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1、對定語從句的掌握要落實到三個層面:一、認得出二、看得懂三、用得上定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用認得出:關鍵:找到主句,分離從句。但不管定語從句以哪一種形式出現(xiàn),他們都有一個共同特點:那就是在一個核心名詞的前面或后面。 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 一、定語從句的位置(一)從句在主句的前面例如:As is well-known, man couldt live without water. (二)從句在主句的后面 例如:This is the house where his father was born.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用(三)放置在主句中 例1:The day when they g

2、ot married was just on February 14.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 二、 理解定語從句要注意:A.準確判斷定語從句所修飾的對象。 由于定語從句與其所修飾的對象之間常有分割成分,而該分割成分中與定語從句緊挨著的名詞常常會被誤認為是定語從句的先行詞。在理解上會造成障礙。 因此遇到這種結(jié)構(gòu)一定要根據(jù)上下文和常識進行判斷。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用1.The daysare gonewhen we suffered so much 2.There are many peopleon the platformwho are waiting for the train 3

3、.Do you remember one afternoonten years ago, when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? 4.At all times you may find thingshappeningwhich are hard to explain 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用B.要注意區(qū)分從句的層次。定語從句是最可能出現(xiàn)嵌套結(jié)構(gòu)的。一句話中往往包括好幾個定語從句,這些從句有時是相互并列的關系,有時是嵌套關系。理解句子的時候應注意區(qū)分。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用1、The boss at las

4、t got a chance to visit the village where he used to work ,which he had been dreaming of for 20 years. 老板終于得到機會去訪問他工作過的村莊,他一直夢想了20年。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用2、America has more than fifty states,one of which,Kentucky, is the place where Abraham Lincoln was born. 美國有50多個州。其中之一的肯塔基州是林肯出生的地方。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用三、找出閱讀篇章

5、中的定語從句,并理解這些句子。Lesson 3 Marco Polo定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 1.Whenhewas17yearsold,hetraveledacrossEuropeandAsia withhisfather,whowantedtodotradewiththe Chinese.(L2) 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用2. He was very impressed by Beijing and the Emperors Palace, especially the Summer Palace which he described as The greatest palace

6、that ever was. ” (L13)定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 3.There were inventions and developments in China which were not available in Europe at that time. (L16)定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用4.However, Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. (L27) 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用5.The prisoner t

7、hen wrote the stories in a book called The Description of the World, which became one of the best-selling books in Europe. (L30)定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 6.Just before he died, aged 70, Marco was asked the question, “Was it all true?”, to which he replied,“I have only told half of what I saw!”(L35)定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的

8、運用讀得懂:在認得出的基礎上,理解含定語從句的句子。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用關鍵:弄清楚邏輯關系,把各個 從句剔出來單獨理解,再靈活處理把大意拼湊起來,構(gòu)成整個 長句的意思,就可降低長句的理解難度,準確理解文意。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用在理解含定語從句的句子時,一定要考慮到中英文的表達習慣。常見的理解方式有以下幾種:定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用一、前置法:把定語從句翻譯到所修飾的先行詞前面,可以用“的”來連接。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.太

9、空和海洋是科學家們努力探索的新領域。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用二、后置法:把定語從句翻譯在所修飾的先行詞后面,翻譯為并列分句。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用單獨把定語從句翻譯出來的話,并重復先行詞,還可以用代詞代替先行詞來重復。I told the story to John, who told it to his brother.他把這件事告訴了約翰,約翰又告訴了他的弟弟。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.他們制定出一種新方案,采用之后生產(chǎn)

10、已迅速得到提高。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用三、融合法:把定語從句和它所修飾的先行詞結(jié)合在一起翻譯。There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.樓下有人要見你。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用A driver who is driving the bus mustnt talk with others or be absent-minded.司機在開車時,不許和人談話,也不能走神。He insisted on buying another house, which he had no use for盡管他并沒有這樣的需要,他堅持要再買一幢房子。定語

11、從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用He wishes to write an article that will attract the public attention to the matter.為了引起公眾對這一事件的注意,他想寫一篇文章。She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.她對孩子們很有耐心,而她丈夫卻很少這樣。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in the new inv

12、ention.在我們工廠里,許多人對這項新發(fā)明很感興趣。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用實戰(zhàn)演練定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用1.They had no connection with the outside world for more than a thousand years, giving them plenty of time to build more than 1000 huge stone figures, called moat, for which the island is most famous. 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用2、My wife and I took the

13、train from Paris to Strasbourg, where we were met by our driver and guide, and the minibus which goes along with the boat.We stopped off in Barn for an hour on the way. Then were taken to Nancy where the boat was kept. (優(yōu)化設計P37)Where did the author get off the train? A.Paris B. Strasbourg C. Nancy C

