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1、湖北省主要景點介紹(中英文對照)東湖國家級風景區(qū),武漢人心中的驕傲。在這里,初春踏青,盛 夏戲水,金秋品桂,嚴冬賞梅,已經成為幾百萬市民的野趣,也 必將給您的旅途增添光彩。三十三平方公里湖面,煙波浩淼;三 十四座崗巒,蒼翠欲滴。散布于景區(qū)的古亭佛塔給秀美的東湖平 添了幾分歷史的凝重。東湖湖岸曲折,港漢交錯,因為有充足的 水分和光照,東湖有372種樹和390多種花,以梅花和蓮花最為 出眾。徜徉于這秀麗山水之間,濃郁的楚風之中,怎不讓人心曠 神怡,流連忘返。East Lake, located in Wuchang district, is rated as one of the top nati

2、onal attractions and is the pride and joy of the People of Wuhan. Many of the residents enjoy walking along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, smelling the sweet laurels in autumn and admiring the plum trees in winter. The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches as far as the eye can

3、 see. Ancient pavilions and pagodas scattered throughout the 34 hills around the lake make this scenic spot historic and impressive. Due to abundant rainfall and sunshine as well as a humid climate, East Lake has rich botanical resources. There are 372 kinds of trees and over 390 varieties of flower

4、s, of which plum blossom and lotus are the most famous.While wandering between the green hills, clear water and ancient architecture, one can easily feel the essence of “Chu Culture”.黃鶴樓座落于長江南岸,最初作為古代作戰(zhàn)時的瞭望臺,自占有“天 下絕景”、“江南三大名樓之首”以及“天下江山第一樓”美譽。歷 代名人墨客登樓觀光,留下了無數動人的故事和名篇佳句,千古 流傳。其中唐代大文豪李白的送孟浩然之廣陵最為膾炙人口

5、: “故人西辭黃鶴去,煙花三月下揚州。孤帆遠影碧空盡,唯見長 江天際流。”黃鶴樓始建于公園三世紀的三國時期,在漫長的歲 月里,歷經滄?!,F今的黃鶴樓于1986年完工并對外開放,樓 姿雄偉為歷代黃鶴樓之首。Yellow Crane Tower, located near the Southern end of Yangtze River Bridge, is one of Chinas most famous towers. Originally used as a watch tower in ancient times, it inspired many ancient poets and

6、artists. Well known poet Li Bai wrote during the Tang Dynasty:“My old friend, bids farewell to me in the west at Yellow Crane Tower. Amid Aprils mist and flowers, he goes down to Yangzhou. His distant image disappears in blue emptiness. And all I see is the long river flowing to the edge of the sky.

7、As the foremost symbol of Wuhan, the original Yellow Crane Tower is said to exist as early as the 3rd Century. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. The current reconstruction was completed in 1986.古琴臺位于漢陽龜山之西,月湖之畔。始建于北宋,歷代毀建多次。 現在的主體建筑為單檐歇山頂,前加抱廈式殿堂,堂前漢白玉方 形石臺,相傳是俞伯牙撫琴之處。相傳有位名叫俞伯牙的琴師曾 在此

8、彈琴,抒發(fā)情懷,樵夫鐘子期聽其志在高山,意在流水,二 人遂結知己。后來子期病故,伯牙悲痛不已,將琴摔壞,從此不 再彈琴?!爸簟钡涔视纱硕鴣?,琴臺是后人為了紀念這對摯友而 建。Ancient Lute Pavilion is situated west of Tortoise Hill on the shore of Moon Lake Hill in Hanyang District. Originally built in Northern Song Dynasty (960 A.D.-1127 A.D.), it was destroyed and rebuilt several tim

9、es. There is a popular fable about this pavilion that a person named Yu Boya was fascinated in playing the lute. Wood cutter Zhong Ziqi understood well Yu Boyas interest. As time passed by, he got to know that Yu boya was a man with high aspirations through his playing, so they became good friends.

