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1、第一章翻譯概述Brief Introduction to the English-Chinese Translation11He has a weakness for smoking. A他有抽煙的缺點。 B他有抽煙的癖好。2A cat is a cleanly animal. A貓是一種干凈的動物。 B貓是喜愛清潔的動物。 課堂互動 1:找找哪個譯文正確(參考答案)23He is dead,as I live.A他死了,我還活著。B他的確死了。4His English leaves nothing to be desired.A他的英語毫無希望。B他的英語無可挑剔。5I would rath

2、er have his room than his company.A我寧可要他的房子,也不要他的公司。B我寧愿他不在。 課堂互動 1:找找哪個譯文正確(參考答案)36Your loss is nothing to mine.A你的損失與我無關。B你的損失和我的(損失)比較起來算不了什么。7The patient is waiting to cross the Styx.A這個病人正等著過斯蒂克斯河。B這個病人已經等死了。 課堂互動 1:找找哪個譯文正確(參考答案)48 The headmaster made an example of the boy.A校長把這個男孩當作榜樣。B校長懲罰這個

3、孩子,目的在于警告他人。 課堂互動 1:找找哪個譯文正確(參考答案)59The Disney management is stressing this tradition in an apparent response to suggestions that is culturally insensitive.A. 迪斯尼管理層強調這一傳統(tǒng),顯然這是對有人暗示迪斯尼管理層在文化傳統(tǒng)方面麻木不仁的回應。B. 迪斯尼管理強調,這一傳統(tǒng)顯然是有人對迪斯尼管理在文化傳統(tǒng)方面麻木不仁的態(tài)度所提出的種種建議。 課堂互動 1:找找哪個譯文正確(參考答案)610. The effort to shield a

4、ssets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has died.A. 為了保護自己的財產,保證能傳到兒孫手中,努力進行婚前契約,這在已退休并喪偶、又準備再婚的六七十歲的老人當中更為常見。B. 努力保護自己的婚前契約,把財產能傳到兒孫手中,這在已退休并喪偶、又準備再婚的六七十歲的老人當中十分普遍。 課堂互動 1:找找哪個譯文正確(

5、參考答案)71. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.【譯文】他想學習,增長知識,也愿意把自己所學教給別人。2. She is young enough to get married.【譯文】她還年輕,可以結婚。 A. 英譯漢(Into Chinese) 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)83. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of

6、 it filled me with longing. (N.S. Momaday: The End of My Childhood)【譯文一】從那里,我可以看見下面的整個山谷,那田野、河流和村莊。這一切非常美麗,見到后使我心里充滿了渴望?!咀g文二】從此望去,整個山谷一覽無遺,田野、河流和村莊,美不勝收,使我心馳神往。 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)94We have 365 days in a year.【譯文】一年365天。5He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on t

7、he pole.【譯文】他交臂直立,笑看帽子掛在桿子上那個樣子。 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)106Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.【譯文】我們的兒子一定要上學,一定要出人頭地。7Is the press a great power in your country?【譯文】貴國新聞界有很大的影響(力)嗎? 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)118Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the tr

8、ousers.【譯文】布朗愛說什么就說什么,但當家作主的卻是他老婆。 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)129. 青島今昔【譯文】 Qingdao Yesterday and TodayQingdao Past and PresentQingdaos Yesterday and TodayQingdao: Yesterday and TodayQingdao: Past and PresentQingdao, Yesterday and TodayQingdao, Past and Present B. 漢譯英 (Into English) 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)13 課堂互動

9、 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)10. 全世界人民【譯文】people of all countriespeople all over the worldpeople in the worldpeople under the sunpeople on the earthpeople the world overpeople across the worldpeople around the worldpeople round the worldpeople throughout the worldpeople in all parts of the world (parts 前用 all 較好)p

10、eople in every corner of the world (corner 前用 every 較好)the whole world1411黃色錄像(電影)【譯文】blue video (films)12不見不散【譯文】be there or be square13文如其人 【譯文】The style is the man.141997年7月1日零點整,香港回歸祖國?!咀g文】Exactly at zero hours, July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China.15 9.11事件【譯文】Sept.11 attacks / the tragedy

11、 of Sept.11 / 9.11 課堂互動 2: 英漢互譯(參考答案)151) I took advice on the matter. 【譯文】就此事我已征求過意見。2) They are all of age. 【譯文】他們都是成年人。第一章綜合練習及參考譯文1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點163) It has made the headlines that the presidents wife threatened her husbands with public exposure. 【譯文】總統(tǒng)夫人說要公開揭發(fā)丈夫,這件事成了頭條新聞。1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體

12、部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點174) He often talks horse.【譯文】她常吹牛。5) They lingered long over his letter.【譯文】他們反復看了他的來信。 1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點186) Between ourselves, I dont think much of him. 【譯文】咱們私下里說說,我看那人不怎么樣。7) There is something in the wind. 【譯文】好像要出事了。(風里有些什么東西。)1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點198) She has the qua

13、lities which go to the making of a good teacher. 【譯文】 她具有一個優(yōu)秀教師所必需的素質。9) You never realize how fortunate you are to have good health until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.【譯文】除非你親眼目睹體弱多病之苦,不然, 你是不會意識到你有一個健康的身體有多好。1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點2010) That notion is being nurtur

14、ed by people. 【譯文】有人在吹這種風。11) Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.【譯文】曙色中的海島美極了,晨曦柔合,彩云片片。澄澈的光影真是無法描繪。 1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點2112) From each according to his ability

15、, to each according to his needs. 【譯文】各盡所能,各得所需。13) When we make friends, we should choose those who are our supporters in danger. (Aesop)【譯文】交朋友,要交那些我們遇到危險時支持我們的人。1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點2214) Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.【譯文】歡迎他的只有幾下半聲不響

16、的、七零八落的、虛情假意的掌聲。1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達并說明翻譯的特點2315) So long as we love we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend. (Robert Louis Stevenson)【譯文】只要我們去愛人,我們就有所貢獻;只要我們被人所愛,我們就不缺少什么;任何一個人,如果有一個朋友,那他就不是無用之人。1翻譯下列句子,注意斜體部分的表達

17、并說明翻譯的特點小點結束24 I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations, through which for the next seven years I was destined to journey. These examinations were a great trial to me. The subjects which were dearest to the examiners were almost invariably tho

18、se I fancied least. I would have liked to have been examined in history, poetry and writing essays. The examiners, on the other hand, were partial to Latin and mathematics. And their will prevailed. 【譯文】我一過十二歲生日,就步入了令人頭疼的考試時期,而且隨后的七年,竟注定一直在這區(qū)域跋涉。這些考試真讓我傷透了腦筋。主考老師最喜歡考的科目,幾乎無一例外的都是我最不喜歡的科目。我喜愛歷史、詩歌和寫作,可他們卻喜歡拉丁文和數學,而每次考試都是他們說了算。 2翻譯下列段落25Moreover, the questions which they asked on both these subjects were almost invariably those to which I was unable to suggest a satisfactory answer. I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew. They always tried to ask what I did not kn


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