




1、汽車保險汽車保險是在事故后保證自己的財產(chǎn)安全合同。盡管聯(lián)邦法律沒有強制要 求,但是在大多數(shù)州(新罕布什和威斯康星州除外)都要求必須購買汽車保險; 在各個州都有最低的保險要求。 在鼻腔只購買汽車保險的兩個州, 如果沒有足夠 的證據(jù)表明車主財力滿足財務責任法的要求, 那么他就必須買一份汽車保險。 就 算沒有法律規(guī)定,買一份合適的汽車保險對司機避免惹上官和承擔過多維修費用 來說都是非常實用的。依據(jù)美國保險咨詢中心的資料顯示,一份基本的保險單應由 6 個險種組成。 這其中有些是有州法律規(guī)定,有些是可以選擇的,具體如下:身體傷害責任險財產(chǎn)損失責任險醫(yī)療險或個人傷害保護險車輛碰撞險綜合損失險無保險駕駛?cè)嘶?/p>
2、保額不足駕駛?cè)穗U責任保險責任險的投保險額一般用三個數(shù)字表示。 不如,你的保險經(jīng)紀人說你的保險 單責任限額是 20/40/10,這就代表每個人的人身傷害責任險賠償限額是 2 萬美元, 每起事故的熱身上海責任險賠償限額是 4 萬美元,每起事故的財產(chǎn)損失責任險的 賠償限額是 1 萬美元。人身傷害和財產(chǎn)損失責任險是大多數(shù)汽車保險單的基礎。 要求汽車保險的每 個州都強令必須投保財產(chǎn)損失責任險, 佛羅里達是唯一要求汽車保險但不要求投 保人身傷害責任險的州。 如果由于你的過錯造成了事故, 你的責任險會承擔人身 傷害、財產(chǎn)損失和法律規(guī)定的其他費用。 人身傷害責任險將賠償醫(yī)療費和誤工工 資;財產(chǎn)損失責任險將支付
3、車輛的維修及零件更換費用。 財產(chǎn)損失責任險通常承 擔對其他車輛的維修費用, 但是也可以對你的車撞壞的燈桿、 護欄、建筑物等其 他物品的損壞進行賠償。另一方當事人也可以決定起訴你賠償精神損失??纯雌囏熑坞U的最低投保要求, 你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)在你居住的地方哪些保險是必 須的。記住, 如果你引起了一場嚴重的交通事故, 最低限度的保險可能不足以支 付你造成的損失。 因此最好在州要求的最低限度外再買一些保險。 如果你已經(jīng)擁 有了家庭或者擁有養(yǎng)老或存儲賬戶, 你應該更多地考慮責任險。 因為在大多數(shù)州, 司機們都有權利去起訴肇事司機。 如果你被起訴了并且你投保的保額不足以彌補 各類損失,那么你有可能會成為眾矢之的
4、,個人財政將陷入麻煩。車輛碰撞險和綜合損失險如果投保人肇事, 車輛碰撞險將支付你的車輛維修費。 通常投保人得到的賠 付不能超過車輛實際價值,這和車輛的更換費用不同。車輛碰撞險通常來說是汽車保險中最貴的險種。 選擇一個較高的免賠額, 比 如 500 或 1000 美元,就會使你的保險費下降。不過要記住,你必須承擔免賠額 以內(nèi)的部分,保險公司只承擔超出免賠額的部分。更換費用是重置車輛或用相同種類和質(zhì)量的材料維修你的車,沒有折舊扣 除。折舊是因使用年限或磨損等原因使汽車價值的減少。實際價值 是財產(chǎn)被損壞或毀壞是的實際價值。理賠人員通常會用重置成 本減去折舊來確定車輛實際價值。保險公司通常在維修費用超
5、過汽車價值一定比例的時候?qū)④囈曌鳌败囕v全 損”。這個比例高低因公司不同而異,從 55%90%不等。綜合損失險 對非交通事故原因造成投保人車輛的損失進行賠付:如偷 盜,火災,被故意破壞,自然災害,或各種意外等。綜合損失險同樣可以有免賠 額,并在車輛毀傷時保險公司僅按車輛價值賠付。正常情況下, 因為保險公司的賠償額度不會超過汽車的賬面價值, 你最好對 這個金額有個大致的了解。如果你車的價值還不如保費額,還是不要投保的好。任何州都不會強制投保人購買碰撞險及綜合損失險, 不過當車主能夠負擔汽 車費用時,貸方可能會在貸款協(xié)議中要求車主購買碰撞及綜合險。 即使沒有要求, 碰撞及綜合險也是保險業(yè)大力推薦的險
6、種,以便在不可預知的毀壞或偷盜情況 下,車主可以避免重大損失。車輛偷盜現(xiàn)象很常見。醫(yī)療險、個人上海保護險和無過錯險醫(yī)療險講對被保險人及車上人員在事故后的醫(yī)療保險費用進行賠付。 這些費 用可能由于投保人駕駛自己的車或別人的車是發(fā)生的事故, 或者被保險人及其家 庭成員在步行時收到的傷害。 無論過錯在哪一方, 保險公司都會進行賠付, 但若 責任由第三方造成,保險公司可以對其進行追償。個人傷害保護險是醫(yī)療險的一種延伸形式。 他用來支付與傷害有關的費用但 并非必須是醫(yī)療的,如喪失的工資收入,幼托、喪葬支出等。目前有 16 各州要 求購買個人上海保護險, 如果你已經(jīng)投保了一份不錯的身體健康保險的話, 幸運
7、 的是你只需要買最低額度的醫(yī)療險或個人傷害保護險即可。無保險駕駛?cè)穗U或保額不足駕駛?cè)穗U無保險駕駛?cè)穗U 在你被撞傷而肇事司機逃逸或被沒有投保汽車保險的司 機撞傷時進行賠付。在有些州,這兩種險也對財產(chǎn)損失進行賠付。保額不足駕駛?cè)穗U 肇事司機所投的責任保險額不足一米不造成的損失時 保險公司進行賠償。在有些州,這兩種險也對財產(chǎn)損失進行賠付。類似地,保額不足駕駛?cè)穗U也會在你遭受一個保額不足的司機裝及時給與賠 付。如果你是行人遭受撞擊,保額不足駕駛?cè)穗U會支付這些費用。附加條款 汽車保險有很多補充,即可作為單獨險種,也可作為附加條款。租車補償條款 常見的附加條款,當你的車損壞或丟失而不能使用時的租 車費用。
8、拖車和人工條款 以防止車輛途中拋錨,亦很常見。差價補償條款 若你的新車全損,用來支付實際價值和汽車貸款余額之間 的差額。每個州都要求車主購買基本的汽車保險。 在汽車的使用過程中, 要求隨車攜 帶保險證明。在以下這些時候你可能要出示保險證明: 汽車登記時, 發(fā)生事故時, 還有駕駛過程中。 建議車主將保險證明放到車上, 而不是帶在身上, 這樣不管歲 駕駛,都可以隨時出示保險證明。任何違反州法律中關于汽車保險內(nèi)容的行為都會帶來一些后果, 輕則高額罰 款,重則吊銷駕照甚至入獄。 這些可怕的后果說明購買汽車保險非常值得。 不投 保而又不被懲罰的可能性很小,一旦被發(fā)現(xiàn)將重罰。汽車保險益處基本保障 基本保障
9、包括:保證對車企及車體的終身維修,維修期間提供代步車, 24 小時熱線服務電話,及時安排維修,晚間緊急情況下的住宿,對私人隨身物品、 醫(yī)療費用、車內(nèi)音頻視頻設備的損壞予以賠償, 24 小時擋風玻璃的更換,維修 熱線提供法律和醫(yī)療方面的建議及事故后咨詢。附加保障 附加保障包括:最大限度的無賠款優(yōu)待,法律幫助,旅行意外險及拋錨險, 如在路邊,修車時或在家拋錨的情況下提供幫助。投保人選擇的險種不同,保險就有所不同。 投保人可以按需要從下列險種中選擇: 第三者責任險保險公司對因被保險人駕駛時的責任引起的三方人身傷 害或財產(chǎn)損失負賠償責任。第三者火災及盜搶險除了上述第三方責任險外保險公司還對投保人車 輛
10、在事故中遭受的火災及盜搶負賠償責任。綜合損失險對被保險人的車輛損失以及第三者的人身損害和財產(chǎn)損失 提供保障。投保人可以將下列內(nèi)容補充道一上車險種: 前一年度沒有索賠,保險公司給與的最大限度的無賠款優(yōu)待;法律幫助計劃;拋錨險;旅行意外險。部分主要益處解析 上面簡要介紹了保險所提供的保障,下面我們分別詳細說明。1)24 小時服務熱線當投保人發(fā)生了事故或遭受了損失,可以隨時撥打保險公司 24 小時服務熱 線,向態(tài)度友好、處理高效的專家說明。2)及時安排維修發(fā)生了保險單中載明的事故之后, 投保人如果選擇保險公司推薦的修理廠進 行維修的話, 保險公司將會立刻通知該維修廠提供服務。 這些維修廠都是經(jīng)保險