14、. Barn定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用3、Steve Magellan, world-famous adventurer, has been missing for two days. The man who flew around the world by himself in a balloon took off in a single-engine airplane from a private airport in Nevada.(優(yōu)化設計P43) 判斷句子正誤:Steve Magellan often traveled around the world with someones

15、company. 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 3、He didnt file a flight plan, so exactly where he went is unknown. Searchers are looking for him in a high desert, a 200 by 200 mile area with lots of ravines(溝壑)by air. “It would be very easy for a small plane like that to disappear for months,” said an officer from the Civ

16、il Air Patrol. The plane, like most small planes, did not have a “black box,” which sends out radio signals in event of a crash. A friend of Magellans said that he usually wears a watch that can send radio signals. But no signals were coming from that watch, if he was in fact wearing it. (.(優(yōu)化設計P43-

17、44) 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 Which of the following is Not a difficulty for the searchers?A.Its unknown where he was going exactly.B.The shape of the place where Steve Magellan was missing was complicated(復雜的).C. Steve Magellan lost his watch which can send out radio signals.D.The plane had no machine sending

18、 out radio signals.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用用得上:識別是理解的前提,理解是運用的根本。在語言學習中,運用才是王道。定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用定語從句在寫作中的運用定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用常用句型一:由as引導的非限制性定語從句As we have known, Marco Polo was a great explorer .常用句型二:由who或which引導的非限制性定語從句Marco Polo,who was an Italian, travelled all around China.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用常用句型三:由who, whom, whos

19、e, where, when, why等引導的定語從句(包括限制性和非限制性定語從句Marco Polo traveled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wanted to do trade with the Chinese.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 用定語從句翻譯短語:1.一個出生在Italy的旅行家a traveller who was born in Italy2.作燃料的黑色的石頭the black stones(which/that) people used to burn for fuel.3.歐洲所沒有的發(fā)明the i

20、nventions which were not available in Europe 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用4. 大廳可輕易容納6000人同時進餐的宮殿 the palace hall can easily seat 6000 people for dinner 5.他向另一個囚徒講述他的故事的地方 the place he told his stories to another prisoner6. 人們不相信他的故事的原因the reason people didnt believe his stories 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用恰當?shù)厥褂枚ㄕZ從句可以提升作文的檔次定語從句

21、在閱讀和寫作中的運用例句示范:杰克來自加拿大, 他在我們學校已經(jīng)學習了3年,他不僅經(jīng)常幫助我們學英語, 而且中文也講的很不錯。Jack is from Canada.He has studied in our school for three years .He often helps us learn English .He speaks Chinese very well.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用杰克來自加拿大, 他在我們學校已經(jīng)學習了3年,他不僅經(jīng)常幫助我們學英語, 而且中文也講的很不錯。Jack comes from Canada. He is a student of our s

22、chool where he has studied for 3 years .Not only does he often help us learn English but he speaks Chinese fluently as well. 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 杰克來自加拿大, 他在我們學校已經(jīng)學習了3年,他不僅經(jīng)常幫助我們學英語, 而且中文也講的很不錯。 Jack is a student of our school ,who comes from Canada.He has studied in our school for three years .He often h

23、elps us learn English ,and he speaks Chinese very well.定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 Our class is a big family. It is made up of 36 girls and 15 boys. All of them are very diligent and warm-hearted. 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用Our class is a big family, which is made up of 36 girls and15 boys, all of whom are very diligent and

24、warm-hearted. 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用 句式提升定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用Without water, man cant live, so it is of great importance.Water, without which man cant live, is of great importance.句子“瘦身”。使用定語從句后句子更簡練定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用He made brilliant remarks on the famous film.The remarks that he made on the famous film was brilliant

25、.He thought of an important way to deal with it.The way he thought of to deal with it was of great importance. (“高級”變中來;使用定語從句突出了brilliant和importance)定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用練一練把下列每組題中的兩個簡單句合并為一個含有定語從句的復合句1.Marco Polo was a great explorer. He lived in China forsome time._2.He traveled across Europe and Asia w

26、ith his father.His father wanted to do trade with the Chinese. _ 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用3. He traveled across Europe and Asia with his father.His father wanted to do trade with the Chinese. _4. The arrived in Beijing. They were warmly welcomed by the Yuan Dynasty. _ 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用5. The emperor was impressed by Marco Polo. Marco was clever and could speak four languages. _6. Marco was impressed by the the Summer Palace. The palaces hall can easily seat 6000 people for dinner. _ 定語從句在閱讀和寫作中的運用7. Ma


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