人教版(步步高)高三英語一輪復(fù)習 Unit 14 Freedom fighters精品課件_第1頁
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1、Unit 14 Freedom fighters基礎(chǔ)落實.重點單詞思憶1.He finally won his (自由) after twenty years in jail.2.A (革命) in information technology is taking place.3.This custom is found in people of all (種族) throughout the world.freedomrevolutionraces14.Slavery was (取消) in the USA in the 19th century.5.Their decision was b

2、ased on ignorance and (偏見).abolishedprejudice2.考綱詞匯拓展1. adj.公民的;國內(nèi)的;文明的 v.開化;使文明;教化 n.文明2. n.革命;重大變革 adj.革命的3. n.分離;隔離 v.& adj. 分開,分離;單獨的,分開的4. vt.禁止,不許 (過去 式) (過去分詞)5. n.獨立;自主;自立 adj.獨立的,自主的 vi. 依靠;依賴civilcivilizecivilizationrevolutionrevolutionaryseparationseparateforbidforbad(e)forbiddenindepende

3、nceindependentdepend3.重要短語識記1.put. prison把投進監(jiān)獄2.join 攜手,聯(lián)手,合伙3.set. 釋放4.fight 為(爭?。┒鴳?zhàn)5.think of. 認為是6.at first 乍一看;初見之下7.from then 從那時起8. .from.把和分開9.in the 最后10.start 以開始11. of不理會;不顧12. an example to.為樹立榜樣 inhandsfreeforassightonseparateendwithregardlessset4.經(jīng)典句式再現(xiàn)1.At that time in the southern sta

4、tes, (黑人不被當作平等公民對待).2.Although slavery ended in the USA in 1865, (差不多100年 前),the South had its own laws (繼續(xù)隔 離黑人和白人).blacks were not treated as equal citizensalmost a hundred years beforeto continuethe separation of blacks and whites53. (他認為)that black people should not be separated but should be tr

5、eated with respect (用像對待其他人的同樣方式).4. (生于1929年),King went to university when he was fifteen.His message wasin the same way asother peopleBorn in 192965.He led many nonviolent demonstrations against racial discrimination and the Vietnam War, (這 期間他自己常常受到警察的毆打和逮捕).6. (從十八世紀末期一直到十 九世紀)different groups o

6、f people struggled for their rights. during which he himself wasoften beaten or arrested by the policeFrom the late eighteenth to well into thenineteenth century77. (幾乎在同一時期爭取婦女權(quán)力的國際運 動開始了).8. (有一段時期婦女無權(quán)選舉),could not go to university or choose their jobs. Starting at almost the same time were theint

7、ernational movements for the rights ofwomenThere was a time when women had no rightto vote8導練互動重點單詞1.forbid Mixedrace marriages were by law.(回歸課本P28)觀察思考 They forbad swimming in the river. 他們不準在這河里游泳。 Women are forbidden from going out without a veil. 婦女不戴面紗禁止外出。 forbidden9歸納拓展forbid詞性: 意思:forbidfor

8、bade/forbadforbiddenforbid sth.禁止某事forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事forbid sb.sth.禁止某人某事forbid的反義詞是allow和permit,其用法與forbid相同。 vt.禁止,不許10 能力轉(zhuǎn)化 用所給動詞的非謂語形式填空(1)The police dont allow (park) here,but I frequently see cars parked here.(2)The police dont allow anyone (park) here.(3)Are the

9、se novels allowed (take) out?parkingto parkto be taken112.vote .and in 1965 a new Rights Bill became law.(回歸課本P28)觀察思考 Lets put it to the vote.All those in favor raise your hands. 讓我們投票表決,贊成的舉手。 I voted for the Labour candidate in the last election. 我在上次選舉中投票支持工黨候選人。Voting12歸納拓展vote詞性: & 意思:(1)vote

10、down投票令某人下臺;投票否決(某事)vote for/against投票贊成/反對vote on sth.就某事進行投票表決vote to do sth.投票決定去做某事vote that.投票決定;提議;建議(表示“建議”時,從句用“should+動詞原形”表示虛擬語氣,should可省略)。(2)cast/record ones vote(正式)投票put sth.to the vote付諸表決 n.vi.選(票);選舉;投票13 能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1)這件事大家意見不一,我們表決好了。 As we cant all agree on this matter, lets .(2)許多人投票贊成

11、/反對這項新的稅收政策。 Many people the new tax policy.(3)我建議參觀那所學校。 I that school. vote on itvote for/againstvoted that we (should) visit143.demand All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to changes in society.(回歸課本P28)觀察思考 The workers demand for higher wages seems reasonable. 工人們提高工資的要求看來合理。