11、公司嚴格檢查, 始終保持較高工作質(zhì)量, 經(jīng)他們維修過的車起火車身可以終身保 修就是證據(jù)。3)關于熱線電話給于的特別折扣及 24 小時更換玻璃服務 如果投保車輛的擋風玻璃,車程幾天窗玻璃破損,被保險人可以撥打 24 小 時波利維修熱線。 如果投的是綜合損失險, 所有維修都將免費。 如果已經(jīng)無法維 修的就只能更換, 超出部分費用由投保人自己承當。 超出的費用已在投保人的投 保單中注明, 如果投保人決定比進行索賠或通過其他險種索賠, 將會得到來自供 應商的額外折扣。4)車輛維修只要是再保險責任內(nèi)車輛發(fā)生損壞事故, 保險公司專門推薦的一些維修廠會 集中并運送投保人的車輛。 如果保單有相應記載, 他們還
12、將提供代步車給投保人 使用。車輛一到修理廠馬上開始修理。 為了保證不影響被保險人保單的效力, 汽 修廠將會對車企和車身進行終身保修。Auto insuranceAuto insurance is a contract that protects your financial security in case of an accident. Although it is not mandated by federal law, the purchase of auto insurance is usually a requirement in most states; every state h
13、as minimum insurance laws. If said owner cannot produce proof of satisfactory assets, the he must buy an auto insurance policy. Regardless of the law, having good auto insurance is practical for the driver who wishes to avoid lawsuits or immense repair bills.According to the Insurance Information In
14、stitute, a basic auto insurance policy is comprised of six basic types of coverage. While some of these types of coverage are required by state law, some are considered optional. These are:Bodily injury liabilityProperty damage liabilityMedical payments or Personal Injury ProtectionCollisionComprehe
15、nsiveUninsured/Underinsured motorists coverageLiability insuranceLiability coverage limits (thats for the damage you do to others) are usually presented as a series of three numbers. For example, your agent might say that your policy carries liability limits of 20/40/10. That stands for $20,000 in b
16、odily injury coverage per person, $40,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident, and #10,000 in property-damage coverage per accident.Liability insurance (both bodily injury and property damage) is the foundation of most auto insurance policies. Every state that requires auto insurance mandatesthe
17、purchase of property damage liability, and Florida is the only that requires auto insurance but does not call for bodily injury liability. If you are at fault in an auto accident, your liability coverage will pay all the expenses,bodily injury, property damage, and any legal bills. The bodily injury
18、 coverage would pay for medical bills and lost wages; the property damage coverage would pay for any auto repairs, or replacement. Property damage liability usually repairs damage to other vehicles, but can also cover damagesto things such as lamp plus, fences, buildings, or anything sew that your c
19、ar ma have struck. The other party also decide to sue you to collect ” pain andsuffering ” dam.agesSee the Minimum levels of required auto liability insurance to find out whats required where you live. Remember, if you cause a serious accident, minimum insurance may not cover you adequately. Thast w
20、hy it sa good idea to buy more than what your state requires. If you own a home and have nest egg and a savings account, you should consider more liability insurance because, in most states, drivers are allowed to sue other drives who injure them in car accidents. If you rseued and your liability in
21、surance doesnt pay for all of the damages, your personal finances are on the hook, and its likely you ll become a target.Collision and comprehensive coverage sIf you cause and accident, collision coverage will pay to repair your vehicle. You usually cant collect any more than the actual cash value o
