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10、學(xué)C儒學(xué)D實(shí)用主義70徐冰的生命潭是一幅_作品。A油畫(huà)B攝影C.水彩畫(huà)D版畫(huà)71農(nóng)民暴動(dòng)(農(nóng)民戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng))是德國(guó)藝術(shù)家柯勒惠支的_作品.A銅版畫(huà)B油畫(huà)C水粉畫(huà)D水彩畫(huà)72“在真正有才能的作家的筆下,每個(gè)人物都是典型;對(duì)于瀆者,每個(gè)典型都是一個(gè)熟悉的陌生人”是文藝?yán)碚摷襙的著名淪斷。A別林斯墓B恩格斯C歌德1)魯迅73大理石雕像沉思是_的作品。A錢(qián)紹武B羅丹C羅中立D.米隆74琵琶行是我國(guó)唐朝著名詩(shī)人_的作品。A李白B白居易c杜甫D李商隱75在水中塑造了一位西雙版納的傣族婦女的優(yōu)美形象的著名舞蹈藝術(shù)家是_。A馬蘭B陳愛(ài)蓮C楊麗萍D刀美蘭76莎士比亞的“四大悲劇”是指哈姆雷特、奧賽羅、李爾王和 。A麥克





15、。A金農(nóng)B黃慎C鄭板橋D朱耷108黃河大合唱的詞作者是_。A冼星海B田漢C光未然D聶耳-參考答案1.C 2A 3A 4.B 5C 6A 7.B 8C 9C 10D 11A 12B 13C 14A 15B 16B 17D 18C 19C 20A 21D 22B 23B 24C 25D 26.A27A 28B 29A 30D 31C 32D 33.B 34B 35A 36C 37C 38D 39C 40A 41B 42D 43A 44D 45B 46D 47C 48B49A 50B 51A 52A 53C 54B 55D 56A 57D 58A 59B 60A 61B 62C 63D 64.D 6

16、5A 66C 67B 68D 69B 70D 71A72A 73B 74B 75D 76A 77C 78B79B 80A 81D 82C 83A 84D 85D 86D 87A88B 89D 90C 91C 92A 93B 94A 95D 96B 97C 98A 99A 100A 101D 102D 103B 104D 105B 106D 107A 108.C economic belt請(qǐng)您刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(_)O謝謝!2016年中央電大期末復(fù)習(xí)考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過(guò)小抄Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter released from

17、 nerve endings (terminals) in both the peripheral and the central nervous systems. It is synthesized within the nerve terminal from choline, taken up from the tissue fluid into the nerve ending by a specialized transport mechanism. The enzyme necessary for this synthesis is formed in the nerve cell

18、body and passes down the axon to its end, carried in the axoplasmic flow, the slow movement of intracellular substance (cytoplasm). Acetylcholine is stored in the nerve terminal, sequestered in small vesicles awaiting release. When a nerve action potential reaches and invades the nerve terminal, a s

19、hower of acetylcholine vesicles is released into the junction (synapse) between the nerve terminal and the effector cell which the nerve activates. This may be another nerve cell or a muscle or gland cell. Thus electrical signals are converted to chemical signals, allowing messages to be passed betw

20、een nerve cells or between nerve cells and non-nerve cells. This process is termed chemical neurotransmission and was first demonstrated, for nerves to the heart, by the German pharmacologist Loewi in 1921. Chemical transmission involving acetylcholine is known as cholinergic. Acetylcholine acts as

21、a transmitter between motor nerves and the fibres of skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions. At this type of synapse, the nerve terminal is closely apposed to the cell membrane of a muscle fibre at the so-called motor end plate. On release, acetylcholine acts almost instantly, to cause a seq

22、uence of chemical and physical events (starting with depolarization of the motor endplate) which cause contraction of the muscle fibre. This is exactly what is required for voluntary muscles in which a rapid response to a command is required. The action of acetylcholine is terminated rapidly, in aro

23、und 10 milliseconds; an enzyme (cholinesterase) breaks the transmitter down into choline and an acetate ion. The choline is then available for re-uptake into the nerve terminal. These same principles apply to cholinergic transmission at sites other than neuromuscular junctions, although the structur

24、e of the synapses differs. In the autonomic nervous system these include nerve-to-nerve synapses at the relay stations (ganglia) in both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions, and the endings of parasympathetic nerve fibres on non-voluntary (smooth) muscle, the heart, and glandular cells

25、; in response to activation of this nerve supply, smooth muscle contracts (notably in the gut), the frequency of heart beat is slowed, and glands secrete. Acetylcholine is also an important transmitter at many sites in the brain at nerve-to-nerve synapses. To understand how acetylcholine brings abou

26、t a variety of effects in different cells it is necessary to understand membrane receptors. In post-synaptic membranes (those of the cells on which the nerve fibres terminate) there are many different sorts of receptors and some are receptors for acetylcholine. These are protein molecules that react

27、 specifically with acetylcholine in a reversible fashion. It is the complex of receptor combined with acetylcholine which brings about a biophysical reaction, resulting in the response from the receptive cell. Two major types of acetylcholine receptors exist in the membranes of cells. The type in sk

28、eletal muscle is known as nicotinic; in glands, smooth muscle, and the heart they are muscarinic; and there are some of each type in the brain. These terms are used because nicotine mimics the action of acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors, whereas muscarine, an alkaloid from the mushroom Amanita mu

29、scaria, mimics the action of acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptors. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter produced by neurons referred to as cholinergic neurons. In the peripheral nervous system acetylcholine plays a role in skeletal muscle movement, as well as in the regulation of smooth muscle