12、 Oil is in great demand these days. 現(xiàn)今對石油的需求量很大。 I demand my rights. 我要求我應(yīng)有的權(quán)利。 demand15 歸納拓展 demand詞性: & 意思: sth.要求得到某物/盤問某事 sth.of/from sb.要求某人某物 to do sth.要求做某事 of sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事 that-clause要求某人做某事(從句 的謂語動詞要用should+動詞原形, should可省略)n.v.要求;需求(1)demand16(2)in (great) demand=in (great) need非常 需

13、要,有大量需求 meet/satisfy ones demands滿足某人的需要 make demands on/of對提出要求 注意:demand不用于demand sb.to do sth.的結(jié) 構(gòu),類似的動詞還有hope,agree和suggest等。 17 能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1)她要求立即給予解釋。 She explanation.(2)我要求了解真情。 I the truth.(3)聯(lián)合國要求全面撤軍。 The UN has withdrawn.(4)咖啡的需求量很大。 There is for coffee. =Coffee is in . demanded an immediatedem

14、and to knowdemanded that all troops(should) bea great demandgreat demand184.set an example to By doing this he the rest of the world.(回歸課本P28)觀察思考 Its my duty as an officer to set an example to the troops. 作為軍官,我有責任為士兵樹立好榜樣。 She studies hard and sets a good example to all of us. 她學習刻苦,給我們所有人樹立了好榜樣。

15、set an example to19歸納拓展set/give an example to sb.(=set/give sb. an example)follow/copy ones example學習某人,效仿某人make an example of sb.處罰某人以警戒他人,懲一儆百for example例如take.for example以為例子beyond/without example沒有先例 為某人樹立榜樣20能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1)她的勇氣為我們樹立了榜樣。 Her courage us all.(2)你能舉一個他平時喜歡做什么的例子嗎? Can you what he likes to

16、do?(3)效仿他的做法是錯誤的。 It would be a mistake to .set an example togive me an example offollow hisexample215.regardless of .,and be treated equally to other people, race,religion or sex. (回歸課本P31)觀察思考 He continued speaking,regardless of my feeling on the matter.他不顧及我在這件事上 的感受繼續(xù)往下說。 She is determined to do

17、 it regardless of all consequences. 她不顧一切后果,決定這樣做。 regardless of22 歸納拓展 regardless of(1)in spite of盡管,不管 despite prep.不顧,不管(2)regardless adj.不注意的,不留心的;不重視的 adv.不顧一切地;不管怎樣地(3)regarding prep.關(guān)于 不顧,不理會23 能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1)不管種族、宗教或性別如何,法律面前人人 平等。 The law requires equal treatment for all, race,religion,or sex.(2)盡管

18、我們做出了巨大努力,還是沒能完成計 劃。 great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.(3)盡管她竭盡全力控制自己,聲音仍在顫抖。 Her voice was shaking all her efforts to control it. regardless ofIn spite ofdespite246.at first sight A good way to come up with new ideas is to compare things that are very different ,.(回歸課本P32)觀察思考 The

19、results of the tests were,at first sight,surprising. 乍看起來,測試的結(jié)果是驚人的。 At first sight the difficulty looks greater than it really is. 乍看之下,這困難好像比實際的還要大。 at first sight25歸納拓展at first sightat/on sight一見(就)catch sight of看到,發(fā)現(xiàn)in/within sight被見到;在望,臨近out of sight在視力所及范圍之外in the sight of.(=in ones sight)從的觀

20、點看know sb.by sight跟某人只是面熟(并不相識)lose ones sight喪失視力 乍一看;初見之下26 能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1)(2008天津,15)At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was . A.out of sight B.out of reach C.out of order D.out of place 解析 out of sight看不見;out of reach夠 不到;out of order雜亂,出故障;out of place不在原來的地

21、方,不恰當。句意為:在火 車站,這位母親揮手向她的女兒告別,直到火車 看不見為止。 A27(2)我看見她匆忙地走開,但我并沒有跟她講話。 but I didnt try to speak to her.(3)我們一見鐘情。 It was love .I caught sight of her hurrying awayat first sight287. this he set an example to the rest of the world.通過這樣做,他為世界 其他地區(qū)樹立了榜樣。 典例體驗 He earns his living . 他以教書為生。 You can send let

22、ters or . 你可以郵寄或者派人送信件。 Can you still buy cloth in Britain? 你在英國買布還論碼嗎? By doingby teachingby mailby handby the yard29 歸納拓展 by doing.中by為 ,可表示 (1)by doing.通過做 by teaching (speaking,begging,using.)通 過教書(演講,乞討,使用)(2)by+n.(名詞前無冠詞) by mail (fax,radio,telephone.)通過郵寄(傳真,無線電,電話)(3)by+n.(表示交通路線、工具的名詞) by l

