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1、2018年安徽省教師公開招聘考試(小學英語)真題試卷(總分100,做題時間120分鐘)案例題1.下面是一篇小學四年級的教學材料及其教學片段,請用中文從教學方法和活 動設計兩個方面進行簡要評析。教學片段Join us(PPT 呈現(xiàn) MacDonald的圖片)T: Who is he?Ss: He is MacDonald .T: Yes. He has a new farm now . He is very busy. And he wants a helper . Do you want to have a try?Ss: Yes.T: OK Let s get on the bus and

2、go to MacDonald s farm .Listen and Guess(播放音頻,通過聽動物的聲音,帶領學生復習學過的動物 pig , duck, dog, cat 等詞匯,并用句型 What s this /that?It s a 進 行操練。)Ask and Answer(PFF分別呈現(xiàn)馬、雞、羊、牛的圖片,問學生What sthis?引出horse , hen, sheep, cow并進行板書,然后利用一群馬、雞、羊、 牛的圖片,引出名詞的復數(shù) horses , hens, sheep, cows,并用句型 What are these /those?They are進行問答練

3、習。)Look and Guess(PPT呈現(xiàn)不完整的動物圖片,以猜謎語的形式引導學生操 練句型 What are these /those?They are horses /hens/sheep/ cows. What about those?Are they horses?How many horses do you have?)Ask and Answer(設置面試官提問環(huán)節(jié),用本節(jié)課重點句型What are these/those?They are 進行操練。)Count and Say(設置數(shù)動物環(huán)節(jié),讓學生在數(shù)動物的過程中記憶所學單詞的 單復數(shù)變化。)Draw and Share(

4、分組活動,6人一組畫一幅理想中的農場。先小組內進行 對話練習,教師給予指導。小組討論結束后,把每組的圖畫張貼在黑板上,讓 每一組學生上臺向全班展示。)SSS_TEXT_QUSI該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:(1)教學方法該案例中教師采用視聽法先呈現(xiàn) MacDonald圖片,再播放錄音引導學生復習之 前學過的詞匯和句型;運用直接法新授各種動物單詞的復數(shù)形式,并結合交際 法進行對話練習,在環(huán)節(jié)5 ask and answer中設置面試提問環(huán)節(jié),也是盡可能 為學生創(chuàng)設情境,運用交際法鍛煉說英語的能力;通過猜謎游戲進行句型操 練,很好地發(fā)揮了游戲調動學生學習興趣的作用;最后采用任務型教學法,分

5、小組布置任務,再進行成果展示,有利于學生綜合語言運用能力的培養(yǎng)。可見,該案例中教師采用了多種教學方法,如:視聽法、直接法、交際法、任務 型教學法等,充分發(fā)揮各教學法的優(yōu)點,提高了學生學習英語的積極性。(2)活動設計該案例中教師設計了看圖問答活動;聽錄音復習詞匯和句型的活動;看圖猜謎 游戲;而試問答環(huán)節(jié);畫一畫說一說活動?;顒釉O計形式豐富多樣,且由易到 難,循序漸進,符合學生的認知特點:該案例中圖片、錄音、猜謎、問答和畫一畫活動均以農場為載體,活動內容的 設計貼近學生、貼近生活,且注重交流的目的和意義,具有明確、具體的操作 性;在每個環(huán)節(jié)都引導學生進行表達,充分考慮為學生提供展示成果的機會。 符

6、合新課程標準所提倡的注重學習過程,強調語言學習的實踐性和應用性,有 利于培養(yǎng)學生能用英語做事情的能力。Vocabulary and Structure* the team lost the game, they played with tremendous: they won their fans respect.|SSS_SINGLE_SELApanicBregretCangerDspirit該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D句意:雖然球隊輸了這場比賽,他們以頑強的精神贏得了球迷的尊重。故選D*a few words of Italian when she was there last

7、year.(易混)|SSS_SINGLE_SELAtook onBpicked upCgave awayDbroke down該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:Btake on ”承接,承擔,開始具有,呈現(xiàn);pick up ”獲取,學到,拾取,采 摘;give away 捐贈,捐出,泄漏,透露;break away 打碎,折斷,違背,解決,中斷”。句意:去年凱西在意大利的時候學會了一些意大利語。故 選B。* parents at the airport because of the storm. Otherwise, theywould have been here by lunch tim