30、 and cardiac muscle. In the central nervous system acetylcholine is believed to be involved in learning, memory, and mood. Acetylcholine is synthesized from choline and acetyl coenzyme A through the action of the enzyme choline acetyltransferase and becomes packaged into membrane-boundvesicles. Afte

31、r the arrival of a nerve signal at the termination of an axon, the vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, causing the release of acetylcholine into thesynaptic cleft. For the nerve signal to continue, acetylcholine must diffuse to another nearby neuron or muscle cell, where it will bind and activate

32、areceptorprotein. There are two main types of cholinergic receptors, nicotinic and muscarinic. Nicotinic receptors are located at synapses between two neurons and at synapses between neurons and skeletal muscle cells. Upon activation a nicotinic receptor acts as a channel for the movement of ions in

33、to and out of the neuron, directly resulting indepolarizationof the neuron. Muscarinic receptors, located at the synapses of nerves with smooth or cardiac muscle, trigger a chain of chemical events referred to as signal transduction. For a cholinergic neuron to receive another impulse, acetylcholine

34、 must be released from the receptor to which it has bound. This will only happen if the concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft is very low. Low synaptic concentrations of acetylcholine can be maintained via a hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme

35、 hydrolyzes acetylcholine into acetic acid and choline. If acetylcholinesterase activity is inhibited, the synaptic concentration of acetylcholine will remain higher than normal. If this inhibition is irreversible, as in the case of exposure to many nerve gases and some pesticides, sweating, bronchi

36、al constriction, convulsions, paralysis, and possibly death can occur. Although irreversible inhibition is dangerous, beneficial effects may be derived from transient (reversible) inhibition. Drugs that inhibit acetylcholinesterase in a reversible manner have been shown to improve memory in some peo

37、ple with Alzheimers disease. abstract expressionism, movement of abstract painting that emerged in New York City during the mid-1940s and attained singular prominence in American art in the following decade; also called action painting and the New York school. It was the first important school in Am

38、erican painting to declare its independence from European styles and to influence the development of art abroad. Arshile Gorky first gave impetus to the movement. His paintings, derived at first from the art of Picasso, Mir, and surrealism, became more personally expressive. Jackson Pollocks turbule

39、nt yet elegant abstract paintings, which were created by spattering paint on huge canvases placed on the floor, brought abstract expressionism before a hostile public. Willem de Koonings first one-man show in 1948 established him as a highly influential artist. His intensely complicated abstract pai

40、ntings of the 1940s were followed by images of Woman, grotesque versions of buxom womanhood, which were virtually unparalleled in the sustained savagery of their execution. Painters such as Philip Guston and Franz Kline turned to the abstract late in the 1940s and soon developed strikingly original

41、stylesthe former, lyrical and evocative, the latter, forceful and boldly dramatic. Other important artists involved with the movement included Hans Hofmann, Robert Motherwell, and Mark Rothko; among other major abstract expressionists were such painters as Clyfford Still, Theodoros Stamos, Adolph Go

42、ttlieb, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner, and Esteban Vicente. Abstract expressionism presented a broad range of stylistic diversity within its largely, though not exclusively, nonrepresentational framework. For example, the expressive violence and activity in paintings by de Kooning or Pollock mark

43、ed the opposite end of the pole from the simple, quiescent images of Mark Rothko. Basic to most abstract expressionist painting were the attention paid to surface qualities, i.e., qualities of brushstroke and texture; the use of huge canvases; the adoption of an approach to space in which all parts

44、of the canvas played an equally vital role in the total work; the harnessing of accidents that occurred during the process of painting; the glorification of the act of painting itself as a means of visual communication; and the attempt to transfer pure emotion directly onto the canvas. The movement

45、had an inestimable influence on the many varieties of work that followed it, especially in the way its proponents used color and materials. Its essential energy transmitted an enduring excitement to the American art scene. Science and technology is quite a broad category, and it covers everything fr

46、om studying the stars and the planets to studying molecules and viruses. Beginning with the Greeks and Hipparchus, continuing through Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo, and today with our work on the International Space Station, man continues to learn more and more about the heavens. From here, we loo

47、k inward to biochemistry and biology. To truly understand biochemistry, scientists study and see the unseen bystudying the chemistry of biological processes. This science, along with biophysics, aims to bring a better understanding of how bodies work from how we turn food into energy to how nerve im

48、pulses transmit. Chemistry is a science that explains how salt, something on every table in the world, can be made from sodium and chlorine, two elements that are poisonous to humans. From its beginnings, when Aristotle defined the existence of the atom, to modern chemistry, which combines atomic th

49、eory and organic chemistry, this field continues to advance our lives. In technology, youll find many of the things that make life easier today. This includes medical advances like MRI machines, fuel-efficient transportation, portable computing devices, and flat screen televisions. Advances in the f

50、ield of technology continue to amaze and astound. Modern computing technology is able to communicate wirelessly to the Internet and to other devices advances that have freed computers from desks and made technology and information available to more and more people. Enrico Carusos ascendancy coincide

51、d with the dawn of the twentieth century, when the world of opera was moving away from the contrivedbel canto(“beautiful singing”) style, with its emphasis on artifice and vibrato, to averismo(“realism”) approach. The warmth and sincerity of his voiceand personalityshone in this more natural style a

52、nd set the standard for contemporary greats like Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and JosCarreras. Through his exploitation of the nascent phonograph industry, Caruso is also largely responsible for the sweeping interest in opera of the 1910s and20s. And for this, Stanley Jackson wrote in his bookCaruso,he may never be rivaled, for later tenors could not hope to find themselves in a similarly fortuitous position and thus would most certainly“find it more difficult to win such universal affection as t


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