23、and (train,bus,ship,bike.)通過陸路(火車,汽車,輪船,自行車) 介詞方式、方法與手段。30(4)by+the+n.(表示度量衡的名詞) by the hour (day,week,month,year,yard,metre.)按小時(天,周,月,年,碼,米) 注意:by后接交通或通訊方式時,名詞前不用冠 詞;若接表示度量衡的名詞時,名詞前面須加冠 詞。 能力轉(zhuǎn)化(1)他干零活以抵償債務(wù)。 He worked off his debt .(2)他明天要乘船去美國。 He will go to the USA tomorrow. by doing odd jobsby s

24、hip31(3)People here usually live rice while my father makes his living selling newspapers. A.by;by B.in;by C.on;by D.in;in 解析 此題考查live on.“以為生” 和make ones living by doing.“通 過謀生”。句意為:這里的人們通常以 大米為主食而我父親通過賣報紙來謀生。 C32考題回扣【例1】This special school accepts all disabled students, educational level and backg

25、round.(江蘇高考) A.according to B.regardless of C.in addition to D.in terms of 解析 according to根據(jù);regardless of不 管,不顧;in addition to除之外(還); in terms of從的觀點,從的角度。本 題選B項。句意為:這所特教學校接收所有的殘 疾學生,不管他的受教育水平和背景如何。 B33課文原文.,and be treated equally to other people, race,religion or sex. regardless of34【例2】Why dont w

26、e choose that road to save time? The bridge to it .(四川高考) A.has repaired B.is repaired C.is being repaired D.will be repaired 解析 根據(jù)上下文來看,不選那條路的原因是 通向那條路的橋梁正在被修,故用現(xiàn)在進行時 態(tài)的被動語態(tài)。 課文原文 A demonstration on Main Street. Cwas being held35【例3】 in the fields on a March afternoon,he could feel the warmth of sp

27、ring. (安徽高考) A.To walk B.Walking C.Walked D.Having walked 解析 句意為:三月的一天下午在田地里走 時,他能感覺到春天的溫暖。此處應(yīng)該用現(xiàn)在 分詞作伴隨狀語,表示walk與feel是伴隨發(fā)生 的動作。 B36課文原文 at almost the same time were the international movements for the rights of women. Starting37【例4】The man pulled out a gold watch, were made of small diamonds. (陜西高考

28、) A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of C.which the hands of D.the hands of which 解析 watch指物,故定語從句的引導詞不可用 whom,可排除A、B兩項。由句意可知,空格處可 填入whose hands或the hands of which表示所 屬關(guān)系。D38課文原文He led many nonviolent demonstrations against racial discrimination and the Vietnam War, he himself was often beaten or

29、arrested by the police.during which39自主檢測.品句填詞1.He has lived through two (革 命).2.A modern (監(jiān)獄) has replaced the Victorian one.3.After 5 years in prison,he was given his (自由).4.Slavery was (取消) in the US in the 19th century.5.The fat old man looked (好笑的) in his tight pink trousers. revolutionsprisonf

30、reedomabolishedridiculous406.The (隔離) of infectious patients from other people prevented the virus from spreading.7.Parents should not give their children (絕對) freedom.8.We shouldnt have (種族的) discrimination.9.The poor man was arrested for (政治的) reasons.10.You are all (禁止) to leave. separationuncond

31、itionalracialpoliticalforbidden41.用所給詞的適當形式填空1.The of a sixyearold child drew many peoples attention. such a child meant the was very cruel. (murder)2.They went on their holidays.They were not glad to from each other,but they had to do it . (separate)3.In order to get ,they have to get lines first a

32、nd then they can to each other.(marry)murderMurderingmurdererseparatebe separatedseparatelymarriedmarriagebemarried424.It is impossible to satisfy all your . You know he is a boss and always best job done by his workers.(demand)5.She was access to the church,for her father their marriage.(forbid)6.S

33、ince women had the ,they against the law that they couldnt benefit from. (vote)7.The of the woman,who for carrying a gun,was reported on the front page.(arrest)demandsdemandingdemandsforbiddenforbadevotevotedarrestwas arrested438.He is a active person,and is wellknown for his skills in the field of

34、.(politics)9.The revolution had created a new,proud and confident of men.The separation had been abolished at last. (race)10.It is a work of art and its has attracted much attention. (unique) politicallypoliticalpoliticsraceracialuniqueuniqueness44.翻譯句子1.我的父母不許我在外面過夜。(forbid) .2.班主任要求我們每節(jié)課前要擦干凈黑板。(d

35、emand) .3.許多黑人被捕,關(guān)進了監(jiān)獄。(prison) . My parents forbid me to stay out at nightThe head teacher demanded that we (should)clean the blackboard before every classMany blacks were arrested and put intoprison454.他們不惜一切成本裝修這個房子。(regardless of) .5.黑人所需要的是和白人同樣的權(quán)利。 . They decorated the house regardless of thec

36、ostWhat the blacks need are the same rights asthe white people46.單項填空1.If they are determined to strike,they will do so what the law says. A.in spite of B.in terms of C.in consequence of D.regardless of 解析 in spite of盡管;in terms of就 方面來說;in consequence of結(jié)果;因; regardless of不顧,不理會。根據(jù)題意可知, D項正確。 D472.