8、e.SSS_SINGLE_SELAhave delayedBwould delayCwere delayed二 Dhad been delayed該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:C根據(jù)后半旬otherwise引導的含蓄條件句可知,前句應該描述的是過去發(fā)生的 事情,且此處只是簡單的描述過去發(fā)生的動作,故選 C5.Anderson was the best of the many talented writers of his generation seemed indisputable.|SSS_SINGLE_SELAThatBWhatCWhetherDWhere該題您未回答:x該問題分值:

9、2答案:AAnderson was the best of the most talented writers of his generation為seem的主語從句,且從句中不缺少任何成分又為陳述句,故選A。* your free time,this incredible city and you will certainlyhave an unforgettable experience.( 易錯)|SSS SINGLE SELAexploringBexploreCexploredD to explore 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:B * the regulations, all

10、 the passengers remain in their seatsuntil the plane lands safely. SSS_SINGLE_SELA mayB shallC couldD would 該題您未回答:X該問題分值:2答案:B* lived with her grandparents for 3 years in a small village, she went to school in New York.|SSS SINGLE SELA in whichB after thatC after whichD in that 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:C*

11、 novel last month went straight to number one on the bestseller list.|SSS_SINGLE_SELA publishedB was publishedC to be publishedDbeing published該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A根據(jù)句意,last month 為the novel的后置定語,且novel與publish 之間為被動關系且已完成,故選 A。* live near my parents., I can visit them as often as possible.( 易混)|SSS_S

12、INGLE_SELA ConvenientlyB EventuallyC ThankfullyD Fortunately 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A conveniently “方便地,便利地,合宜地;eventually “最終”;thankfully“萬幸地,幸運的是,感謝地,感激地;fortunately 幸運地,僥幸地”。句意:我和我的父母住得近,方便我盡可能多地去看他們。故選 Ao *. Black can never the difference between the twins in his class.|SSS_SINGLE_SELA makeB developC

13、 keepD tell 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D tell the difference“分辨不同”,故選 D。12. Do you know which is the quickest way to the museum from here? . Lets ask the policeman over there.|SSS SINGLE SELr AForget itB Go aheadC Its up to youD It beats me 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D forget it“忘了它吧;go ahead “隨它去吧,請便;its up to you 看

14、你吧;it beats me不清楚,一無所知”。根據(jù)句意選D。*s teacher saw him as quiet and shy,with his friends he was exactly the opposite.|SSS_SINGLE_SELA orB forC butD so 該題您未回答:X該問題分值:2答案:C 根據(jù)前后的“quiet and shy ”和“exactly the opposite ”可知前后部分為轉 折關系,故選Co* until we were shown around this ancient town its beauty wasreally beyo

15、nd description.|SSS_SINGLE_SELA we realizedB we did realizeC realized weD did we realize 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D not until置于句首,主句采用部分倒裝,故選D。* method of forming new words like motel, smog or newscast, is called.(??迹㏒SS_SINGLE_SELA derivationB blendingC conversionD abbreviation 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:B derivat

16、ion“派生法” ; blending “混成法” ; conversion “轉換法”;abbreviation “縮略法”。motel=motor+hotel , smog=smoke+fog newscast=news+broadcast ,故選 B。* novel, Tess of the DUrbervilles, was written by, one of the greatest of Victorian novelists.|SSS_SINGLE_SELAThomas HardyBGeorge EliotCEmily BronteDOscar Wilde該題您未回答:x該問題

17、分值:2答案:A苔絲是哈代的作品,故選 AoReading ComprehensionJaime Escalante was born on December 31, 1930 in La Paz, Bolivia. Following in his parents footsteps, Escalante became a teacher as well. In the 1960s, he left Bolivia to seek a better life in America. Determined to teach in America like he had back home, E

18、scalante taught himself English and earned another college degree. In 1974, Escalante took a job teaching math at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles known for troubled students with horrible home lives. He strove to bring his kids to their full potential, working with them to help them underst

