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1、2022-2023學年九上英語期末模擬試卷注意事項1考試結束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回2答題前,請務必將自己的姓名、準考證號用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆填寫在試卷及答題卡的規(guī)定位置3請認真核對監(jiān)考員在答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼上的姓名、準考證號與本人是否相符4作答選擇題,必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應選項的方框涂滿、涂黑;如需改動,請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案作答非選擇題,必須用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆在答題卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律無效5如需作圖,須用2B鉛筆繪、寫清楚,線條、符號等須加黑、加粗. 單項選擇1、Whos that man over there? It _be Mr

2、. Brown. He is much taller than Mr. Brown. You mean the man in white? He is an exchange student from England.AcanBmayCcantDmustnt2、-Further treatment will _ cancer from developing worse.-And regular exercise can also help.Aprotect Bescape Cget Dprevent3、It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be b

3、rought into use in Chinese middle schools soon. In fact. It is a small computer that is _ than a usual schoolbag but holds all the things for study, such as a _,an exercise book and so onAmuch smaller, testbookBeven smaller, textbookCfar smaller, comic book4、- The 19th National Congress of the CPC(中

4、共十九大) _ in Beijing last year.- Our country has been into a new era(時代) since then.AheldBwas heldChas heldDis held5、_ in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.AEverything BSomething CAnything DNothing6、 Can you remember Mr. Zhang came yesterday? Yes, I can. He came by car.AwhyBwhenCh

5、ow7、How many people have come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008? Its hard to say. _ people, I think.AMillion ofBMillions ofCTwo millions ofDTwo million of8、Nowadays, more and more people have taken an interest _ watching The Voice of China _ Friday evening.Ain; inBat; onCin; on9、 Ill be away

6、for a long time.Dont worry. She can look after your pet _.Acareful enough Benough carefulCcarefully enough Denough carefully10、-Nowadays, many people call themselves “Buddha-like youngsters(佛系青年)”.-Yes. But I think we shouldnt just accept life for what it is. _, we should set a goal and try our best

7、 to achieve it.AInsteadBJustCOnceDEven. 完形填空11、You may have a lot of friends and expect your friendship to last a lifetime. However, lifelong friendships are not _ what everybody can get. Friends sometimes misunderstand each other. For one thing, you may want your _ to be near at hand, but also you

8、need your independence (獨立).For example, when one of your friends comes asking _ it is all right to spend the evening in your house, sometimes you just say “_” to him or her because it is not convenient for you. Unfortunately, not all your friends _ this type of independence. They believe that frien

9、ds can ask for any favor and the answer should always be “yes”.Also, misunderstanding sometimes happens when you ask for _. You expect your friends to help you whenever you need. But the fact is, your friends may not always drop everything to satisfy _ of your needs. This may make you _ with them an

10、d your friendship could end. The most important thing for you and your friends to do is to always show understanding and respect for each other.Lifelong friendships dont develop overnights. In a true friendship, both people equally _ each other. Long-term friendships provide the time to build up a _

11、 together. As you spend more time with your friend, you are creating special times and stocking up (存儲) on memories.1(小題1)Aalways Bsometimes Cnever Dever2(小題2)Aparents Bfriends Cstudents Dteachers3(小題3)Awhen Bas Cif Dwhy4(小題4)Ayes Bno Cgood DOK5(小題5)Aprovide Bunderstand Cproduce Dinvent6(小題6)Ahelp B

12、food Cmoney Drespect7(小題7)Aevery Beach Cboth Deither8(小題8)Ahappy Bexcited Ccheerful Dangry9(小題9)Aconnect Bcompare Csupport Dsolve10(小題10)Astory Bfamily Ccharacter Dhistory. 語法填空12、 This happened a year ago when I went to an old city on holiday .It was in the afternoon . I could feel the heat of the

13、sun while walking around the city for the 1 (one) time. Then I decided2(stop)at a restaurant and eat my late lunch. I sat outside 3restaurant and ordered my food. I was playing with my phone while waiting for my food.Just then a tall man came near me4asked if I had spare money. He didnt look like a

14、beggar( 乞丐 )because he was wearing nice 5(cloth). I asked him what had happened .He told me that he just came here for a holiday.When he wanted to buy some water at the bus station,he 6 (find)his wallet and phone were gone.He7 (real)didnt know what to do.“You must be hungry .Come and join me for lun