10、Afterwards, Zhong Ziqi died of an illness and Yu Boya was so sad that he broke the lute and proclaimed not to play it ever again. The phrase “Bosom Friend” was formed this way. order to commemorate the two friends, the later generations set up the pavilion. The main building is a pavilion with tradi

11、tional Chinese architectural style. At The front of the pavilion, you can see a white marble square stone, which is said to be the place where Yu Boya put his lute.晴川閣位于漢陽長江岸邊的龜山腳下,于黃鶴樓遙遙相對,為武漢 市重點文物保護單位。晴川閣始建于明嘉靖年間(公園1522- 1567年),取唐代詩人崔顥登黃鶴樓寫下的詩句“晴川歷歷漢陽 樹”中的“晴川”二字命名。晴川閣的歷史雖然沒有黃鶴樓那樣悠 久,但由于這里的視野極好樓臺的

12、造型也好,使它贏得了“楚國 晴川第一樓”的冠譽。Qingchuan Pavilion, located at the foot of Tortoise Hill in Hanyang district, faces the Yellow Crane Tower on the other side of the Yangtze River. It is a key cultural relic protected by Wuhan City. First built during Jiajing Year of Ming Dynasty(1522-1567), the pavilion got

13、its name from a poem written by Cui Hao, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. Although it does not have such a long history as the Yellow Crane Tower, you are able to have a wonderful birds-eye view on top of it. The pavilion boasts a specially-designed shape, thus winning the title of the “The First Pavi

14、lion of Chu”(a kingdom located within the present Hubei Province during the period from770 B.C. to 221 B.C.)歸元寺是一座具有百年歷史的注明古剎,為全國重點佛教寺院。寺 院內的羅漢堂里供有聞名遐爾的五百羅漢;起伏坐臥,喜怒哀樂, 神態(tài)各異,栩栩如生。Guiyuan Temple, located in Hanyang district, is a famous temple with hundreds Of years history and is one of the four Grea

15、t Buddhist bases in Hubei, as well as a Key Buddhist temple in china. inside the Temple, there is the“Hall of Arhats”where the well-known 50 golden statues can be seen. these statues have different poses And facial expressions, so vivid as if they were alive.武漢江灘集旅游觀光、休閑娛樂為一體,是武漢最靚麗的景觀帶之一。 依江灘沿江大道而建

16、的13棟各具特色、風格迥異的歷史建筑濃 縮了武漢以及中華民族的近代歷史;而臨江面的“酒吧一條街” 則是武漢最時尚的娛樂場所、聚集了當地最受歡迎的酒吧。白天、 江灘碧波蕩漾、芳草戚戚;入夜,這里更是流光溢彩、美侖美奐。Located on the Hankou side of the river, Wuhan Yangtze riverside is one of the Most beautiful and popular destinations in Wuhan. Thirteen European style buildings, built before 1949 along the

17、riverside, represent what the city was like in years gone by. Just across the road, the trendiest “Bar Street”in town is facing these historical buildings, making this part of the city the Most popular recreation and Entertainment area.湖北省博物館有近五十年歷史的湖北省博物館是一座大型的綜合博物館、 館藏頗豐;其中國家一級文物640余件、國寶16件。這些文物 都

18、是中華民族古代文明的瑰寶,具有重要的歷史、科學和藝術價 值、在海內外享有極高知名度。其中的。編鐘館”收藏于曾侯乙古 墓發(fā)掘的65件套古編鐘。這套編鐘與現今國際通用在音階結構 完全一致,音域寬廣,演奏性能良好,在地下埋葬了2400年后, 至今仍能演奏古今中外各種樂曲。現在您還有機會在編鐘館的 “編鐘樂”園欣賞經常的編鐘表演。Hubei Provincial Museum, located near The famous East Lake, was built in 1953. Being renovated in 1998, it is a comprehensive museum colle

19、cting more Than 640 pieces of first-grade historical relics and 16 national treasures. These collections are treasures of the splendid Chinese ancient culture, and enjoy high reputation not only domestically, but also overseas. A feature of the museum is the Chimes hall inside which there is a set o

20、f 65 ancient bells, found in Zenghouyi Ancient Tomb and buried for more than 2,400 years. This set of bells is well preserved; even after over thousands of Years, all kinds of songs can still be played on these ancient bells. Nowadays visitors have the chance to enjoy performances with duplicates of