19、and mathematics. Soon, he started an advanced math program for many of his students. He worked them hard, teaching them Calculus and making them show up to school an hour early each day and stay late after school was over.Then, in 1982, his largest class of students took an advancedplacement test in

20、 Calculus and every single one of them passed. However, officials at the *pany suspected the students of cheating. Escalante was outraged. He said the students were being rejected because of their Hispanic ( 西班牙)names and poor backgrounds. This sparked an idea in Escalante. He was determined to keep

21、 his students confidence and self-esteem high, so he convinced them to retake the advanced placement test. This time, the test would be even harder, so Escalante made his students stay even later after school and forced them to practice their equations over and over again, encouraging them to study

22、hard so they could prove to the world that they are capable of accomplishing.The students took the test and the scores arrivedevery studentpassed with flying colors. This was the greatest event in the history of Garfield High School.|SSS_SINGLE_SELA He left his hometown for America.BHe took a math c

23、ourse and got a degree.CHe began to teach at an American school. DHe became a teacher on his parents advice. 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:C根據(jù)第二段 “In 1974 , Escalante took a job teaching math at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles known for troubled students with horrible home lives . ”可知當他44歲時,他開始在美國的一所學校

24、教數(shù) 學。故選Co|SSS_SINGLE_SELAHis students cheated in the test in Calculus.BHis students werent allowed to take the test.CNone of his students managed to pass the test.DHis students test results werent acknowledged. 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D根據(jù)第三段 “ However, officials at the *pany suspected the students of chea

25、ting . Escalante was outraged . He said the students were beingrejected because of their Hispanic( 西班牙)names and poor backgrounds . ”可知他的學生因為西班牙的名字和家庭背景受到了不公正待 遇,他們的成績不被承認。故選 D|SSS_SINGLE_SELA narrowlyB successfullyCenthusiasticallyDunsatisfactorily該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:B通讀全文可知學生重新參加了更難的測試,結果很成功。故選 Bo|S

26、SS_SINGLE_SELAStrict and brilliant.BHumorous and kind.CArrogant but strong-willed.DBad-tempered but devoted.該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A根據(jù)第三段 “ so Escalante made his students stay even later after school and forced them to practice their equations over and over again .可知Escalante對待學生們很嚴格,第一次測試結果不被認可時,他 找到了解決

27、辦法說明他很有才華,故選AoPeople often recommend planting trees to make cities greener, cleaner and healthier. But during heat waves, city trees can actually increase air pollution. Indeed, a new study finds, up to 60 percent of the smoggy ozone in a citys air on hot days may trace to chemicals emitted by trees

28、. Galina Churkina, who works at Humboldt University of Berlin, and her team confirmed it.The findings might seem the opposite of what you would expect, notes Robert Young, an expert in city planting at the University of Texas at Austin. Indeed, he notes, everything has multiple effects. The new find

29、ings do not mean cities should discourage tree planting, he says. Instead, cities may need stricter controls on other sources of pollution, such as tailpipe emissions from cars and trucks.City trees soak up carbon dioxide, and at the same time they release oxygen into the air. But oxygen is far from

30、 the only gas that trees and certain other green plants release into the air. One of these chemicals is a hydrocarbon known as isoprene ( 異戊二烯).It can react *bustion ( 氧化)pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides( 氧化氮)emitted by cars and trucks in cities. The result is the formation of ozone. A component

31、of smog, ozone can irritate the lungs and aggravate airway diseases.Churkina says her team was not surprised to see the seemingly contrary relationship between plants and pollution. She adds that its importance was, however, quite amazing. The results, Churkina says, suggests that city tree planting

32、s programs should not ignore the role this greenery may play in aggravating summer air pollution. Adding more trees will improve quality of life only if those cities also undertake plans to sharply cut vehicle pollution in summer and to increase their reliance on clean energy sources for electric po

33、wer, she says.SSS_SINGLE_SELACity trees can reduce the smoggy ozone.BCity trees may easily absorb heat waves.CCity trees may cause more air pollution.DMore city trees can make a city far better. 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:C根據(jù)第段 “ But during heat waves , city trees can actually increase air pollution . Indeed