37、The government official for 15 years for economic crimes. A.was put in prison B.was in the prison C.got out of prison D.was in prison 解析 句意為:那位政府官員由于經(jīng)濟犯罪坐 了15年的牢。由于句中有一段時間狀語for 15 years,所以應(yīng)用表示狀態(tài)的短語be in prison。 D483.I want to voice to what we all feel in wishing the teacher a quick recovery. A.make

38、B.send C.give D.take 解析 give (a) voice to是固定短語,意為 “表達,說出”。 C494.A black woman for refusing to stand up for a white man on a bus,which led to a demonstration. A.got to arrest B.was to arrest C.had arrested D.got arrested 解析 get arrested是被動語態(tài),意為“被逮 捕”。 D505. from the past performance,he is not likely

39、to do very well in his exam. A.Judging B.Judged C.To judge D.Having judged 解析 judging from/by是固定詞組,在句中一 般用作狀語。句意為:從他以往的表現(xiàn)來看, 他不大可能考得很好。 A516.The universities at home have been expanding since the year 2000, allowing many more people to have an access to higher education. A.relatively B.thus C.since

40、D.will 解析 考查副詞用法。thus在英語中常用來表示 “結(jié)果,因此”,其后接現(xiàn)在分詞或從句。句意為: 國內(nèi)的大學自從2000年一直在擴大,結(jié)果使得更多 的人能接受高等教育。 B527.With millions using Google every day,it was regularly one of the worlds top brands in 2008. A.valued B.voted C.varied D.voiced 解析 vote選舉,推選。根據(jù)句意選B。 B538.It is said that the pen ,so I bought one the day be

41、fore yesterday. A.writes well B.writes good C.is well written D.is good written 解析 本題考查主動形式表被動意義。write不 是系動詞,不能與形容詞連用,故排除B、D兩 項。A說明主語鋼筆的性質(zhì),符合題意。 A549.There is a board by the road,which “Parking !” A.writes;forbidding B.reading;forbidding C.says;forbidden D.saying;forbidden 解析 本題第一空考查“牌子上寫著”,可用 動詞say

42、或read,因為是從句的謂語動詞,不可 用reading或saying。第二空是forbid parking 的變化形式,因兩者之間是動賓關(guān)系,所以應(yīng) 是Parking forbidden!=No parking。句意為: 道路旁有一塊牌子上面寫著“禁止停車!” C5510.My demand is that the information referred to in my report to Mr.Brown without delay. A.to be e-mailed B.e-mailed C.be e-mailed D.being e-mailed 解析 demand作主語,其表語從

43、句中的謂語動 詞要用虛擬語氣。本題中should被省略了。 C5611.It was in the very house was built with stones he spent his childhood. A.that;that B.that;where C.which;that D.which;where 解析 第二空是強調(diào)句型,強調(diào)的是狀語in the very house。house后 was built withstones是定語從句,修飾house,因house 前有the very修飾,因此只能用that來引導定 語從句,不能用which。 A5712.For miles

44、around me there was nothing but a desert,without a single plant or tree . A.on earth B.for distance C.in sight D.at place 解析 in sight在視野內(nèi),看得見。 C5813.I will show you how to hit the ball and then you must my example. A.copy B.listen C.set D.make 解析 copy ones example照某人的樣子做。 句意為:我會教你怎樣擊球,然后你照我的樣 子去做。 A

45、5914.By the end of last year,another new gymnasium in Beijing. A.would be completed B.was being completed C.has been completed D.had been completed 解析 根據(jù)by the end of last year可知要 用過去完成時。 D6015.You are confident about the job interview,arent you? .Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything they ne

46、ed. A.Sure,I am B.Its hard to say C.I hope so D.Well,maybe 解析 句意為:你對這次招聘面試很自 信,是嗎?當然了,我已做好了充分準備 并感覺他們需要的我都有。B項為“很難說”; C項“我希望這樣”;D項“好吧,或許是”, 均不合題意。 A返回61629、靜夜四無鄰,荒居舊業(yè)貧。2022/7/302022/7/30Saturday, July 30, 202210、雨中黃葉樹,燈下白頭人。2022/7/302022/7/302022/7/307/30/2022 6:49:09 PM11、以我獨沈久,愧君相見頻。2022/7/302022/7/302022/7/30Jul-2230-Jul-2212、故人江海別,幾度隔山川。2022/7/302022/7/302022/7/30Saturday, July 30, 202213、乍見翻疑夢,相悲各問年。2022/7/302022/7/302022/7


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