15、ch . Its my treat.” After having our lunch I gave him some money .He asked my number.”If I have a chance I will visit8 (you)city and pay back,”he said.“Dont think like that.Its my pleasure to help you. You can pay it forward-when someone 9(need)help,help him or her,”I replied.He smiled and said good

16、bye. I smiled,10. 閱讀理解A13、DNA is the whole “map”of the human body. It is something that all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.People have been trying to understand the human body for a long

17、 time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things called “genes(基因)” in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts are really messages. Theyre written in the DNA with a special language.I

18、n 1961, another two scientists found the first “word”that could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell (細胞) to build its parts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word”mean

19、s, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand. The more doctors will be able to do.Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words”and find out more information, we will use it in t

20、he wrong way, just to make people more attractive(有吸引力的) , or stop sick people getting jobs.1When did Mr. Mendel discover why we look the same as other people in our family?AIn 2000. BIn 1961. CIn 1953. DIn 1860.2How can we help sick people if we understand more “words” in the DNA map?AMake better m

21、edicine. BMake them get jobs.CMake maps for them. DMake them attractive.3Which one is NOT true according to the article?AWe look like our parents because of “genes”in our body.BWe have understood what all the words in the DNA map do.CDNA is the whole “map”of the human body.DDNA tells the cell to bui

22、ld its parts.B14、What would life be like if you give up using your cell phone? Will it become boring?Twenty-eight eighth-graders at St. Matthew School in San Francisco will tell you it can still be rich and colorful.These students took part in their schools “tech-free” challenge. They couldnt use ce

23、ll phones for two weeks from Nov 11 to Nov 22.The idea was to help students understand how technology has affected their lives, said Denise Uhl, principal of the school.Uhl did a survey on technology usage among the eighth-graders before thinking of the challenge. She found that 84 percent of the st

24、udents said they didnt like it “when everyone was on their cell phones”, but they didnt know what to do about it. The answer was actually easy - to stop constantly using cell phones.To help students understand the point, Uhl created the activity. It was warmly welcomed among students.“I wanted to si

25、gn up for the tech-free challenge because it was just really a good idea to do it,” eighth-grader Joe told local newspaper Catholic San Francisco. “I wanted to get closer to my family. And it really worked. I started to hang out with my family more. We watched more family movies and we played a lot

26、of board games.”The activity also helped students develop their interests.During the two weeks, Lucas said he spent much more time outside, picking lemons in his garden. Maddie finished a painting and Cassie created a scarf on a loom (織布機).1Students who took part in the “tech-free” challenge _.Acoul

27、dnt use their computers at schoolBwere not allowed to use their cell phones for nearly two weeksCcould use the Internet at school for freeDcouldnt take any high-tech products to school2The aim of the “tech-free” challenge was to _.Ahelp students focus on their studyBreduce the use of technology in s

28、choolCmake studying more difficult for studentsDhelp students understand how technology has affected their lives3Uhls survey on technology usage showed that _.Astudents liked to play games together on their cell phonesBsome students felt that they couldnt live without cell phonesCmany students felt

29、annoyed when others were on their phonesDsome students believed that technology improved their studies4After taking part in the activity, students found that _.Atechnology was actually boringBthey became closer to their familyCthey lost a way to keep in touch with their friendsDgoing on the Internet

30、 was the only interesting thing to doC15、Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum(論壇) asking what “PK” meant.“My family has been watching the I Am the Singer singing competition TV programme. My little daughter asked me what PK meant, but I had no idea,” explained the puzzle

31、d father.To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, “PK” is short for “Player Kill”, in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.In the case of the “I Am the Singer” singing competition, “PK

32、” was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition raking.Like this father, Chinese teachers at Middle schools have also been finding their students using_which are difficult to understand. A teacher from Tianjin asked her s

33、tudents to write the compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didnt understand.“My GG came back this summer from college. He told me Ive grown up to be a PLMM. I loved to FB with him together; he always took me to the KPM,” went one composition.“GG”

34、 means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). “PLMM” is Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). “FB” means Fu Bai (corruption). “KPM” is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonalds.Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, mea

35、ning an ugly looking femal) or a Qing Wa (frog, meaning an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!1By writing the article, the writer tries to _.Aexplain some Internet jargonsBsuggest common Internet jargonsClaugh at the Beijing fatherDdraw our attention to Internet jargo