34、 , a new study finds , up to 60 percent of the smoggy ozone in a city s air on hot days may trace to chemicals emitted by trees . ”可知城市的綠化樹會制造寬多的空氣污染。故選C。|SSS_SINGLE_SELAThe harm ozone does to people in cities.BThe way trees help the formation of ozone.CThe chemicals green plants release into the ai

35、r.DThe benefits trees bring to the city environment.該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:BBo第三段主要講述了樹木幫助形成臭氧的方式。故選SSS_SINGLE_SELAPlanting more trees in cities.BAdvocating using clean energy.CImproving peoples quality of life.DBanning vehicle pollution in summer. 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:B根據(jù)最后一段 “ Adding more trees will impro

36、ve quality of life only if those cities also undertake plans to sharply cut vehicle pollution in summer and to increase their reliance on clean energy sources for electric power , she says . ” 可知選 B。|SSS_SINGLE_SELAOzone Can Affect Peoples Health.BGoing Green Benefits Man and Nature.CPlanting Trees

37、Can Control Air Pollution.DTrees Can Make Summer Ozone Level Worse. 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D本文主要講述了樹木在夏季會導致臭氧水平惡化,造成空氣污染。故選DoA 3-year-old who cries out, Mommy! Look, how big that mans nose is! will probably be ignored by his mother and the man. An adult who makes an equivalent statement, however, might f

38、ind his own nose swollen and hurting within seconds. The difference is much more than a matter of social graces. We do not expect 3-year-olds to understand how the things they say affect other peoples emotions. They are not empathetic in the way adults are.To empathize with someone is to understand

39、what he is feeling or, more properly, to understand what you would feel like if you were in his situation. Unlike intelligence and physical attractiveness, which depend largely on genetics, empathy is a skill that children learn. Its value is multifold. Children who are empathetic tend to do better

40、in school, in social situations, and in their adult careers.Toddlers sometimes show behavior that is closer to true empathy in their first efforts to connect another persons discomfort with their own. When a 2-year-old sees his mother crying, he may offer her a toy hes been playing with or a cookie

41、hes been nibbling. He is giving his mother something that he knows has made him feel better when he has cried. It is unclear, however, whether the child understands what his mother is feeling, or is simply upset by the way she is acting, much in the way a puppy *e up and lick the face of someone who

42、s crying.By the time a child is about 4 years old, he begins to associate his emotions with the feelings of others. While one child says he has a stomachache, some 4-year-olds *e over *fort him. By the time a child is 8, he can grapple with *plex moral decisions in which he must realize that someone

43、 elses feelings may be different from his own.Although the best training for empathy begins in infancy, its never too late to start. The best teachers of this skill are the childrens parents. The way you show your own empathy may be more important than anything you say.|SSS_SINGLE_SELAEmpathy can be

44、 learned.B Empathy is determined by birth.C Empathy is of greater importance.DEmpathy has little effect on ones life. 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A 根據(jù)第二段 “ Unlike intelligence and physical attractiveness, whichdepend largely on genetics , empathy is a skill that children learn . ”可知同情心是后天習得白1不是先天性的,故選 A |SSS_

45、SINGLE_SELAToddlers can show true empathy to others.BToddlers just do things like a puppy.CToddlers may. not know true empathy.DToddlers cant appreciate what theyre doing.該題您未回答:X該問題分值:2答案:C根據(jù)第三段 “ It is unclear , however, whether the child understands what his mother is feeling , or is simply upset

46、 by the way she is acting , much in the way a puppy *e up and lick the face of someone who s crying . ”可知孩子們并不知道真正的同情心。故選C。|SSS_SINGLE_SELAParents must master such skills first.BParents had better learn how to be good teachers.CParents have to stop teaching their childrens empathy.DParents should se

47、t an example for their childrens empathy.該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D根據(jù)最后段 “ The way you show your own empathy may be more important than anything you say . ”可知父母應該為培養(yǎng)孩子的同情心樹立榜樣。故選 Do|SSS_SINGLE_SELAHow children develop empathy.二 BHow empathy benefits children.CWhy empathy matters more than intelligence.DWhy