22、f your car, which is not the same as the cars replacement cost. Collision coverage is normally the most expensive component of auto insurance. By choosing a higher deductible, say $500or $1, 000, you can keep your premium costs down. However, keep in mind that you most pay the amount of deductible b
23、efore the insurance company kicks in any money after an accident.Replacement cost is the amount it would take to replace your vehicle or repair damages with materials of similar kind and quality, without deducting for depreciating. Depreciation is the decrease in vehicle value because of age or wear
24、 and tear.Actual cash value (ACV) is the value of your property when it is damaged or destroyed. Claims adjusters usually figure ACV by taking the replacement cost and subtracting depreciation. Insurance companies often will “ total ” ycoaur rif the repair costs exceed a certain percentage of the ca
25、sr worth. The critical damage point varies from company to company, from 55 percent to 90 percent.Comprehensive coverage will pay for damages to your car that weren t caused by an auto accident: Damages form theft, fire, vandalism, natural disasters, or hitting a deer all qualify. Comprehensive cove
26、rage also comes with a deductible and your insurer will only pay as much as the car was worth when it got wrecked. Because insurance companies normal will not pay you more than your coobsook value, it s helpful if you have a rough idea of this amount .If your car is worth less than what youre paying
27、 for the coverage, youre better off not having it. Neither collision nor comprehension insurance is required by any of the states, but some lenders, when the owner finances the car, nay require the purchase of collision and comprehensive in the loan agreement. Even when t is not required, collision
28、and comprehensive coverage is highly recommended by the insurance industry, so that in the unforeseen event of damage or theft, the owner of the car can avoid heavy bills.Theft of cars is not as unusual as some people may think. Medical payments, PIP, and no-fault coverage sMedical payments (Med pay
29、) coverage will pay for your and your passengers medical expensesafter an accident. These expensescan arise form accidents while you rderiving your car, someone elses car (with their permission), and injuries you or your family members incur when youre pedestrians. The coverage will pay regardless o
30、f who is a fault, but if someone else is liable, your insurer may seek to recoup the expenses from him or her.Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is an extended form of Med Pay. Pip may cover expenses that are reacted to injury, but not necessarily medical, such as lost wages, childcare and fu
31、neral costs. PIP coverage is currently required by sixteen states. If you are already insured under a good health insurance policy, then fortunately, there is no need to buy more than the minimum required amount of PIP or Med Pay insurance.Uninsured/Underinsured motorist cosverageUninsured motorists
32、 (UM) coverage pays for your injuries of youre stuck by a hit-and-run driver or someone who doesnt have auto insurance. It is required in many states.Underinsured motorists (UIM) coverage will pay out if the driver who hit you causes more damage than his or her liability coverage can cover. IN some