36、ns2What does the underlined word Internet jargons mean?AInternet languageBInternet actionCInternet behaviorDInternet fashion3What does the writer think about the word “PK”?AFathers cant possibly know it.BThe daughter should understand it.COnline game players may know it.D“I Am the Singer” shouldnt h

37、ave used it.4The example of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher is used to show that Internet jargons _.Aare used not only onlineBcan be understood very wellCare welcomed by all the peopleDcause trouble to our mother tongue5What would be the best title for the passage?AA Puzzled Father.BDo Yo

38、u Speak Internet English?CKeep away from Internet English.DKong Long or Qing Wa?D16、On a stormy day last August, Tim heard someone shouting. Looking at the sea carefully, he saw that two kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, had rowed out in a boat

39、to_a football. Once theyd rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. The boys were terrified and tried to row back to shore. But they were no match for_and the boat was out of control.Tim knew that it would soon be swallowed b

40、y the waves.“Everything went quiet in my head,” Tim recalls. “Im trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line.”Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress. “At one point, I considered turning back,” he says. “

41、I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.” After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to shout to the boys, “Take down the umbrella!”“Lets aim for the pier(碼頭),” Jack said. Tim turned the boat toward it. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink. “Can you swim?” h

42、e cried. “A little bit,” the boys said.Once they were in the water, Tim decided it would be safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier. Christian and Jack were wearing life jackets and floated on their backs. Tim swam toward land as water washed over the boys faces.“Are we almost ther

43、e?” they asked again and again. “Yes,” Tim told them each time.After 30 minutes, they reached the pier.根據(jù)材料內容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內。1When did the story happen?AOn a holiday. BOn a stormy day.CAt a weekend. DAfter a football match.2What does the underlined word “recover” in the second paragraph mean in

44、Chinese?找回A修補 B恢復 C蓋上3What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe water. BThe boat.CThe wind. DThe umbrella.4Why did Tim raise his head regularly?ATo check his distance from the boys.BTo breathe more air.CTo take a short break.DTo make the two boys see him5What do you think of Ti

45、m?AStrong. BProud.CShy. DBrave.E17、Square Dance ABC is an exciting new way to practise square dancing.Enjoy a funny, easy beginners square dance, with no experience needed.There are three different dances. The A, B and C dances can be experienced in any order. This is the main difference between Squ

46、are Dance ABC and the traditional lesson-based way. You can do the three beginners dances in any order.Instead of waiting until a class starts once a year, people can start Square Dance ABC any time.After all three dances (in any order), dancers have learned 22 square dance movements. The next step

47、is the experienced ABC dance, using all 22 movements.It is easy to convince people to try square dancing any time. Most people that try it will like it. Square Dance ABC will bring lots of chances for fun, fitness and friends!Come on, and well make this project as easy as A-B- C!If you have question

48、s or comments about this site, please email us at Webmaster SquareDanceABCcom.1Who might be interested in this website?AKids that are good at drawing.BPeople that want to learn to dance.CAdults that want to go travelling.DVolunteers that want to teach children.2If you want to join in Square Dance AB

49、C, you_ .Acan start at any timeBhave to wait for a whole yearCmust have square dancing experienceDneed to get lots of friends to help you3If you join in Square Dance ABC, you can_ .Asave lots of morley for a holidayBtry square dancing only onceCstay healthy and make lots of friendsDlearn the English

50、 letters ABC more easily4The passage is probably_ .Aan advertisement by an English clubBan invitation by an English clubCan application by a sports clubDan advertisement by a dance clubF18、The more you travel, the more you want to. Here are the top five places I want to travel to in 2015.IndiaIve wa

51、nted to go to India for years. I am crazy about the Taj Mahal. My family are going there in October, so I finally get a chance to visit my dream place.GreeceId like to go to Greece in summer to enjoy white beaches, white houses, tasty food and delicious wine. For years Greece has been popular with p

52、eople who look for a cheap holiday.ChinaI want to go to China because it has a long and rich history. I would like to visit the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Im going to the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.ScotlandIve visited it a few times. In 2015 Id like to visit the countryside there. The people in Scotland are always so much fun.The MaldivesAs a lover of scuba-diving and fresh seafood, I hope 2015 will be my year to visit the Maldives. White beaches and wooden houses, I am coming.1Where has the writer been several times?AChina.BGreece.CScotland.DThe Maldives.2Which


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