enzymatic reation and that products do not accumulate and inhibit the reation.19. 10 分A photochemical reaction of biological importance is the production of vitamin D, which prevents rickets (軟骨病) and brings about the normal

13、 deposition of calcium in growing bones. Steen-bock found that rickets could be prevented by subjecting the food as well as the patient to ultraviolet light below 310nm. When ergosterol (麥角甾醇) is irradiated with ultraviolet light below 310 nm. Vitamin is produced. When irradiated ergosterol was incl

14、uded in a diet otherwise devoid of vitamin D, it was found that absorbed radiant energy of about 7.510-5J was necessary to prevent rickets in a rat when fed over a Period of 2 weeks. The Light used has a wavelength of 265nm. (a) How many quanta are necessary to give 7.510-5J? (b)If vitamin has a mol

15、ar mass of the same order of magnitude as ergosteral (382 g mol-1), how many grams of vitamin D per day are necessary to prevent rickets in a rat? It is assumed that the quantum yield is unity.四 問答題(2題 25分)20. 15 分 車載甲醇質(zhì)子交換膜燃料電池的負(fù)極活性物質(zhì)多采用由甲醇蒸氣經(jīng)水蒸氣重整后而得到的氫氣,由于重整工藝產(chǎn)生的少量CO會吸附在燃料電池的Pt或其他貴金屬電催化劑表面,阻礙H2的吸

16、附,引起燃料電池放電性能急劇下降,為此,開發(fā)了除去CO的方法:CO(g)+O2(g)CO2(g)并從實(shí)驗(yàn)上得到了下列速率方程:(1)經(jīng)一系列實(shí)驗(yàn)發(fā)現(xiàn),與無關(guān),但是當(dāng)不變時(shí),與有關(guān)。當(dāng)取0.5p、1p、2p時(shí),的值分別為0.79、0.20、0.05(單位為S-1)求m、n。(2)根據(jù)所得速率方程推測可能的反應(yīng)機(jī)理,討論在催化劑表面CO(g)和O2(g)吸附的相對強(qiáng)弱。 21. 10 分甲苯加氫脫烷基反應(yīng)為 C6H5CH3+ H2 C6H6+ CH4 若按下述歷程進(jìn)行: H2+ MM + 2H (1) H + C6H5CH3C6H6+ CH3 (2) CH3+ H2CH4+ H (3) H + H

17、 + MH2+ M (4) 試證明苯的生成速率可用下式表示: 若鍵能 (C6H6-CH3) = 380 kJmol-1 H-H = 435 kJmol-1 試估算反應(yīng) (1)、(2)、(4) 的活化能?并求出反應(yīng)的表觀活化能 Ea物理化學(xué)(二)期中試卷答案一、選擇題 ( 共10題 20分 )1. 2 分 (5776)5776 答 (B) 2. 2 分 (5203)5203 答 (C) 3. 2 分 (5255)5255 答 (D) 4. 2 分 (6208)6208答 (A) (1分)5. 2 分 (6454)6454 答 (B)6. 2 分 (6102)6102 答 (D)7. 2 分 (5

18、286)5286 答 (C) 設(shè) r = kX0 nY0 m r2/r1= k (0.2 moldm-3/0.1 moldm-3)(0.1 moldm-3/0.1 moldm-3) = 72/18 = 4 2 n = 4 n = 2 同理:2 m = 2 m = 1 8. 2 分 (5294)5294 答 (C) 9. 2 分 (6178)6178 答 (A) 10. 2 分 (6452)6452 答 (B)二、填空題 ( 共 4題 8分 )11. 2 分 (5632)5632 答 加入選擇性催化劑, 改變溫度。 12. 2 分 (5315)5315 答 (1) 與初始濃度無關(guān) (2) 等于 33.3% 13. 2 分 (6212)6212答 與產(chǎn)物相近,但更松散。 (2分)14. 2 分 (6366)6366 答 1975 k(I-)/k(uncat) =expE(uncat)-E(I-)/RT三、計(jì)算題 ( 共 5題 47分 )15. 10 分 (6384)6384 答 據(jù)I=cizi及k =0.693/t1/2得下列數(shù)據(jù) /mol1/2dm-3/2 0.084 0.100 0.122 0.141 k/min-1 0.0343 0.0510 0.0856 0.117 (4分) lg(k/min-1) -1.465 -1.293 -1.068 -0.930 據(jù)lg


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