33、states, UM or UIM coverage will also pay for property damages.Similarly, underinsured motorists insurance will cover any damage caused when you are struck by a driver who is not insured for a sufficient amount. If you are hit, as a pedestrian, underinsured coverage will cover the expenses.Add-on fea
34、turesSeveral supplemental auto coverage is available, either as separate premium items or included in augmented policies.Rental reimbursement, a common add-on, covers vehicle rentals required because your car is damaged or stolen.Coverage for towing and labor charges in case of a broad breakdown is
35、also common.Gap coverage for your new car will pay the difference between the actual cash value you receive for the car and the amount left on your car loan if your vehicle is totaled in an accident.Basic auto insurance is required by virtually every state. Proof of insurance is required at differen
36、t items throughout the life of a vehicle. You may be asked for proof of insurance at any and al of these items: at vehicle registration, at the time of an accident, and any time when driving the vehicle. It is suggested that the owner of the car keeps proof of insurance in the car at all times, inst
37、ead of on his or her person, so that it can be available at all times, no matter who is driving.Any violations of state law regarding auto insurance could result in, at best, a hefty fine, and at worst, suspensionof your driver s license and/or time in jail. The dire consequencesof driving while uni
38、nsured are not worth the neglect of paying for insurance. The chance that an uninsured driver wills detection is slim; he is likely being caught and strictly punished.The benefits with auto insuranceStandard BenefitsStandard benefits count in Lifetime guarantee on all paint and bodywork repairs, Cou
39、rtesy car, 24-hour Claims Helpline, and Immediate authorization of repairs, Emergency overnight accommodation, Cover for personal effects, Cover for legal advice, medical advice and post-accident counseling.Available as Optional ExtrasAvailable as optional extras count in Maximum No Claim Bonus for
40、Life, Legal Assistance, Travel Accident Plan and Breakdown Cover such as roadside, recovery and home call.The benefits are different with the level of coverage you choose.You can select the cover that sits your knees, form:Third Party only-third party liability protection for injury or damage insure
41、d drivers may cause to others or their propertyThird Party Fire and Theft-fire and theft cover for your car and third party liability protection for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their property Comprehensive-loss or damage cover for your car and third party liability protec
42、tion for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their property You may add the following optional extras to any of the above covers;Maximum No Claim Bonus for LifeLegal Assistance PlanBreakdown CoverTravel Accident PlanSome Key Benefits in a little More DetailWeve outlined the range of benefits you can earn above. Now let us explain in a little more detail just what some of those benefits mean to you:24 Hour Claims HelplineWhen you ve haadn accident or loss calls our Clai
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- 2025小學語文一年級下冊第二單元教學課件匯編(配套新教材)
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