英語課件:《Jenny's New Skirt》Colours and Clothes PPT教學(xué)課件_第1頁
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1、Lesson 7: Jennys New SkirtUnit 2 Colours and Clothes初中英語冀教版七年級Words and expressionssureblousereallypink adv. 當然 n. 女襯衫; 短上衣 adv. 真正地;確實地 真的嗎adj.&n. 粉色(的)How many colours do you know?blackwhiteredbluegreenyellowpinkbrownPPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT圖表:/tubiao/ PPT下載:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /

2、powerpoint/ 資料下載:/ziliao/ 范文下載:/fanwen/ 試卷下載:/shiti/ 教案下載:/jiaoan/ PPT論壇: PPT課件:/kejian/ 語文課件:/kejian/yuwen/ 數(shù)學(xué)課件:/kejian/shuxue/ 英語課件:/kejian/yingyu/ 美術(shù)課件:/kejian/meishu/ 科學(xué)課件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理課件:/kejian/wuli/ 化學(xué)課件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物課件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理課件:/kejian/dili/ 歷史課件:/kejian/lishi/ Practic

3、e in pairs. green blue black gray whiteredyelloworangepinkA: Whats your favourite colour?B: My favourite colour is .Look and SayA: Whats this? B: Its a _. blue shirtA: Whats this? B: Its a _. white blouseA: Whats this? B: Its a _.pink skirt A: Whats this? B: Its a _.red sweaterNow, close your book.

4、Listen and try to speak out the dialogue.Mum, my skirt is very old. Can I get a new one?Sure, dear. What colour do you want?I want a blue skirt, Mum.OK. What can you wear with it?I can wear my favourite blouse with it. I like its colour. Its light blue!Blue again! Jenny, you really like blue.Jenny:

5、Mum, _ _ is very old. Can I get a new one?Mrs. Smith: Sure, dear. _ _ do you want?Jenny: I want a _ skirt, Mum.Mrs. Smith: OK. What can you wear with it?Jenny: I can wear my _ _ with it. I like its colour. Its _ _!Mrs. Smith: Blue again! Jenny, you really like blue. my skirt What colourFill in the b

6、lanks. blue favourite blouse light blueNow, close your book. Listen and try to speak out the dialogue.Good afternoon, Jenny. I like your blue skirt.Thanks!Is it new?Yes, it is. And blue is my favourite colour. Do you like blue?Yes, I do. But my favourite colour is pink.Fill in the blanks.Kim: Good a

7、fternoon, Jenny. I like your _ _.Jenny: Thanks!Kim: Is it _? Jenny: Yes, it is. And blue is my favourite _. Do you _ blue?Kim: Yes, I do. But my _ colour is _. blue skirtnew colour favourite pinklikeNameFavourite ClothesFavourite ColourJennyblouses and skirtsblueA: What are your favourite clothes?B:

8、 My favourite clothes are blouses and skirts.A: Whats your favourite colour?B: My favourite colour is blue.For example:Work in pairs. Ask some students and fill in the table.以What colour開頭的疑問句表示詢問顏色?;卮饡r必須是具體的顏色。What colour is the coat? 那件上衣是什么顏色? Its pink. 是粉色的。Language points1. What colour do you w

9、ant? 你想要什么顏色?當他人對你的容貌、服裝等表示欣賞、贊賞時,英語中的習慣應(yīng)答為 “Thanks (a lot)./Thank you (very much). / Many thanks.”,表示你高興地接受這種贊賞,同時向?qū)Ψ奖硎靖兄x。2. Good afternoon, Jenny. I like your blue skirt. 下午好, 詹妮。我喜歡你的裙子。 Thanks! 謝謝!Role-play1. Role play the conversation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the class.Match the words with the pictures.socks skirt jeans pants shoes 從B欄里選出與A欄各句相匹配的應(yīng)答語。 A B( ) 1. Is it your coat?( ) 2. Do you like green?( ) 3. Whats your favourite colour?( ) 4. I like your red sweater, Kate.( ) 5. What are your favour


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