48、 it is important to train the empathy of children.該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A本文主要講述了兒童在不同年齡階段的同情心的不同表現(xiàn)形式,即兒童同情心 的發(fā)展過程。故選ACloseWe all have times when someone does something to support you. You are grateful for their【C1】 gesture. And then you move on.A couple of days ago I was up on a stage, connecting a lapt

49、op Im typing on to a【C2I at the conference. It was the first time Iwas going to【C3J a session at the Association of FundraisingProfessionals (AFP) international conference. So, needless to say, I felt very【C4 . Some sweaty palms. You get it.For some reasons, my laptop and the projector were having t

50、roubleC5 . The image on the huge screen would flicker on and off and on and off. After a few minutes the image【CO completely.This went on for about 15 minutes. Watching from her seat was a young woman who had arrived nearly forty-five minutes before the session was to start. She quietly andC71 said,

51、 Lori, would you liketo use my laptop? I looked up at this woman and【C8I came tomy eyes. I didnt know her. But sheC93 offered help to giveup her note-taking tool.After switching on *puter and making sure things worked, I was 【C1d to give my speech to a room of more than 300 people.The womans action

52、【C11】 more than 300 people in that room who serve thousands in *munities. The people at the session got to learn how to share their people and money stories so they canC123more money for their amazing nonprofits. Yes, the content was mine:C13I , the ability to deliver it was made【C14by a small act o

53、f kindness from someone Id never met before.I am gratefulC15I words to the woman, who is changing theworld. She has certainly changed mine.|SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C1】A boldB politeC silentD kind 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D 通過下文在演講時別人善意的幫助,可知選DSSS_SINGLE_SEL. C21 A charger B computer C projector D loudspeaker 該題您未回

54、答:x該問題分值:2答案:C通過下文第三段的第句 “ For some reasons , my laptop and the projector were having trouble ” 可推知選 C。|SSS_SINGLE_SEL. C3IA addressB scheduleC postpone 二 D cancel 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A 句意:這是我首次在圍際會議上演講。address a session為固定搭配,意為“在會議上發(fā)言”。SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C4A curiousB nervousC excitedD embarrassed 該題您未回答

55、:x該問題分值:2答案:B |SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C3A approvingB negotiatingC communicatingD comparing 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2SSS_SINGLE_SEL答案:C SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【caA cameB disappearedC rolledD developed 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:BSSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C71A calmlyB proudlyC urgentlyD hesitantly 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A 根據(jù)上文的15分鐘,此處只能選淡定自若地,故選AoSS

56、S_SINGLE_SEL.【C8IA envyB tearsC nervesD admiration 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:B 句意:我抬頭看著這個女人要流淚了。故選 Bo.【cqA curiouslyB gratefullyC reluctantlyD generously 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D 旬意:她大方地放棄了做筆記的工具而過來向我提供幫助。故選 Do SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C1dA freeB afraidC willingD able 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D 通過上文可知此處表示“我能夠在 300多人面前做演講”,故選Do

57、SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C11A upsetB impactedC defendedD discovered 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:B通過下文 “ The people at the session got to learn how to share their people and money stories ” 可知選 B。SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C121A raiseB affordC loseD waste 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A 通過上文share可知選A SSS_SINGLE_SEL.【C1?A insteadB otherwiseC

58、thereforeD however 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:D 本句中的分號前后兩部分為轉折關系,故選 a SSS_SINGLE_SEL. C14IA possibleB flexibleC apparentD reasonable 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:A make sth. possible 讓成為可能。.【C1日inB withoutC beyondD about 該題您未回答:x該問題分值:2答案:C beyond words意為“難以用文字表達”,故選 C。 翻譯句子T1 In reading, it is useful to propose to our

59、selves definite endsand purposes. T2 The more distinctly we are aware of our own wants and desires in reading, the more definite and permanent ou門earningwill be. Hence it is a good rule to ask ourselves frequently, Why am I reading this book?or Why am I reading it at the present time rather than at

60、any other? T3 The answer may be that it is convenient: that the book happens to be at hand: or that we read topass away the time.T4 Such reasons are often very good, but theyought not always to satisfy us. T5 Yet the very habit of asking ourselves these questions, however they may be answered, will


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