21、 the famous bells in Hubei Provincial Museum.武漢動物園建在墨水湖畔,1978年7月經國家建委考察確定,武漢動 物園被納入全國八大動物園之列。全園三面環(huán)湖,形成半島,水 陸面積48.3公頃,具有湖光山色,鳥語花香的自然景觀。是一 座把風景、動物、植物和游樂融為一體的綜合性半自然式的動物 園?,F有鳥館、中型猛獸館、獅虎山等十多處動物展區(qū)。兒童游 樂動物園、水上樂園、風景圓更是動物園中的圓中圓,具有科教、 游樂、賞景等多種特色。Wuhan Zoo, located in Hanyang district beside Moshui Lake, was i

22、nspected and approved by the State Construction Committee in July 1978 and is one of the largest zoos in the country. Surrounded by water on three sides, the zoo has a total area of water and grounds of 48.3 hectares with beautiful natural scenery. As a comprehensive and semi-natural zoo, it is equi

23、pped with zones for all kinds of birds, medium sized wild animals, lion and tiger hill, water paradise and landscape gardens, it is a place combining the functions of scientific education, recreation and great scenery.神農架自然保護區(qū)始建于1982年,1986年升為國家級森林和野生動物類型的 自然保護區(qū)。全區(qū)總面積70467公頃,以其獨特的地貌為我們呈 現出一幅古老的風景畫面。神

24、農架現存有1000余種樹種,其中 包括距今1-8千萬年以前第三世紀的珍貴孑然樹種。五百七十種 野生動物中還有少見的白化動物。1990年,聯合國教科文組織 將神農架列為國際“人與生物圈保護網”成員;1995年,世界自然 基金會又將神農架定為“生物多樣性保護示范點七神農架最吸引 人的莫過于“野人”的說法,據說30多年來,在這一帶有200多 人次親眼看到過野人出沒,這給神農架又增添了神秘的色彩。Shennongjia Nature Reserve, located in Hubei province, was established in 1982 and was upgraded to be a

25、state-level nature reserve in the category of forest and wild animals in 1986. Occupying a total area of 70,467 hectares, the reserve represents to us a sight of ancient times with its unique terrain. there are more than 1,000 species of trees, including trees dated back to the 3rd century A.D. Amon

26、g the 570 kinds of wild animals, there are also rare albino species. Shennongjia nature reserve was listed as a member of the Word s Protection Circle of Human and Animals by UNESCO in 1990, and was approved by world wildlife Foundation in 1995 to be the Model of Biodiversity Protection. What is mos

27、t intriguing to people is that it is said more than 200 people have witnessed uncivilized man in the forest, which adds more mystery to this area.武當山古名太和山,位于湖北省北部十堰市境內,山勢雄偉,面臨 丹江口水庫,背依神農架林區(qū),連綿400多公里。有72峰,主 峰天柱峰海拔1612米。由于各峰均傾向天柱,蔚為奇觀。自古 以來,武當山便是道家追求仙境的理想之地,道教建筑遍及全山, 規(guī)模宏偉,相傳上古時玄武在此得道飛升。自東漢道教誕生之后, 歷代帝王

28、曾數次在武當舉行封山儀式,武當山的聲名日盛,明成 祖時期一度曾位列五岳之上,有“大岳”之稱。令武當山真正名揚 天下的是一代宗師張三豐。他創(chuàng)立的武當派與嵩山少林寺齊名。 北宋大書畫家米芾將之譽位“天下第一山”。Wudang Mountain, named Taihe Mountain in ancient times, is located between Danjiangkou reservoir and the forest region of Shennongjia Nature Reserve in Shiyan city in the northern part of Hubei Pr

29、ovince. Stretching for a distance of over 400 kilometers, it offers marvelous views on its 72 soaring peaks, especially Tianzhu Peak with an altitude of l,612 meters above sea level. Wudang Mountain, for many centuries, has been chosen by Taoists as the place close to the fairyland after they pass away. Large Taoism architecture can be seen everywhere on the mountain. Legend has it that the God of the Northern Sky ascended heaven after he attained the highest state of spiritual enlightenment here. Since Taoism was born in Eastern Han Dynasty (25


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